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Exersice 1

1. Rita ( runs ) a mile every day

2. The dog ( bark ) all night
3. The cat ( caught ) the snake
4. We ( plays ) in the park in the evenings
5. Mia ( went ) to school yesterday
6. Sheela ( wants ) to be a police officer when she grows up
7. Mahesh ( ran ) back to his mother
8. Amy ( walks ) very fast
9. You can ( come ) with us
10. They ( go ) to a picnic together
11. Have you see the baby ?
12. Hannah moantana ( sing ) so well
13. The bird flown away from the cage
14. I ( wrote ) a letter for my friend
15. The friends ( drove ) back from the trip
16. Did you ( do ) anything ?
17. The ( played ) till late evening
18. Can you ( swim ) well ?
19. Cheetahs ( run ) very fast
20. My brother and I ( talks ) every day

Exercise 2
1. We ( have paid ) him the money
2. I ( have bought ) my sister a watch
3. ( show ) me your hands
4. You ( have made ) your shirt dirty
5. We ( are waiting ) for rohan
6. These books ( belong ) to me
7. She ( want ) to go
8. We ( would like ) to visit the museum
9. He ( has finished ) talking
10. My brother ( enjoy ) playing cricket
11. We (

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