0580 m24 Ms 32 (Provisional)

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Cambridge International Examinations

Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education

Mathematics 0580/32

Paper 3 (Core) February/March 2024


Maximum Mark : 104

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0580/32 Qualification - Mark Scheme March 2024

Question Answer Marks Partial Marks Guidance

1(a) Ruled line drawn through P, 1 Tolerance 2˚

perpendicular to l. line should at least touch the dot at P
Overlay to show minimum length
1(b) rectangle rhombus 2 B1 for each

1(c) 11 1

1(d)(i) acute 1

1(d)(ii) 37 1

Angles on a straight line add 1 Angles [on a straight] line [add to] 180
to 180 allow sum for add or [are] 180
1(d)(iii) 32 1

Angles in a quadrilateral add 1 Angles [in a] quadrilateral [add] to 360

to 360 allow sum for add or [are] 360

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0580/32 Qualification - Mark Scheme March 2024

Question Answer Marks Partial Marks Guidance

2(a)(i) 22.45 2 M1 for 100 − 55 × 1.41 oe

or B1 for 77.55
2(a)(ii) 1.80 2 M1 for (1.50 − 1.41) × 20 oe
or B1 for 30 and 28.20 seen
2(a)(iii) 47.3 or 47.26… 3 M2 for
oe 47
scores 3 marks
63+84.5+72.23+46+54.10+80 = 283.56 …
or M1 for 1.41
oe 1.41
63+84.5+72.23+46+54.10+80 = 66.638 …
or oe 6

2(a)(iv) 2 2 1.53−1.50 0.02

M1 for × [100]
or × 100[−100] 102
or ( − 1)[× 100]

2(b) 65 3 5 2
M2 for 39 × 3 oe Consider SC1 for use of 5
3 39 soi by 13
or M1 for 39 is equivalent to 5 or for 3

2(c)(i) A straight line through (0,0) and 2 see overlay for tolerance
(100,22) B1 for a straight line drawn through the minimum length full width or height of grid
or for 2 correct points plotted
2(c)(ii) 4.55 or 4.545… 1 6

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0580/32 Qualification - Mark Scheme March 2024

Question Answer Marks Partial Marks Guidance

2(d) 56500, 56600 or 56540 to 3 M2 for 𝜋 × 1.52 ×8×1000 oe 18000π implies M2 (not 3 marks as context)
56560…. or 𝜋 × 1502 ×800÷1000 oe
or M1 for 𝜋 × 1.52 ×8 oe 18π (56.5to 56.6) or 18000000π implies M1
or 𝜋 × 1502 ×800 oe
or B1 for final answer figs 565 to 566 π=56548
If 0 scored, SC1: 22/7=56571
for their volume in m3 ×1000
or for their volume in cm3 ÷1000
or for stating clearly 1m3=1000l
or 1000cm3=1l

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0580/32 Qualification - Mark Scheme March 2024

Question Answer Marks Partial Marks Guidance

3(a) Correct triangle drawn with 2 B1 for correct triangle drawn with For 2 or 1 mark, arcs must be intersecting
construction arcs. incorrect or no arcs
or for 2 correct arcs drawn
If 0 scored, SC1 for reversed triangle
with arcs.
3(b)(i) G 1

3(b)(ii) F 1

3(c)(i) 7 M2 ℎ Accept 3.5 for 7/2 ?

[h=] 2tan 62 M1 for tan62= 7

6.582 to 6.583 A1

3(c)(ii) 23[.0] or 23.03 to 23.04… 2 1 accept 23

M1 for × 7 × 6.58
accept 23.03 to 23.04 if using their more exact
Allow more accurate value in M1
cm2 1

3(c)(iii) M2 M1 for 180 − 2 × 62 oe 56

Allow 6 × 56 = 336 and 7×56=392 for M2

with concluding statement for 3 marks
alt method ( (n – 2) x 180)/ n = 2 x 62 then solve
for n. Arrive at M2 eventually but needs M1 for
set up
6.4… which is not integer oe A1 3

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0580/32 Qualification - Mark Scheme March 2024

Question Answer Marks Partial Marks Guidance

4(a)(i) 3 1

4(a)(ii) 11 1

4(a)(iii) Completely correct bar chart 4 B3 for a bar height 8 drawn for
Wednesday or a bar height 12 drawn for
58−3−4−4−16−11 soi by 4 or 8 or12
M2 for 2+3
× 𝑘 oe
𝑘 = 1,2 or 3
soi by 20
M1 for 58 − 3 − 4 − 4 − 16 − 11 oe

4(a)(iv) Saturday 1

4(b) 528 2 4
M1 for 550 × (1 − 100) oe
or B1 for 22
4(c) positive 1 ignore embellishments

4(d)(i) 0.02 2 B1 for 0.98 correctly placed once on tree 1 49

50 50
ISW incorrect cancelling or conversion to
0.98 or for 0.02 correctly placed twice on tree.
fraction after correct answer
0.98 0.02
0.98 oe
4(d)(ii) 0.0004 oe 2 M1 for 0.02×0.02 1
ISW incorrect cancelling or conversion to
fraction after correct answer
4(d)(iii) 83 1

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0580/32 Qualification - Mark Scheme March 2024

Question Answer Marks Partial Marks Guidance

5(a)(i) 1, 7, 13, 13, 7 3 B2 for 3 or 4 correct
or B1 for 1 or 2 correct

5(a)(ii) Completely correct curve 4 B3FT for 7 or 8 correctly plotted points tolerance half a square accuracy
or daylight above y=13
B2FT for 5 or 6 correctly plotted points
B1FT for 3 or 4 correctly plotted points
5(a)(iii)(a) 𝑥 = 2.5 oe 1

5(a)(iii)(b) 13 1

5(b) 9 1

5(c) 𝑦 = −5𝑥 + 𝑘 where 𝑘 ≠ 19 1

5(d) [𝑦 =] − 𝑥 + 2 final answer 2 Accept 𝑦 = 2 − 𝑥

B1 for [𝑦 =] − 𝑥 + 𝑐 c numeric or ‘c’
or [𝑦 =]𝑚𝑥 + 2 where m is their
5(e) [𝑥 =] oe final answer 2 M1 for a correct first step Accept negative versions
𝑚 𝑦 𝑐 −𝑦+𝑐
𝑦 − 𝑐 = 𝑚𝑥 or 𝑚 = 𝑥 + 𝑚 eg 𝑥 = −𝑚 for 2 marks
−𝑚𝑥 = 𝑐 − 𝑦 for 1 mark

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0580/32 Qualification - Mark Scheme March 2024

Question Answer Marks Partial Marks Guidance

6(a)(i) The position of S correctly 2 B1 for S on bearing 117° from R tolerance 115 to 119
marked on the diagram B1 for S 5.5cm from R tolerance 5.3 to 5.7

6(a)(ii) 16 55 3 accept 4.55pm for 3 marks

B2 for 3 [h] 40 [min] 4.55, 4.55am or 04.55 imply B2

44 3.66 to 3.67 implies M1
or M1 for 12
6(b) [1:]80 2 M1 for 20:1600 or 0.2:16 or better
1600 16
or or
20 0.2
or B1 for answer figs 8
6(c)(i) 360 − 288 + 18 oe M2 M1 for 360 − 288 or 288 − 18 oe is 360 − (288 − 18)
If 0 scored SC1 for 72 and 18 correctly M2/M1 may be done in stages
marked on the diagram
6(c)(ii) 11.4 or 11.40 to 11.41 2 M1 for 62 + 9.72 or better 130.09 implies M1

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0580/32 Qualification - Mark Scheme March 2024

Question Answer Marks Partial Marks Guidance

7(a) 11 1

7(b)(i) −6 1

7(b)(ii) 1.875 oe 3 M1 for a correct first step 7 15

accept 1 , for 3 marks
8 8
eg 8𝑥 − 7 = 8 or 72𝑥 − 63 = 72
M1FT for a correct second step
FT is from 𝑎𝑥 + 𝑏 = 𝑐 to 𝑎𝑥 = 𝑑
eg 8𝑥 = 15 or 72𝑥 = 135
7(c) −32 1

7(d) [𝑥 =] − 19 [𝑦 =] 101 2 B1 for [𝑥 =] − 19

B1 for [𝑦 =] 101

7(e) −2, −1, 0, 1 2 B1 for 3 correct and no extras

or 4 correct and one extra
7(f) 35𝑥 + 160𝑡 2 B1 for 35x or 160t seen in final answer Accept x35 and t160 for 1 or 2 marks
or for correct answer seen and spoilt
7(g) 𝑥 2 + 3𝑥 − 10 3 B2 for 𝑥 2 + 5𝑥 − 2𝑥 − 10 with at least 3 +3𝑥 is 2 terms
terms correct
or B1 for (𝑥 + 5)(𝑥 − 2) oe B1 for any correct unsimplified expression

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0580/32 Qualification - Mark Scheme March 2024

Question Answer Marks Partial Marks Guidance

8(a) 71 4 B3 for 13 and 84 or for 25 and 96 25 [11] 36
B1 for 24 or 96
71 13 84
B1 for 36 or 84
96 24 [120]

8(b)(i) 3 If answer incorrect can score a

maximum of 2 from:
F V B1 for 24 and 8 correctly placed
B1 for 9 correctly placed
B1FT for their n(F)= 3×their n(V) B1FT only available if a number placed in each
90 9 24 of the 3 circle parts of diagram

8(b)(ii) 123 1 B1FT for their n(F∪V) B1FT only available if a number placed in each
of the 3 circle parts of diagram

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