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A6 - Resoso, Kevin Kristoffer A.

Readings on Philippine History MRR1

History or His Story: How are sources able to disseminate info to people’s minds

History has been a big part of our lives, as a Filipino we studied different areas of history
such as philippine history, world history, and asian history. According to Anglia (2020) Studying
history is really significant to our lives because with it we can learn events from the past that
may have led to how things work in the present. Other than that we also learn to be critical and
observant in gathering information in studying history. It allows us to practice differentiating facts
from fake news, and use different kinds of sources such as primary and secondary sources.
Based on my experience, I admit that I have spread false news in social media and even
criticized someone without proof, but as time passed by I realized my mistake and learned to
research first before even clicking the share button. I have also been a victim of fake news but
now I try to look for different sources and compare each of them to determine if it is true or not.

After reading the provided reading materials, I discovered that primary and secondary
resources could be represented by objects from the past like relics. Before reading the articles I
thought that primary and secondary sources could only be found in textual manuscripts or
anything that is written. According to Howell, sources are identified as remnants from past
events. He also mentioned examples such as relics which other people call remains. I also
learned that historians could learn the commercial and intellectual relations of artifacts through
comparison of artifacts from different locations. One part of Gottschalk’s work is how he
explained the meaning of the word history as a way to reflect and accept that whatever
happened in the past could not be rewritten. I was drawn towards that phrase because a part of
me believes that in the future we could be able to rewrite history in different ways. We can even
see how people in the present sway other people’s perspective of history through thorough
manipulation and fake news. Based on the article published by the University of Derby, 42.8%
of the sharers online admit to sharing fake news in 2019. We are currently in the year 2023 and
just think about how many more teens and adults have probably spread false information on the
internet, there could be more than 42.8% which only measures those who have admitted, so
how about those who did not admit?
We have different perspectives of sources. It can be in physical, verbal, or textual form.
Examples of these forms are artifacts or relics, testimonies, written, and typewritten information.
I have also learned that fake news is one of the enemies that we always face everyday. It
doesn’t have a physical form but it is very dangerous towards our relationship with others, and it
affects how information is spread all throughout the public. We have different sources where we
can gather information but still we face this kind of toxic way of spreading news. Nowadays we
must learn to differentiate truth from fake information and we should refrain from using false
news when posting or speaking about something in public. We must always provide proof to
support our statements because if we only let our emotions affect how we perceive something
we will suffer in a biased community. Lastly, a question I would like to ask about the topic is, can
different sources affect how fake news is spread?

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