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If you were told your future what would you do?

In the play Macbeth written by William

Shakespeare it shows that even though Macbeth and Banquo are together once the prophecy is
proclaimed they react in different ways. Macbeth believes the prophecy and takes his fate into
his own hands and lets evil thoughts control him while Banquo does not believe the prophecy
and does not let evil thoughts control him or take over his future.

Macbeth believes the prophecy and is ready to take action for it to be true. Macbeth has evil
thoughts because he believes the prophecy “ whose horrid image doth unfix my hair, and make
my seated heart knock at my ribs” (1-3:135-137) it shows that he believes it and he wants to
take action in order to reinsure that he becomes king. Macbeth after the prophecy is proclaimed,
is ready to murder anyone who is in his way which shows that Macbeth believes the witches,
but in the play Macbeth is seen reaction very much differently.

Banquo does not believe the prophecy and says it is everlasting and untrue. Banquo is also
tempted to commit murder but stays strong and takes precaution, “ Hold, take my sword...
There’s husbandry in heaven, their candles are all out” (2-1:4-3). Banquo asks Fleance to take
his sword as he does not want to be tempted by the prophecy. It shows that even though
Banquo does not believe the prophecy he is still tempted just like Macbeth is but, Banquo fights
his ambition. This reveals the difference of Banquo and Macbeth as Macbeth takes action and
Banquo does not.

Macbeth and Banquo in the play Macbeth both have evil though and ambition but only Macbeth
allows his thoughts and ambition to take control of him “ two truths are told, as happy prologues
to the swelling act of the imperial theme” (1-3:127-129) this shows that he realizes that the
prophecy that he will be King of Cawdor is true so he believes that the prophecy of him
becoming king should also be true but he has to commit acts in order to be king and this was
the first time his ambition appears. While Banquo does not allow any of his ambition to take
control of him.

When Macbeth and Banquo knew the prophecy they did not react to the information the same
and has different views on their situation. Showing that people can be similar in some ways but
also totally different in other ways.


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