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Test 1 (Simply A2 – Test 1-Part 1)
1. Where will Ben and Sally go after school?

2. What time does the school sports day start?

3. What will Mary have for lunch?

4. How much are the shoes?

5. What was the weather like on Friday?

Test 2 (Succeed in A2 – Test 2-Part 1)
1. Who is the woman’s teacher?

2. Which pet does the man have?

3. What is the woman going to order?

4. What will the woman buy today?

5. When will they go to the festival?

Test 1 (Succeed in A2 – Test 7-Part 3)
1. How did Monica find out about the website?
A. from the TV B. from a colleague C. from the radio
2. Monica thinks the online radio shows are
A. boring B. funny C. different
3. Who does Pierre think the website would be useful for?
A. Monica B. his English teacher C. his cousin
4. How much time did Monica spend on the website yesterday?
A. 45 minutes B. 1 hour C. 1 hour and 30 minutes
5. Which part of the website is Pierre less interested in?
A. the articles B. the videos C. the online teachers
Test 2 (Simple A2 – Test 5-Part 3)
1. Why isn’t Tom’s name on the teacher’s list?
A. He doesn’t like swimming.
B. He didn’t know about the list.
C. He decided not to put his name on it.
2. Miss Helen believes that Tom
A. won’t be good enough for the team.
B. may be able to be in the team.
C. is the best swimmer in the team.
3. How does Tom usually go home?
A. on foot B. by car C. by bus
4. Tom’s sister
A. doesn’t like swimming at all.
B. prefers studying to swimming.
C. prefers swimming to studying.
5. It is possible that
A. Tom will join the club this week.
B. Tom’s sister will join the club.
C. more than two students will join the club.
Test 3 (Simple A2 – Test 7-Part 3)
1. Where will Harry’s sister get married?
A. in Scotland B. in Italy C. in France
2. The day Harry’s sister gets married,
A. Harry will be on holiday.
B. Harry and his parents will be there.
C. Harry will be taking his exams.
3. Harry isn’t very worried about his exams because
A. he will go to another school.
B. he never gets good grades.
C. his grades don’t matter.
4. What do we know about Katie?
A. She is the best student in her class.
B. She is worried about the exams.
C. She always studies just a few days before the exams.
5. What is Katie interested in?
A. modern films B. chess C. tennis
Test 1 (Succeed in A2 – Test 3-Part 4)
1. You will hear a woman talking to her friend about her holiday. What didn’t she like?
A. where the hotel was
B. the meals at the hotel
C. the staff at the car park
2. You will hear a couple talking at a restaurant. Why won’t the woman order a drink?
A. Her stomach hurts.
B. She’s going to have a baby.
C. She’s taking some medicine.
3. You will hear two friends talking outside a shop. Why is the man unhappy?
A. He hasn’t got any money with him.
B. There wasn’t enough information available.
C. The shop assistant wasn’t polite.
4. You will hear a woman talking on the phone. What is wrong with the dress?
A. It wasn’t the right colour.
B. It doesn’t fit the woman.
C. It was mothing like the picture.
5. You will hear a man talking to his wife about her handbag. What is the man’s problem?
A. His wife lost his keys.
B. His wife is late.
C. His wife’s bag is too bag.
Test 2 (Simply in A2 – Test 1-Part 4)
1. You will hear a boy talking to his friend about his holiday. What didn’t he like?
A. Spanish food
B. the weather
C. German food
2. You will hear two friends talking in a restaurant. Why don’t the girl order something
A. She doesn’t like sweet food.
B. Eating sweet food makes her ill.
C. She wants to stay thin.
3. You will hear two teachers talking outside a shop. Why is the woman unhappy?
A. The shop assistants didn’t help her.
B. The laptops were too expensive.
C. The shop assistants weren’t polite.
4. You will hear a girl speaking on the phone. What’s the problem with her trainers?
A. their size
B. their colour
C. their price
5. You will hear a boy talking to his sister. What’s the problem with his sister’s suitcase?
A. It was very expensive.
B. It’s too full and heavy.
C. It can’t fit in their father’s car.
Test 3 (Succeed in A2 – Test 5-Part 4)
1. You will hear a man talking about a film. Which part didn’t he enjoy?
A. the beginning
B. the middle
C. the end
2. You will hear two friends talking about a festival. What did the woman think of?
A. It was unusual.
B. It was boring.
C. It was horrible.
3. You will hear a couple talking about a trip to a town. Why are they going to town?
A. to watch something
B. to buy something
C. to eat something
4. You will hear a coach talking ho his players. What is he telling them?
A. They are playing against a bad team.
B. The time of the match has changed.
C. Practice is going to be longer today.
5. You will hear a man talking to his friend about his neighbour. Who is his neighbour
going out with?
A. a member of his family
B. a friend from work
C. his assistant

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