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E. M. E. B.

“Professor Agenor Vedovello” Valor total:

NOME: ____________________________________ Nº.:____

DISCIPLINA: __________________ ANO: 6º TURMA: ____

3º Bimestre NOTA / VISTO DO PROF.

English Exercises

1) Look at the comic strip and mark the correct answer:

a) Cebolinha não gostou do zoológico.

b) A Mônica bateu no Cebolinha porque gosta.
c) A Mônica ficou envergonhada por ter batido no Cebolinha.
d) O Cebolinha tropeçou e caiu.

2) Complete the dialogue entre Kate e Tom, com o verb to be (am, is, are)
necessário. Depois assinale a alternativa correta:

K: Where ____ you from? a) am, is, are is.

T: I ___ from Brazil. b) are, am, is, is.
K: And, Sara? Where ___she from? c) are, is, is, am.
T: She ____ from United States d) is, am, are, is.
K: Ok, thank you!

Leia o texto e responda as questões 3, 4 e 5:

Natalie is twelve. She’s from Montevideo, in Uruguay. Her dad is George

and her mom is Sara. Her parents are cooks in a famous restaurant. It’s near
the port, in the old market. They are very good cooks.
“La Parillada” is the name of their restaurant. Look: wonderful steaks, big
sausages, and golden French fries. And good fish, too! It’s a great place to
Natalie’s name is French. Her grandmother is French. But her family
name is Spanish: Suarez. This is a very popular name in Uruguay.

3) De acordo com o texto Natalie tem:

a) 11 anos 4) Qual é o país em
b) 15 anos que ela mora?
c) 12 anos a) Spain
d) 13 anos b) France
c) Montevideo
d) Uruguay
5) A profissão de seus pais são:
a) Cozinheiros
b) Açougueiros
c) Engenheiros
d) Vendedores

6) Circule o erro e corrija como no exemplo:

Ex: Mike are ten years old.

Mike is ten years old.

a) Sarah and I am sisters.

b) Ben and Tim is at school.
c) Horses and cows is animals.
d) England are a country.
e) Tim are from America.

7) Underline the correct option. ( grife a opção correta )

a) I be / am/ is twelve years old.

b) They be / am / are in the garden.
c) It am / is / are six o'clock.
d) You be / is / are a dentist.
e) I am / is / are in the station.

8) Complete as frases com o genitive case ( ‘S ou ‘ ):

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