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Dear All,

This correspondence is in response to the mail dated___ sent by the Vice President
Operations recommending that the airline’s baggage-handling procedures need not
be reviewed this year.

The rationale for not reviewing the procedures is that there appears to be no need to
as the error rate is less than 1%. This one percent figure has been determined by the
fact that on average only 9 out of every 1000 passengers who flew Viva last year
filed a complaint about the airline’s baggage handling procedures.

Although there is some merit to this recommendation it does rest upon some
assumptions and reasoning that require further discussion.

The first assumption being made is that the remaining 991 passengers were entirely
satisfied with the baggage handling procedures. However it should be noted that
there does exist the possibility that some dissatisfied customers may not have filed a
complaint due to time constraints or other reasons. Therefore the rate may be
actually higher than the indicated 1 percent.

The second assumption being made is that each and every one of the 1000
passengers checked in a bag. This is questionable because at present there is no
way of knowing this or even what percentage of these past passengers had check in
luggage. So therefore if not every passenger checked in a bag than the error rate is
actually much higher.

The third assumption being made is that this 1% will not change airlines or that their
numbers can be easily replaced is also being made. There also exists the risk that
this one percent will not only stop using Viva but may influence many others to do
the same.

These assumptions also identify that much more supporting evidence or research
needs to be provided. For instance what has not been mentioned is whether this
error rate is stable or has been increasing over the years as well as what the error
rate is for other airlines.

In addition it should also be taken into account the fact that since the goal is to at
least maintain if not increase its customer base then the company should be striving
for 100% satisfaction.

Also logic dictates that if the goal of the airline is to increase the customer base then
naturally all existing procedures including baggage handling should be reviewed to
ensure that the increase in customers can be accommodated.

Therefore it is this department’s recommendation that the airline’s baggage handling

procedures are again fully reviewed this year.

Best regards,

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