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Bank manager (n) A bank manager is someone who supervises the

employees and daily operations of a bank
Supervise (v) to supervise something is to monitor and direct the
process of something
Oversee (v) To oversee something is to observe something to ensure
it is done correctly
Organization (n) is the way that people or things are arranged or
Branch (n) A branch is one of a bank’s local offices
Solve (v) to solve something is to find an answer or solution to
Relationship (n) A relationship is the way two people interact with each
Work ethic (n) A work ethic is a belief that working hard is important
Motivate (v) To motivate someone is to inspire someone to do
Goal (n) a goal is a planned level of success or achievement
towards which a person works
Clientele (n) Clientele is the group of people who regularly visit a
particular business
Expand (v) To expand something is to cause something to increase.


Payroll (n) A payroll is a list of a company ‘s employees and their
Total wages (n) Total wages are the total amount of money that a
company pays its employees
Gross wages (n) Gross wages are an employee’s wages before taxes and
other expenses are deducted
Pay (Stub) (n) A pay (stub) is a piece of paper that shows the details of
an employee’s paycheck
Cash collections (n) Cash collections are the total amount of money received
during a particular month, often including credit sales
from the previous month.
Checking account (n) A checking account is an account that someone holds at
a bank that allows the holder to write checks or use a
debit card to remove money
Cash (n) A cash disbursements is a payment made to meet
disbursements previous obligations, such as salaries or loan
Procurement (n) Procurement is the process of purchasing or acquiring
goods or services at the best possible value
Inventory (n) Inventory is the total supply of something that is stored
in a particular place
Purchase order (n) A purchase order is a document that an employee
(PO) submits to a company to request the purchase of
On credit (adv) If something is purchased on credit, the buyer takes
something and agrees to pay for it later
Property (n) Property accounting is a way of managing the value of
accounting property, such as land, buildings, or equipment, by
defining it in monetary terms
Equipment (n) Equipment is the tools or items required to get a job
Report (v) To report on something means to provide information
on it.
Unit 1: Supply, Demand, and prices
Anticipate (v) To anticipate something means to predict or wait for it to
Ex: We had one or two difficulties along the way that we
didn’t anticipate
Supply (n) A supply is the total amount of a purchasable object
(v) To supply is to make an amount of goods available to
Demand (n) Demand is the amount of a product that consumers are
willing and able to buy at a particular price
Price (n) A price is the amount of money necessary to purchase
Quantity (n) A quantity is a certain amount of something
Sale (n) A sale is an act in which an object is exchanged for money
Determine (v) To determine something is to have an effect on or control
over an outcome
Consumer (n) A consumer is a person who pays money in exchange for
a good or service

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