Battery Technology

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Energy Density and Power Density in Batteries

Energy Density: Energy density refers to the amount of energy a battery can store per unit of mass or
volume. Batteries with high energy density can store significant energy in a small or lightweight
package. This feature is particularly critical for applications such as electric vehicles (EVs), where the
ability to store substantial energy in a limited space is essential.
Power Density: Power density indicates how quickly a battery can release energy, representing the
power output per unit mass or volume. High power density means the battery can deliver energy
rapidly, which is crucial for applications requiring quick bursts of power. Capacitors generally exhibit
higher power density compared to batteries, making them suitable for applications like camera flashes
or rapid acceleration in EVs.

Determining Suitability for an Application

Energy Density: Ensures longer flight times.
Power Density: Allows for quick acceleration and agility.
Common Battery Type: Lithium polymer (LiPo) batteries are preferred for their excellent energy-to-
weight ratio and adequate power output.
Electric Vehicles (EVs):
Energy Density: Maximizes driving range.
Power Density: Enables rapid acceleration.
Common Battery Type: Lithium-ion batteries are widely used due to their balanced energy density
and power density. Ongoing advancements like solid-state batteries aim to enhance these
characteristics further.
Energy Storage Systems:
Energy Density: Facilitates storing large amounts of energy efficiently.
Power Density: Supports handling variable energy demands and providing quick response times.
Common Battery Type: Lithium-ion and flow batteries are popular choices due to their favorable
characteristics in both energy density and power density.

Battery Type Energy Density (Wh/kg) Power Density (W/kg)

Lead Acid 30 – 40 180 – 300

Nickel Cadmium 40 – 60 150 – 200

Nickel Metal Hydride 60 – 120 250 – 1000

Lithium Ion 100 – 265 250 – 340

Lithium Polymer 100 – 130 300 – 6200

Comparison of Energy Density of Different Battery

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