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SUBJECT: MSCS NAME OF THE LESSONS: Weather, Climate and Climate Zones &
CLASS IV Mercy, Sympathy and Empathy


1. The heat travels through the ATMOSPHERE.

2. CLOUDS are moisture formations in the air.
3. A CLIMATE map shows the climate of different areas of the world.
4. The northern and southern polar-regions are the COLDEST parts of earth.
5. The southern polar region is called the ANTARCTIC CIRCLE.
6. The line drawn between the Equator and the Antarctic Circle is called TROPIC OF CAPRICORN.
7. The average temperature in the tropics is between 20 and 30 degrees Celsius.
8. Deserts are often in the SUBTROPICAL zone.
9. The average temperatures in the temperate zone are between 0 and 20 degrees Celsius.
10. The polar and the SUB POLAR zones are the farthest north and south points of the earth.
11. The UAE is in the SUBTROPICAL zone.
12. Southeast Asia is in the TROPICAL climate zone.


1. The ability to recognise the feelings of others.___ EMPATHY

2. A desire to alleviate someone else’s suffering. __ SYMPATHY
3. The movement of the air in the atmosphere.__ WIND
4. The imaginary line that goes around the earth. __EQUATOR
5. A region with a distinct climate. __ CLIMATE ZONE
6. The northern polar region. ___ARCTIC CIRCLE
7. The line drawn between the Arctic Circle and the Equator on a map. _TROPIC OF CANCER
8. A zone between the subtropics and the sub polar zone. ___ TEMPERATE ZONE
9. The 0 degree latitude. __EQUATOR
10. Hunting shelters made with blocks of snow and ice. _ IGLOO


1. What is empathy?
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Ans. Empathy means the ability to recognise the feelings of others and understand their
suffering by taking a moment to imagine yourself in their position.
2. What is an example of mercy in everyday life?
Ans. Forgiving someone or relieving a person's pain are both merciful acts.
3. Define Sympathy.
Sympathy is a willingness and desire to support and help others who are suffering.
4. What is weather?
Ans. Weather is a temporary condition of the atmosphere. It changes continuously.
5. Name three things that cause the weather to change:
Heat produced by the sun, Wind, Moisture
6. Give examples for precipitation:
Ans. fog, rain, snow
7. What is climate?
Ans. The typical weather conditions in an entire region for a long time.
8. Why do the regions around the equator have the warmest climate?
Ans. The earth is warmer where it is closest to the sun.
9. Name five types of climate:
Ans. Tropical, dry, mild, cold, polar
10. What are latitudes?
Ans. Latitudes are imaginary lines around planet Earth that show the distance to the North
and the South.
11. What is the equator?
Ans. The Equator is the midpoint between North Pole and South Pole and is given 0 degrees
latitude. The equator is not a real line on the earth. It is only drawn on maps to help us find
locations. It divides the earth into the northern and the southern hemispheres.
12. Which climate zone is between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn?
Ans. Tropical zone or the tropics
13. What is the average temperature in the subtropics?
Ans. In the subtropics, the average temperature is between 20 and 35 degrees Celsius.
14. What are the four seasons in the temperate climate zone?
Ans. In the temperate zone, there are four distinct seasons: spring, summer, fall (autumn),
and winter.
1. Draw a picture to show what happens at each stage in the water cycle.
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The water cycle is the movement of water in the atmosphere. There are four stages: evaporation,

condensation, precipitation and collection.

2. Draw and label the important lines of latitudes.


LESSON1 activity 3

LESSON 2 activity 3

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