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PETE-321 Drilling Engineering-1 Homework Assignment

Instructor: Tugrul TAS

Submission Deadline: November 10th

Assignment: Create a Gant chart for a well delivery process based on the provided well delivery process


1. Background:

You are tasked with crea�ng a Gant chart that outlines the �meline and sequence of ac�vi�es
for the well delivery process in drilling opera�ons. This assignment will help you understand the
scheduling and planning aspects of drilling engineering.

2. Well Delivery Process Map:

You have been provided with a well delivery process map (document or diagram) that illustrates the
various stages and ac�vi�es involved in drilling a well. Please refer to this document as a reference for
your Gant chart.

3. Gant Chart Crea�on:

Using Microso� Excel, Microso� Project, or any other suitable project management so�ware,
create a Gant chart that represents the well delivery process. Ensure that your Gant chart includes:

4. Timeline:

Define a suitable �me frame for your Gant chart. You can choose to represent the ac�vi�es on a daily or
weekly basis, depending on the scale and complexity of the drilling project.

5. Dependencies:

Iden�fy any task dependencies, such as ac�vi�es that must be completed before others can start. Use
appropriate task linking or dependencies within your Gant chart so�ware.

6. Milestones:

Highlight key milestones or major events in the well delivery process, such as spud date, casing set, and
final comple�on.

7. Submission:

Prepare a clear and well-organized Gant chart in your chosen project management so�ware.

Save the Gant chart as a PDF or image file.

Submit your Gant chart and any accompanying notes or explana�ons as a single document or file.
Ensure your name, course, and assignment details are included in the submission.
8. Assessment:

Your Gant chart will be assessed based on its accuracy, completeness, and adherence to the well
delivery process map. It should demonstrate your understanding of the sequencing and scheduling of
drilling ac�vi�es.


You may refer to class notes, textbooks, or online resources on Gant chart crea�on and drilling
engineering for guidance.

If you have any ques�ons or need clarifica�ons, feel free to reach out to the instructor.

Good luck with your assignment, and if you have any addi�onal informa�on or requirements, please feel
free to include them before sharing the assignment with your students.

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