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ESSAY WRITING (about 250 words)

1. “Remote learning will become more common in the future” Do you agree or disagree?

In this era of globalisation, the convenience and time saving are the top priorities. Hence, the education
also has some considerable development, especially the online learning. And it is thought that distant
learning will be dominating in near future. In my view, I’m of the opinion to totally agree with this
statement for several reasons.
To commence with, students learing online will be more flexible in timing than who do not. They can
choose the suitable time to study at their own place instead of being bound to fit the school’s timetable.
Moreover, in lieu of spending an amount of time going to and from school, students just need to stay at
home and learn from the internet. Additionally, individuals can find numerous learning resources on the
internet. For instance, college students can choose the desired courses to strengthen their knowledge or to
foster some beneficial skills for their future.
Furthermore, the cost-effectiveness may be the main reason why some students choose the remote
learning. To cite an example, university students may find it unaffordable to pay the tuition fee, thus they
choose to study online for the low cost and use the rest time for part time jobs to earn more money for
their chosen school. Secondly, it is the nature matter. Reducing travelling for education purposes can
reduce the carbon dioxide emissions from the means of transport. What’s more, fuel will be less burnt and
therefore the airpollution is reduced to some extent.
To sum up, thanks to various merits from the online learning, it will soon be irreplacecable in the education
purposes in the near future.

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