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Women Safety and Security using IOT

Shreya Deokar1, Sonal Fatangare2, Sanket Kale3, Pranali Chougule4

Department of Computer Engineering, RMD Sinhgad School of Engineering, SPPU,
Department of Computer Engineering, RMD Sinhgad School of Engineering, SPPU,
India. E-mail:
Department of Computer Engineering, RMD Sinhgad School of Engineering, SPPU,

Department of Computer Engineering, RMD Sinhgad School of Engineering, SPPU,
ATM security by integrating multiple
Abstract sensors, including vibration sensors,
The project eliminates security threats heat sensors, smoke sensors, motion
faced by ATMs by implementing detectors, and needle probes.
effective auditing procedures. The
system combines vibration, heat, smoke, The main purpose of this project is to
sound sensors and surveillance cameras create a safe and reliable ATM
and is designed to detect and respond to solution. Intelligent systems detect and
a variety of activities. Vibration sensors respond to suspicious activity in and
detect physical tampering, while
around ATMs. Integration of multiple
thermal sensors instantly detect
suspicious activity using the device.
sensors provides a better
Smoke sensors help prevent premature understanding of the ATM
fires and vandalism, and detection environment, enabling the system to
equipment detects illegal activity. respond to a variety of threats.
Carefully placed in plain view provides
good visibility and serves as an alert for Vibration sensors are used to detect
further investigation. Using advanced physical anomalies such as tampering
signal processing and machine learning or forced entry. Thermal sensors are
for real-time data analysis, the used to detect abnormal temperatures
intelligent decision module can reduce that may indicate
false alarms and provide accurate
responses. Multi-sensor integration not the use of electrical equipment or
only increases detection accuracy but equipment during an attack. Smoke
also helps improve ATM security in the helps in early detection of fire or try to
banking industry by providing better
extinguish it using smoke method.
Electronic sensors are used to detect
Keywords: IOT, Transfer learning, unauthorized access near ATMs.
security Additionally, the project is equipped
with monitors to clearly see and record
events. This camera is well positioned
1. INTRODUCTION to capture the entire ATM area, and
As security threats become more alerts are displayed for further
prevalent in the banking industry, the investigation when suspicious activity
need for advanced surveillance is detected.
systems to secure automated teller The multi-sensor integration concept
machines (ATMs) increases. This not only improves the accuracy of
project proposed a way to improve sensing activities but also provides
security measures for ATMs. The adding an additional layer of identity
project aims to contribute to the verification.
development of the best security
systems for the banking sector in order Furthermore, sensor-based security
to ensure the stability of financial systems have gained traction in recent
transactions and protect assets in the years due to their ability to provide real-
ATM environment. time monitoring and automated alerts.
Gas sensors, like the MQ2 sensor, have
The aim of this project is to design and been employed in safety applications to
implement an IoT and Transfer detect hazardous gases such as LPG,
Learning-Based Security System for methane, and smoke. Vibration sensors
Automated Teller Machine have been utilized to detect tampering
(ATM) to improve overall attempts and physical attacks on ATMs,
Security, monitoring, and response alerting security personnel to
unauthorized access.
capability. The System has various
sensors, Actuators, and Moreover, studies have highlighted the
communication technology to importance of temperature monitoring in
create a robust and intelligent ATM security, particularly in detecting
security infrastructure for ATMs. fire hazards or abnormal temperature
fluctuations caused by electrical
It has various key features such as malfunctions or overheating equipment.
Real time monitoring, Intrusions Sensors like the LM35 offer precise
Detection, Remote access control temperature measurements, enabling
Tamper Detection and Response. early detection of potential risks and
pre-emptive measures to mitigate them.
The use of transfer learning in security
Previous efforts in the realm of ATM applications has also garnered
security have laid the groundwork for significant attention in recent years.
innovative solutions like the Vigilance Transfer learning involves leveraging
Notification System. Traditional security pre-trained machine learning models to
measures, including physical locks, enhance the performance of new tasks
surveillance cameras, and basic alarm with limited data. In the context of ATM
systems, have long been employed to security, transfer learning can be applied
safeguard ATMs. While these measures to analyze historical security data and
provide a level of deterrence and post- identify patterns indicative of potential
incident analysis, they often lack real- threats. By fine-tuning pre-trained
time threat detection capabilities and fail models with domain-specific data,
to provide actionable intelligence to transfer learning enhances the system's
prevent security breaches proactively. ability to detect anomalies and make
informed decisions in real-time.
Recent advancements in sensor
technology and IoT have sparked new While existing research has made
avenues for enhancing ATM security. significant strides in improving ATM
Studies have explored the use of various security, the Vigilance Notification
sensors, such as motion detectors, System represents a novel integration of
proximity sensors, and biometric sensor technology, IoT, and transfer
scanners, to augment existing security learning to create a comprehensive and
systems. For example, research has intelligent security framework. By
shown that the integration of biometric building upon the foundations laid by
authentication methods, such as previous work, the Vigilance
fingerprint and facial recognition, can Notification System aims to provide a
significantly enhance ATM security by proactive approach to ATM security,
empowering bank employees with real-
time alerts and actionable insights to In parallel, the integration of IoT
mitigate security risks effectively. technology into security systems has
catalysed a paradigm shift in threat
3. LITERATURE detection and response mechanisms. IoT-
SURVEY enabled devices empower security
personnel with real-time insights and
The exploration of the Vigilance actionable intelligence, facilitating swift
Notification System and its underpinning responses to security incidents. The
technologies—IoT-based sensor seamless data collection, remote
technology and transfer learning— monitoring, and centralized management
unveils a rich tapestry of research capabilities afforded by IoT technology
findings, insights, and potential avenues enable security personnel to monitor
for innovation. Delving deeper into the ATM environments comprehensively,
realm of sensor-based security systems, identify potential threats, and implement
researchers have meticulously timely interventions. Furthermore, the
investigated the efficacy of various scalability and adaptability of IoT-based
sensor types in fortifying ATM security. security systems allow for seamless
The MQ2 sensor, renowned for its integration of additional sensors and the
adeptness in detecting gases like LPG, implementation of advanced analytics
methane, and smoke, stands as a stalwart capabilities, ensuring readiness to
guardian against gas-based attacks on counter evolving security threats.
ATMs. Its ability to swiftly identify
hazardous gas leaks ensures the safety of Simultaneously, transfer learning—an
both the ATM infrastructure and emerging frontier in machine learning—
individuals accessing these machines. holds immense promise for enhancing
Complementing this capability are security systems' performance. By
vibration sensors, which serve as vigilant leveraging pre-trained models and
sentinels against physical tampering domain-specific data, transfer learning
attempts. By detecting any irregularities enhances the accuracy and efficiency of
or suspicious movements, vibration security systems, enabling them to adapt
sensors provide an early warning system, to evolving threat landscapes. The
enabling proactive intervention to iterative refinement of these models with
prevent potential breaches. historical security data enables the
system to detect anomalies and predict
Moreover, the LM35 sensor's precision potential threats with unparalleled
in temperature measurement proves precision. Moreover, transfer learning
invaluable in mitigating fire hazards and minimizes the time and computational
detecting abnormal temperature resources required for training new
fluctuations within ATM environments. models from scratch, making it a cost-
By monitoring temperature variations effective solution for enhancing security
with meticulous accuracy, LM35 sensors in dynamic environments.
contribute to the overall safety and
operational integrity of ATMs. The convergence of these technologies—
Additionally, PIR sensors, with their sensors, IoT, and transfer learning—
adeptness in detecting motion and ushers in a new era of ATM security. The
human presence, offer an added layer of Vigilance Notification System, built
security, ensuring comprehensive threat upon this foundation of innovation and
detection capabilities. These sensors, research, aspires to create a smart and
strategically deployed within and around reliable decision-making source for bank
the ATM infrastructure, form the employees, elevating the level of
cornerstone of the Vigilance Notification security and safeguarding financial
System, providing a robust foundation assets. Through a comprehensive
for proactive security measures. understanding of the literature landscape
and a commitment to leveraging cutting-
edge technologies, the Vigilance
Notification System endeavors to fortify standardize the data format and optimize
ATM security and ensure the integrity of it for further analysis.
financial transactions in an increasingly Upon receiving the preprocessed sensor
digital world. data, the IoT gateway forwards it to the
machine learning module, where transfer
4. PROPOSED learning algorithms come into play.
These algorithms leverage pre-trained
models that have been fine-tuned with
MODEL domain-specific ATM security data to
interpret the sensor data effectively. By
analyzing patterns and anomalies in the
data, the transfer learning algorithms
identify potential security threats and
classify them based on severity levels.
This intelligent decision-making process
enables the system to generate timely
alerts and notifications, providing bank
employees with actionable insights to
mitigate security risks proactively.

Simultaneously, the machine learning

module continuously updates and refines
its models based on the latest sensor
data, ensuring adaptability to evolving
security threats. This iterative learning
The Vigilance Notification System process enhances the system's accuracy
proposes an intricate yet streamlined and responsiveness over time, enabling it
architecture that synergizes the to stay ahead of emerging threats and
functionalities of IoT-based sensor challenges.
technology and transfer learning
algorithms to fortify ATM security. At In addition to its core functionalities, the
the core of this architecture lies a proposed architecture includes a user
network of sensors strategically interface component that enables bank
deployed within and around the ATM employees to interact with the system
infrastructure, including MQ2, Vibration, effectively. This user interface provides a
LM35, and PIR sensors. These sensors dashboard where security alerts,
serve as the frontline defense, notifications, and data insights are
continuously monitoring various displayed in a user-friendly format. Bank
parameters such as gas levels, physical personnel can access this dashboard via
vibrations, temperature variations, and desktop computers or mobile devices,
human presence. allowing them to monitor ATM security
status in real-time and take appropriate
The sensor data is transmitted to a action when necessary.
central IoT gateway, which acts as the
nerve center of the system. This gateway Overall, the proposed architecture of the
serves as the conduit through which Vigilance Notification System offers a
sensor data flows, facilitating real-time robust and scalable framework for
data collection and transmission. enhancing ATM security. By integrating
Moreover, the IoT gateway incorporates IoT-based sensor technology with
data preprocessing capabilities to ensure transfer learning algorithms, the system
the integrity and reliability of the provides a smart and reliable decision-
incoming sensor data. This preprocessing making source for bank employees,
stage involves data filtering, noise empowering them to safeguard financial
reduction, and normalization to assets and ensure the integrity of ATM
- Data Acquisition: Raw sensor data
5. ALGORITHMS from sensors like MQ2, Vibration,
LM35, and PIR sensors is collected in
1. Transfer Learning Algorithm: real-time from the ATM environment.

- Preprocessing: The raw sensor data

Transfer learning is a machine
undergoes preprocessing to remove
learning technique that leverages
noise, filter out irrelevant information,
knowledge gained from solving one and standardize the data format. This
problem to address a related but ensures that the data is clean and ready
different problem. In the context of for further analysis.
the Vigilance Notification System,
transfer learning algorithms are - Feature Extraction: Feature
employed to enhance the extraction techniques are applied to
interpretation of sensor data and extract relevant features from the sensor
improve decision-making data. These features capture important
capabilities. characteristics of the ATM environment,
such as gas levels, temperature
- Pre-trained Models: Transfer learning variations, physical vibrations, and
algorithms utilize pre-trained machine human presence.
learning models that have been trained
on a large dataset for a specific task. - Anomaly Detection: Anomaly
These models have learned to extract detection algorithms analyze the
meaningful features from the data and extracted features to identify deviations
make accurate predictions. from normal behavior. Any abnormal
patterns or outliers in the sensor data are
- Fine-tuning: The pre-trained models flagged as potential security threats and
are fine-tuned with domain-specific trigger alerts for further investigation.
ATM security data to adapt them to the
unique characteristics of the problem at - Decision Making: Based on the
hand. During fine-tuning, the model's analysis of sensor data and detection of
parameters are adjusted to better align anomalies, the algorithm generates real-
with the target task, thereby improving time alerts and notifications to notify
its performance on ATM security-related bank employees of potential security
tasks. breaches. These alerts provide actionable
insights that enable prompt intervention
- Adaptation: Through the iterative to mitigate security risks.
refinement of pre-trained models with
new data, transfer learning algorithms - Continuous Monitoring: The sensor
adapt to evolving threats and security data processing algorithm operates in a
challenges. This adaptation ensures that continuous loop, monitoring the ATM
the system remains effective in detecting environment in real-time and adapting to
anomalies and making informed changes and emerging threats. This
decisions in real-time. ensures that the system remains vigilant
and responsive to evolving security
2. Sensor Data Processing Algorithm: challenges.

The sensor data processing algorithm 6. CONCLUSION

plays a crucial role in transforming raw
sensor data into actionable insights that The Vigilance Notification System
can inform decision-making. This represents a significant advancement in
algorithm encompasses several key ATM security, leveraging IoT-based
steps: sensor technology and transfer learning
algorithms to create a smart and reliable
decision-making source for bank
employees. Through the integration of a significant advancement in proactive
sensors like MQ2, Vibration, LM35, and threat detection and response
PIR sensors, the system continuously mechanisms, there are several avenues
monitors various parameters of the ATM for future exploration and enhancement.
environment in real-time, enabling
proactive threat detection and response One potential area for future research is
mechanisms. the integration of additional sensor types
to further enhance the system's threat
The application of transfer learning detection capabilities. For example, the
algorithms enhances the system's ability inclusion of acoustic sensors could
to interpret sensor data and make enable the detection of suspicious sounds
informed decisions, adapting to evolving such as drilling or cutting, alerting
security threats with precision and security personnel to potential physical
accuracy. By leveraging pre-trained attacks in real-time. Similarly, the
models and fine-tuning them with integration of biometric sensors could
domain-specific ATM security data, the provide an additional layer of
system achieves a higher level of authentication, further bolstering the
detection accuracy and resilience, security of ATM transactions.
thereby mitigating potential security
breaches effectively. In conclusion, the Vigilance Notification
System holds immense potential for
The modular architecture of the enhancing ATM security and ensuring
Vigilance Notification System offers the integrity of financial transactions.
scalability and flexibility, allowing for Through ongoing research and
seamless integration of additional development efforts, the system can
sensors, data analytics modules, and further evolve to meet the dynamic
security protocols. This adaptability security needs of financial institutions,
ensures that the system remains ultimately contributing to a safer and
responsive to changing threat landscapes more secure banking environment for all
and regulatory requirements, providing stakeholders involved.
long-term viability and sustainability.
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