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VTFT Student Name:

Date Lesson Will be Taught:

Lesson Topic
(your barrier)
sleep deprivation
Students will learn ABOUT the barrier (causes, preventions, and
treatments. statistics), HOW the barrier impacts students, and WHAT
Learning Target schools/teachers can do to help.

What will you do to get
the attention of the class Raise your hand if you slept 8 hours last night, 7 hrs, 6, ect
& introduce them to this
lesson? (Time: 1-3 min)

Body of Lesson 1.
A numbered list of
Use “Students will…” &
“Teachers will….” 70% of high school students don't get enough sleep- need 8-9
Include lecture, activity,
discussion, etc. but not 60% experiencing sleep-related difficulties impacting their studies
hook or closure again.
Include links to materials.

(Time: 4-6 min total.

● Memory loss
Lecture portion should ● mood swings
be 2-3min at most! ● reduced consent
Make sure to schedule time ● Promote Healthy Sleep Habits: Encourage consistent bedtimes
for class to copy notes or and limit screen time before sleep.
answer questions, if you ● Flexible Scheduling: Consider adjusting start times to align with
include those tasks. ☺)
students' natural sleep patterns.
Closing exit ticket and questions
What will you do to finalize
the lesson/gauge students’ 9E9fQ/edit
(Time: 1-3min)

Use this paper copy to brainstorm if you wish. You must submit via the template attached to the Canvas assignment.

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