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MEZ GmbH, 2019. All rights reserved.
S10602 V.1/KD/MD


Leni Intermediate 3

Design: Melanie & Ursula Marxer

150 x 45 cm Garter stitch: 17 sts and 30 rows = 10 x 10 cm
The 26 st of the cable pattern: approx. 10 cm wide
Schachenmayr Merino Extrafine 120, 50 g ball Adjust your needle size if necessary to obtain the correct
Col. 00103 (leinen) 5 balls gauge.

1 circular needle 4.5 mm, 120 cm long INSTRUCTIONS

1 circular needle 5 mm, 100 cm long Using the 4.5 mm (US size 7) needle, cast on 4 st and work
1 tapestry needle yarn needle for weaving in ends in R in the cable pattern. When you have 34 st of garter st
on each side of the center 26 st of the cable pattern, work
Yarn amounts are approximate. Make sure to purchase the next 3 increased st as follows: p1, 1 brioche st (brk1), p1.
enough of the sam dye lot in order to complete your Then work all further increased st in garter st.
project. The colour names refer to the German names When the piece measures 44 cm (= 132 R) from the cast-
on the sleeves. on, bind off all 268 st.
The amount of yarn needed can vary from person to per-
Using the 5mm (US size 8) circular needle, first pick up st
BASIC PATTERN from the long edge of the shawl and work an I-cord bind-
Garter stitch: RS and WS: knit all st. off. Then use the 5 mm (US size 8) circular needle to pick
Reverse stockinette stitch: RS: purl, WS: knit. up st from the 2 shorter edges and work an I-cord bind-off
Cable pattern: Work according to the pattern chart in all the way around. Weave in all loose threads.
rows. Read RS rows from right to left; read WS rows from Dampen and block the shawl; allow to dry.
left to right. Cast on in each row on both sides 1 new st.
Work rows 1 through 30 once, then cast 1 new st on both
sides, repeat the 26 st and 10 rows from the cable pattern,
see grey area in the chart.
Brioche stitch:
For the brioche st, in RS rows, insert the needle into the st
directly below the next st and k this st; the stitch in between
will be dropped. In WS rows, purl the st.
I-Cord Bind-off:
At the beginning of the R, cast on 4 new st and slide them
onto the left needle. Then * k3, skp, slide 4 st from the right
needle back onto the left needle. Repeat from * to the end.
At the end slip the last 4 st back on the left needle, k2tog,
skp, then pass the first st over the second st.
Slip 1, k1, psso (skp): slip 1 st as if to knit, k1, then pass the
slipped st over the knitted st.

Please review our full terms of use of this

pattern on our website.
© Copyright MEZ GmbH, 2019.

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Leni • S10602 • V.1 3

2 2 2 2 2 2 29
2 2 27
2 2 25
2 2 2 2 23
2 2 21
2 2 2 2 2 2 19
2 2 17
16 2
2 2 15
14 2
2 2 2 2 13
2 2 11 2
2 2 2 2 9
2 2 7

29 = selvage st k = knit
29 = RS: k1, WS: p1 p = purl
29 = RS: p1, WS: k1 RS = right side
29 = RS and WS: knit 1 st st(s) = stitch(es)
29 = make 1 (M1): lift the horizontal bar between the left and WS = wrong side
2 needles and knit through the back loop.
2 2

2 2 = place 2 st on a cable needle and hold behind
2 2 the work, k2, then k the 2 st from cable needle

2 2
2 = place 2 st on a cable needle and hold in front
2 2 2
2 2
2 of the work, k2, then k the 2 st from cable needle
2 2 2

2 2 = place 2 st on a cable needle and hold behind
2 2
2 2 2 the work, k2, then p the 2 st from cable needle

2 2 2
2 = place 2 st on a cable needle and hold in front
2 2 2
2 of the work, p2, then k the 2 st from cable needle

2 2 2 = place 1 st on a cable needle and hold behind
2 2 the work, k2, then p the st from cable needle
2 2 = place 2 st on a cable needle and hold in front
2 of the work, p1, then k the 2 st from cable needle
= 1 brioche stitch

Please review our full terms of use of this

pattern on our website.
© Copyright MEZ GmbH, 2019.

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