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The Neuropsychology of Depression: A Literature Review and Preliminary


Article in Neuropsychology Review · April 2003

DOI: 10.1023/A:1022300622902 · Source: PubMed


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3 authors, including:

David W Harrison Heath Demaree

Virginia Tech Case Western Reserve University


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Neuropsychology Review pp724-nerv-458457 February 3, 2003 20:6 Style file version sep 03, 2002

Neuropsychology Review, Vol. 13, No. 1, March 2003 (°

C 2003)

The Neuropsychology of Depression: A Literature Review

and Preliminary Model

Brian V. Shenal,1,2 David W. Harrison,2,4 and Heath A. Demaree 3

Neuropsychological research provides a useful framework to study emotional problems, such as

depression, and their correlates. This paper reviews several prominent neuropsychological theories.
Functional neuroanatomical systems of emotion and depression are reviewed, including those that de-
scribe cerebral asymmetries in emotional processing. Following the review, a model that is composed
of three neuroanatomical divisions (left frontal, right frontal, and right posterior) and correspond-
ing neuropsychological emotional sequelae within each quadrant is presented. It is proposed that
dysfunction in any of these quadrants could lead to symptomatology consistent with a diagnosis of
depression. The proposed model combines theories of arousal, lateralization, and functional cerebral
space and lends itself to scientific methods of investigation. Accordingly, research, prevention, and
treatment programs in accordance with the proposed model may promote an improved understanding
of the neuropsychological mechanisms involved in depression.
KEY WORDS: depression; emotion; theory; lateralization; cerebral.

INTRODUCTION AND RATIONALE and/or anxious (American Psychiatric Association, 1994).

In addition, other neurologically mediated symptoms—
Depressive disorders present a significant mental health such as insomnia and fatigue—are incorporated in
concern to individuals and to our society. According to “depression,” thereby creating a very heterogeneous con-
the DSM-IV, the lifetime risk for major depressive dis- struct. Persons experiencing depression often have sig-
order (MDD) is between 10% and 25% for women and nificant social and interpersonal difficulties, problems
between 5% and 12% for men (American Psychiatric with sexual functioning, and sleep electroencephalogram
Association, 1994). Indeed, in an assessment of prospec- (EEG) abnormalities. There remains a need for a bet-
tive 1-year prevalence rates, Regier et al. (1993) found ter understanding of the etiology of this important, yet
that about 5% of Americans aged 18 or older (9.9 million heterogeneous, construct. Given its broad spectrum of
persons) are afflicted with MDD in any given year. Al- emotional, cognitive, and behavioral sequelae, it should
though MDD may develop at any age, the average age not be surprising that brain dysfunction within disparate
of onset is in the 20s (American Psychiatric Associa- regions may produce symptomatology consistent with
tion, 1994). The essential feature of depression is either “depression.”
impaired mood or the loss of interest or pleasure. The Neuropsychological research provides a useful
DSM-IV also describes depressed individuals as irritable framework to study emotional disorders, such as depres-
sion. Specifically, neuropsychologists have the ability to
1 Department of Neurology, McKnight Brain Institute, University of
use instruments that measure mood (such as the Beck
Florida, Gainesville, Florida. Depression Inventory, etc.) as well as a wide variety of
2 Department of Psychology, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Uni- cognitive, emotional, perceptual, and expressive abilities.
versity, Blacksburg, Virginia. Neuropsychologists are also frequently trained to assess
3 Department of Psychology, Case Western Reserve University,
physiological parameters within the central (such as EEG)
Cleveland, Ohio.
4 To whom correspondence should be addressed at Department of Psy- and autonomic nervous systems [such as heart rate (HR)
chology, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Derring and systolic and diastolic blood pressures (SBP, DBP)],
Hall, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061-0436. E-mail: which are commonly impacted by affective disorders

1040-7308/03/0300-0033 °
C 2003 Plenum Publishing Corporation
Neuropsychology Review pp724-nerv-458457 February 3, 2003 20:6 Style file version sep 03, 2002

34 Shenal, Harrison, and Demaree

(e.g., Heller and Nitschke, 1997; Musselman, Evans, and review). With an increased focus on the cerebral cortex,
Nemeroff, 1998; Robinson and Downhill, 1995). Taken researchers have developed numerous neuropsychological
together, these assessment capabilities make it possible models of emotion.
to understand how neurological functioning may impact
the onset of affective disorders, including depression. For RIGHT-HEMISPHERE MODEL
example, largely through neuropsychological investiga- OF DEPRESSION
tion, it has been suggested that impaired emotional per-
ception and expression are related to posterior and ante- One neuropsychological theory of emotion proposes
rior brain dysfunction, respectively (e.g., Borod, 1992). that emotions, irrespective of valence, are processed
Accordingly, prominent neuropsychological theories and preferentially within the right cerebrum. Past studies of
functional neuroanatomical systems of emotion, with an emotional perception have supported the contention that
emphasis on negative emotional processing, are reviewed. emotion, in general, is differentially controlled by the
Further, neuropsychological theories that describe cere- right cerebrum (Borod, Koff, Lorch, and Nicholas, 1986;
bral asymmetries in the processing of emotion and de- Etcoff, 1989). These studies suggest that the right-
pression are presented. posterior region of the cerebrum is specialized for the per-
The preponderance of research to date has implicated ception of emotional information, regardless of valence.
the right cerebrum in the reception, comprehension, ex- Heilman (1982) speculated that the right cerebrum
pression, and regulation of negative emotions (Heilman, may have greater control of the subcortical systems, which
Bowers, and Valenstein, 1985). Interestingly, recent re- are largely responsible for arousal and emotion. Heilman
search has also begun to investigate differential effects of and Van Den Abell (1980) demonstrated the superiority
the right-anterior and right-posterior regions of the cere- of the right cerebrum for arousal through the facilitation
brum to provide a more accurate representation of emo- of reaction times following left-visual-field warning lights
tional processing. Alternate accounts exist, which rely (right cerebrum). Although left-visual-field warning lights
on cerebral balance (e.g., Tucker and Frederick, 1989), improved reaction times reliably compared with right-
or a proportionate degree of processing capability by ei- visual-field warning lights, improvement occurred at both
ther cerebrum contingent upon the valence of the emotion the left and the right hands. Following these results, re-
(Harrison and Gorelczenko, 1990). For example, Tucker searchers suggested that the right cerebrum differentially
and Frederick (1989) proposed that the left cerebrum dif- controls general arousal and attention and may lead to
ferentially processes positive emotions whereas the right overall cerebral activation (see Tucker and Williamson,
cerebrum primarily processes negative emotions. Other 1984, for a review). The concept of overall cerebral acti-
researchers have investigated a functional cerebral space vation following arousal will be revisited throughout this
model that may aid in the understanding of emotions. The paper. Heilman, Bowers, and Valenstein (1993) demon-
functional cerebral space model provides a useful theory strated that activation of the posterior cerebral regions, par-
of dynamic cerebral activation. This model accounts for ticularly the right-parietal region and the right-temporal
the activation of adjacent cortical regions and is presented region, is likely to result in emotional responses. Further,
along with implications for dual-task priming or interfer- Heilman et al. (1985) used galvanic skin response (GSR)
ing effects. A comprehensive review of these neuropsy- to demonstrate that right-cerebrum dysfunction yielded
chological literatures is presented to provide a theoretical altered levels of arousal and reactivity. Lesions within
understanding of emotional processing. This paper asserts the right cerebrum were found to produce decrements in
that continued neuropsychological research may improve arousal as measured using GSR in response to provocative
the understanding of the causes and the treatment of neg- stimuli. These findings offered additional support for the
ative emotion, and depression in particular. right-cerebral mediation of emotion.
Neuropsychological research has investigated the
NEUROPSYCHOLOGY OF DEPRESSION electrodermal activity (EDA) of depressed individuals.
These findings are reviewed by Crews and Harrison (1995)
Early research on the biological substrates of emo- and may suggest increased activation of the right hemi-
tion focused on affect and changes within the autonomic sphere in depression on the basis of contralateral left hand
nervous system. Subcortical limbic system circuits which increased EDA (contralateral processing of EDA is a con-
mediate specific emotional behaviors were described (e.g., troversial topic, however). Electroencephalogram studies
Heilman et al., 1985). As a result of recent research, how- have examined EEG asymmetries in depressed individu-
ever, it is clear that the cerebral cortex plays an impor- als and found increased right-frontal lobe activation, rela-
tant role in emotional behavior (see Davidson, 1993, for a tive to left-hemisphere activation, in depressed individuals
Neuropsychology Review pp724-nerv-458457 February 3, 2003 20:6 Style file version sep 03, 2002

Neuropsychology of Depression 35

(Kano, Nakamura, Matsuoka, Iida, and Nakajima, 1992; evidence of differential arousal of both the left- and right-
Schaffer, Davidson, and Saron, 1983). For example, Kano cerebral hemispheres in this sample of anxious–depressed
et al. (1992) demonstrated decreased and increased ac- women. This interpretation is supported by arousal the-
tivation over right-anterior regions. These results are sug- ory (Duffy, 1962; Easterbrook, 1959; Harrison and Pavlik,
gestive of heightened right-frontal activation in depressed 1983; Hebb, 1955; Lindsley, 1951), which suggests that
individuals and are consistent with past research linking increased arousal is associated with improved task profi-
emotion and right-hemisphere functioning (Borod et al., ciency up to an optimal level, at which point further in-
1986; Etcoff, 1989). creases in arousal may impair performance. Thus, the find-
ings of a significant decrease in reaction time for happy
faces presented to the left visual field in depressed women
BALANCE MODEL OF DEPRESSION may reflect higher relative arousal within the right cere-
brum of depressed versus nondepressed women.
In contrast to Heilman et al. (1985), Tucker and Robinson, Kubos, Starr, Rao, and Price (1984) re-
Frederick (1989) described a balance model of emo- ported that left-frontal lobe damage resulted in depres-
tion. Heilman et al. (1993) primarily consider the ef- sive symptomatology, and that patients who developed
fects of cerebral lesions on emotions, whereas Tucker and hostile, manic-like, symptomatology were more likely
Frederick (1989) discuss the effects of relative cerebral to have sustained right-hemisphere damage, sparing the
activation on emotions. Tucker and Frederick (1989) ac- left hemisphere. Otto, Yeo, and Dougher (1987) proposed
knowledge that lesions and activation may relate to each that depression may lead to differential hemispheric acti-
other; however, their perspective differs from the right- vation through either increased right-hemisphere activa-
hemisphere model of depression. According to the bal- tion or decreased left-hemisphere activation. These results
ance model, the left cerebrum primarily processes posi- are consistent with the balance model of cerebral lateral-
tive emotions and the right cerebrum primarily processes ization for emotion described by Tucker and Frederick
negative emotions. It was proposed that deactivation of (1989).
one cerebrum leads to increased relative activation of the In sum, research has supported the findings of height-
opposite cerebrum and, therefore, an increased expres- ened right-hemisphere activation relative to the left hemi-
sion of the dominant cerebrum’s primary response pattern. sphere. This may occur as the result of either increased
Therefore, deactivation of the left cerebrum may result in right-hemisphere activation or decreased left-hemisphere
an increase of negative emotion whereas deactivation of activation. However, this conceptualization of depres-
the right cerebrum may result in an increase of positive sion may be too simplistic. Further, other cerebral ac-
emotion. This asymmetry has been noted in other classic tivation patterns may also lead to symptoms that may
studies of emotion as well. For example, Goldstein (1939) be consistent with the heterogeneous construct known as
reported a high incidence of a “catastrophic reaction” in “depression.”
patients with left-hemisphere lesions. More recently, this Tucker acknowledged that the brain’s processing of
“depressive catastrophic reaction” has been characterized emotion is complex and likely involves the interaction of
by negative affect, fear, pessimism, and crying (Davidson, multiple systems that are only partially understood. Tucker
1984). These catastrophic and indifference reactions are cited comparative studies (Ploog, 1981) and human stud-
hypothesized to result from a breakdown of the reciprocal ies (Rinn, 1984) and suggested that emotional process-
interaction between the damaged and undamaged hemi- ing must integrate reflexive emotional displays that origi-
spheres (Crews and Harrison, 1995). nate in the brain stem with ongoing behaviors. Emerson,
Crews and Harrison (1994a) investigated the influ- Harrison, Everhart, and Williamson (2001) indicated that
ence of depression on the hemispheric processing of emo- this may occur by way of corticolimbic mechanisms which
tional faces and found a slower reaction time to affec- integrate ongoing experiences and behavior with reflexive
tive stimuli in depressed women than that in nondepressed affective representations to recruit emotional significance.
women. Further, the depressed women more often iden- A relative weakness of this model, however, is that it does
tified neutral faces as angry. The authors suggested rela- not adequately address resultant behavioral patterns fol-
tive increased right-hemisphere activation and decreased lowing deactivation of both hemispheres. Moreover, there
left-hemisphere activation in the depressed women. Crews is no conclusive evidence within the literature that deac-
and Harrison (1994b) found that women with depressed tivation in one cerebrum necessarily leads to increased
mood displayed significantly faster reaction times to sad activation of the other cerebrum. In fact, it is possible that
faces presented in the right visual field and happy faces both the left and right cerebrums may demonstrate con-
presented in the left visual field. These results provide cordant deactivation. The following model was developed
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36 Shenal, Harrison, and Demaree

to provide a better understanding of the complexity of the (1980), Staton, Wilson, and Brumback (1981), and Wilson
neuropsychology of depression. and Staton (1984) reported improved performance on neu-
ropsychological measures of right cerebrum and frontal
lobe functioning following tricyclic antidepressant treat-
CIRCUMPLEX MODEL OF DEPRESSION ment with depressed children.
Other EEG studies have uncovered decreased left-
Heller (1993) proposed a model of cerebral activation frontal activation in depressed individuals relative to non-
during emotional processing. Heller’s circumplex model depressed individuals (Davidson, 1992b; Henriques and
divides the brain into four quadrants, defined by the va- Davidson, 1991). These experiments demonstrated that
lence axis (pleasant or unpleasant) and the arousal axis depressed individuals evidenced left-frontal deactivation
(high and low). Most emotions fall within the two anterior relative to nondepressed individuals. Demaree, Crews, and
and right-posterior quadrants. Further, these dimensions Harrison (1995) found supportive evidence of this model,
correspond to distinct physiological responses (Heller, conducting a topographical brain mapping of a depressed
Nitschke, and Miller, 1998). For example, HR is related woman. Consistent with the described model, this de-
to valence and skin conductance is related to arousal pressed individual demonstrated decreased β activation
(Fredrickson and Levenson, 1998; Heller, 1993; Lang, and heightened α activation over the left-frontal region
Greenwald, Bradley, and Hamm, 1993). These dimensions relative to the right-frontal region.
are characterized by distinct cortical brain activation pat- In a separate line of research, depressed individ-
terns. Specifically, the valence dimension is associated ual’s glucose metabolic rates were investigated using
with the anterior regions of the brain, and the arousal positron emission tomography (PET). Schwartz, Baxter,
dimension is associated with the right-posterior region. Mazziotta, Gerner, and Phelps (1987) discussed evidence
Within the valence axis of this model, increased activation suggesting that cerebral glucose metabolism for the left-
of the right-frontal region relative to the left is differen- prefrontal cortex in depressed individuals was lower rel-
tially related to sadness or depression. Within the arousal ative to nondepressed individuals, and that depression
axis, decreased activation of the right-parietotemporal re- ratings and the metabolic ratio between left- and right-
gions is also differentially related to depression. prefrontal cortices were inversely related.
Davidson and Fox (1988) concluded that relative Finally, single photon emission computed tomog-
right-frontal activation predisposes participants to expe- raphy (SPECT) procedures have demonstrated regional
rience negative affect. Tucker (1993) hypothesized that cerebral blood flow (rCBF) asymmetries in depressed in-
EEG desynchrony (increased arousal) in the right-frontal dividuals. Delvenne et al. (1990) and Mathew et al. (1980)
region during a depressed mood state may represent inhi- demonstrated that depressed individuals evidenced lower
bition of the right-posterior region. Accordingly, the right- cortical blood flow in the left hemisphere relative to nonde-
posterior region’s positive emotional processing may pressed individuals, suggestive of neural hypoactivation.
suffer following increased right-frontal activation and con- The circumplex model of emotion, as well as each of the
sequent right-posterior deactivation. Similarly, Tomarken, prior models, is useful for the understanding of the neu-
Davidson, Wheeler, and Doss (1992) found that indi- ropsychology of depression. The goal of the present paper
viduals with extreme left-frontal activation on baseline is, in part, to synthesize these models into a parsimonious
EEG reported more positive affect and less negative af- understanding of how very different deficits in cerebral
fect than did those who demonstrated right-frontal acti- functioning may produce a wide array of sequelae associ-
vation. Davidson (1992a) and Davidson and Tomarken ated with the heterogeneous construct of depression.
(1989) investigated EEG activation during affective states
and suggested that left-frontal activation is associated
with positive affect and approach behavior whereas rel- DIAGNOSTIC IMPRECISION
ative right-frontal activation is associated with negative
affect and avoidance behavior. Similarly, numerous ex- Both the right and left hemispheres have been impli-
periments suggest that depressed individuals evidence cated in emotional processing and the experience of de-
right-posterior dysfunction (Heller, 1993; Heller, Etienne, pression. Although many researchers consider the right
and Miller, 1995) and right-hemisphere-related cognitive hemisphere as central to negative emotional process-
dysfunction (Sackheim, Decina, and Malitz, 1982). Sev- ing, the physiological mechanisms underlying affect per-
eral other studies have offered support for Heller’s model ception and expression are much more complex. How-
by investigating brain functioning following antidepres- ever, the “flavor” of the depression—or the criteria met
sive medication treatment. Brumback, Staton, and Wilson leading to its diagnosis—has been highly variable. For
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Neuropsychology of Depression 37

example, patients with right-hemisphere dysfunction may additionally be made for the patient with anosognosia
appear indifferent or even euphoric (Heilman et al., 1993). who fails to appreciate his or her deficits and who appears
Denny-Brown, Meyer, and Horenstein (1952) echoed the to be “in denial” of their affective symptoms (anosog-
notion that patients with right-hemisphere dysfunction nosia), the patient with a bland affect and emotional
were often inappropriately indifferent. Apparently as a bankruptcy (anosodysphoria), or the patient with a failure
result of this indifference or flat affect, persons with right- to appreciate the emotional significance of their problems
hemisphere dysfunction may be diagnosed with depres- (anosodiaphoria).
sion. A much different “flavor” of depression may result Other researchers have also struggled with this diag-
from left-cerebral dysfunction, however. Goldstein (1939) nostic issue. Gainotti (1972) attempted to provide a par-
noted that many patients with left-hemisphere dysfunction simonious understanding of sporadic results by describ-
appeared agitated and sad, which he termed the “catas- ing different emotional presentations after right- versus
trophic reaction.” Later, Gainotti (1972) confirmed these left-hemisphere brain damage. For instance, he described
observations and adopted the same nomenclature. This patients with left-hemisphere damage as being distressed
depressive reaction associated with left-hemisphere dys- and tearful. This conceptualization is consistent with
function is usually seen with anterior perisylvian lesions Goldstein’s description of left-hemisphere damage
(Heilman et al., 1993). Starkstein, Robinson, and Price (Goldstein, 1939) leading to “catastrophic reactions.” In
(1987) studied the etiology of stroke and depression and contrast, Gainotti (1972) described patients with right-
found that one third of stroke patients had a major depres- hemisphere damage as displaying a cheerful, euphoric,
sive syndrome. They also found dysfunction within the “indifference reaction,” although the emotion may not be
left-frontal and left-caudate regions to be more frequently congruent with the current situation or condition. Lat-
associated with severe depression. eralization studies are beginning to be used to classify
Not all investigators agree about hemispheric asym- subtypes of depression. For example, Bruder (1995) dis-
metries and depression. House, Dennis, Warlow, Hawton, tinguished melancholic depression (an inability to experi-
and Molyneux (1990), for instance, believed that depres- ence pleasure) from atypical depression (in which mood
sion associated with right-hemisphere dysfunction may can brighten following pleasurable experience) and in-
be underdiagnosed because these patients may have emo- dicated the former may be related to deficits in right-
tional communicative disorders and decreased awareness posterior activation (see Heller et al., 1998, for a review).
of their problems. Because patients with right-hemisphere
dysfunction may be impaired in emotional expression,
they may have reduced feedback and, therefore, appear PROPOSED MODEL OF DEPRESSION
indifferent (Heilman et al., 1993). Accordingly, patients
with right-hemisphere dysfunction may display a reduced What follows is the presentation of a new conceptual
awareness of their emotional dysfunction. Depression fol- model that attempts to capture the complexity of the pre-
lowing right-hemisphere dysfunction, therefore, may be viously reviewed research and that outlines a more com-
underrepresented in clinical studies. prehensive view on the neuropsychology of depression on
Even though the neuropsychological models of de- the basis of arousal theory and cerebral activation. This
pression appear to be somewhat inconsistent, this may be model is designed to account for the wide range of cog-
due to a lack of precision for the DSM-IV diagnostic term nitive, behavioral, and affective presentations that may be
“depression” and the initial efforts to interface a neuropsy- diagnosed as depression. This model is composed of four
chological theory of emotion with terminology from a neuroanatomical divisions (left frontal, right frontal, left
non-neuropsychological field. More specifically, “depres- posterior, and right posterior), three of which correspond
sion” is not a neuropsychological term whereas “agnosia,” to neuropsychological emotional sequelae that are associ-
“aprosodia,” and “apraxia” are specific neuropsycholog- ated with depression (see Fig. 1). Moreover, dysfunction
ical terms that draw from the brain–behavior literature. within or among these functional cerebral quadrants may
In fact, it is plausible that many different presentations account for variability in symptomatology with more pre-
may be labeled “depression.” For example, the DSM- cision than the DSM-IV “depression” diagnosis.
IV diagnosis of depression may result from an individ-
ual lacking “get-up-and-go” (a motivational quality) and Left-Frontal Dysfunction
displaying “down-going,” or slumped posture (a physical
quality). Alternatively, the diagnosis of depression could Heller et al. (1998) suggested that clinical depres-
be made for the labile patient with crying episodes in the sion is more common after left-hemisphere damage than
presence of normal energy level. The diagnosis might after right-hemisphere damage. This relationship between
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38 Shenal, Harrison, and Demaree

Fig. 1. Proposed model – depressive symptomology may result from dysfunction within
three of fourneuroanatomical quadrants.

depression and left-hemisphere dysfunction may partially approach behaviors and positive affect typically display
reflect the fact that people may experience a negative emo- greater left-anterior activation. Studies indicate that pa-
tional reaction to speech difficulties following damage to tients with left-frontal lesions are significantly more de-
the left hemisphere. However, neuropsychological stud- pressed than patients with other lesion sites. For exam-
ies have directly linked brain activation with emotional ple, Robinson, Starr, Lipsy, Rao, and Price (1985) found
experiences (Heller et al., 1998). For example, Davidson that approximately two thirds of their left-frontal lesioned
(1995) found that when healthy controls experience sad- group experienced symptoms consistent with depression
ness, they demonstrate decreased left-hemisphere activa- and there was a strong positive correlation between the
tion and increased right-hemisphere activation. Davidson severity of depression symptomatology and the proxim-
(1995) suggested that activation of the left-anterior hemi- ity of the lesion to the left-frontal pole. Accordingly, left-
sphere is associated with approach behaviors, responses frontal dysfunction may account for several symptoms that
to reward, and increased positive affect. Reductions in are consistent with a diagnosis of depression.
left-anterior activation, then, may be expected to lead to a It is plausible that an individual with decreased
sparsity of these responses. left-frontal activation may have limited positive affect
Heller et al. (1998) indicated that there are stable in- and be consequently diagnosed with depression. Within
dividual differences in asymmetric brain activation across this quadrant, depressive sequelae include limited posi-
the life span that predict emotional experience. Fox and tive affect (including deficits in processing and execut-
Davidson (1988) found that infants who frequently cry ing sequential positive behaviors), sparsity of speech,
following maternal separation evidence less left-anterior difficulty with positive affect initiation, emotional se-
activation than do infants who are not distressed dur- quencing problems, behavioral slowing, and restricted so-
ing this situation. Further, adults who demonstrate more cial approach behaviors. Not surprisingly, then, several
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Neuropsychology of Depression 39

studies have noted left-anterior dysfunction associ- produce a more specific description of the experienced
ated with depressed mood (Banich, Stolar, Heller, and affect. The term “depression” does not appear to be suf-
Goldman, 1992; Debener et al., 2000; Fleminger, 1991; ficient to provide a true neuropsychological description
Henriques and Davidson, 1991). For example, Debener of emotional difficulties that may arise following right-
et al. (2000) assessed depressed and nondepressed individ- frontal dysfunction, which may produce flat affect and
uals twice (the time between assessments varied from 2 to difficulty in regulating complex, sequential behaviors re-
4 weeks). Across both assessments, these researchers lated to negative affect expression. These symptoms may
found decreased left-frontal activation, suggesting that be characterized by expressive aprosodia, involuntary and
resting left-frontal arousal may be a marker for intense emotional expression, difficulty with negative af-
depression. fect inhibition, and the regulation of social behavior.

Right-Frontal Dysfunction
Left-Posterior Dysfunction
The right hemisphere has been implicated in the per-
There is a dearth of literature suggesting the involve-
ception and expression of emotion (Borod, Andelman,
ment of left-posterior regions in depression. As such, no
Obler, Tweedy, and Welkowitz, 1992; Borod et al., 1998;
specific predictions regarding its contribution to depres-
Montreys and Borod, 1998). Considering Davidson’s hy-
sion are made in the present model (please see Fig. 1).
pothesized model of the anterior regions of the left and
right hemispheres (Davidson, 1995) as key components
for an affective regulatory system, right-frontal activation Right-Posterior Dysfunction
can be closely tied to negative emotion. Activation of the
right hemisphere is associated with avoidance, withdrawal Patients with posterior right-hemisphere lesions have
from aversive stimuli, and the experience of negative affect been shown to be impaired in comprehending emotional
(Davidson, 1993, 1995, 1998; Davidson, Abercrombie, tone of voice, recognizing facial expressions, and nam-
Nitschke, and Putnam, 1999; Davidson and Irwin, 1999; ing emotional scenes relative to left-hemisphere lesion pa-
Heller et al., 1998). Therefore, activation of the anterior tients (DeKosky, Heilman, Bowers, and Valenstein, 1980;
right hemisphere could lead to an exacerbation of negative Heller et al., 1998; Tucker, Watson, and Heilman, 1977;
affect and may be diagnosed as depression. Heller et al. see Borod, Haywood, and Koff, 1997, for a review). These
(1998) indicated that both depression and anxiety are re- results suggest that, across multiple paradigms, right-
lated to unpleasant valence as well as avoidance behaviors posterior quadrant may be specialized for emotional infor-
and should be associated with increased activation within mation processing. Thus, deficits within this region may
the anterior right cerebrum. produce impaired emotional perception and inappropriate
Although increased right-frontal activation may lead responsiveness (including no response to a context de-
to an exacerbation of negative affect, dysfunction within manding an environmentally appropriate behavior).
this region may also produce depressive symptoms. De- Within the posterior right hemisphere, depression is
creased right-frontal activation may result in a lack of typically associated with decreased arousal and brain ac-
avoidance and withdrawal from aversive stimuli, which tivation. Thus, as the right-posterior region becomes less
may also be construed as depression and a type of activated, the individual would experience less arousal and
learned helplessness. Patients with right-frontal damage a generalized reduction of brain activation. Along with
may present with emotional regulation problems and labil- impaired emotional perception and responsiveness, de-
ity for crying (Heilman et al., 1993; Robinson et al., 1993; creased arousal may lead to the diagnosis of a depressive
Wilson, 1924; Woodward, Bisbee, and Bennett, 1984). disorder. Similarly, Jorge, Robinson, Starkstein, and Arndt
Consistent with these findings of emotional disregulation, (1993) found that anxious–depressed patients typically
Mayberg and colleagues have presented compelling ev- display right-hemisphere damage whereas nonanxious–
idence that right-frontal and anterior-temporal dysfunc- depressed patients tended to display left-hemisphere dys-
tion is associated with impaired attention/concentration function. Recent studies of emotional processing have pro-
and primary or secondary depressed affect (Liotti and duced consistent results linking decreased right-posterior
Mayberg, 2001; Mayberg, 2001). Lesser et al. (1994), activation and depression via a decreased left hemis-
too, discovered decreased right frontotemporal rCBF in patial bias (Everhart and Harrison, 1997; Heller et al.,
39 older depressed patients. Multiple patterns of right- 1998) and left-ear advantage (Pine et al., 2000). Many re-
cerebrum activation/deactivation may be interpreted as searchers have found impairments in right-posterior visu-
depression, and continued investigations are needed to ospatial processing and constructional tasks in depressed
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40 Shenal, Harrison, and Demaree

individuals and suggested that depression is frequently to the specific regions of cerebral dysfunction. Future
diagnosed following right-hemisphere stroke (see Crews research is needed to confirm these functional system
and Harrison, 1995, for a review). correlates.
Within this quadrant, depressive sequelae include As previously suggested, research has failed to im-
bland or “missing” affect perception, and the patient may plicate left-posterior dysfunction as an important medi-
be characterized as having impaired emotional reception, ator of depression symptomatology. Because relatively
analysis, and comprehension, poor insight into emotional little data measuring functioning within caudal regions
problems, and an impaired ability to perceive the affec- of the left hemisphere has been collected, one should
tive significance of visual, auditory, and somatosensory not automatically discount this quadrant’s potential role
stimuli. in depression. Postcentral functioning may be mea-
sured by assessing somatosensory functioning (Corkin,
Milner, and Rasmussen, 1970), tactile form recognition
CONCLUSIONS (Benton et al., 1983), contralateral neglect (Schenkenberg,
Bradford, and Ajax, 1980), affective memory (Ali and
The proposed model of depression is designed to Cimino, 1997), as well as speech and reading compre-
account for research to date on the neuropsychology of hension (de Renzi and Faglioni, 1978). Increased use of
depression. In the existing literature, depression is most such measures among both depressed and control pop-
frequently related to dysfunction within the left-frontal or ulations may suggest that dysfunction within the left-
right-posterior regions. Although deactivation within any posterior quadrant is associated with depression symp-
functional quadrant of the proposed model may lead to tomatology. For example, the finding that mood impacts
symptoms consistent with “depression,” it is likely that one’s ability to remember affect-consistent information
the left-frontal and right-posterior regions may be more (Ellis and Moore, 1999) in conjunction with Ali and
frequently related to depression than patterns of right- Cimino’s conclusion (Ali and Cimino, 1997) that the left-
frontal dysfunction. As the existing literature appears to and right-posterior cerebrums are differentially responsi-
be somewhat confusing and controversial, an increased ble for perceiving and memorizing positive and negative
precision for the diagnostic term “depression” may af- words suggests that depressed individuals may experience
ford a better understanding of this emotional construct. left-posterior dysfunction.
Future research projects and innovative neuropsycholog-
ical models may help to form a better understanding of
depression. SUMMARY
Neurocognitive performance has been shown to be
related to emotional functioning. For example, studies The proposed model is composed of three neu-
have found that depressed individuals demonstrate impair- roanatomical divisions within which dysfunction may lead
ments in executive functioning and memory (Crews and to distinct emotional sequelae, each of which has been
Harrison, 1995). An improved understanding of cerebral associated with “depression.” A graphical representation
dysfunction among depressed individuals may yield bet- of the model is presented to provide a conceptual frame-
ter predictions of potential cognitive impairments within work and visual representation. It should be noted that
these patients. As the proposed model suggests that many the present model differs drastically from the diagnosis of
activation/deactivation patterns may result in depressive depression on the basis of questionnaire measures alone
symptoms, it is suspected that many different patterns of (such as the Beck Depression Inventory, which incorpo-
cognitive impairments may be evidenced in depressed pa- rates questions concerning mood, cognition, and somatic
tients. For example, a depressed patient with left-frontal complaints). Depression is a heterogeneous construct, and
dysfunction, displaying a sparsity of positive affect, may distinct patterns of brain dysfunction may yield very dif-
evidence impaired verbal fluency and difficulties plan- ferent clinical pictures of persons diagnosed with “depres-
ning and sequencing complex information. However, a sion.” The proposed model combines theories of arousal,
patient with right-frontal dysfunction, displaying emo- lateralization, and functional cerebral space to better un-
tional regulation problems and lability for crying, may derstand these distinct clinical pictures, and it should be
evidence impaired nonverbal fluency along with ballis- noted that these regions may be differentially activated fol-
tic and perseverative responses to cognitive challenges. lowing various therapies to depressive symptomatology.
Therefore, the proposed model affords predictions of dif- The proposed model lends itself well to scientific
ferent qualities of depressive symptoms as well as dif- methods of investigation. Future research is needed to test
ferent patterns of cognitive impairments corresponding the model and to provide nomothetic comparisons of the
Neuropsychology Review pp724-nerv-458457 February 3, 2003 20:6 Style file version sep 03, 2002

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