Circular 18 - VERDICTS

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Ref: Circular 18/2024 DATED 4th MAY 2024


1. Gikambura Youth Vs Copia Fc (28th Jan 2024)

Match abandoned on 60th minute, scores being 01-01.
REASON FOR ABANDONEMENT: A penalty kick was awarded to Gikambura Youth on 60th min,
Goalkeeper while holding the ball kicked the opponent resulting to the penalty award, Away team
fans invaded the field and the penalty could not being taken, thereafter Copia goalkeeper feigned
a head injury.
VERDICT: The match is hereby awarded to Gikambura Youth on 2-0 goal aggregate as per the
reasons below:
3.3.2. A club which refuses to play or is responsible for a match not taking place or not being played in full shall
forfeit the match.
3.3.3. A match forfeited by a club will be awarded to their opponent. All goals scored by the opponent are valid and
will be counted. Any goals scored by the offending club will be cancelled. If the opponent had only one or no goals,
the match will be awarded to them on a 2-0 basis. Any yellow or red cards awarded during the match are valid and
will be counted.

2. Gathanga Utd Vs Gikuni United (10th March 2024)

Match was abandoned on 60th minute with scores being 02-02.
REASON FOR ABANDONEMENT: Gikuni Utd score an equalizer goal to make it 2-2, as they
celebrated the goal, stones were thrown to them by Gathanga Utd fans. Match could not
VERDICT: The match is hereby awarded to Gikuni Utd 0n 0-2 goal aggragate as per reasons
below, Gathanga Utd to have two armed police officers in all their home matches effective
immediately. Referee of the match Kelvin Ndungu 0700524925 is hereby dropped from
officiating all fkf organized matches until further notice.
3.5.2. Home clubs are responsible for preventing spectators and other unauthorized persons from encroaching on
the playing field except for safety reasons. They must also take adequate measures to prevent the throwing of
missiles, bottles and other potentially harmful or dangerous objects or substances on to the playing field.

3.5.6. A club will forfeit any match which was abandoned because of the misconduct of their members or

It’s hereby concluded the player in question duly

plays for City Park Fc.

All the cases against the said player are hereby




The match was played on Sun 4th Feb 2024, Protest was registered against City Park as below.
VERDICT: CITY PARK fielded an ineligible player fielded as Dismas Machaka. The match is
hereby awarded to Ack Cathedral Kiambu on 00-02 goal aggregate.
3.8.4. It will be misconduct for a team to field a player without a player’s registration card, alternatively failing to
make a valid player’s registration card available for inspection prior to the match. A team found guilty of this offence
will forfeit any points earned in such game.


The match was played on Sun 24th March 2024 and a protest was registered by Royal Stars Fc.
VERDICT: City Park fielded an ineligible player fielded as Mark Ashimene, they lose the match to
Royal Stars on 0-2 goal aggregate to Royal stars.
3.8.4. It will be misconduct for a team to field a player without a player’s registration card, alternatively failing to
make a valid player’s registration card available for inspection prior to the match. A team found guilty of this offence
will forfeit any points earned in such game.

6. Superoots Vs Kandara Fc (3rd March 2024)

The match was abandoned on 83rd with scores being 03-01 in favour of home team.
REASON FOR ABANDONEMENT: The match was abandoned on 83rd minute after a Kandara
Utd Player Samuel Kamau Wangari attacked an opponent fan and a fight and commotion ensued.
This brought about a security hitch.

VERDICT: The match is awarded to Superoots Fc on 03-00 goal aggregate since Kandara Fc
caused the match abandonment as per quoted rule below. SAMUEL KAMAU WANGARI FKF051752
is hereby suspended for five matches for his violent conduct. Kandara Fc are hereby strongly
wanted on use of abusive language and harassment of match officials, and should they be
reported again, stern action will be taken against them.
3.3.3. A match forfeited by a club will be awarded to their opponent. All goals scored by the opponent are valid and
will be counted. Any goals scored by the offending club will be cancelled. If the opponent had only one or no goals,
the match will be awarded to them on a 2-0 basis. Any yellow or red cards awarded during the match are valid and
will be counted.


7. Lucky Stars Vs Nyumba Kumi Fc

Nyumba kumi claimed Lucky Stars fielded a suspended player Fredrick Mwangi Fkf008144 on 3rd
March 2024 but Circular No.15/2024 shows the player was suspended on Sun 25th Feb 2024 while
Lucky Stars Vs Nyumba Kumi was played on Sun 3rd March 2024, an error or omission by the
office is binding. Case dismissed.


8. Muthiga Fc Vs Muchatha Utd (17th Dec 2024)

The match was played upto 57th minute with scores being 01-01.
REASON FOR ABANDONEMENT: During 57th minute, a substitution was requested by the
home team, Muchatha Utd TM went to confirm the sub, a disagreement arose resulting to
Muthiga Fc security personnel David Kiruthi slapping Muchatha Utd TM and injuring him. The
match could not continue.

VERDICT: Muthiga Utd loses the match on 00-02 aggregate to Muchatha Utd for causing match
abandonment. Muthiga Fc to share the photo of David Kiruthi with the office on or before
Thursday 9th May 2024, 5pm. David Kiruthi is also hereby suspended indefinitely from
attending Muthiga Fc matches effective immediately. Quoted rules stated below,
3.5.6. A club will forfeit any match which was abandoned because of the misconduct of their members or
9. Rhino Kibichoi Vs Ngoingwa Sporting (14th Jan 2024)
The match was abandoned on 75th minute with scores being 01-01.
REASON FOR ABANDONEMENT: The match was abandoned on 75th minute after Ngoingwa
Sporting player Jesse Macharia was hit by a soccer ball as he went to take a throwing. Ngoingwa
Utd refused to continue with play even after all security measures were taken by the home team
and referee was satisfied with the measures.
VERDICT: Ngoingwa Sporting therefore caused match abandonment and loses the match 2-0 to
Rhino Kibichoi as per below rule,
3.2.2. The referee shall decide if a match cannot start or if a match which has started must be abandoned. This
decision is made after consultation with the Match Commissioner. A club which refuses or fails to respect the
instructions of the referee to start or resume play or in any other way abandons a match shall forfeit the match

10. Juja Sporting Vs Rhino Kibichoi Scores were 06-01 in favor of Rhino Kibichoi
(17th March 2024) – Fielding of ineligible player.
Juja sporting fielded an ineligible player Kelvin Omondi who impersonated as Alvin Omondi.
VERDICT: Juja Sporting loses the match on 0-2 goal aggregate for fielding ineligible player as
per below rule;
3.8.4. It will be misconduct for a team to field a player without a player’s registration card, alternatively failing to
make a valid player’s registration card available for inspection prior to the match. A team found guilty of this offence
will forfeit any points earned in such game.

11. KOMO RIDGE UTD VS JUJA SPORTING – Match abandoned on 68th min, Scores
were 00-01.


The match was played on Fri 29th March 2024, chaos broke on 68th minute when Komo Ridge Utd player started
beating Juja Sporting Patrick Odhiambo for no reason in the middle of the field. A fan was also involved by whipping
the same player. Two other players (Francis Muraini and Chege Gordon) also joined in beating the Juja Sporting

VERDICT: Komo Ridge Utd players have been found guilty of assaulting Juja sporting players and failed to control
their fans. Komo Ridge Utd is hereby given up to Thursday 9th May 2024, 5pm to send a photo of the hooligan fan to
the secretariat. The fan is also hereby banned from attending Komo Ridge Utd matches. The match is awarded to
Juja Sporting on 00-02 goal aggregate. Effective immediately, Komo Ridge Utd to have two uniformed and armed
police officers in all their home matches. The players are also banned as follows and pictures below.
3.5.6. A club will forfeit any match which was abandoned because of the misconduct of their members or

Match played on Sun 11th Feb 2024.

VERDICT: Romeo Fc fielded ineligible player. The match is hereby awarded to Muchatha Utd on
00-02 goal aggregate.
3.8.4. It will be misconduct for a team to field a player without a player’s registration card, alternatively failing to
make a valid player’s registration card available for inspection prior to the match. A team found guilty of this offence
will forfeit any points earned in such game.
13. Muthiga Fc Vs Ngoingwa United

Match was played on Sun 17th March 2024, Conclusion - Muthiga Fc didn’t field an ineligible player

14. Samba Fc Vs Kangema Utd (17th Dec 2024)

The match was played up to 68th minute with scores being 01-01.

REASON FOR ABANDONEMENT: The match was abandoned on 68th min after Kangema Utd
Captain with excessive force punched an opponent player Victor Mutahi leading to a cut above the
eye, Mutahi became unconscious. The Kangema Utd Capt. run for his dear life and was chased by
fans and sought refuge in a nearby Catholic church where he was rescued and not assaulted by
any one.

VERDICT: Kangema Utd loses the match to Samba Fc on 02-00 aggregate for causing match
Paul Kiberenge FKF010160 (Kangema Utd Captain) is hereby suspended
for the rest of the season effective immediately.
Kangema Utd is also hereby given a stern warning to control their members
and provide safe matches.
3.5.6. A club will forfeit any match which was abandoned because of the misconduct of
their members or supporters.

Photo of Paul Kiberenge

Match referee Jackson Wanjohi 0712423632 is hereby appraised and will get a
recommendation letter for a well elaborate match reporting. Congratulations Jackson.

Any appeals to be made within fourteen (14) days from the date of release of this
verdicts and be accompanied by a non-refundable appeal fee of Ksh 5,000 (five thousands).


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