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The City School

Academic Year 2023-2024

Subject: Physics (5054)
Syllabus Breakup - Class 9

Topic Sub Topics
• Scalars and vectors
1.1 Physical quantities and measurement
• Measurement techniques
• Units and symbols

• Speed, velocity and acceleration

1.2 Motion • Graphical analysis of motion
• Free-fall
• Mass and weight
1.3 Mass and weight
• Gravitational fields
• Density of liquids
1.4 Density
• Density of solids
• Balanced and unbalanced forces
• Friction
1.5 Forces
• Elastic Deformation
• Circular Motion
Topic Sub Topics
• Turning effect of forces
1.5 Forces continued
• Centre of gravity

• Linear momentum
1.6 Momentum • Law of conservation of momentum
• Impulse

• Energy
• Work
1.7 Energy, Work and Power • Energy Resources
• Efficiency
• Power
• Pressure
1.8 Pressure
• Pressure changes
• States of matter
2.1 Kinetic particle model of matter
• Particle model
• Conduction
• Convection
2.3 Transfer of thermal energy
• Radiation
• Consequences of thermal energy transfer

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