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Geol. Bull. Uniw. Peshawar, Vol.28, pp.

65-77, 1995



'National Centre of Excellence in Geology, University of Peshawar, Pakisran

2Government College, Sargodha, Pakistan
Takistan Mineral Developmenr Corporation, Rawalpindi, Pakistan

ABSTRACT: This paper describes the geology of an area of about 1200 km2in the upper
Kaghan valley. The area is trawersed by Main Mantle Thrust, whichjuxtaposes the southeastern
part ofthe Kohistan tewune in tectonic contact with the higher Himalayas ofthe Indianplate. The
Indian-plate sequence in the study area comprises a basement ofpaniticgneisses (bothortho- and
paragneisses) followed by the Domel unit (calcareous schistslparagneisses, garnetifewous
marbles, calc silicates andamphibolites) and the Parla Sapat unit (graphiticquartzmica togarnet
staurolite schists). These rocks are in tectonic contact with the mafic-ultramaficrocks of the Sapat
complex along the Main Mantle Thrust. The Sapat complex underplates metabasalts of the
Kamila amphibolite belt (i.e ., Niat metaelolcanic unit) and comprises ultramafic cumulates
(dunites, peridotites and pyroxenites) at the base, layered gabhos in the middle and isotropic
gabbros in the upper levels. The complex is folded through two phases of folding and rnetarnor-
phosed under greenschislllower arnphibolite facies. The restored thickness of the complex
approaches in excess of 2 kms .
The Main Mantle Thrust ulas mapped at several new locations during this study. Our
observations show that the M M T at the base of the Sapat complex is younger than the melange/
olistostorm preserved in the upper parts of the Parla Sapat unit. The thrtlst cuts upsection
laterally, and to the east of Bahusar, occzm at the base of the Niat mutavolcanic unit

INTRODUCTION Indus river in the Kohistan region marks the

contact between the Indian plate and the Kohistan
The Kaghan valley is the oldest route for access to
terrane, which represented separate geological
the interior of the Himalayas in northern Paki-
entities prior to their collision in the Early Ter-
stan. The valley provides a unique geological
section across the entire width of the Himalayas.
Starting from the lower Himdayas in thecore af
- -
the Hazara-Kashmir syntaxis near Balakat, the lower crust of the Kohistan terrane exposed along
valley traverses across the Lesser and Mighcr thc drainage divide between the Kaghan valley
Himalayas in its middle and upper reaches, ro- and Kohistnn (Fig. 1). In the Indus valley to the
spectively. The drainage divide between the west of the stud i d area, the garnetifer-
Kaghan valley and soutlm-n tributaries of the ous ultramafic-tnaficcumulates of the Jijal Corn*

im 'psu
PARLA SAPAT UNIT. Graphitic quartz-
mica to garnet-staumlite schists.
Equivalent (?) of the Jurassic-

-:_. - _ _ J
volcanics metamorphosed under upper
greenschistl amphibolite-facies
Cretaceous Lamayuru Flysh in the
Ladakh Himalayas. conditions. Tholeiitic MORE from pre-
Kohistan oceanic basement. ?
DOMEL UNIT. Calcareous Jurassic-Early Cretaceous. Common
!/ schists/pangnersses, garnetiferrous
marbles, calc-silicates and
diorite-granite intrusions.

LPdu amphibolites Equ~valent(?) of Permo- SAPAT COMPLEX. Massive to layered

Triassic Panjal Seq~~ence. ultramafic and gabbroic rocks
(commonly retrogressed under
GRANITIC GNEISSES. Include both Ksc greenschist-fanes conditions) cumulus
ortho- and paragneisses, some forming from an island-arc tholeiite magma. (?)
part of the Late Proterozoic basement, Early-Creatceous.
PCgg but others may be related with Cambro-
Ordovician Mansehra-type magmatism,

Fig. 1. Geological map of the Sapat Complex and adjacent area (modified after Jan e t al. 1993).
- - - - - -- - - - - --
----- ------
- - -- -- - -
- - - - -

plex represent the deepest roots of the middle Christensen, 1994). The Jijal complex does not
Cretaceous Kohistan island arc terrane (Jan & extend into the presently studied area, which
Windley, 1990; Miller et al., 1991; Miller & instead, comprises a compositionally similar but
relatively higher level suite of mafic-ultramafic have been locally termed as the Pattan and Kayal
cumulates which we term as the Sapat Complex complexes (Miller et al., 1991).
(Jan et al., 1993). Besides describing the lower-
crust geology of the Kohistan terrane, here we The magmatic stratigraphy of the Sapat
outline the geology'of the adjoining Indian plate Complex has been worked out in a measured
exposed at the southern slopes of the drainage section in the Ratti Gatti valley (downstream
divide. north of the western Sapatgali Pass. Fig. 2). The
complex comprises three units; ultramafic cumu-
lates at the base, layered gabbros in the middle
and isotropic gabbros at the upper stratigraphic
levels. The ultramafic basal part is about half-a-
The Kohistan terrane
kilometre thick and comprises serpentinised dun-
The south-eastern part of the Kohistan terrane
has been traditionally studied either along the ites with minor streaks and layers of chromitites.
The sole of this body, directly above the MMT, is
Indus (i.e., Jijal-Kamila-Kandia transect) or the
stronglysheared and transformed into serpentine
Thak (Babusar-Chilas transect) valleys. A large
mylonites. The basal ultramafics are followed by
terrane between these two valleys has remained
an about 200 meter thick zone comprising layers
poorly studied. Following a brief mention of the
ofdunites, pyroxenites, gabbros and anorthosites.
chemistry of chromite from the Sapat valley by
Upsection, layered gabbroic rocks become pre-
Ahmed (198I), a significant contribution based
dominant, comprisingpyroxenite and anorthosite
on the geological mapping of this terrane came
from Ghazanfar et al. ( 1991). Preliminary results layers,which, further up in the section, give way
to isotropic gabhros. It may be pointed out that
of our investigations in SE Kohistan have been
outlined in Jan et al. (1993) and Khan et al. we noticed thin lenticular bodies of pegmatite
pyroxenite higher up in the magmatic stratigra-
phy of the Sapat Complex in the Ratti Gatti
Our observations in SE Kohistan have re- valley. Larger bodies ofsimilar composition were
vealed the presence of a previously unnoticed noticed extending to the west of Sapiatgali. One
mafic-ultramafic complex which we refer to as of such bodies has heen mapped in the upper
the Sapat Complex (Jan et al,, 1993).The ultra- reaches of the Kinari and Nili Nadi valleys by
mafic bodies and associated an-qhibolites at the Ghazanfiar et al. (199 1) as their Maidan Gali
Babusar Pass (Ahmed &. Chaudhry, 1976; Khan pyroxenites. Likc Ghazanfar et al. (1991), we
& Thirlwall, 1988) are considered part of the only touched the soutlxrn parts of this body and
Sapat Complex. Slicing at the base has exposed could not map its northern contact. However, we
the entire complex in the hanging wall of the believe that this body is a lateral extension of the
MMT at the western Sapatgali Pass (Fig. 1). pegmatiticpyroxenite we observed at higher strati-
Laterally, both to the S W and NE, the MMT has graphic levels at the ridge west ofRatti Gatti, and
cut off the basal ultramafic cumulates resulting in is different from the serpentinized basal dunitesl
the occurrence of gabbroic rocks in its hanging peridotites occupying the immediate hangingwall
wall. The Sapat Complex occupies approximately of the MMT at t11.e Sapatgali Pass.
1000 km2in SE Kohistan. Western extension of
the complex remains totally unexplored, but we The exposed width of the Sapat Complex
suspect that it may continue into gabbroic am- does not represent its true thickness. The com-
phibolites exposed in the Indus valley, which plex is folded through at least two phases of open

- . . . . .

Sapat Gali (E)

Bamgatta Gali
\ i

Babusar Pass MMT Ikm

Babusar R H

Fig. 2: Cross section across the Indus suture (Main Mantle Thrust), showing hanging wall structures
in southern Kohistan a and b near Sapat gali pass, c near Bamgatta pass and d near Babusar pass.
folding. The first-phase folding is characterised Kaghan valley leading to some highly valuable
by upright folds with horizontal fold axes ori- contributions (Chaudhry & Ghazanfar, 1987;
ented east-west. These fold structures are Chaudhry et al., 1986; Ghazanfar et al., 1992).
characterisedby large open synclines (half-wave- More recently, a group of Swiss post-graduate
lengths approaching a kilometre or more) and students carried out detailed work on the Higher
narrow anticlines. The anticlines are commonly Himalayas of the Kaghan region (Greco et al.,
breached by south-verging reverse faults. In such 1989; Spencer, 1993). Other contributions in-
areas, the folds verge to the south. Northwards, clude those of Chamberlain et al. ( 1991), Smith
i.e., away from the MMT, however, the folds of et al. (1994) and Jan et al. (1993). Our map
this phase become either upright or verging to- covering the southern face of the Sapat drainage
wards north. A good example of folds of this type divide is meant to supplement the existing maps
is exposed on the eastern slopes of the Bamgatta of the Kaghan region (Chaudhry & Ghazanfar,
valley near its confluence with the Ratti Gatti 1987;Greco et al., 1989;Spencer, 1993; Smith et
river (Fig. 3).The second phase offolding is again al., 1994), which somehow lack details about this
characterised by horizontal fold axes, but unlike particular area.
the upright or inclined first-phase folds, second-
The lithologies of the Indian plate exposed
phase folds are open recumbent. These folds are
at the southern slopes of the Sapat-Bamgatta
well exposed along the steep valley faces in this
ridge comprise more or less equal proportions of
high-relief area. Not only they refold the phase-
metasediments and granitic gneisses. T h e inter-
1 folds but fold the MMT and reverse faults
relationship between these two rock-types are
located within the complex to the north of the
obscured by deformation, therefore, intrusive and/
MMT. These folds, like the phase-1 folds, are
or depositionalrelationships between the two are
large scale and characterised by half-wave length
no more preserved.
of a few hundred meters. Whereas we are uncer-
tain whether or not the phase-1 folds observed in Metasedimentary Rocks: Two units of metasedi-
the Kohistan terrane affect the Indian plate, the mentary rocks are exposed at the southern face of
phase-I1 folds do affect both the Kohistan as well the Sapat ridge. One of these, locally named
as the underlying Indian-plate lithologies. The here as the Dome1 unit, consists predominantly
restored thickness of the complex after removing of garnet carbonate schists and amphibolites.
the effect of folding and thrusting approaches The second unit of the merasediments is locally
about 2 km. named here as the Parla Sapat unit and comprises
metapelites with garnet-quartz-mica schist as the
The Indian plate crust
predominant lithology.
The upper Kaghan region of the Indian plate
makes part of the hinterland or the internal zone Domel Unit: This unit is squeezed between two
of the Himalayan orogen, and in the conven- sheets of granitic gneisses and is best exposed in
tional Himalayan division (Gansser, 1964,1979), the middle reaches of the Sohch valley, at and to
is included in the Higher Himalayas. Wadia the south of Domel. The unit has a NE-SW
(193 1) made the pioneering contributions, how- regional trend and extends towards Naran in the
ever, the region remained poorly studied until SW and towards Eastern Sapatgali Pass in the NE
about a decade ago. In recent years, Ghazanfar (Fig. 1). Compositionally, the Domel unit is
and Chaudhry (Punjab University, Lahore) car- divisible into three subunits. The southern sub-
ried out a systematic mapping programme in the unit is predominated by commonly banded
certain bands are > 1 cm in diameter and are before reaching the northern slopes of the East-
clearlyrotated, suggesting a pre-tectonic meta- ern Sapatgali. From here towards the northeast,
morphic origin. The northern subunit is pre- the unit is missing for about 12 km, and the
dominated by marbles with abundant, though ultramafic mylonites of the Kohistan plate over-
,bordinate, bands of metapelites. The marble is lies Dhumduma gne isses directly. The Par la Sapat
variable in composition; brown marble loaded Metapelites reappear at the ridge to the northeast
with coarse-gained garnet, micaceous marble of the Bamgatta Pass. Our observations in the
with rounded grains of garnet and white marble upper reaches of the Lhoeylul Nar, at the Shutta
devoid of garnet. A large part of this subunit, in Pass and at the Babusar Pass, confirm regional
its northern parts, comprises gamet-mica schist northeasterly distribution of this unit along and
with distinctly high carbonate content, and local to the south of the MMT.
horizons of brown gametiferous marble. The The Parla Sapat Metapelites, as observed
Domel unit is commonly intruded by leucogranites in the upper reaches of the Sapat valley north of
and pegmatites. Some of the pegmatites are Domel, are grossly homogeneous but strongly
sheared and clearly pretectonic, others are foliated. They are black in appearance and con-
boudinaged when involved in the shear zones but tain minor graphite. Other minerals include
otherwise remain undeformed suggesting quartz, biotite and muscovite, thus broadly, the
syntectonic origin, while there are still others rock may be named graphitic schist or more
which post-date deformation and cut across fab- precisely graphitic quartz- mica schist. T h e unit is
ric in the unit. Basic sheets, commonly contain- hetrogeneously sheared; the horizons escaping
ing gamet, are present throughout the unit, but it the shear, retain higher-grade minerals like gar-
is difficult to ascertain their mode of emplace. net and staurolite (and may thus be termed
ment, Le., whether intrusive or volcanogenic. garnet-staurolite schists, or garnet mica schists),
while those retrogressed during shearing in
Parla Sagat Unit: This unit has been previously
greenschist facies conditions n o more contain
mapped by Ghazanfar et al. (1991) under the
name of Babusar mylonites, and the rocks garnet or staurolite. Immediately below the ultra-
inafic mylonites, garnet iferous and non-garne t if-
were identified as garnetiferous-graphitic
schists. Greco et al. (1989), too, showed this erous rocks are found in close association, sug-
unit on their regional map of the upper Kaghan gesting a lack of penetrative deformation. None-
valley as graphitic schist. Smith et al. (1994) theless the unit is extensively sheared and the
mapped this unit as grey phyllites with marble application of terms mylonites or blastomylonites
and considered it to be a thrust sheet of the is not inappropriate (Ghazanfar et al., 1991). In
MMT zone. the vicinity of the contact with the ultramafic
mylonites of the Kohistan plate, the metapelites
This unit occupies the upper reaches of the are extensively crenulated with a strong lineac
Kinari and Sapat valleys in a NE-SW regional tion oriented E-W, and plunging steeply towards
trend, referentially located along and to the west.
south of the MMT.Westward the unit swings
Ti% 6 a K w u G d a n d then t o a a m w - E ~ - -Y k e farta SapatmetapeliteCinthT Rinari
trend in the upper reaches of the Nili Nadi valley. valley, north of Dhumduma, are in contact with
Eastwards the unit squeezes between the ultrama- the Dhumduma granitic gneiss near the village of
fic mylonites of the Kohistan plate and the Kinari. In this valley, they are divisible into a
Dhumduma gneisses (see later) and pinches out southern schistose unit and a northern p h ~ l l i t e
unit. The schistose unit is a type garnet-quartz- faces of the Sapatgali (eastem)-Bamgatta ridge.
mica schist with a strong foliation while garnet is This granitic gneiss, locally named here as the
absent in the phyllite subunit. As noted in the Dhumduma granitic gneiss, is considered as a
Sapat valley, the phyllites are probably derived separate entity rather than a folded limb of the
from the gametiferousschiststhroughgreenschist- Sohch granitic gneiss as portrayed by Greco et al.
facies ductile-brittle shearing associated with the (1989). The Dhumduma granitic gneiss is typi-
MMT. We noted several bands of greenschists cally fine-medium grained and strongly foliated
and talc-carbonate schists intercalated with the with well-developed mm-scale gneissic banding.
graphitic phyllites. These rocks were possibly The gneiss may originally have been fine-me*
derived from ultramafic or volcanic precursors, as dium grained with no signs of megacrysts or
is the case in the Shangla melange (Kazmi et al., augens. Compositionally it comprises quartz,
1984), but we cannot distinguish the nature of plagioclase, microcline, 'muscovite and biotite.
their incorporation, i.e. whether depositional Zircon, sphene and tourmaline are in trace
like in an olistostorm or tectonic slices as is the amounts. Observations in t h e Bamgatta
case in the melanges. Minor amounts of marble valley (north of the Bamgatta Pass) suggest
bands are present in the Parla Sapat unit both in that the Dhumdurna granitic gneiss itself is
the Kinari valley as well as to the west in the Nili composite, comprising alternating sheets of
Nadi valley (Smith et al., 1994). Marbles and very felsic and less felsic compositions. The
calcareous garnet-mica schists are also observed less felsic variety contains greater proportions
in the Parla Sapat unit in the upper reaches of the of biotite and muscovite. In the same area,
Lhoeylul valley (at the Kulwan confluence), and 2-10 meter thick sheets of granitic gneiss
short of the Babusar pass. A notable absence is alternate with sheets of similar sizes but compris-
that of the basic igneous rocks as dykes or sills ing paragneisses. These paragneisses are
which are very common in all the other litholo- internally banded with alternating quartzofeld-
gies of the region. spathic and micaceous bands both containing
abundant garnet. The Dhumduma granitic
Qanitic Sneisses: Granitic gneisses are abun- gneiss contain sheets of garnetiferous amphibo-
dant in the studied part of upper Kaghan. They lites, both in the Noor Jamal Di Bahk area as
are predominantly in the form of sheets, ranging well as to the north of the Bamgatta pass. Locally,
in size from a few centirnetres to a km or more. these gneisses are intercalated with calc- silicate
Two sheets of the granitic gneisses are prominent bands. These are medium grained and consist
in the studied area. The southern sheet, which we of plagioclase, quartz, clinopyroxene, calcite,
locally refer to as the Sohch granitic gneiss, biotite, carbonates, with traces of zircon, rutile
occupies the lowermost reaches of Sapat valley and sphene.
and its confluence with the Kaghan river. This
granitic gneiss is predominantly fine-medium STRATIGRAPHIC CORRELATIONS
grained and strongly gneissose. However, at sev-
eral places, the gneiss retains augen structures, The crustal geology of the Higher Himalayas of
suggesting tectonic derivation from a megacrystic the Kaghan region is complicated by several
granite. The second sheet of the granitic gneisses episodes of magmatism, ductile and brittle de-
occupies, from west to east, the Kaghan-Kinari formation and regional metamorphism. Yet at-
confluence at Dhumdurna, upper reaches of the tempts have been made to workout a strati-
Sapat valley north of Dornel, and at the northern graphic order amongst the constituent litholo-
gies. The stratigraphic schemes of Greco et al. As far as the lithologies of the presently
(1989) and Spencer (1993) remain broadly simi- studied area are concerned different interpreta-
lar. These authors believe that all the granitic tions exist in the previous work regarding their
gnekses are Cambrian in age and are correlative geological affinities in the above-stated strati-
of the 516 Ma Mansehra granite of the Hazara graphic setup. For instance the Dome1unit of the
region (LeFort et al., 1980). Spencer (1993) present study is considered to be part of the
identifies a sequence of metapelites (garnet-mica Burwai Formation by Greco et al. (1989) while
frornnear the Gitti Das village, which he Smith et al. (1994) include it in the basement
believes to be the host to the intruded granites gneisses. The Domel unit of this study has gross
(now gneisses)and thus Precambrian in age. Two lithological similarities both with the Burwai
cover sequences are identified. The lower is con- Formation as well as with the carbonate-garnet
sidered to be Lower to Middle Paleozoic in age schists unit exposed at and around Naran. A t the
and consists of a sequenceof paragneissesderived moment we tend to equate our Domel unit with
from greywacks with minor marbles and quartz- the Bunvai Formation of Greco et al. ( 1989) on
ites (Naran Formation = Lulu Sar Formation). the basis of presence of volcanoclastic amphibo-
The upper cover comprises a succession of am- lites and predominance of metamorphosed
phibolites, marbles, calc-pelites, garnet-mica marbles. The southern contact of the Domel unit
schists and dolomites (the Burwai Formation) is directly with the Sohch gneisses. If the Domel
and is correlated with the Permo-Triassic Panjal unit is equivalent of the Burwai Formation, the
volcanics and sediments of the Lesser Himalayas. NaranForrnation, which intervenes between the
An extensivesequenceof carbonate garnet schists two elsewhere, is missing in the studied area.
exposed around and to the south of Naran is However, as noted both by Greco et al. (1989)
identified to be a basement component by Smith and Spencer (1993), the Burwai Formation rep-
et al. (1994) rather than a structural repetition of resents a transgressive sequence and is commonly
the Burwai Formation as proposed by Greco et al. in direct contact with the granitic gneissesequiva-
(1989). Chaudhry et al. (1987) and Ghazanfar et lent of the Sohch gneisses.
al. (1992), in contrast, classify all the lithologies
of the Upper Kaghan region to be part of the The Parla Sapat unit is distinct from the
Indian plate basement of mid Proterozoic to Domel unit, comprising pelitic rather than car-
Archean age. They believe that the granitic bonate lithologies. In the area north of Besal,
gneisses are derived mainly from two sheets of Spencer (1993) has included the equivalent rocks
granites intruded and emplaced at two strati- into his Triassic metasediments making part af
graphic levels in a basement sequence of the upper cover, while Ghazanfar et al. (1991)
paragneisses (called Sharda Group) and are di- and Smith et al. (1994) include them in the
vided into units like Naran-, B e d - , Bunvai-, MMT melange. I n the studied area, these
Lulu Sar-gneisses on the basis of their gross corn- metasediments are separated from those of the
position rather than stratigraphic order. A sue- Domel unit by the sheet-like mass of the
cession of garnet-mica schists (locallygaphitic), Dhumduma granitic gneisses, which appear to
forming a 500-800 m wide belt in the immediate occupy the contact between these two units. The
footwall of the MMT is distinguishedby Ghazanfar distinct lithological differences between the
et ale(19911, Greco et al. (1989) and Smith et al. Domel and Parla Sapat units and absence of
(1994) to be part of the MMT melange rather amphibolites in the Parla Sapat metapelites sug-
than that of the Indian-plate crust. gests that the Parla Sapat Unit represents a
distinct stratigraphic entity. O n a regional basis Greco et al., 1989;Jan et al., 1993). The trace of
the Parla Sapat metapelite may be an equivalent the MMT was mapped during the coarse of
of the Saidu Formation in Swat ( Kazmi et al., this study near Lidi in the Kinari valley;
1984; DePietro et al., 1993). Both these Sapatgali (western), Noor Jamal the Bahk,
lithological units are graphitic, comprise quartz- Bamgatta pass, south of the Butogali, Shutta
mica phyllites and schists (&garnet),and occupy Pass and Babusar Pass. As mentioned above,
the highest stratigraphic levels in their respective the Parla Sapat metapelites do contain lenses of
areas. The Parla Sapat metapelites and the Saidu talc-carbonate schists and greenstone, sug-
Formation of Swat may be remnants of the Juras- gesting an olistostorme or melange nature.
sic Tethyan flesh similar to that mapped in detail However, the base of the Sapat Complex is
from the Ladakh area (Robertson & Degnan, emplaced onto the Parla Sapat metapelites along
1994). a very sharp thrust. Furthermore, in the area
between t h e Noor Jamal the Bahik and
As far as the granitic gneisses are con-
Bamgatagali, the base of the Sapat Complex is
cerned, their suggested correlation with those of
directly emplaced onto granitic gneisses of the
Mansehra, is difficult to confirm on the basis of
Indian plate. These observations suggest that the
data at our hand. Only the megacrystic granites,
thrust at the base of the Sapat complex is younger
like those of Sohch have chances of being equiva-
than the melange/olistostorm formation in the
lent to those of Mansehra. The fine-medium
Parla Sapat unit. Therefore, at the moment, we
grained, garnet and tourmaline-bearing granites,
retain the name of MMT for this tectonic inter-
like those of Dhumduma have nothing compa-
face rather than encompassing the Parla Sapat
rable to the Mansehra granite. Similar granites,
metapelites too.
however, occupy the contact between the Swat
( I lam) granitic gneisses and overlying The serpentinite mylonites along the MMT
metasediments of the Alpurai Formation at the are strongly foliated but lack any lineation. The
Karakar Pass (SE of Mingora). Nonetheless, all quartz-mica phyllites directly below the MMT
these granitic gneisses (except for the are strongly banded, comprising bands of ribbon
leucogranites such as those described by Smith et quartz alternating with bands rich in muscovite
al., 1994) are intruded by basic dykes and thus and biotite. These phyllites are e~tensivel~crenu-
older than the metabasalts in the area. We see a lated at a microscopic to mesoscopic scale (an
great scope for U-Pb (zircon) dating of the grane area of I0 cm2contains several dozens of crenu-
ites and granitit gneisses in the Indian plate lations). Considering that these crenulations are
for sorting out rhe outstanding stratigraphic restricted to the vicinity of the MMT, we inter-
problems. pret them to be sheath folds in nature rather than
being parasitic to major fold. The attitude of fold
THE MAIN MANTLE THRUST axes (EW and 50-60 plunge towards the west)
suggests an ESE direction of thrusting for MMT
A t the time of publication of the first geological
map of Kohistan (Tahirkheli &Jan, 1979), the in the Sapat area.
location of MMT in the SE Kohistan was known The trace of the MMT at the Sapat drain-
only at two places, i.e., jijal and Babusar Pass. age divide is clearly folded. The folding is typi-
Since then, the MMT has been mapped at several cally open recumbent type with subhorizontal
locations between these two points (Chaudhry fold axes. The trace of the MMT, as shownon the
and Ghazanfar, 1987; Ghazanfar et al., 1991; map, dips towards the north in the lower reaches
of the valleys, but dips towards the south at the hangingwall which represent the petrological
high-altitude ridges, forming a southwards-clos- Moho (Tahirkheli et al., 1979; Miller et al.,
ing recumbent fold (Fig. 3).This phase of folding 1991). In the Sapat area at the Kohistan-Kaghan
is observed to affect both the Kohistan and the drainage divide, the MMT runs through the basal
Indian plate rocks equally. In the deep-cut ultramafics of the Sapat Complex, which we
valley just to the west of the Parla Sapat, there consider arelatively higher level magrnato-strati-
are even indications that the Parla Sapat unit graphic unit in the Kohistan crust. Further to the
is folded into a northward closing open-recum- east, in the area between the Noor Jamal the
bent fold, complimentary to the southward-clos- Bahik and the Bamgatta Pass, the MMT climbs
ing open recumbent fold at the high-altitude upsection laterally and carries the layered to
ridges. isotropic gabbroic rocks of the Sapat Complex.
Eastward, towards the Babusar Pass, the MMT
It is interesting to note that a northward-
follows more or less this stratigraphic level. How-
closing open recumbent fold is also observed at
ever, before reaching the Niat Gah, it once again
the Babusar Pass within the quartz-mica schists
climbs upsection, and rests along the contact
(= Parla Sapat unit) (Fig. 3C), which, at least
between the Sapat Complex and the overlying
superficially,resembles with the similar fold west
metavolcanic basement (unpublished data;
of the Parla Sapat village. The structure at the
Ahmed Khan in preparation). Finally, near Hala
Babusar Pass, however, is controlled by ductile
(Buner Gah), theMMT once again cuts upsection
shearing associated with t h e southward
and rests along the base of the Kamila Amphibo-
thrusting of the MMT rather than with a post-
lite unit, from where onward towards Gilgit, it
MMT folding event. The garnet-mica schists
retains this stratigraphic level. A similar, lateral
of the Parla Sapat unit approaching the
staircase geometry is followed by the MMT, to
Babusar Pass are characterised by a strong
the west of the Indus valley in the Swat and Dir
Fl fabric with an attitude of EW/50•‹S.At the
pass, however, the predominant fabric is valleys.
EW/30•‹N.A closer observation suggests that this
N-dipping fabric transposes the S-dipping folia- DISCUSSIONS AND CONCLUSIONS
tion into spectacular meso- and microscopic The drainage divide between Kohistan and
crenulations. This superimposition of the two Kaghan in the area to the north and northeast of
fabrics is observed at a scale of several tens of
Naran forms a part of the higher Himalayas
meters, with a net effect that the MMT (which marking the tectonic contact between the middle
marks a south-verging shear zone), causes a specc
Cretaceous Kohistan island-arc terrane and the
tacular transposition of the south-dipping quartz-
Indian plate. The studied area exposes the
mica schists into north-dipping mylonites
basal part of the obducted Kohistan terrane,
(Fig. 2), forming a northward-closing open re-
comprising a >2 km thick complex of strati-
cumbent fold.
form and isotropic ultramafic and gabbroic rocks
Another aspect of the MMT which we belonging t o the Sapat ultramafic-mafic
wish to bring into notice is the lateral variation in complex. This complex has an origin probably
its level of propagation with respect to its posi- similar to that of the Jijal Complex, exposed
tion in the magmatic stratigraphyof the Kohistan to the west in the Indus valley. Yet, the two
terrane. The MMT at Jijal in the Indus valley have drastic differences in the constituent
carries garnetiferous ultramafic rocks at its mineral assemblages. Whereas the Jijal Complex
has distinctly higher grade mineral assemblage REFERENCES
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