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Date: 20-07-2021 Time: 10.00 a.m. – 10.40 a.m.

01. Cytoplasm exhibits following features,

A. Water is the main content.
B. It can undergo rapid temperature changes.
C. Chloride ions are attracted to water molecules
D. Electrostatic interactions between ions are exceeded in solvation.
E. Non ionic polar molecules are insoluble.

02. Glycogen,
A. Is stored in muscles.
B. When completely hydrolyzed yields glucose.
C. Its structure allows rapid release of glucose when necessary.
D. Serves as a buffer to maintain the plasma glucose level.
E. It is an important source of energy during prolonged starvation.

03. Regarding lipids,

A. Phospholipid acts as a surfactant in lungs.
B. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is an essential fatty acid.
C. Eicosanoids are formed by 20 carbon polyunsaturated fatty acids.
D. Prostanoids formed from omega 3 fatty acids are less anti-inflammatory than those synthesized from
omega 6 fatty acids.
E. Membrane lipids are more saturated than storage lipids.

04. Cholesterol is,

A. Synthesized from arachidonic acid.
B. The precursor of bile acids.
C. Is a constituent of plant cells.
D. A component of outer membrane of lipoproteins.
E. Becomes hydrophilic when forming an ester.

05. The R groups of the amino acids in a protein,

A. Are involved in peptide bond formation.
B. If branched, would be synthesized endogenously.
C. Help its function as a storage macromolecule.
D. When non polar, they help in forming cores.
E. When charged, they are unlikely to be found in active sites of enzymes.

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06. Which of the following are correctly paired?
A. Globular proteins - Can travel through the circulation system.
B. Collagen fibers - provide strength to the skin.
C. Formation of interchain disulfide bonds in immunoglobulins - forms antibody binding domains.
D. Histidine has a pKa close to pH of blood - assists in buffering
E. pH change will change the charge of an enzyme - changes the affinity to the substrates.

07. The velocity of an enzyme catalyzed reaction,

A. Independent of the pH
B. Initially, directly proportional to the substrate concentration.
C. Dependent on the temperature of the reaction mixture.
D. Increases with product concentration.
E. Depends on the affinity of enzyme to substrate.

08. Which of the following features of DNA make it suitable to function as hereditary material?
A. Double stranded structure
B. Polyanionic backbone
C. Antiparallel nature of DNA
D. Complementary base pairing
E. Base pairing via H bonds

09. Regarding nucleosomes,

A. Permits efficient packaging of DNA.
B. Histone 1 is a component
C. Nucleosomes are connected to each other via linker histones.
D. A string of nucleosomes folds to form up a 30 nm fiber.
E. Chromosome remodeling complexes change the location of nucleosomes.

10. Regarding DNA replication,

A. Occur in synthesis phase in interphase.
B. One eukaryotic chromosome has only one replication bubble.
C. Series of short segments in the lagging strand are called okazaki fragments.
D. DNA polymerase 1 removes the RNA primer in 5' to 3' direction.
E. Topoisomerase prevents the torsion caused due to DNA breaks.

11. Which of the following are used to inhibit protein synthesis/translation of prokaryotes?
A. Chloramphenicol
B. Colicin E3
C. Streptomycin
D. Cycloheximide
E. Erythromycin

12. Regarding eukaryotic translation,

A. The process in which mRNA is synthesized from DNA strand.
B. Anticodon of tRNA binds to the codon of mRNA.
C. The enzyme peptidyl transferase catalyzes the bond formation between adjacent amino acids.
D. mRNA is polycistronic.
E. 20s and 60s ribosomal subunits form the 80s ribosome.
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13. X chromosome inactivation,
A. Seen in female cells.
B. Results in Barr body formation.
C. Determined randomly.
D. Occurs through epigenetic mechanisms.
E. Results in over expression of the active X chromosome.

14. What are responsible to tissue specific gene expression in eukaryotic cells,
A. Single nucleotide polymorphism
B. Alternative splicing
C. mRNA editing
D. Methylation of CpG islands in promotor zone.
E. Ubiquitination

15. DNA damage,

A. In somatic cells, leads to a mutation.
B. By UV radiation leads to structural changes in helix.
C. Occurs spontaneously in cells.
D. Is frequently repaired within cells.
E. In replication, is repaired by mismatch repair mechanism.

16. Sequencing of the human genome,

A. Indicated that a high percentage of the human genome has protein coding sequences.
B. Provides evidence for variation in regulation of gene expression.
C. Enable comparison of human genes with other genes of sequenced genomes.
D. Important to diagnose disease conditions from molecular level.
E. Revealed the occurrence of stretches of CG repeats in variable sequences.

17. Gene therapy,

A. Introduces predetermined changes to the nucleotide sequence of intact cells.
B. Use non integrated viruses to insert gene to host cells.
C. Has the potential to restore mutant DNA sequences inside the cell to normal sequences.
D. Uses genetically engineered, targeted nucleases.
E. Has the potential to change the functions of other genes.

18. Energy used in muscles is primarily by,

A. Glycogen in resting muscles.
B. Substrate level phosphorylation (of ADP) via creatine phosphate.
C. ATP available in the tissues.
D. Aerobic metabolism in marathoners.
E. Fatty acids in a 100m sprinter.

19. Hyperuricemia is associated with,

A. Decreased renal excretion of purine.
B. Increased intake of purines.
C. Increased purine reutilization
D. Increased purine synthesis.
E. Increased water intake.
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20. Which of the following defects/ deficiencies are correctly paired with the disease?
A. Defective collagen - osteogenesis imperfecta
B. Defective mineralization in growth plates - Osteomalacia
C. Inadequate bone mineralization - Osteoarthritis
D. Reduced bone mineral density - osteoporosis
E. Deficiency of ascorbic acid - rickets

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