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Pure ALOHA Procedure +S iG the average number of successful transmissions, called Aheougheut. + Gis the average number of Frames aenevated by the System during one Lede Transmission tiene. +The. theoushgut foe guee ALOHA is S = G xe “1G + The marrieniden throughput Sean = Ve = O18 when GAVL. + TE one-hal€ a Frawe is oemevated duving one frame trandmission tine, then WGA percent of these Frames reach their destination successfully. Pure. ALOHA Procedure Examele: The Stations on ALOHA network ave a maximum of 600 km apart. TE we assume. that signals grogagate at % x \0F wis. We find TPropagation = (600 « 10%) £ 0s » 108) = 1 ms. For & = 1, the range of Ris {O, | 1, 3}. This means that 18 On be 0, 2, 4, o b ms, leased on the outcome of the random variable & Scanned with CamScanner Data Link Control (LC) + DLC is considered the upper SUo-layer in the Data Link layer. + WC deals with procedures for commimication between two adjacent nodes (node-to-node comenvaicartion). + OC has theee functions that include Framing And Flow And Error contvol. » OC packs data bits into Frames, So that each Frame is distinayishaloie Fon Owother. + Framing Separates a message from one source +o Vata Link Contvol (LO) Frame size can be. + Fined-size Framing, there is no need for defining the lovedaries of the Frowmes, the size itsel€ can be used aS a delimiter. + Variable-size framing, Ends are defined boy chavacter-oriented aggroach Scanned with CamScanner + One Solution is using But fers; one at Sending data-link layer Qed the other Ot the veceiving data-link layer. When the buffer of the receiving dataclink layer iG full, it informs the Sending datarling layer to Stog gushing Frames. + Error control 6 usually done ly adding CRC code to the Frame header oy the Sender, which is checked ly the veceiver. L€ ervor occurs the packet is diccarded, And i€ vot an Acknowledgement Signal 1G Sent loack +0 the teOnGmit ter. + An example Protocol for follow and error control is Stog-And-Wait Protocol Stop-Ond-Wait Protacot + A Fede arrives And checked. LE CRC is incorrect, the Frome is corrupted And Silentty discarded without acknowledgment. + Every time the sender sends a frame, it starts a timer. L€ an Acknowledgment Avvives before the timer exgives, the timer is Stogged And The SUndee Sends The next Frame. LE the timer expives, the Sender resends the previons Frame. Scanned with CamScanner Chavacter-Oviented Framing, + Lt i¢ byte-oriented Feawning with 8-bit characters. + The header, which carries The Source And destination Addresses And other control information + The twailee, which carries exvor detection redundant bits Bit-Oriented Framing + The data section of A Frame iF a sequence of bits to be interpreted by the upper layer. + T+ has header and trailer. + The Flag, a seecial F-bit pattern (2.9, DINK) Functions as the delimiter to define the beginning and the end of the Frame. Flow And Evroe Conta + Flow control refers +o a Set of procedures Used +o vestrict the Amount of data that the sender con send before waiting for Acknowledgment. + Eevor control in the data link layer i Scanned with CamScanner Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) + Lt iS commonly used ly data link layer for intemet connection. + Tt uses CRC for error control - Authentication can be grovided in this geotacel. Authentication means Wdlidating the Wentity of A User who needs to access A Set of resources. + PPP has two protocols for authentication. Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) nd Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP). + CHAP i6 more Secure than PAP Media Access Control (MAC? + In Shaved network link we need @ multigle-access protocol to coordinate. access, like the eules of SReAKIng im A ReORIE ASSembly, + Many protocols COn hOndle access ta a shaved tink. All of these protocols bbelong +o a sublayer in the data-link layer called MAC Scanned with CamScanner Packetizing + Encagsulating the payload ata received From transgort layer? in a wetwork-laype packet at the Source And decapsulating the payload Feo The network-layer packet at the destination. + The Source host adds a header that contains the source And destination AddeeS525 And Some other information and delivers the packet to the data-link layer. + TE the packet is fragmented at the source or at routers along the path, the network layer is responsible for waiting Until all Ledqments Ovcive, reassembling them, And delivering them to the ugper-layer grotacol. Routing and Forwarding Routing: + The network layer is responsible for routing the packet from its Source to the destination. + A physical network is a combination of networks (LANs and WANS) and routers that connect them. There iS more than one route From the Source to the destination. + The network layer i6 responsible for finding the best one among these possible routes. Scanned with CamScanner Pure ALOHA Procedure, + After sending the Frame, the station waits for an acknowledament. + LE it does not veceive an acknowledgement during the 1 times the ‘mOriem Qrogagation delay between the two widely segavated Stations CL & TQ). Lt assumes that the Frame is lost. + Lt tvies Sending again aFter A random Amount of time TR=R x TP 1 oe TER x The Te Marin grogagartion timer distance / grogagation Seed TR Back o€€ time + common Formula is binary exronential back-oFf BR is vandom number chosen between 0 to Lk- | ‘© iG the number of attempted unsuccessful transmissions Te (the average time vequived to Send out a Frame Scanned with CamScanner Transport layer Services + Process-to-process Communication. . Addvessina, . Muttiglexing, Qnd demnuttighexing, + Eevor contvol. + Flow control. + Congestion control Addeessing +A process on the local hoSt (client) needs services From a process usually on the remote host (Server. + The local host And the remote host ave aleeady defined using IP Oddeesses oy Network layer. + However the grocesses ave defined by port numbers. In the TCP/IP Rrotocol suite, the gort numbers are integers with bb bits length. + The client? Server program defines itself with a gort number. + The combination of an LP address and a gort number is called a socket Oddvess. + The client/ Server Socket Addresses ave part of the network-layer packer header and the transgort-layer packet header. Scanned with CamScanner

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