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Physical 37

Objective 5 Demonstrates balancing skills

Not Yet 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Balances while Experiments with Sustains balance Sustains balance Demonstrates Balances on Designs and
exploring different ways of during simple during complex how to balance apparatus with performs
immediate balancing movement movement on different body control and movements
environment experiences experiences parts (feet, hands, stability that combine
• Squats to pick up knees, elbows) traveling and
• Sits propped up toys • Walks forward • Hops across the at varying levels • Walks across balance into a
• Rocks back and • Stands on tiptoes along sandbox playground (e.g., up high, down beam, turns, and smooth, flowing
forth on hands and to reach something edge, watching • Hops on one foot low) while making walks in different sequence with
knees feet then the other different poses direction intentional
• Gets in and out of
• Sits a while and a chair • Jumps off low • Walks across • Walks across log changes in
step, landing on • Balances on on playground or direction and
plays with toys • Kneels while beam or sandbox different bases of
two feet edge forward and other apparatus, speed
• Sits and reaches playing support, e.g., two jumps in air,
for toys without • Jumps over small backwards hands and one • Travels, stops,
• Straddles a taped objects lands, and
falling line on the floor • Attempts to jump foot, one hand and continues walking and holds a
• Holds body rope one foot, elbow pose for 3
• Sidesteps across upright while and knee • Holds balance on seconds, then
beam or sandbox moving wheelchair apparatus for 3 to continues to
edge • Holds balances 5 seconds
forward very still for 3 to 5 travel
seconds • Moves in and • Creates a
out of different travel–balance
• Balances in balances by
different body sequence on
stretching, different bases
shapes, e.g., round, curling, and
narrow, wide of support;
twisting sequence
• Travels and stops includes three
in balanced balances with
positions different bases
• Performs inverted and at least two
balances, e.g., different types
balances on head of traveling
and two feet as movements
base of support • Sets travel–
sequence to
music, matching
music to
• Mirrors partner
in following a

Birth to 1 year
Birth to 1 year Birth to 1 year

1 to 2 years
1 to 2 years

2 to 3 years 2 to 3 years
2 to 3 years

Preschool 3 class
Preschool 3 class Preschool 3 class

Pre-K 4 class Pre-K 4 class

Pre-K 4 class

Kindergarten Kindergarten
Kindergarten Kindergarten

First Grade
First Grade First Grade

Second Grade Second Grade

Second Grade Second Grade

Third Grade Third Grade

Third Grade Third Grade

The Creative Curriculum® for Preschool

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