Rogues by Migwin Crow

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BY Migwin Crow
The 'Rogue' is a new player profession, designed to fill the gap between the fighting professions and
the Assassin. Rogues represent those few exceptional individuals who step outside their usual station
in life. Military Rogues fill the roles of men-at-arms, and archers. Rogues can also be used to create
foresters, outlaws, merchants, thieves, and mariners. This document is intended to be a work of non-
profit making fan appreciation and is not meant to challenge any copyrights and/or trademarks. These
rules additions are not official and the current copyright owners of the Dragon Warriors RPG at the
time of writing are

Increasing in Rank:
The Rogue
+1 to attack and defense when
A: Strength, Reflexes, the character reaches 3rd
Intelligence, Psychic Talent rank, then +1 at 5th rank,
and Looks: roll 3d6 for each. and +1 at 7th rank, etc.
B: Health Points: roll 1D6+5. +1 to the character’s Health
C: Basic Attack: 12. Points score when he
Defence: 6. reaches 2nd rank, then +1 at
4th rank, and +1 at 6th rank,
D: Basic Magical Attack: 0.
Magical Defence: 3,
+1 to the character’s magical
E: Basic Evasion: 4,
defence each time he
F: Basic Stealth: 14, Perception: increases in rank.
+1 to the character’s evasion
G: Special Abilities at 1st Rank: upon reaching 5th rank, then
Choose two Rogue Abilities +1 at 9th rank.
from the list below.
+1 to stealth and perception when
H: Initially equipped with the character reaches 3rd
lantern, flint-and-tinder, rank, then +1 at 5th rank,
backpack, bow, and a quiver and +1 at 7th rank, etc.
containing six arrows,
Rogues are reasonable fighters but
dagger, mail hauberk, 2-20
prefer a quick-footed defensive
florins, and a sword or a
approach. They are not skilled in the
use of armour, and have the same
combat penalties as Assassins and Padfoot (new ability) The
Mystics: Rogue gains a one off
permanent +1 bonus to both
–2 from attack and defence for
Stealth and Perception.
wearing mail armour;
–4 from attack and defence for Pick Lock (as Assassin): 30%
wearing for plate armour chance to pick lock with
intelligence and Reflex
There are no minimum requirements
modifiers of +5% (if INT is
for becoming a rogue.
16+), and +10% (if REF is
Rogues use the mystic’s Background 16+).
Table, and at 1st rank they make two
Status (new ability): affords
choices from several Rogue Special
the character a certain level of
deference and respect due to
Referees might consider allowing NPC their position in society.
‘Hotbloods’ who survive six underworld
Skilled (new ability) the
adventures to become 1st rank Rogues
character may select a
rather than 1st rank knights.
general skill (see the section
on skills below).
Rogue Abilities Track (as Assassin,
Barbarian, Hunter & Knight):
The Rogue as a profession relies on
roll Perception or less on
specialized skills and abilities. At 1st
rank, the Rogue selects two abilities
from the following: Weapon Skill (as Knight): +1 to
Armour Bypass rolls when using
Animal Handling (new ability):
a specific weapon type.
enables a character to tame,
train and breed animals.
Bowyer and Fletcher (as Example Rogue Packages:
Hunter): enables the character
to manufacture a specific
missile weapon and its The Archer is a military
ammunition. trained commoner skilled in
the use of bows. Special
Forage (as Hunter): The Abilities at 1st Rank are:
character is an expert at finding
Master Bowman.
sustenance in the wilderness.
Military Trained.
Main Gauche (as Knight):
enables the character to fight
with two weapons The Forester is a rural
simultaneously. commoner responsible for
maintaining and protecting
Master Bowman (as Knight): +1 the lands around a lord’s
to Armour Bypass Rolls. estate and village. Special
Abilities at 1st Rank are:
Soldier (as Hunter): enables
the character to wear mail Master Bowman.
armour without combat Track.
penalty, though they retain the Mendicant
original penalty for wearing
plate armour (-4 to ATT & A Mendicant is a traveling
monk or priest. They do not
receive armour as part of
their initial equipment, and
the only weapon they Secondary skills are divided into
receive is a staff. Special three levels of expertise (Basic,
Abilities at 1st Rank are: Intermediate and Advanced).
Skill (Theology). To use a Secondary Skill, a
character usually rolls Intelligence or
Thief less on 1d20.
The Thief is an urban born Basic (Apprenticed): This is the level
commoner who is trained in of skill that anyone might possess
the art of stealth, theft and without formal training.
deceit. Special Abilities at
1st Rank are: Intermediate (Journeyman): At this
level, the character has some formal
training, experience, or a background
Pick Lock.
that emphasises that skill.
Advanced (Master): The character is
Skills at the level of a seasoned
professional with a skill achieved
In Dragon Warriors, any character after many years of full-time practice
can attempt to climb, pilfer, or sneak; and advanced formal training.
it is just that some professions are
naturally better at these activities Rogues may choose Secondary Skill
then others. Other skills such as as part of their starting abilities.
Track and Break-fall have a strong Knights and barbarians may choose
impact on adventuring and are a secondary skill at 1st Rank instead
therefore restricted to certain of taking the ‘Track’ ability.
professions. Secondary Skills are also useful for
noting down what knowledge a non-
Common Skills adventuring NPC might have.
These are skills that anyone can try: Example General Skills are listed
Climbing (Reflexes or less on 1d20). below. Others might be derived from
Pilfer requires a Stealth versus the background tables in the main
Perception Roll with a –4 penalty to rulebook:
Stealth requires a Stealth versus Blacksmith
Perception Roll. Builder
Cavalry (Ride Horse)
Secondary Skills Carpenter
Secondary skills are broad areas of Cartwright
knowledge and expertise and should Entertainer
have little impact on adventuring or Farmer
combat. They are awarded to Goldsmith
characters by the referee when
appropriate. For example, if a Mariner
character spends six months working Mason
as an unskilled crewmember on a Merchant
Thurlander longboat, the referee may Miner
decide that the he or she has Priest
gathered enough seafaring Sailor
experience to be awarded the Shipwright
Mariner skill. Survival

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