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Class 11th Physics NEET formula sheet pdf

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Class 11t h Physics NEET formula she e t pdf

1. Unit s a nd Me a s ure me nt s P hys ica l Qua nt it y - Qua nt it ie s which can be measured by an instrument and used to describe Laws of physics are physical quantities - Physical quantity = Numerical value (N) × Unit (U) TYPES
Fundamental quantities do not depend upon other quantities: (1) Length (2) Mass (3) Time (4) Temperature (5) Amount of Substance (6) Electric current (7) Luminous Intensity - Derived quantities are formed by combining
more than one fundamental physical quantities - Area, Volume, velocity and acceleration are some Derived quantities Two supplementary S.I units are:- (1) Radian(plane angle) , Q= , arc radius (2) Steradian (solid angle), Ω =
2 arc (radius) Dimensional Analysis Dimension formula is the expression for the unit of a physical quantity in terms of the fundamental quantities Dimensional formula is expressed in terms of power of M, L and T. Primary or
fundamental Dimensional Formula Secondary or derived dimensional Formula (i) Other than Fundame- ntal formula all other are derived dimensional Formula (ii) example: (1) [speed] = [MoL1T-1], (2) [Acceleration] = [MoL1T2]
There are seven fundamental dimensional formulas: (1) Mass = [M], (2) Length = [L], (3) Time = [T], (4) Temperature = [K] or [Q], (5) Electric Current = [I], (6) Luminous intensity = [cd], (7) amount of matter = [mol] PRINCIPLE OF
HOMOGENITY Principle of homogeneity states that the dimension of each term on both sides of dimensional equation should be same. Conversion of Units From are system to another N1 = numerical part of one system N2
= numerical part of another system a b 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 M L T N N M L T = UNITS (1) Unit is defined as the reference standard used for measurements. (2) Measurements consists of a
numerical value along with a relevant unit. (3) Example: meter, newton, joule, seconds etc. MKS (m, kg, s) CGS (m, gm, s) FPS (Ft, pound, s) - The system of units accepted internationally - S.I units of time is ‘sec’ is the
example of S.I system S.I Units SOME OTHER UNITS (1) mass:- 1 quintal = 100 kg, 1 ton = 1000 kg (2) length:- 1 light year = 9.46 × 1015 m 1 au = 1.496 × 1011 m (3) Temperature: Oo C = 273 K 1o F = 255.928 K KNOW YOUR LCROS
(SIGNIFICANT FIGURES) The number of digits in the measured values about the correctness are known as significant figures. 4.125 - 4 sf; 123 - 3 sf All non – zero digits are significant Leading zeroes i.e , are never significant
placed to the le of the number 0.0403 - 3 sf; 0.04030 - 4 sf 10.9 - 3 sf; 400.001 - 4 sf All zero lie in between the non – zero digits are significant 38.3 × 104 - 3 sf; 38.30 × 10-9 - 4 sf Order of magnitud e is not considered
Constants and pure numbers have infinite significant figures; Trailing zero digits are significant only when they appear a er decimal 4.00 - 3 sf; 0.043010 - 5 sf RULE OF ROUNDING OFF - Rules of Rounding o the uncertain
digits (up to 3 Significant Figures) If digit > 5 then, preceding digit +1 If digit <5 then, preceding digit remain same If insignificant digit = 5; (a) Preceding digit remain same when rounded o digit is even.; (b) Preceding digit
+1 when rounded o digit is odd ORDER OF MAGNITUDE It is defined as the power of 10 which is closest to its magnitude N = n × 10x; x = order of magnitude. ERRORS The uncertainty in measurement is called errors - Error =
true value – measured Value TYPES OF ERROR Absolute Error, = true value – measured value Mean absolute errors 1 2 n mean ............. n ∆α + ∆α + + ∆α ∆α = Relative error mean mean ∆α α Percentage error, is di erence the
measured value and the true value as a percentage of true value Percentage error mean mean 100 ∆α × α ACCURACY PRECCISION Precision is the range of variation of true value during several observation Accuracy is
degree of closeness of measured value to the true value; - shows that how closely the results with the standard value. VERNIER CALLIPERS Least Count (L.C) = 1 MSD – 1 VSD; MSD = main scale division; VSD = Vernier scale
division Total reading = Main scale Reading +(Vernier Coincidence × least Count) Zero error = N × L.C; N = no. of coinciding division; L.C = Least count of an instrunment. displacement of screw no. of rotations Pitch = L.C. =
Pitch total no. of divisions Unit 45 kg Numerical Value coe icient 6.022 x 1023 exponent base Vernier scale Main scale Zero error = N × L.C N = no. of circular scale division that coincides with the reference line L.C = Least
Count Positive Zero Error 10 0 5 0 Positive Zero Error Negaitive Zero Error 0 0 95 90 Negative Zero Error Positive zero error 0 1 0 5 10 Main Scale Vernier scale Negative zero error 0 1 0 5 10 Main Scale Vernier scale
Measurments Units And r r ‘A’ is Area r2 Equivalent in area r r 1
2. MOT ION IN A STRAIGHT LINE RELATIVE MOTION • The Comparison between the motion of single object with respect to another inertial or non – inertial frame. • This Analysis is of relative motion of an object. UNIFORM
MOTION & GRAPHS UNIFORM ACCELERATED MOTION • when a moving object cover equal distance in equal time intervals. IT is said to be in uniform motion. • speed is constant. • Acceleration is zero Average speed =
Average speed = Average speed = CASE.2 CASE.1 1 2 V V 2 + When object travels distance ‘d’ with velocity V1 and next distance ‘d’ with velocity v2 When object travels ‘t’ interval with V1 and next ‘t’ with v2 1 2 1 2 2V V V V + 1
n 1 n d .......... d t ........... t + + + + 1 n 1 1 n n d .......... d d V ........... d v + + = + + 1 1 n n 1 n V t .......... V t t ........... t + + = + + ACCELERATION AVERAGE VELOCITY VELOCITY SPEED DISPLACEMENT DISTANCE MOTION PARAMETERS AVERAGE
SPEED Measure of change in velocity of an object per unit time x a = t ∆ ∆ Change in position or displacement divided by time intervals in which displacement occurs x Average Velocity = t ∆ ∆ Average speed is defined as
total distance travelled in total time Total distance Average speed = Total time • The rate of change of distance of body with respect to time is defined as velocity • Can be positive, negative or zero • Ratio of path length
to the corresponding time by an object • Always positive • Shortest distance between the initial position and find position of moving object in a given interval of time. • can be positive, negative or Zero • Actual path length
covered by a moving object in a given interval of time. • Always positive when a body moves along a straight line and velocity changes by equal amount in equal interval of time, motion is uniformly accelerated motion
MOTION EQUATIONS CALCULUS METHOD (1) V = u + at (2) (3) v2 – u2 = 2as If acceleration is constant 2 1 S ut at 2 = + dx v dt = dv a v dt = dv a dt = (i) (ii) (iii) When ball is dropped from a height then it accelerates towards earth
with constant acceleration. Analysis of this motion of an object is motion under gravity • ay = g = 9.8 m/s2 • v = u + ayt • • V2 – u2 = 2ays 2 1 s ut ayt 2 = + Taking downward direction as ‘positive’ 2u T g = Time of flight 2 max u H
2g = Maximum Height 2h T g = Time to drop V 2gh = Velocity a er dropping Relative Uniform Motion Relative Uniformly Accelerated Motion (1) a12 = 0 (2) In this case 12 12 S V t = V12 = Relative Velocity S12 = Relative
displacement (1) (2) In this case 12 a 0 ≠ 12 12 12 V u a t = + 2 12 12 12 1 S u t a t 2 = + 2 2 12 12 12 12 V u 2a S − = MOTION & FRAME OF REFERENCE Change in position of an object with respect to time is defined as Motion FRAME
OF REFERENCE The point from which observer takes it’s observation is called frame of reference. Example:- Analysing li moving upwards From ground. Observer on ground is inertial frame. Image of Inertial frame
Displacement Time o Velocity Time o Acceleration Time o a = 0 x x0 t Parabolic nature v ux 0 T t axT a t a > 0 x (u2 /2g) (u/g) t O (u/g) (2u/g) v u O –u t O a t -g • If net external force on system is non – zero frame is non – inertial
• It is Accelerating Frame. • Frame velocity increases or decreases • If net external force on system is non – zero frame is non – inertial • It is Accelerating Frame. • Frame velocity increases or decreases INERTIAL FRAME
NON-INERTIAL FRAME 40 30 20 10 0 0 1 2 3 4 TIME Displacement MOTION
3. Ve ct o r (ma gnit ud e + Direction) Basic Terminologies . Null vector: . Unit vector: . Equal vector: . Axial vector: used in rotation . Orthogonal vector Angle b/w . Parallel Vector : . Anti-Parallel Vector : A = 0 A A A = =
1} ABAB→→= r W V r x V W = A & B ( θ = 900 ) A & B ( θ = 00 ) A & B ( θ = 1800 ) θ = 900 A A B B B A Angel b/w Angel b/w I A I = n I B I I A I = - n I B I Mathematical operations A B ( 9g = (a1 + b1 + c1 ) = (a1 +
b1 + c1 ) i  Lorem ipsum j  K v i  Lorem ipsum j  K v & Resolution of vector θ Px = PCOSθ Py = PSinθ P Addition Subtraction  1 2 1 2 1 2 A B (a a )i (b b )j (c c )k + = + + + + +    1 2 1 2 1 2 A B (a a )i (b b )j (c c )k + = − + − + −
  Multiplication Dot product (Scalar product) Cross product (vector product) A B A B Cos + = θ 1 2 1 2 1 2 A .B a a b b c c = + + i. i 1 =   i. j 0 =    i . k 0etc =  1) 1) 2) 2) 3) 3) A B A B sin + = θ 111
222ijkA Babc abc ×= i (b1 c2 - c1 b2 ) + j (a1 c2 - c1 a2 ) + k (a1 b2 - b1 a2 ) v v v  i i 0 i j 1 1 i k × = × = = − ×      Arithmetic operations Vector law’s Triangle law: R A B θ α By = Bsinθ Bx = Bcos θ − − − R = ( A + Bcos θ )
i + Bsin θ j 2 2 R A B 2 A B Cos = + + θ tanα B sin A B cos θ + θ = = A A B B θ α α α Parallelogram law: Lammis Theorem: 3 1 2 F F F sin sin sin = = ∝ β γ β β γ γ F1 F1 F3 F3 F2 F2 MOTION IN A PLANE Circular
motion r r L θ Final position initial position Angular displacement ( θ ): Angular velocity ( w ): R = θ Angular displacement (rad.) Radius (m) Arc length (m) 1 d 2 W 2 f (rads ) dt T − θ π = = = π T= Time period if = frequency V RW =
linear velocity (ms-1 ) Angular Acceleration ( α ): 2 dw (rads ) dt − ∝= a R = ∝ linear acceleration (ms-1 ) Equation of motion on Circular track: wf = Wi + α t θ = Wit + ½ nα t2 2 2 f i W W 2 - = ∝ θ Types of Circular motion: Uniform
circular motion Non – uniform Circular motion V V V V r V3 V2 V4 V1 r 1) aτ (Tangential acceleration) = oms-2 2) ar (Radial acceleration) = 2 V R 3) anet = 2 2 T 0 a a + = ar 1 2 3 4 V V V V ≠ ≠ ≠ 1) 2) 3) 4) 2 T a oms− ≠ 2 r ins V a R = 2 2
net T r a a a = + Projectile motion oblique projectile H y y t2 t1 θ u ux uy R x – component y – component y – components . ux = uCos θ . ax = 0 . ug = usin θ . ag = -g Equation of Trajectory (parabolic track) y = xtanθ - 1 2 2 2 2 gx u
Cos θ x x(1 ) tan R − θ = Time of f hight (T), T = 2usinθ/g Range (R) = ux T, = 2 2 sin g µ θ Height (H) 2 2 sin 2g µ θ = Projectile passing same height at two di erent times t1 and t2 respectively 1 2 1 gt t 2 1) y= 2) 2 sin 2 gy 1 1 g sin
µθ − − µθ t1 = 3) 2 sin 2 gy 1 1 g sin µθ + − µθ t2 = Projective with complimentary angles, If θ1 = θ then θ2 = 90 - θ 1) R = Hcos θ 2) 90 T T − θ θ = tanθ Horizontal projectile
ux = u uy = 0, H vy vx v x β x=ux t =ut, t = x/u Equation of Trajectory 2 2 2 X 1 1 Y gt g 2 2 = = µ Range (R) = ux t = 2H g u Time of flight 2H g (T) = 2 2 2 v u g t 2 2 x y vins v v = u2 +2gy tanφ = = vy vx gt u PROJECTILE ON INCLINED
PLANE B O y u A X g gsin gcos X – Components ux = u cos θ ax = g sinθ ug = usinθ ay = g cos θ Time of flight (T) Height (H) Range (R) 2 2 2u sin cos( ) g cos θ ∝+ θ ∝ = 2usin gcos θ ∝ = 2 2 u sin 2gcos θ ∝ = for Rmax = θ = 4 2 π ∝ +
for Hmax = θ = 90o or α = 0o RELATIVE MOTION ON 2 D – PLANE motion of one body w.r.t. other: P/Q P Q V V V = − VP/Q = velocity of P w.e.t.Q Umbrella problem: VmG = (Vm – VG ) = Vm 1) Vrm = velocity of rain w.r.t
man 2) Vrm = Vr – Vm 3) tanθ = m r V V River Boat Problem Shortest distance Vr = Vbr Cos α & Vb = Vbr sinα Vbr sinα = = dmin = (Vbr sinα )t d t Shortest time Vbr = 2 2 b r V V + tmin = 2 2 2 2 b b r X d d V V V + = + Dri (x) = r min V t
tanθ = r m V x V d = θ Vb Vbr Vbr Vbg Vbr Vr Vr Vr = river velocity x d θ α d = width of river
4. NEWT ON’S LAWS OF MOTION Newton’s 1st law A body Continues its sate of rest or motion until unless an external force is acted on it. If ext F o = ; a o = INERTIA OF REST The property of a body due to which it cannot
change its state of rest by it self. The property due to which a body cannot change its direction of motion by itself. The tendency of a body to remain in a state of uniform motion in a straight Line. INERTIA OF DIRECTION
INERTIA OF MOTION FORCES (i) Normal Contact force (1) always acts along the common Normal of two surface in contact. (2) Always directed towards the system. (3) It is an electromagnetic type of force. Normal force on
block is N. N = mg (ii) Tension Force (1) Acts along the string and away from the system on which it acts. (2) Tension in a massless string remains constant throughout the string if no tangential force acts along the string. (3)
This is force applied by a string on an object or force applied by one part of string on the remaining part of string. (4) It is an electromagnetic type of force. (iii) Friction Force (1) Rolling friction:- The force of friction which
comes into play when one body Ralls or tends to roll on the surface of a norther body. (iV) Sliding friction Resistance o ered to the relative motion between the surface of two bodies in contact. The frictional force f is
directly proportional to the Normal force N exerted by the surface on the body. (F ∝ N or f/N = Constant = µ). The friction force depends upon the nature of surfaces in Contact and independent of the area of Contact. Types
of friction fs = µsN. acts when a body is just at the verge of movement acts when a body is at rest on application of a force Fl = µsN. acts when a body is actually sliding fk = µKN Newton’s 2nd Law The rate of change of linear
momentum of a body is directly proportional to the external force applied on the body in the direction of force. dp F ma dt = = S.I . Unit of force = Newton (W) dimensional formula = [M1L1T-2] if m = const mdv F ma
dt = = ⇒ if V Cost = = dm F V dt = convey or belt & rocket propulsion Conservation of linear momentum:- if there is no external force acting on it, total momentum of an isolated system of interacting particles
is conserved ext initial final dp F o or P P dt = = = Impulse avg I F t P = ∆ = ∆ ⇒ I = P F.dt ∆ = ∫ = area under f – t curve Newton’s 3rd law To every action there is always on equal and opposite reaction. AB BA F F = − ฀
Action & Reaction act on di erent bodies and not on the same body. - action – reaction forces are of same type. We cannot produce a single isolated force in nature force are always produce in action – reaction pair. due
to no time gap, any one force can be action, and other reaction. applicable for all the interactive forces eg. Gravitational, electrostatic, electromagnetic, Tension, friction, viscous forces, etc. For Non – inertial frame ext
Pseudo F F ma + = pseudo frame F Ma = − • Draw FBD of bodies in the system. • Choose a convenient part of the assembly as one system. • Identify the unknown force and accelerations. • Resolve forces into their
Components. • Apply F ma = ∑ in the direc �on of mo�on. • Apply F O = ∑ in the direc �on of equilibrium • Write constraint rela�on if exists. • Solve the equa�on F ma & F O = = ∑ ∑ . Horizontal Circular motion
(Conical Pendulum):- 2 Sin cos mv T & T mg r θ θ = = V rgtan = θ Angular Speed, w = v gtan W r r θ = = 2 T w π = r Lcos 2 2 gtan g θ π = π θ Time Period Vertical Circular motion Particle ossillates in lower half circle. Condition of
ossillation (O u 2gR) < ≤ 1. 2. 3. Particles moves to upper half circle but not able to complete the loop. Condition of leaving the circle: ( ) 2gR u 5gR < < particle completes loop. Condition of looping the loop ( ) u 5gR ≥ MOTION
OF A CAR M LEVEL ROAD (by friction only):- Vmax S Rg ≤ µ MOTION OF A CAR ON BANKED ROAD (i) Optimum speed of a vehicle on a banked road. V rgtan = θ maximum safe speed on a banked frictional road. max rg( tan ) V 1 tan
µ + θ = −µ θ minimum safe speed on a banked frictional road min Rg(tan ) V (1 tan ) θ − µ = +µ θ Kinematics of Uniform Circular motion 1.A particle moves in a circle at a constant speed 2. Angular displacement (θ) SI Unit: rad or
degree. 3. Angular Velocity (W): avg W [Unit . rad / sec] t ∆θ = ∆ ins d W dt θ = Centripetal Force Fc = mac = 2 mv r = mrw2 S r O ∆ = ∆ v = wr V w r = × V is linear velocity (tangential vector) w (axial vector) r ฀
= radius vector Speed of the particle in a horizontal circular motion changes with respect to time. f N mg R Speed = v a = v² / R O Tangential acceleration: t a r = α × Centripetal force Fc = mac = 2 2 mv mrw r =
Tangential force Ft = mat Net force Fnet = 2 2 c t m a a + C a responsible for change in direc �on of movement of particle Static friction Limiting friction Kinetic friction Circular motion N f mg Kinematics of non – Uniform
circular motion SOLVING PROBLEMS IN MECHANICS T O P L mg cos mg sin mg F Cos θ F sinθ θ θ h r l F mg
5. WORK, ENERG Y AND p OWER • An instance of one moving body striking with another • Collision of car with truck, collision of balls in snooker are examples. NATURE OF COLLISIONS CONSERVATION OF MOMENTUM SPECIAL
CASES 2 - D COLLISION 1 - D COLLISION • Value of coe icient of restitution defines nature of collision, seperation approach V e V = • e = O, e = 1, O < e< 1 Defines nature of collisions 2n n h e ho = (1) e = coe icient of
restitution. n = nth collision, ho = initial height, hn = height a er nth collision (2) Vn = enVo, n = nth collision, Vo = initial velocity, vn = velocity a er nth collision. (3) H = ho 2 2 1 e 1 e + − H = total distance travelled
before it stops (4) T = 2 o 2 2h 1 e 1 e g + − T = time taken by ball to stope bounding. (1) Bodies moving in a plane results in arbitrary collision in di erent directions is 2 – D. (2) P O ∆ = x P O ∆ = 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 m
x m x m v x m v x µ + µ = + y P O ∆ = 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 m y m m v y m v y µ + µ = + ( )sys P O ∆ = (1) (2) e = (3) V1 = (4) V2 = (5) Change in Kinetic energy, 2 1 1 2 V V − µ − µ 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 m em (1 e)m m m m m − + µ + µ + +
velocity of first particle a er collision. 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 m (1 e) m em m m m m − + − µ + µ + + velocity of second particle a er collision K ∆ 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 m m 1 K ( ) (1 e) 2 m m ∆ = µ − µ − + • In elastic collision, momentum
and K.E of system are conserved • e = 1 • Bodies do not stick together a er collision • In inelastic collision, momentum is conserved • o<e<I • Bodies do not stick together a er collision • In perfectly inelastic Collison
momentum is conserved • e = O • Bodies sticks together a er collision COLLISIONS TYPES OF COLLISIONS ENERGY • Capacity to do work is defined as Energy • It is a scalar quantity • S.I. unit is Joule (J) (1) Heat energy (2)
Chemical energy (3) Electrical energy (4) Nuclear energy (5) Mass – Energy equivalence VARIOUS FORMS WORK-ENERGY THEOREM AVERAGE POWER FORMULAE SPECIAL UNITS INSTANTANEOUS POWER (1) Net Work done on an
object by all forces will change in Kinetic energy of an object (2) (3) W = net W K = ∆ Wconservative + Wnon–conservative + Wext = K ∆ F(x).dx, F(x).dx K V ∫ ∫ = ∆ + ∆ if variable force does work . MECHANICAL ENERGY IS
CONSERVED TYPES OF ENERGY (1) In absence of dissipative forces, mechanical energy is conserved (2) (3) V = (4) (5) Tension at any point on circle, (6) Velocity at any point on circle, V 5gl = at bottom to reach top V 3gl = at
bottom to cross quarter CIrcle V gl = to reach quatre circle 2 m T mg (2 3cos ) r µ = − − θ 2 2 V 2gl (1 cos ) = µ − − θ MOTION IN VERTICLE CIRCLE ENERGY IN SPRING MASS SYSTEM (1) Total mechanical energy at each point is
Constant. (2) (3) maximum Velocity K V ∆ + ∆ =0 ( Kinitial +Vinitial ) = ( Kfinal + Vfinal` ) max m k V x m = WORK • Work is said to be done when Force produces displacement. mg Friction Tension Normal Pseudo Spring force
WORK DONE BY ALL FORCES POWER (1) Time rate at which work is done. (2) It is a scalar quantity (3) S.I. Unit is watt. POTENTIAL ENERGY KINETIC ENERGY MECHANICAL ENERGY • By virtue of Position, height, stresses within its
& Electrostatic Factors; • Gravitational Potential Energy = mgh • Elastic Potential energy = • Electrostatic Potential energy = 2 1 kx 2 1 2 kq q r Sum of kinetic energy and potential energy • By Virtue of velocity 2 1 K mv 2 =
Total Work done in time t is average power avg w P t = Scalar product of force and instantaneous velocity (v) is instantaneous Power. inst ds P F . F. V dt = = (1) dW = (2) P = F .dr dw dt For small amount of
work • 1 hp = 746 W • 1 KWH = 3.6 × 106 J (1) Kx, mg and electrostatic forces are conservative forces, (2) Work For these forces is stored in the form of Potential energy. (3) They are path independent. (1) Non – conservative
forces are path dependent. (2) Friction is an example of non – conservative forces. NON – CONSERVATIVE FORCES CONSERVATIVE FORCES NEGATIVE WORK ZERO WORK POSITIVE WORK (1) If both force & displacement are
‘+’or ‘-‘ and θ is between 90o to 180o . (2) If either of force or displacement is positive and θ is acute. (1) W = O, if Force is perpendicular or to the displacement. (2) Either Force or displacement is zero. (1) If force and
displacement both are ‘+’ or ‘-‘ and θ is acute. (2) If either of force or displacement is negative and θ is between 90o to 180o . WORK CAN BE POSITIVE, NEGATIVE OR ZERO WORK DONE BY CONSERVATIVE & NON-
CONSERVATIVE FORCES WORK DONE FOR CONSTANT FORCE & VARIABLE FORCE • Area under F.S graph gives work done • work done = Area under ABCD • If work is done by variable force, then 2 1 r r W F. dr = ∫ • W = F d
cos θ, • S.I. unit is J (joule) (1) If netexternal force on system is zero then Linear momentum of system is conserved (2) (3) (4) P O ∆ = i f P P = 1 1 1 n m ........ m µ + + µ 1 1 1 n m ......... m = υ + + υ
6. Sys t e m o f p a rt icle s and rotational motion CENTRE OF MASS The point where whole mass of system is supposed to be concentrated 1. Position of centre of mass depends upon shaped, size and distribution of mass of
body 2. Position of centre of mass of an object changes in translation motion. 3. For bodies of normal dimensions centre of mass & center of gravity coincide. 4. Centre of mass of rigid bodies is independent of the state i.e
rest or motion of the body. Position of Centre of mass of system i i cm i m r r m = ∑ ∑ Velocity of centre of mass of system i i cm i m v V m = ∑ ∑ Acceleration of Centre of mass of system i i cm i m a a m = ∑ ∑ ฀฀
RIGID BODY A body with perfectly definite and unchanging shape. Rotational Equilibrium ext ext r F O τ = ε × = Translational Equilibrium ext F O = ∑ PRINCIPLE OF MOMENTS FOR A LEVER According to this principle;-
Load × Load arm = e ort × e ort arm Analogy between linear & Rotational motion Linear motion Velocity ds V dt = acceleration ds a dt = Force mdv F ma dt = = work done W F.S = linear K.E 2 1 mv 2 Power P = F.V, Linear
momentum P = mv Impulse F t mv mu ∆ = − Rotational Motion Angular velocity dQ W dt = angular acceleration dw dt α = torque d I (Iw) dt τ = ∝ = Work – done w .Q = τ rotational K.E 2 1 Iw 2 Power P = .w τ , angular momentum L
= Iw angular Impulse f i pt Iw Iw τ = − MOMENT OF INERTIA Inertia of Rotational motion n 2 2 i i i 1 mr MK = = ∑ M.I. I = where r is distance perpendicular to the axis of Rotation. Radius of gyration 2 2 2 1 2 n r r ..........r K n + = I K M =
Factors & radius of gyration depends (1) Position & configuration of the axis of rotation (2) distribution of mass about the axis of Rotation. Perpendicular axis theorem Theorem of moment of Inertia Parallel – axis theorem IZ
= IX + Iy , Itanget = Idia + MR2 Hollow sphere, radius R (9) Diameter 2 2 mR 3 Shape of area Distance x Distance y Area Square a/2 a/2 a2 Rectangle a/2 b/2 ab Circle r r r2 Semi-circle 4r/3 r r2 /2 Right-angled triangle b/3 h/3 bh/2
MOTION OF SYSTEM OF PARTICLES & RIGID BODY Pure Rotational Motion:- (1) Since distance between two particles of a rigid body remains constant, So the relative motion of one particle w.r.t other particle is circular
motion. (2) Angular velocity of all the particles about a given point of a Rigid body is same S = RQ, V Rw = ; (3) If α = Constant (angular acceleration), ), Wf = wi + α t , Qf = wit + 2 1 t 2 α 2 f w = 2 i w + 2αθ, θ = i f w w t 2 +
θ = w - 2 1 t 2 α → K.Erolling = 2 2 1 1 mv Iw 2 2 + , 2 2 2 2 1 1 V mv mk 2 2 r + 2 2 2 1 K mv 1 2 R + Combined Rotation + translation Motion (CRTM):- CRTM pure rotation translational V V V = +
CRTM pure rotation translational a a a = + Dynamics of CRTM for analysing its motion we apply two equation ext cm Ma τ = ∑ ext ext I r F τ = α = × ∑ Newton’s laws of motion is valid in inertial frame. To
apply second equation of Newton about Non – inertial Point, Pseudo – force is applied at Com of body Σ of pseudo force is also taken into account. → K.ECRTM = K.Erotation + K.Etranslation; K.E = 2 2 cm cmw 1 1 I MV 2 2 + ;
K.E = 2 2 2 cm 1 1 MK w MV 2 2 + → angular momentum of Rigid body per forming CRTM; Pure Rotational as a Rigid body about C.O.M; Translation as a particle (EK)r = rota�onal K.E (EK)t = transla�on K.E (a) for solid sphere,
(Ek)r = 40% of (Ek)t, (b) For snell (Ek)r = 66% of (Ek)t, (c) For disc, (Ek)r = 50% of (Ek)t of (Ek)t, (d) For ring, (Ek)r = (Ek)t (1) ROLLING ON INCLINED PLANE (2) VELOCITY AT LOWEST POINT 2 2 2gh V K 1 R = + (3) ACCELERATION
ALONG INCLINED PLANE a = 2 2 gsin K 1 R θ + (4) Time taken to reach the bottom of the inclined plane is. 2 2 K 2n (1 1 R t sin g + = θ ANGULAR MOMENTUM CONSERVATION O OA L r P (angular momentumabout point O) = ×
OA = r (mv) × OA mr v = × O OA OA L r P r Psin = × = θ OA r mv sin = θ ANGULAR MOMENTUM CONSERVATION net d dt τ τ = if net τ = O ⇒ L =constant n system i i 1 L L = =∑ Angular momentum of rigid body
performing pure rotation about fixed axis (Lsys)AOR = IAOR w Relation between Torque & Angular momentum: • net dt dt τ = • Unit of Torque = N.m • Dimensional formula = [m1 L2 T-2 ] Valid in only iner�al frame. Angular
Impulse:- J .dt = ∫ τ , f i net J L L = − , J r I= × , Unit → NmS Linear Impulse:- I F dt = ∫ , net f i I P P = − , Unit → N.S
7. G RAVITAT ION • Ene rgy re q uire d to bring a mass from an infinite position to point under gravitational field of earth with constant velocity • Generally, infinite is reference point = 1 2 Gm m u r Every planet revolves
around the sun in an elliptical orbit and sun is at it’s one of the foci points. LAW OF ORBIT KEPLER's LAW OF PLANETARY MOTION LAW OF AREA (i) The line joins any planet to the sun sweeps equal area in equal intervals of
time (ii] LAW OF PERIODS (i) The square of time period of revolution of a planet is proportional to cube of semi – major axis of an ellipse THE gravitational Force acting between two bodies separated by distance ‘r’ is
directly proportional to product of their masses and inversely proportional to square of distance between them (1) During Free fall under gravity in side a spacecra or satellite, body is weightless. (2) E ective weight of
body becomes Zero. WEIGHTLESSNESS Minimum speed required by an object to escape Gravitational Field of Earth e 2GM V 2gR R = = Ve = 11.2 Km/s (iii) Areal velocity is constant dA L dt 2m = (ii) (iii) 2 3 T R ∝ 2 3 2 4 R T Gm π
= (1) GEOSTATIONARY SATELLITE Height from earth’s surface = 36,000 km RADIUS = 42,400 Km Time Period = 24 hours. (2) POLAR SATELLITE Height from earth’s surface = 330 Km Time Period = 84 Min Orbital Velocity = 7.92
Km/s GEOSTATIONARY & POLAR SATELLITE GM r GMM GMM 2r r = GMM 2r = − (i) orbital velocity = (ii) Total energy of satellite = Constant K.E + P.E = constant (iii) Total energy = Relation between Gravitational potential &
Intensity dv E dr = V E . dr ∆ = ∫ (i) (ii) (i) (ii) (iii) (i) (ii) (iii) Strength of Gravitational field applied per unit test mass is defined as Gravitational Field Intensity 2 GM E r r − =  2 2 3 (3R r ) r R v GM 2R − < → = − GM r R v R = →
= − GM r R v r > → = − Amount of work done in moving a unit test mass from - position to point under gravitational field of earth Gm U V r M = = Variation of ‘g’ from equator to pole 2 2 g g Rw cos = − Variation of ‘g’ with
depth d s d g g (1 ) Rc = − 2 n s 1 h g g ( ) Rc − + = if h <<<< Rc h s 2h g g (1 ) Rc = − At surface of earth, Fgravitational = Weight 2 c GmMe Mg R = 2 c Gme gs R = GRAVITATIONAL ACCELERATION 1 12 13 1n F F F ....... F = + + + ฀฀
Resultant force acting on a particle due to other particles is vector sum of forces exerted by individual particle in it F1 = F12 + F13 + ……. + F1n 12 21 F F = − 1 2 1 2 12 3 1 2 Gm m (r r ) F r r − = −
1 2 12 12 2 1 2 Gm m F r r r = −  12 r Force between them. = 2 r position of second particle = 1 r position of first particle = 1 2 2 Gm m F r = 2 11 2 Nm G 6.67 10 Kg − ⇒ = × Y m1 m2 F12 r21 F21 O
8. ST RESS & IT S T Y P ES (1) Stress is restoring force per unit area (2) (3) It is neither scalar nor vector, (4) It’s unit is N/m2 Ratio of lateral to longitudinal strain is Poisson’s ratio POISSON'S RATIO HOOKE'S LAW STRAIN & ITS
between Y, B, η and Σ (1) Y = 3B (1 - 2σ ), (2) Y = 2n (1 + σ ) (3) 3B 2n 2n 6B − + σ = YOUNG’S MODULES = I - SHAPED BEAMS SHEAR MODULUS BULK MODULUS = COMPRESSIBILITY = σ Σ • property of material, that tells how easily it
can be stretched. • σ , E are normal stress and strains respectively • Ratio of shear stress by shear strain. • Unit is Pascal (Pa) • measure of ability of material to withstands the change in volume. • negative sign indicates
decrease in volume P V / V −∆ ∆ 1 B • Reciprocal of Bulk modulus • Value depends on particle shape, density and chemical composition. • When load is applied to bodies up to certain proportionality limit, stress is directly
proportional to strain. • • • σ ∝ Σ Y σ ∝ Σ y , σ = Σ where Y is the proportionality Constant named as Young’s modules (1) Ratio of change in configuration to original configuration of body. (2) It is a unit less quantity (3) Strain =
configuration original configuration ∆ (1) Linear strain is the ratio of change in length to original length. (2) ∆ ∑ = (i) Ratio of change in volume to original volume, (ii) V V ∆ ∑ = (1) Lateral strain is ratio of change in breadth/
diameter to original breadth/ diameter, (2) (Breadth / Diameter) Breadth /Diameter ∆ ∑ = (3) Change occurs in the direction perpendicular to the applied force. (1) Angular deformation caused by shearing force is shearing
strain. (2) tan S / h θ = (3) For small change S / h θ = • I – shape of beams makes them excellent for unidirectional bending. • Use of rectangular shaped beams is not possible in railway tracks as of improper load distribution •
Extension is measured in ropes of Cranes while load is suspended `on it mg A σ = σ = stress produced in rope When weight is suspended in beam, it Strouse buckling 3 3 S 4bd y ω = MECHANICAL PROPRTIES OF SOLIDS (1)
Tensile stress is produced when axial force acts per unit Area. (2) This stress results in Elongation; (1) Compressive stress is produced when force compresses object per unit area. (2) This stress results in Compression •
When object is immersed inside the liquid, the hydrostatic pressure decreases the volume of an object, that results the `volumetric stress. (1) Shear stress is produced when force acts tangentially to a surface area. (2)
Deforming force acts tangentially to the surface S tan h θ= (I) Di erence in temperature of a rod results the change in configuration of it. This produces thermal stress. F Y T A = ∝ ∆ (i) energy stored due to elastic
deformation. (ii) Strain Energy density is energy per unit volume. (iii) strain Energy per unit Volume = (iv) strain Energy per unit Volume = 1 2 × σ × Σ 2 1 ( ) 2 y σ × ADIABATIC BULK MODULUS ISOTHERMAL BULK MODULUS (I) B = YP,
(2) Y = Adiabatic constant B = P Slope of stress strain curve will be Young’s modulus W d l L L F Stress Strain A B φ1 φ2 Stress O Strain A B Limit of Proportionality H o o k e ’ s L a w Elastic Limit h h F Bi F F Bf F F L F F Lf Li F F
9. MECHANICAL P ROP ERT IES OF F LUIDS INT RODUCT ION Anyt hing which can flow like liquid & Gases Known as Fluids. Pressure P = F Force acting per unit Area. Atmospheric Pressure Force exerted by Atmospheric
Column on Unit area at mean sea level. [P0 = 1.013 × 105 N/m2 ] Gauge Pressure Exass Pressure over the Atmospheric Pressure (Po - Patm Measured with instrument. Pgauge = P – P0 = rgh Hydraulic Paradax water is filled to
a height H behind a dam of width w. The resultant Pressure on dam will be – Pnet = rgH A HYDRODYNAMICS Equation of Continuity A1 V1 = A2 V2 Characteristics of Ideal Fluids Pascal Law Whenever external Pressure is applied
on any part of Fluid Contained in a Vessel, it is transmitted undiminished and equally in all direction is known as Pascal Law. Hydraulic li 1 2 1 2 1 2 F F P P A A = = = 1 2 2 1 FA F A = , Hydraulic Brakes A1 d1 = A2 d2 Hydraulic
Machine PA = PB = PC = PO C A B D F F F F A B C D F1 A2 A1 F2 Master cylinder Brake pedal Brake shoe Lever system P Tube T To other wheels Wheel cylinder P1 P2 S 1 S 2 Hydraulic Brakes D C B A Archimedes Principle
“Whenever a body is immersed inside a liquid then an up thrust forces states acting on it, whose magnitude is Equal to the weight of the liquid displaced”. Upthrust Force - FB = (∫e × g × Vd) = weight of liquid displaced. ∫l =
density of liquid. g = gravity ; Vd = volume of liquid displaced. Law of Floating b S l V V = V = Volume of body Vs = Volume of submerged part. ∫b = density of body. ∫e = density of liquid. Case – I Case – 2 Case – 3 [Vs < V ∫b < ∫l ]
[Vs = V ∫b = ∫l ] [Vs > V ∫b > ∫l ] Incompressible . Non – Viscous . Irrotational . Steady (Liminas) Bernoulli Theorem P + ∫gh + ∫V2 = Constant P = Pressure; V = Volume ∫ = density ; h = height g = gravity Applications Magnus E ect:
speed of air ow decreases pressure increased force on ball speed of air ow increases pressure reduces Spin Blowing o of thin Roof in storm: wind p0 v large so p<p0 p Speed of E lux: B V 2g H = H H –h h V B A P0 H =
Height from the Top Venturi meter: V2 V1 A1 A2 p0 p0 h H The entering Velocity of fluids is given by 1 2 2 2 1 2 2gh V A A A = SURFACE TANSION ANGLE OF CONTACT Angle between tangent Plane at the liquid surface and
tangent plane at point of contact of solid. Surface energy Additional potential energy exhibited by liquid molecules present at the surface of the molecules. Excess Pressure Inside a Curved Liquid Surface Excess pressure
inside the drop ex i 0 2 ( ) S P P P r P0 P1 dr r = + Excess pressure inside a cavity or air bubble in liquid ex inside atm 2 2 S P gh r S P P gh r Pout = Patm h Pin = = + + + ρ ρ Excess pressure inside a soap bubble ex i 0 4S P P P r P0
Pi P r = = - Relation between cohesive and adhesive force C A 2 F F > glass water concave surface FR FC FA C A 2 F F = silver FR FC FA horizontal surface water C A 2 F F < glass mercury convex surface FR FC FA Angle of
contact 90 (Acute angle) 90 (Right angle) 90 (Obtuse angle) Shape of meniscus Concave Plane Convex Wetting property Liquid wets the solid surface Liquid does not wet the solid surface Liquid does not wet the solid
surface Level of Liquid Liquid rises up Liquid neither rises nor falls Liquid does not wet the solid surface Example Glass-Water Silver-Water Glass-Mercury θ > θ < θ = ο ο ο Cohesive Force and Adhesive Force Cohesive
Force:- Attractive Force between the molecules of same materials. Adhesive Force:- A Hr active Force between the molecules of di erent Materials. Capillarity It is Property due to which liquid elevates & depressed in a
capillary Tube. The Rise in height of liquid in 25 Cos r g capillary tube is given by – h = Shape of Meniscus VISCOSITY Newton’s Law of Viscosity:- Viscous Force A = Area velocity Gradient= Stoke’s Law:- When a small sphere
of radius r is moving with velocity v through a homogeneous Fluid, then viscous force acting on sphere – FV = 6 πnrv; Where n = Coe icient of viscosity; Unit of n = Poise. Terminal Velocity Constant Velocity achieved Before
net force on a body becomes Zero. Reynold number It tell us about the nature of fluid flow Re = Vd n Where ∫ = density; V = velocity; d = pipe parameter. Critical speed:- Maximum Value of speed for which fluid will remain
laminar. [VC = Re n/∫d] dv nA dx F = dv dx h2 h1 A L F1 F2 A P0
10. HEAT (1) He a t is the form of energy. (2) Transferred from high temp. to the lower temp water. (3) measured in calorie or joule. TEMPERATURE (1) Quantity which measured thedegree of hotness or coldness of a body is
called Temperature. (2) S.I. unit is Kelvin (K) CONVERSION FORMULA o o K 273 C F 32 100 100 180 − − = = THERMAL EXPANSION Tendency of matter to change its shape, area and volume is said to be thermal expansion Linear
Expansion (1) Expansion in only one direction or dimension, (2) O L L ∆ ∝ L T ∆ ∝ ∆ O L L T ∆ = ∝ ∆ α is Coe of Linear expansion L = Lo (1 + α ∆T) Volumetric Exp (1) Three dimensional expansion of solids. (2) V = Vo ( 1+ y∆T) Y -
Coe of volumetric expansion, Vo - initial volume of cuboid Superficial/ Areal expansion (1) Expansion of solids in two dimension. (2) A = Ao (1 + B∆T), B - coe icient of areal expansion, Ao - initial area of plate. β = 2α α = Coe
of Linear expension Relationship between Coe icient of Linear expansion, areal expansion and volumetric expansion:- Y or : : Y 1: 2:3 2 3 β ∝ = = ∝ β = HEAT CAPACITY Amount of heat supplied to an object to produce a unit
change in its temperature. S.I. unit is joule per kelvin (j/K) SPECIFIC HEAT (1) Amount of heat required to raise the temperature of unit mass of substance by unity 1 d C m dt θ = (2) (3) Unit is J/kg MOLAR SPECIFIC HEAT (1)
Amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 mole of a gas by 1oC. 1 1 d c C n dt n θ = = (2) n = number of moles, (3) S.I. unit is J/mol THERMAL CAPACITY (1) Heat required to raise the temperature of the substance
by 1oC. (2) Q = mc, m- mass of substance, C - specific heat of the substance LATENT HEAT 1) Amount of Heat required to change the phase of the substance at constant temperature. (2) Q = mL, L - Latent heat, m - mass of
substance Latent Heat of fusion The amount of heat required to one kg mass of substance from solids to liquid or vice – versa. - Q = mLf Lf - Latent heat of fusion. Graph of triple point of water Latent heat of vaporisation
The amount of heat required to change 1 kg mass of substance From liquid to vapor or vice – versa. - Q = mLV, LV - Latent heat of vaporization. CALORIUMETRY Heat loss by the hot body = Heat gain by the cold body . m1c1
(T1 – T) = m2c2 (T – T2¬¬¬ ), 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 m c T m c T T m m + = + T is equilibrium Temperature. Case – 1 If material of body is same (C1 = C2), 1 1 2 2 1 2 m T m T T m m + = + Case – 2 If mass of bodies is equal. m1 = m2 = m, 1
1 2 2 1 2 c T c T T c c + = + Case – 3 if bodies are of same material and equal masses 1 2 T T T 2 + = Thermal Stress The expansion or contraction occurs in solids due to change in temperature develops compressive stress
thermal = Y α ∆Q Y - Young modulus, - Coe of Thermal exp, ฀Q - temp. di erence. Thermal expansion in Liquid The change in volume of liquid relative to vessel; app app V V Y T ∆ = ∆ Yapp - apparent Coe of volume
expansion. Coe icient of apparent expansion apparent a v V Q ∆ ϒ = × ∆ Coe icient of real expansion r v V Q ∆ ϒ = × ∆ Volumetric Coe icients in Liquids (1) When temperature of water increases from 0oC to 4oC, the density
of water also increases and reaches the maximum value at 4oC ANOMALOUS EXPANSION OF WATER HEAT TRANSFER Transfer of heat energy from a body at higher temperature to a lower temperature. Radiation Radiation is
a mode of heat transfer in which the heat is transfer From one place to another without heating of intervening medium Conduction (1) Heat will flow from hot end to the cold end by means of oscillation of particles but
particles but particles do not leave their original position. (2) Medium is necessary. (3) Rate of heat transfer is slow Convection (1) Heat is carried by mobile particles From the body. (2) Rate of heat transfer is slow in free
convection and high in Forced Convection Reflecting Power r Q r Q = Qr = amount of thermal radiation, Q = total amount. Absorbing Power a Q a Q = Transmitting power t Q t Q = Relation between r,a and t, r + a + t = 1
Spectral emission Power (Eλ), Energy E Area time wavelength λ = × × Unit is J/m2 Total emissive Power is total amount of heat energy emitted per unit time o E E d ∞ λ = λ ∫ Emissivity is defined as the ratio total emissive
Power of a body to the total emissive power of the black body. practical block E e E = When the body is in thermal equilibrium with the surrounding the emissivity is equal to the absorptivity . ∝= e, ∝ → absorp�vity , e →
emissivity When the tempe- rature of the black body increases, the maximum intensity shi towards shorter wavelength. “ Rate of heat loss by the body is directly proport- ional to the fourth power of its absolute
temperature.” NEWTON’S LAW OF COOLING “ The rate of heat loss by the body is directly proportional to the temperature di erence of the body and surroundings. O dQ (T T ) dT ∝ − Graph of Newton's law of cooling
Kircho ’s Law Wien’s displacement Law Stefan’s Law A T2 T1 T1 > T2 T(° C) Time (minute) 1000.35 1000.30 1000.25 1000.20 1000.15 1000.10 1000.05 1000.00 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 8 y x Temperature ⁰c Volume of 1 kg of water (
cm³) Temperature ⁰c 1,0000 0,9999 0,9998 0,9997 0,9996 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 x y Density of water ( g cm - ³ ) Thermal properties of matter
11. KINET IC T HEORY OF GASES ASSUMPTIONS IN KINETIC THEORY OF GASES Gas consists of small particles known as Molecules. Molecular of Gas are identical rigid sphere and elastic points mass. Molecular of Gas moves
randomly in al directions with possible velocity. IDEAL GAS LAWs . Pressure, Temperature and volume of Gas are related to each other by following equation, PV = nRT. . P – pressure, V – volume, n – no. of moles; R =
Universal Gas Constant = 8.314 J/mol.k ; T – Temperature. . PV = A m RT m ; PV = A n KT n Boyle’s Law . For Fixed mass, pressure of gas is inversely proportional to volume. . PV = constant, if T = Cosntant . P1 V1 = P2 V2 When
gas changes it’s state under constant temperature. Charlee’s Law . For a Fixed mass, volume of gas is directly proportional to temperature. . V α T; = constant; P = constant. ,When gas change its state under constant
pressure. 3 PV 2 . Gay lussac’s law . For a fixed mass, pressure of a gas is directly proportional to its temperature. . P α T; = constant; V = constant. . When gas change its state under constant Volume. SPEEDS OF GAS
MOLECULES Root Mean square speed: . Square root of mean of square of speed of di erent molecules, Vrms = Vrms = Vavg = Vavg = 2 2 2 1 2 n V V ............... V n + + + 3RT 3P M ∫ 8RT 8P πM π∫ = = Average Speed: . Arithmatic
mean of speed of molecules of gas at given temperature. n I V1 I + I V2 I + ....... + I Vn I Most probable speed: . Speed possessed by maximum number of molecules of gas. o 2RT 2P vmp M = = ∫ SPECIAL RELATIONS . Pressure
exerted by a gas, 2 rms 1 P V 3 = ∫ . Relation between pressure and Kinetic Energy. E = 3 PV 2 RELATION BETWEEN KINETIC ENERGY AND TEMPERATURE . Kinetic Energy = 2 rms 3KT 1 mv 2 2 = Kinetic Energy of Gas molecule. .
K.E = . K.E = 2 rms 1 mv 2 2 rms 1 mv 2 = = 3RT 2 3RT 2m Kinetic energy of one mole of molecule. Kinetic energy of one gram of gas molecule. SPECIFIC HEAT CAPACITY . Specific heat capacity for an ideal gas, P V C C R − = . For
diatomic gas, P V C 5 Y C 3 = = . For diatomic gas, P V C 7 Y C 5 = = . For polyatomic gas, P V C 4 f Y C 3 f + = = + and f is degrees of freedom. . P f C (1 ) R 2 = + V R C f 2 = , , . p V C 2 Y 1 C f = = + DEGREES OF FREEDOM . For
monoatomic gas, F 3 = . For diatomic gas, (a) at room temperature, F 5 = (b) at high temperature, F 7 = . For polyatomic gas, (a) at room temperature , F 6 = (b) at high temperature, F 8 = f degree of freedom. Average
distance travelled by molecules between two successive collision mean 2 1 2 d n λ = π d = diameter of molecules. n = no. of molecules per unit volume DALTON’S LAW OF PARTIAL PRESSURE Total pressure of a mixture of
non – reacting gas is equal to summation of pressure of individual Gasses. P = P1 + P2 + P3 +………..+ Pn LAW OF EQUIPARTITION OF ENERGY . The total Kinetic energy of a gas molecule is equally distributed among it’s all
degrees of freedom. B f U K T 2 = F = degrees of freedom. KB = Boltzmann Constant. . For monoatomic gas, B 3 U K T 2 = . For diatomic gas, B 5 U K T 2 = P PV V V V V/T T V P P/T T P
12. SUP ERP OSIT ION OF WAVES Do p p le r e ect refer to the change in wave frequency due to relative motion between a wave source and its observer. fs = frequency emitted by source → o o s s f f , ν±ν= ν±ν฀
fo = Frequency heared by observer V = Speed of sound Vo = Speed of observer Vs = Speed of source - V0observe= o m/s and Source moving towards observer with speed vs, o s s f f ν= ν−ν Vobserve= o
m/s and Source moving away From observer with Vs o s s f f ν= ν+ν Vobserve= o m/s and observe is moving towards source with speed Vo O o s f f ν + ν = ν Vobserve= o m/s and observe is moving
away From source with speed Vo. O o s f f ν − ν = ν Source and observe both moving towards each other with speed Vs & Vo respectively. O o s s f f ν+ν= ν−ν Source and observer both moving
away From each other with speed Vs & Vo respectively. O o s f f ν−ν= ν+ν Case - 1 Case - 2 Case - 3 Case - 4 Case - 5 Case - 6 → Wave which require a material medium For propagation and to transfer energy
continually are said to be mechanised wave. → Example:- (1) Water waves, (2) Sound Waves Waves in which the direction of disturbance of wave particle is along the direction of propagation of wave. In which the direction
of disturbance is perpendicular to the direction of propagation of wave. Which seems to be at rest due to superposition of two waves having same amplitude, wavelength travelling in straight line in opposite direction.
Which travels continuously in a medium in same direction without changing its amplitude. Example: (1) longitudinal wave, (2) Transverse Waves Waves which do not require any material medium For propagation and to
transfer of energy. Example:- Electromagnetic waves (X – rays, radio waves) Waves associated with Constituents of matter i.e, electrons, protons, neutrons, atoms and molecular are called matter waves Progressive wave
travels continuously in a medium without changing its amplitude. Amplitude is maximum displacement of constituident particles from their equilibrium position. Time to Complete one revolution of oscillation, - S.I. unit is sec
(&) minimum distance between two points having same phase. - S.I. unit = Meter (m) n f T 2 ω = = π Frequency is number of oscillations per second. n = no. of oscillations w = Angular Frequency. - Unit = Hertz (Hz) Angular
frequency is angular displacement of any element per unit time 2 2 f T π ω = = π Unit = rad/sec. Wavenumber is defined as 2π times the number of waves per unit length 2 K π = λ - S.I. unit = rad/m Relation between particle
velocity and wave velocity p aw cos(wt kx ) υ = − + φ w k ω υ = w p tan . υ = − θ ν SPEED OF LONGITUDINAL WAVE (SOUND WAVE) Speed of sound wave B C p υ = B = Bulk modulus, ι = density, For solids, y = young modulus.
Propagation of sound is not an isothermal process. - It is an adiabatic process y.p ν = ∫ P V C y C = - - propagation of sound wave is an isothermal process ∆T = O, P 228 m/s ν = ∫ P = Pressure, ∫= density Speed of sound
wave in tight string T ν = µ T = Tension in the string µ = linear mass density. Phenomenon of increased amplitude when the Frequency of periodically applied force is equal to the natural frequency of system on which it a

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