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Assignment Cover Sheet

Course Details
Subject Code/Title : MPU33023/MPU33423 BUSINESS AND SOCIETY
Tutor’s Name : Hayati Binti Yusof
Tutorial’s Group : T5

Assignment Details
Topic of Assignment: Siemens Malaysia Interview Report

Students’ Details

No. Name Student I.D. No.

1. Amanda Tan Jia Yen 19ABB02688

2. Calvin Tan Jian Jie 19ABB03413

3. Chai Yao Yang 20ABB05945

4. Tan Kim Xiang 19ABB01227

5. Ng Pei Yu 19ABB01415
6. Wong Chong Wai 19ABB04087

Assignment Overall Marks: Marks

Important Note: Submission of assignment is the responsibility of the students.

Appendix 3



Marks Marks
No. Assessment Criteria
Allocation Awarded

a Introduction 10 marks

b Content 25 marks

c Recommendations 10 marks

d Conclusion 5 marks

e Overall Report Format & Structure 5 marks

f Overall APA Referencing 5 marks

Total 60 marks

Convert to 30%


Name and Signature of Marker:

Date: ________________
Table of Contents

Title Page no.

a. Abstract 1

b. Introduction 2-3

c. Discussion 4-6

d. Recommendation 7-8

e. Conclusion 9

f. References & Appendix 10-12

g. Interview Script 13-17

A. Abstract

Siemens Energy Malaysia is a leading provider of sustainable and reliable energy solutions in
the region, committed to delivering innovative technologies that contribute to a low-carbon
future. This report presents an overview of Siemens Energy Malaysia's operations, including
its products and services, environmental sustainability initiatives, and corporate social
responsibility efforts.

Besides, the importance of clean energy solutions in the current global climate was
highlighted, and the role that Siemens Energy Malaysia plays in driving this change. The
company's commitment to sustainability is emphasized, as well as its efforts to collaborate
with customers and partners to deliver solutions that reduce carbon emissions and promote
energy efficiency. The various products and services offered by Siemens Energy Malaysia,
including power generation, transmission and distribution, energy storage, and digital
solutions. Moreover, the company's efforts to minimize its environmental impact through
various sustainability initiatives, such as reducing carbon emissions, conserving resources,
and promoting circular economy principles was stated. Additionally, the report highlights the
company's commitment to corporate social responsibility, including its efforts to promote
STEM education, support local communities, and provide opportunities for employee
development and engagement.

Several recommendations are made for Siemens Energy Malaysia to further enhance its
operations and impact. These recommendations include continuing to invest in research and
development to stay at the forefront of emerging energy technologies, expanding partnerships
with local stakeholders to drive sustainable development in the region, and increasing
transparency and communication about the company's sustainability initiatives and progress.

Siemens Energy Malaysia's commitment to sustainability and its leadership in driving clean
energy solutions in the region make it a valuable partner in the transition to a low-carbon
future. The company's focus on innovation, collaboration, and sustainability, combined with
its strong corporate social responsibility efforts, position it well to continue leading the way
in sustainable energy solutions in Malaysia and beyond.

B. Introduction

Siemens Energy Malaysia is a prominent technology company that offers innovative

solutions in the energy industry. With over 50 years of experience, it has established itself as
a significant player in Malaysia's energy market, focusing on sustainability and digitalization.
The company's extensive portfolio comprises gas turbines, steam turbines, generators, and
electrical systems, alongside digital solutions that optimize power plants and energy
networks. Siemens Energy Malaysia is also involved in renewable energy projects such as
solar, wind, and hydroelectric power plants, offering energy storage solutions to integrate
renewable energy into the grid.

Siemens Energy Malaysia is committed to supporting Malaysia's energy transition to a

cleaner and more efficient future, promoting sustainable development and reducing
greenhouse gas emissions. The company actively participates in initiatives aimed at achieving
these goals, and it is a member of various organizations that support the growth of the energy
industry in the country.

Digitalization is another essential focus area for Siemens Energy Malaysia, and it offers
advanced solutions that optimize the performance and efficiency of power plants and energy
networks. Its portfolio includes digital twin technologies, advanced analytics, and cloud-
based platforms that help customers achieve higher levels of reliability and performance.

In addition to its innovative solutions, Siemens Energy Malaysia provides comprehensive

services throughout the entire lifecycle of its customers' energy assets. These services include

maintenance, modernization, and operation services, as well as advanced training programs to
enhance the skills and competencies of the workforce. The company's services ensure the
long-term reliability and sustainability of its customers' energy assets.

Overall, Siemens Energy Malaysia is a leader in providing innovative solutions in the energy
industry. Its focus on sustainability and digitalization, commitment to renewable energy, and
comprehensive services make it a significant player in Malaysia's energy market (About Us.
Siemens Malaysia., n.d.).

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a management strategy that involves integrating

social and environmental concerns into a company's interactions with stakeholders and
business operations. The concept is designed to balance economic, environmental, and social
goals while addressing shareholder and stakeholder expectations. While charitable giving,
sponsorships, or philanthropy can also help reduce poverty and enhance a company's
reputation, CSR is a broader and more strategic business concept.

Encouraging small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to adopt CSR strategies requires
approaches that consider their unique needs and resources, without harming their financial
viability. A sustainable organization must be financially secure, minimize negative
environmental impacts, and operate in accordance with societal expectations. Key CSR issues
include environmental management, eco-efficiency, responsible sourcing, stakeholder
engagement, labour standards and working conditions, employee and community relations,
social equity, gender balance, human rights, good governance, and anti-corruption measures.

Adopting CSR can provide several competitive benefits, including improved access to capital
and markets, increased sales and profits, reduced operational costs, enhanced productivity
and quality, an efficient human resource base, improved brand image and reputation,
increased customer loyalty, and better decision-making and risk management (What is
CSR? UNIDO., n.d.).

C. Discussion
Types of CSR
Based on the interview, Mr, Ganesan stated that Siemens Energy Malaysia have a unique
called caring hand which fully operated only for CSR purpose, that is Siemens Caring Hand
Plan. Siemens Energy Malaysia will conduct corporate social responsibility twice a year no
matter how big the size was (Siemens, 2020). According to Mr, Ganesan, Siemens Energy
Malaysia has conducted few activities under CSR program in the past three years.
The first major CSR they had done is repair and reformat old laptop to donate to the B40
kids and also what underneath, so they can reuse the laptop and help the family that cannot
afford no need to buy it. Siemens Energy Malaysia has collaborated with a NGO that named
Markov to help them donate all the laptop to B40 family. Siemens also will find a vendor to
help them to reformat all the information inside their laptop before they donate out their
laptop to protect their data privacy. With this, Siemens Energy Malaysia also tend to cut
decarburization by reuse the digital product and save in waste from having it dump into the
dustbin then give it a second life.
The next CSR done by Siemens Energy Malaysia is they also refurnish and donate their
extra furniture to schools that are very well underdeveloped. Based on Mr, Ganesan,
Siemens used to have 10 floors in their building. Along, the way they cut off a lot of floors
where due to the new policy called mobile work from home policy. So, there was a lot of
furniture are being redundant. That furniture has disable by their vendor that works for their
renovation, then the vendor will fix all the furniture that broken before they donate to the
school. Since Siemens are donating to the school, they also will bring some employees with
them, and prepare some small care pack that contain rice, noodle and other daily items to
donate to family that need aids.

Challenges that faced by Siemens while doing CSR.

For those challenges faced by Siemens while ding CSR, Mr, Ganesan stated that they not
really faced some challenges when doing CSR since Siemens Energy Malaysia practice
sustainability a lot. The only challenge faced by them is data privacy. Since Siemens are
donating old laptop to B40 family, they to ensure that all the data inside the laptop is fully
erased so that their information is not in doubt and it's only giving them an empty laptop.
Since they need to delete the entire window to make sure everything inside the laptop is fully
erased, they need to find a vendor to make sure that they have reinstall the windows before

donating out the laptop. This is one of the challenges that Siemens faced during the laptop
donation in terms of furniture.
CSR Strategy
Based on the interview, Mr, Ganesan stated that Siemens Energy Malaysia have a long-term
strategy for corporate social responsibility, that comes under their DEGREE program,
Siemens Energy Malaysia offers is the "Decarbonization and Green Energy Education"
(DEGREE) program, that also one of the main cores for Siemens Energy Malaysia (Siemens,
2020). DEGREE is a long-term program which provides training and education on renewable
energy technologies and sustainable practices. The program is designed to help individuals
and organizations develop the skills and knowledge needed to contribute to the transition to a
low-carbon economy. Siemens Energy is strongly committed to sustainability and strives to
offer innovative solutions aimed at mitigating the impact of energy production on the
environment. The company actively engages in researching and developing renewable energy
technologies, including wind, solar, and hydrogen power, as well as energy storage solutions.
Also, Mr, Ganesan stated that Siemens Energy Malaysia also will conduct CSR activities
twice a year as a long-term strategy, that no matter what, no matter how big is it, but
something to the society.

Sustainable development of CSR

Based on the interview, Mr. Ganesan stated that the company does not have a long-term plan
for the development of CSR. However, the company has developed a programme called
DEGRE, which is more of a sustainability programme. The DEGRE programme is one of the
company's core values. This is due to the company's intention to decarbonize in order to
reduce carbon dioxide emissions by utilising low-carbon energy sources and achieving a
lower output of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere (Engie,2021). According to Mr.
Ganesan's statement, the DEGRE programme is a long-term plan for their company to have at
least two activities per year to help the society, no matter what or how big it is. This is
because they recognise that reducing harmful emissions will not only slow global warming
but will also bring extreme weather events under control and prevent us from reaching a
tipping point from which we will be unable to recover. For the sake of future generations, we
must decarbonize now.

Employee engagement in CSR

Mr. Ganesan stated during the interview that CSR is not part of employees' job descriptions,
but Siemens Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. encourages employees to participate in CSR activities, such
as taking time off during the weekend or working day, and they will be eligible for a half day
working date. For example, if an employee participates in a company CSR activity, the
company will give them one full day off. In fact, Mr. Ganesan has stated that while this is not
mandatory, the company is strongly encouraging them by providing compensation, such as
giving the employee the right to claim or they when they need to leave on another day.
Furthermore, Mr. Ganesan has stated that computers and furniture are primarily concerned
with operational initiative, but one is concerned with employee-level initiative. They already
have whatever laptops and furniture are required for a specific school or neighbourhood. As a
result, they must conduct another donation drive. Collect old clothes, as well as old bags and
furniture. They do all of this for two types of volunteering. First, they request cooperation
from employees. Come to a specific location, collect all materials, and divide them into age
groups, for example, because they want to give different age groups. As a result, they asked
an employee to assist us in sorting by age. That is one of their volunteer programmes.
Second, as Mr. Ganesan mentioned, they visit the schools to which they donate. They may
discover that the majority of the parents there earn less than 1,000 per month. As a result,
they reasoned that they could give them a care package containing rice oil and some basic
mixed cooking to distribute to them. So, they've had their employees assist in sorting the
packaging and distributing it to parents and children in the form of chocolates and stationery.
Importance of CSR
According to Mr. Ganesan, CSR is a critical component of the company's business because of
what it does (Nadia, 2023). This is because they believe that true CSR value comes from the
heart, where it is carried out sincerely. Siemens Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. gives back to society as
much as possible as part of its CSR goal. As a result, Siemens Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. mission is
to empower its customers to transform their industries and markets, thereby transforming the
everyday lives of billions of people. In this case, they believe that going above and beyond
protecting the lives of medical personnel and those under their care is the right thing to do.
CSR is viewed as a link between Siemens Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. and its community. It
correlates directly or indirectly with the company's performance to improve it. Employees
who are eager to assist will be able to drive better results for the company. Employees will
feel happier at work and contribute more energy when they help others through CSR
activities. The company's performance will benefit indirectly in some way. Siemens Malaysia
Sdn. Bhd. has a long history of making a positive contribution to the communities and

environments in which it operates. This is inspired by the company's philosophy, which is
guided by their mission to care for the community and the environment. They hope to
continue to have an impact on the lives of our people and communities, as well as the lives of
people all over the world, through innovation and ideas of caring, sharing, and providing
long-term benefits.

D. Recommendations
Corporate social responsibility, a subset of business conscience, aims to hold businesses
accountable to the community and have a positive impact on it. A company may embrace
CSR strategies by being environmentally conscious and responsible, encouraging justice,
diversity, and engagement at work, treating employees well, giving back to the community,
and ensuring that business choices are moral. Businesses that practice corporate social
responsibility aim to improve their local communities, the economy, and the environment.
CSR is critical to a company's reputation, attractiveness to customers, employees, and
shareholders, as well as its ability to recruit and retain top talent and achieve overall
economic success. To be regarded authentic, a company's beliefs must be incorporated into
both its social and commercial actions. In today's socially progressive society, both
employees and consumers value the collaboration and patronage of businesses that support
corporate social responsibility.

One of the recommendations is environmental sustainability. Siemens should put a high

priority on lowering its carbon footprint and establishing environmentally friendly procedures
throughout all of its activities in Malaysia. This may be done through increasing energy
efficiency, using renewable energy sources, and lowering waste production.

Another recommendation is partnerships and collaborations. To encourage sustainable

development in Malaysia, Siemens can work with other stakeholders including governmental
bodies, non-governmental organizations, and civil society organizations. Together, they may
have a more meaningful effect and provide value for all parties involved. Transparency and
accountability: Siemens should make sure that its CSR activities in Malaysia are transparent
and accountable. In order to do this, it should periodically report on its CSR performance and
interact with stakeholders to solicit their opinions and recommendations for improvement.
(Fogelman, 2023)

Other than that, supply chain sustainability also is a recommendation for Siemens. Siemens
can encourage sustainability throughout its supply chain by collaborating with vendors who
uphold ethical and environmental standards. Through initiatives to create capacity, it may
also assist suppliers in enhancing their sustainability practices. Human rights: Throughout
every aspect of its business in Malaysia, Siemens should uphold and advance human rights. It
can do this by putting in place laws and regulations that forbid discrimination, harassment,
and other abuses of human rights.
Finally, innovation and technology also are a good recommendation for Siemens. Siemens
can encourage sustainable growth in Malaysia by utilizing its creativity and technological
skills. It can create and implement ground-breaking solutions to tackle societal and
environmental problems including poverty, inequality, and climate change.

In terms of overall priorities for Siemens Malaysia's CSR programs, they include supply
chain sustainability, employee welfare, education, community participation, diversity and
inclusion, human rights, and partnerships and collaborations. Siemens Malaysia should
implement a comprehensive strategy for CSR that concentrates on generating lasting shared
value for all parties involved, including as staff members, clients, partners, communities, and
the environment. By doing this, Siemens can strengthen its reputation in Malaysia as a
trustworthy business that supports the nation's sustainable development goals. Overall,
Siemens Malaysia should implement a comprehensive strategy for corporate social
responsibility (CSR) that emphasizes building long-term shared value for all parties involved,
including partners, customers, workers, communities, and the environment. By doing this,
Siemens can strengthen its reputation in Malaysia as a trustworthy business that supports the
nation's sustainable development goals.

E. Conclusion
Siemens Energy Malaysia's CSR program, the Siemens Caring Hand Plan, is an important
aspect of the company's commitment to sustainability and the community. The program,
which is conducted twice a year, aims to reduce waste and carbon emissions while providing
support to the community. The company has conducted several activities under the program,
including repairing and donating old laptops and refurbishing extra furniture for
underdeveloped schools.

The CSR program aligns with the company's commitment to sustainability, digitalization, and
renewable energy, and provides several competitive benefits, such as improved brand image
and reputation, increased customer loyalty, and better decision-making and risk management.
Moreover, the program demonstrates the company's understanding of the community's needs
and provides a platform for the company to address social and environmental concerns in the

Siemens Energy Malaysia's CSR program is a great example of how companies can balance
their corporate goals with social and environmental concerns. The program's emphasis on
sustainability and digitalization demonstrates the company's commitment to long-term
environmental stewardship while ensuring the reliability and efficiency of its energy

In conclusion, Siemens Energy Malaysia's CSR program is a testament to the company's

commitment to sustainability and the community. By adopting CSR, the company is
contributing to Malaysia's sustainable development while improving its brand image and
reputation. The program's success shows that companies can achieve their corporate goals
while addressing social and environmental issues, which benefits not only the company but
also the community as a whole.

F. References

About Us. Siemens Malaysia. (n.d.). Retrieved April 4, 2023, from

Corporate Social Responsibility. Business News Daily. (n.d.). Retrieved April 7, 2023, from

Decarbonization at Siemens Energy. siemens. (n.d.). Retrieved April 7, 2023, from

Energy Business Advisory. Global Website. (n.d.). Retrieved April 7, 2023,

Fogelman, L. (2023, February 20). 5 crucial recommendations for a business to be

successful. Business Success Solution. Retrieved April 7, 2023, from

Sustainability at Siemens Energy. siemens. (n.d.). Retrieved April 7, 2023, from

What is CSR? UNIDO. (n.d.). Retrieved April 4, 2023, from


What is decarbonisation?: Engie. (n.d.). Retrieved April 7, 2023, from


G. Interview Script


Sri Ram Ganesan – Senior Communication Executive of Siemens Energy Malaysia

Amanda Tan Jia Yen – UTAR student

Calvin Tan Jian Jie – UTAR student

Chai Yao yang - UTAR student

Tan Kim Xiang - UTAR student

Ng Pei Yu - UTAR student

Wong Chong Wai - UTAR student

Conversation Script

Calvin: A very good evening to you, Mr. Ram. We are from UTAR FBF, Faculty of Business
and Finance. So, with assignment purpose, the students are Amanda, Calvin, Yao Yang, Kim
Xiang, Pei Yu and Chong Wai will be interviewing you and to talk about some of the CSR
related questions for the company, Siemens. So, coming into the first question, can you
briefly introduce the company's background?

Ganesan, Sri Ram: OK, sure. So, in general it is an electrical and technology company, so
we are in Malaysia for 115 years now and worldwide our company operate for 175 years in
general in all over the world. So, we have about 5 to 600 employees in Malaysia. We are
known as one of the largest German companies and also have a good contribution to our
country economically.

Calvin: Ohh that's seems already a long history company yeah.

Ganesan, Sri Ram: Yes.

Calvin: Yeah. So, moving to the second question, we would like to know how does your
company approach CSR and why do you start this program?

Ganesan, Sri Ram: OK, there's two reasons why we take CSR to a big consideration. Firstly,
whatever we gain back from the society we would like to get back to them. So that's why our
CSR is one of the core elements when it comes to a yearly planning and also budgeting. So,
in general, another contribution that we always make, CSR comes under our Siemens
Caring Hand Plan. That means we have a unique called caring hand which fully operated
only for CSR purpose. So whatever CSR activity we do in Malaysia or any other country in
the world, we will park it under Siemens Caring Hand.

Calvin: OK, Sir can you talk more about the Siemens Caring Hand Program. What are the
activities involving in there?

Ganesan, Sri Ram: OK, for the past three years we have few activities we have conducted
under CSR program. One is like if you notice, right? All of our old laptops, we always scrap
it. So, what we plan to do is, we find an NGO called Markov. We collaborate with them, we
repair our old laptops and give back to the B40 kids and also what underneath, so they can
reuse the laptop. So, it's like a 2IN1 purpose. One, we cut decarbonization. We save in waste
from having it dump into the dustbin then we give it a second life. That’s one of our CSR
activities and the another one. We used to have 10 floors in our building. Along, the way we
cut off a lot of floors where due to our new policy called mobile work from home policy. So,
there was a lot of furniture are being redundant. So, what we did? we donated to schools that
are very well underdeveloped so that it furnishes a second life. So, it can be reused.

Calvin: OK. Yeah. Thank you. So, we move on to the next question. Yeah, what type of
initiative are done? I think sir mentioned just now about the furniture and the technologies
being donated to the B40. So, is it sustainable? Did your company face any challenges while
approaching this CSR?

Ganesan, Sri Ram: In term of the challenges faced on sustainability, no. Because our
company practice sustainability a lot. So, in terms of sustainability, we didn't face any
challenges. The only challenges that we face is like data privacy. So whatever laptop is being

rotated, we need to ensure that all the data inside the laptop is fully erased so that our
information is not in doubt and it's only giving them an empty laptop. This one of the
challenges I would say because we can't give them a laptop with a preinstalled window.

Ganesan, Sri Ram: Because we need to delete the entire window to make sure everything
inside the laptop is fully erased, so we need to find a vendor to make sure that we have to
reinstall the windows so that is one of the challenges that we face during the laptop donation
in terms of furniture. Not really because it's directly with disabled from here. Then we
assemble at the schools that we wanted to donate.

Calvin: Little stuff on the furniture. Do you disable all by your own employees or your
company outsources for other companies to help?

Ganesan, Sri Ram: We did not dispose by our own employees, but our vendors that works
for our own renovation and everything. We ask them to disable for us. Then we pass it the
vendors and then the fixing part was done by the vendor and also the schools by themselves
straight away.

Calvin: Yeah, I understand. So, we move on to the fourth question. So how does CSR
involve in your company?

Ganesan, Sri Ram: Umm, I would say CSR is one of our core values. So, we tried to do a
CSR minimum of one to two in a year. So, we try to have it like every six months one, but in
terms of involvement, there are few types of CSR activity. For example, when it comes to the
laptop, we didn't involve our employees much. We had another CSR activity like the schools
that we donated laptops and also the furnishes, right, we visited them. We bring in about 20
to 30 employees with us. We bring them to the school. We prepare like a small care pack and
then we can give to the school kids. And so, they're like parents if they need aid, we distribute
that that to them. So, this is one of the activities I can share that we have done together with
our employees and also without our employees.

Calvin: Umm. I think sir mentioned something related to the fifth question. So, is CSR
included in all employees’ job description? Is it compulsory for the employees to be involved
in it?

Ganesan, Sri Ram: OK, to answer this question is not part of the employees’ job description,
and it's also not compulsory, but we encourage employees to take part in CSR activity, like
how if you take a time off during your weekend or also, you're working day, you will be
eligible for 1/2 day working date. If you spend 6 hours in our CSR activity will guarantee one
full day off for them. So, it’s not really compulsory, but we strongly encouraging them by
giving them compensation like believe so that they can come, you know so claim or leave
that they can take the leave on some other day.

Calvin: Yeah. So, Sir, is there activities like they can be joined for the employees like they
wanted to be part of this CSR. By just now the tech computer and also the furniture, I feel
that they cannot really be joining in. So, what are the activities that can really be part of it?

Ganesan, Sri Ram: OK, the computer and the furniture was mainly about operating
initiative, but one is an employee level initiative. We have done so whatever the laptop and
furniture that we do need to a particular school or particular community, right? So, what we
did, we need we did another donation drive. Like we collected some old clothes like old bags

and also furniture. I mean not furniture like stationaries and also books. All these we did two
types of volunteering activity. The first one, we ask employee to collaborate. Like, come to a
certain place, collect all the materials and divide into age category, because we wanted to
give to different age groups. So, we asked them to help us to segregate according to the age.
That's the one of the voluntarily program they had done. Secondly, like I mentioned just now,
we went to the schools that we have donated. They may find that most of the parents there,
their monthly salary is less than 1000 again. So, we thought maybe we can give them a care
pack like rice oil and also some basic cooking mixed up. We can distribute to them. So, what
we did we bring in our employees help us to segregate pack and also distributed to the
parents and also the kids like some chocolates and also like some stationaries. OK, so these
are the activities that employee got involved during this time?

Calvin: OK, so I think that also answer the question 6 how does the employees get engaged
in CSR works? Do you have anything to add-on on this question?

Ganesan, Sri Ram: Other than that, when we called for like donation drive right, we send
out e-mail saying that OK, we are collecting donations, stuff. Many employees not only give
them the old items, they are, holding and go. They also buy a lot of new sets. They called us
and asked how many students are we looking at? How many families are we looking at? So,
once we give them the amount, they use their personal money to buy a brand-new set like
stationaries and everything and they pass it to us and ask us to distribute. So, I will say this is
one of our engagements of committed by the employees, by their own.

Calvin: So, sir for the CSR program, is it open for public to join like you are organizing a
giveaway in the school. So, do you invite public to be helping?

Ganesan, Sri Ram: No, it's uh employee basis. We don't really engage in public much.

Calvin: OK, I understand. So, we move on to the seventh question, what is the company's
long term CSR strategy?

Ganesan, Sri Ram: We don't really have a long plan, but actually we do. It comes under our
DEGRE program, DEGRE is more like a sustainability program. That is one of our core
values of our company. So, when come to this DEGRE program, it's DEGRE. So, there's a
decarbonization, all these things, right. So, they ask certain CSR programs and we plan to
conduct. To reduce the decarbonization of the waste and everything, and it's also a long-term
plan that every year we try our best to have at least two activities per year. It's like a
commitment that we have done between the company. So at least two activities for year, no
matter what, no matter how big is it, but something to the society.

Calvin: So, leads to the last question. So, do you think that CSR is important to a company's
business development? And also, what is the reason for it?

Ganesan, Sri Ram: Definitely, I will personally say CSR is a very important element for a
company business because it's doing 1. Whatever you get back from the society you give
back to them. So, it's kind of saying thank you to the public. Like certain businesses, they say
you get money for what the product you sell, but you give money to certain people that they
may need help. So, in that way, your company can be seen as a company that with a
responsibility, not only money making.

Calvin: OK, so I think. That's quite good enough for us to understand about the companies
that is currently involving in the CSR programs. So, we would like to take a photo with you.
Is it OK?

Ganesan, Sri Ram: Yeah, sure.

Calvin: Can everyone turn on your camera? We just take a quick photo.

Ganesan, Sri Ram: By the way, which year student are you all?

Calvin: We are like most of us are year three students.

Ganesan, Sri Ram: Hmm.

Calvin: We are also coming to our last semester. So, we are graduating this semester. This
might be our last semester.

Ganesan, Sri Ram: Oh good.

Calvin: OK. So, I'll count down 321 then. Yeah, quick photo, OK. 321 smiles.

Calvin: OK. Thank you. Mr. Ram, I think that's all from us

Ganesan, Sri Ram: OK, all around of applause. Wish all the best to you all and hope you all
have a good time in your university.

Calvin: Thank you, Sir.

Chong Wai: Thank you sir.

Calvin: Bye bye.

Ganesan, Sri Ram: OK, welcome everybody. Bye bye.


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