Speech 1

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Public Speech Draft - 1

1. Good evening, everyone, Today I am going to Present a Speech about, have you built any
Choluteca bridges in the past or are you building some bridges right now? How did you adapt?
2. So basically, the Author is trying to ask What are those Problems and difficulties, which can
fabricate (make), things you have done, doing, or yet to be done. Useless and pointless.
3. How did you adapt?
4. Means what changes you had made or what changes you are going to make.
5. Before I Begin my speech, I would like to Inform you about Choluteca Bridge, this bridge was
built in Honduras which is a country In North America, have you seen that line Between North
America & South America, Honduras is situated in Middle of that line
6. So, what happened, one day a big storm hits Honduras, and the name of that storm was
Hurricane Mitch, and every single bridge was broken by this huge storm except one bridge and
that is Choluteca Bridge, Choluteca bridge was able to withstand a 5th category storm.
7. but after this Storm this bridge became useless and Pointless, because this bridge was made to
carry road traffic, from one end to another end, and after storm the river has changed its Path,
which no longer ran under the bridge, this change made Choluteca Bridge useless, because now
to cross the river they need to rebuild it or they have to build a completely new bridge.
8. After estimating and analysing my situation I had come to a conclusion that, I had also invested
my time and money in things, which was completely useless for me, when I reevaluated, things
I had done, I have found
9. I had invested my money in a gaming console, and after that I had invested my time playing
games on it, but now I don’t play games on it, which make it Pretty much useless, so I can say
that my gaming console was my Choluteca Bridge.
10. That gaming console wasted both my time and my money, so I decided to change things
11. So how did I adapt?
12. The time I was investing before in playing games, now I use that same time to learn new things,
like for example I am learning English in FEA, how to speak in front of audience, how to write a
speech, how to deliver it, plus I am reading a book, Marketing Management by Philip Kotler.
13. So, I am investing my time in more productive things which will eventually, going to end up as a
positive attribute of mine
14. Thank you for listing me my name is TARUN
15. if anybody wants to contact me this is my Email -- TarunSocials@gmail.com -- just send Hi and I
will replay
16. Goodbye, peace out, Sayonara, have a nice day

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