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Consent Form

Interview/Pitch/Observation Consent Form

Project Title: Case study of LK Tech Solution

Name of Interviewer(s): Kok Wei Li, Hoe Jun Sheng, Ng Chen Seng, Tan Kuan Yue

Name and title of interviewee: Cheong Wen Yi, Customer Service of LK Tech Solution

Brief introduction of the responsibilities of the interviewee: Ms. Cheong Wen Yi work at
LK Tech Solution at age 22. As she has a strong customer service skill on E-commerce
This consent form is to ensure that you have a clear understand the purpose of this interview.
Please read all the information carefully that you agree with the conditions before you decide
to join this interview.

Purpose of the interview: This interview is conducted as part of a case study of Tracey to
learn about the digital transformation. In this interview, we will ask you some questions.
Some questions are related on the company structure and culture of Tracey. Others will be
about the digital transformation operation of Tracey.

Time required: The time required for this interview will take around 30 minutes.

Risks: You are free to stop or withdraw the interview if the questions cause discomfort or

 The interview will be recorded, and a transcript will be produced.
 You can correct the errors in the transcript sent to you.
 the transcript of the interview will be analysed by Kok Wei Li, Hoe Jun Sheng,
Cheong Wen Yi, Ng Chen Seng, and Tan Kuan Yue.
 Access to the interview transcript is limited to Kok Wei Li, Hoe Jun Sheng, Cheong
Wen Yi, Ng Chen Seng, and Tan Kuan Yue, our supervising academic faculty at
UTAR and academic colleagues.
 Any summary interview content or direct quotations from the interview, that are made
available through academic publication or other academic outlets will be anonymised
to ensure your identity and other information of the interview cannot be revealed.
 The actual recording will be kept for research purpose.
 Any variation of the conditions above will only occur with your further explicit

Quotation agreement
I understand that my words may be quoted directly. With regards to being quoted, please read
all the statements to ensure that you agree with all the statements below:

I wish to review all the transcripts or other data collected during the interview.
I agree to be quoted directly.

I agree to be quoted directly if my identity is anonymous.

I agree that the researchers may publish documents that contain quotations by me.

By signing this form, I agree that;

1. My participation in this research is voluntarily. I understand that I can stop or withdraw
the interview at any time;
2. The transcribed interview or extracts from it may be used as described above;
3. I have read and understood the information provided above;
4. I understood that I do not receive any benefit or payment for my participation in this
5. I can request a copy of the transcript of my interview and I may make modifications to
ensure the effectiveness of any agreement made about confidentiality;
6. I have been able to ask any questions I might have, and I understand that I am free to
contact the researcher with any questions I may have in the future.

Cheong Wen Yi

Printed name


Participant’s signature Date


Interviewer’s Signature Date

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