TP Final IA Generative Solution Zidane Saidi El Hassani

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TP final IA générative - Solution

Author: Zidane Saidi El Hassani

TP final IA générative - Solution

Author: Zidane Saidi El Hassani

Objectives and Description

1. Discover and evaluate the basic features of various AI tools.

2. Develop practical skills in applying AI technologies.

Students are required to explore and test five AI tools available for free. For each tool, they need to

produce a tangible result, such as a text, image, audio file, video, or presentation, and submit it for

TP final IA générative - Solution

Author: Zidane Saidi El Hassani

Detailed Instructions

1. Selection of Tools:

- Choose five AI tools from the following categories: LLM/Text, Images, Videos, Audio, Chatbot,

Marketing, Presentations, Design.

- Ensure the tools are from different categories for a diverse experience.

2. Creation of Accounts:

- Sign up for a free account on each selected platform.

3. Test and Exploration:

- Explore the basic features of each tool.

- Create a product based on the tool's category: write a text, design an image, record an audio

file, create a video, or make a presentation.

4. Documentation:

- Take notes on each tool regarding ease of use, product quality, limitations of the free version,

and potential applications in your field of study.

5. Submission of Results:

- Submit the generated result for each tested tool. This could be a link to a document, an image,

an audio file, or an online video.

- Include a brief report with your notes and comments on each tool.
TP final IA générative - Solution

Author: Zidane Saidi El Hassani

Solution Implementation

### 1. Selection of Tools


1. LLM/Text: OpenAI's ChatGPT

2. Images: DALL-E

3. Videos: Lumen5

4. Audio: Audacity

5. Presentations: Canva

### 2. Creation of Accounts

- **ChatGPT:**

- **DALL-E:**

- **Lumen5:**

- **Audacity:**

- **Canva:**

### 3. Test and Exploration

#### Tool 1: ChatGPT (LLM/Text)

1. **Functionality:** Generate a short story or article.

2. **Output:**
TP final IA générative - Solution

Author: Zidane Saidi El Hassani

Title: The Future of AI in Everyday Life

As AI technology advances, its presence in everyday life becomes increasingly prominent. From

smart home devices to personalized recommendations, AI is transforming how we interact with the


#### Tool 2: DALL-E (Images)

1. **Functionality:** Create an image based on a text prompt.

2. **Output:**

- **Prompt:** "A futuristic cityscape at sunset"

- **Image:** (Generated image based on the prompt)

#### Tool 3: Lumen5 (Videos)

1. **Functionality:** Create a short video using text input.

2. **Output:**

- **Script:** "Exploring the Wonders of AI"

- **Video:** (Generated video link)

#### Tool 4: Audacity (Audio)

1. **Functionality:** Record and edit an audio file.

2. **Output:**

- **Audio:** "Introduction to AI" (Recorded and edited file)

#### Tool 5: Canva (Presentations)

TP final IA générative - Solution

Author: Zidane Saidi El Hassani

1. **Functionality:** Design a presentation on AI applications.

2. **Output:**

- **Presentation:** "AI in Healthcare" (Link to presentation)

### 4. Documentation

For each tool, document the following:

1. **ChatGPT:**

- **Ease of Use:** User-friendly interface, straightforward prompts.

- **Quality:** High-quality text generation, coherent and relevant.

- **Limitations:** Context length limitations in free version.

- **Applications:** Writing assistance, customer service, content creation.

2. **DALL-E:**

- **Ease of Use:** Simple input prompt system, quick generation.

- **Quality:** Detailed and creative images.

- **Limitations:** Limited credits in free version.

- **Applications:** Marketing, design, creative projects.

3. **Lumen5:**

- **Ease of Use:** Drag-and-drop interface, easy text-to-video conversion.

- **Quality:** Professional-looking videos.

TP final IA générative - Solution

Author: Zidane Saidi El Hassani

- **Limitations:** Watermark in free version.

- **Applications:** Content creation, marketing, education.

4. **Audacity:**

- **Ease of Use:** Slight learning curve, powerful editing tools.

- **Quality:** High-quality audio editing.

- **Limitations:** Requires download and installation.

- **Applications:** Podcasting, music production, audio editing.

5. **Canva:**

- **Ease of Use:** Intuitive design tools, vast template library.

- **Quality:** High-quality, visually appealing presentations.

- **Limitations:** Some features locked behind paywall.

- **Applications:** Marketing, education, professional presentations.

### 5. Submission of Results

- **ChatGPT:** [Text Document Link]

- **DALL-E:** [Image Link]

- **Lumen5:** [Video Link]

- **Audacity:** [Audio File Link]

- **Canva:** [Presentation Link]

TP final IA générative - Solution

Author: Zidane Saidi El Hassani

### Sample Report


- **Notes:** Easy to use, generated coherent text. Limited by context length in the free version.

- **Comments:** Great for generating written content and brainstorming ideas.


- **Notes:** Generated high-quality images based on simple prompts. Limited credits available.

- **Comments:** Excellent tool for creative and design purposes.


- **Notes:** Intuitive interface, quick video creation from text. Watermark present in free version.

- **Comments:** Useful for creating engaging video content quickly.


- **Notes:** Powerful audio editing capabilities with a steeper learning curve.

- **Comments:** Ideal for detailed audio editing and production tasks.


- **Notes:** User-friendly design tools, great template variety. Some features require payment.

- **Comments:** Perfect for creating professional-looking presentations and graphics.

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