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Physics 1- Grade 10

Chapter 3: Acceleration and Accelerated Motion

3.4 Free-Fall


Name: ________________________________ Class: ______________________ date: _____________

Question 1: Choose the correct answer for each of the following questions.
______ 1. An object in free fall
a. experiences no air resistance.
b. undergoes a downward acceleration.
c. has an acceleration with a magnitude of 9.81 m/s2 near Earth’s surface.
d. all of the above
______ 2. The displacement of an object undergoing free fall from rest is proportional to
a. 2t. c. (t)2.
b. t. d. (2t)2.
_____ 3. All objects in free fall move under the effect of
a. Gravity only
b. Gravity and air resistance
c. Gravity and friction
d. Friction and air resistance

Question 2:
The John Hancock Center in Chicago is the tallest building in the United States in which there
are residential apartments. The Hancock Center is 343 m tall. Suppose a resident accidentally
causes a chunk of ice to fall from the roof.
a. What would be the velocity of the ice as it hits the ground? Neglect air resistance.

b. How long does it take the chunk to reach the ground?

2 (343)
√ = 8.36 s

Physics 1- Grade 10

Chapter 4: Motion in Two Dimension

4.1 Vectors in Physics


Name: ________________________________ Class: ______________________ date: _____________

Question 1: Choose the correct answer for each of the following questions.

_____ 1. In a school playground, a child runs 5 m in the x-direction and then

2.0 m in the −y-direction. Which of the following expressions represents the
magnitude of the child’s resultant displacement?

_____ 2. The projection of a vector along the axes of a coordinate system is called
a. a component of the vector.
b. a tangent of the vector.
c. the resultant of the vector.
d. the magnitude of the vector.
_____ 3. In a diagram, the length of a vector arrow represents the
a. type of vector.
b. direction of the vector.
c. magnitude of the vector.
d. cause of the vector.
_____ 4. Which of the following quantities used to describe motion is an example of a
vector quantity?
a. distance
b. speed
c. time
d. average velocity

Question 2: As an airplane descends toward an airport, it drops a vertical distance of 24

m and moves forward a horizontal distance of 320 m. What is the displacement of the
plane during this time? Show magnitude and direction.

Displacement = √(𝛥𝑥)2 + (𝛥𝑦)2 = √3202 + 242 = 320.9 m

𝛥𝑦 24
Ꝋ = tan−1 ( 𝛥𝑥 ) = tan−1 ( 320) = 4.3 °

Physics 1- Grade 10

Chapter 5: Newton’s Laws of Motion

5.1 Newton’s Laws of Motion

Revision Sheet

Name: ________________________________ Class: ______________________ date: _____________

Question 1: Choose the correct answer for each of the following sentences.

_____ 1. In an action-reaction pair, the

a. action force is exerted first.
b. action force and the reaction force are equal in magnitude and act in the same
c. action force and the reaction force are contact forces only.
d. action force and the reaction force act on two different objects.
_____ 2. A batter strikes a baseball with a bat. Identify an action-reaction pair and describe
the forces exerted by each.
a. The batter exerts a force on the bat; the ball exerts a force on the bat.
b. The batter exerts a force on the bat; the bat exerts a force on the batter.
c. The bat exerts a force on the batter; the bat exerts a force on the ball.
d. The ball exerts a force on the bat; the bat exerts a force on the batter.
_____ 3. In interactions of action-reaction pairs involving Earth and everyday objects, the
effect on Earth’s motion is often negligible because
a. field forces do not obey Newton’s third law.
b. Earth has great inertia.
c. everyday objects cannot exert forces on Earth.
d. all of the above
_____ 4. In which situation is the net force acting on a car zero?
a. The car increases speed and changes direction.
b. The car increases speed but does not change direction.
c. The car maintains its speed but changes direction.
d. The car maintains both its speed and direction.
_____ 5. Which of the following situations describes inertia?
a. A stationary object tends to resist being moved.
b. A moving object tends to resist a change in speed.
c. A moving object tends to resist a change in direction.
d. all of the above
_____ 6. Which of the following is true of inertia?
a. It is described in Newton’s first law of motion.
b. It is a property of motion.
c. It is measured by weight.
d. all of the above

_____ 7. Two forces act on an object. The magnitude of the net force acting on the object
a. equals the sum of the magnitudes of the two forces.
b. equals the difference in the magnitudes of the two forces.
c. equals the average of the two forces.
d. cannot be determined from the given information.

Question 2: When a rifle is fired, how does the size of the force of the rifle on the bullet compare
to the force of the bullet on the rifle? Explain your answer.

Both forces are equal, according to Newton’s third law action-reaction pairs are equal in
magnitude and opposite in direction.

Question 3: Draw a free body diagram of each object in the given situations.

1. An apple in a free-fall.


2. A toy being pulled by Ahmed with a force of 80N east and pulled by Reem by a force of
60N west.

FR = 60 N FA = 80 N

3. A leaf experiences a force of gravity that equals 10N, and a force of air resistance that
equals 7N east.

Fair = 7N

Fg = 10N

Question 4: compare between mass and weight.

Mass Weight

- Is a measure of the - Is a measure of

amount of matter. gravitational force.
- Cannot be zero. - Can be zero.
- Measured in Kg. - Measured in Newtons.
- Scalar quantity. - Vector quantity.

Question 5: A child tugs on a rope attached to a 0.70-kg toy with a horizontal force of
18 N east. A puppy pulls the toy in the opposite direction with a force 14.0 N.

a. Draw a free-body diagram of the toy.

Fp = 14 N FC = 18 N

b. Find the net force acting on toy.

Fnet = FC – Fp = 18 – 14= 4 N east

c. Calculate the acceleration of the toy under the effect of these forces.
𝐹 𝑛𝑒𝑡 4
a= = = 5.7 m/s2 east.
𝑚 0.7

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