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Efficacy of slightly acidic electrolyzed water on the microbial safety and shelf

life of shelled eggs

Y. T. Zang, Sh. Bing, Y. J. Li, D. Q. Shu,1 A. M. Huang, H. X. Wu, L. T. Lan, and H. D. Wu

Jiangxi Agricultural University, Jiangxi 330045, China

ABSTRACT This study evaluated the efficacy of treatments. A complete inactivation of S. Enteritidis
slightly acidic electrolyzed water (SAEW) for the in- and E. coli on the surface of shelled egg samples resulted
activation of Salmonella Enteritidis and Escherichia from treatment with SAEW at an ACC of 26 mg/L for
coli on shelled eggs as well as studied the shelf life 3 and 4 min, respectively. Almost all of the egg qual-
and internal quality attributes (i.e., weight loss, Haugh ity parameters investigated in the present study were
unit, yolk index, albumen pH, and yolk pH) of eggs significantly (P < 0.05) affected by the storage time.
during storage at 25◦ C. The decontamination test egg As storage time increased, the yolk index and Haugh
samples (freshly laid) were inoculated and immersed unit value decreased, and weight loss, albumen pH, and
for 1, 2, 3, and 4 min in each treatment (i.e., SAEW, yolk pH increased. However, SAEW treatment mini-
acidic electrolyzed water, NaClO solution, and ster- mized weight loss (5.52%) and preserved the albumen
ile deionized water) at available chlorine concentra- and yolk quality better than no treatment at 25◦ C. Rel-
tions (ACCs) of 10, 18 and 26 mg/L. The storage ative to acidic electrolyzed water and NaClO solution,
test eggs (freshly laid) were immersed for 3 min in 4 the advantages of SAEW are reduced corrosion of egg
treatments (i.e., SAEW, acidic electrolyzed water, Na- surfaces and potentially less water and CO2 escaping
ClO solution, and no treatment) and stored for 30 D from eggshell pores. The results highlight the promising
at 25◦ C. The effects of the SAEW on microbiological use of SAEW to enhance the microbial safety and to
qualities and freshness parameters were investigated. extend the shelf life of shelled eggs. Future combined
Decontamination of eggs with SAEW showed an equiv- methods with SAEW and other treatments are also
alent or higher bactericidal effect compared to other needed.
Key words: shelled eggs, slightly acidic electrolyzed water, shelf life, microbial safety
2019 Poultry Science 98:5932–5939

INTRODUCTION of diseases in humans have been caused by Salmonella

and other bacteria from the consumption of contami-
Eggs can be contaminated with many types of mi- nated eggs or their products (De Reu et al., 2008). In
croorganisms during production and thus present a risk 2015, approximately 95,000 food-poisoning outbreak
for the transmission of foodborne disease to consumers cases of Salmonella were registered in the European
(De Reu et al., 2006; Cao et al., 2009; Chousalkar Union, and Salmonella in eggs accounted for 10% of all
et al., 2010). Salmonella and other bacteria can rapidly strong-evidence outbreaks, which were associated with
penetrate the shell and contaminate internal contents the highest number of reported food outbreaks (De
of the egg (De Reu et al., 2008). De Reu et al. (2006) Reu et al., 2008). Therefore, decontaminating eggshells
reported that Staphylococcus warneri, Acinetobacter is required to improve the microbiological safety or to
baumannii, Alcaligenes sp., Serratia marcescens, extend the storage time of the eggs used for human
Carnobacterium sp., Pseudomonas sp., and Salmonella consumption.
Enteritidis were able to penetrate the shell of an Eggs can be contaminated with bacteria, and the
egg most frequently after approximately 5 D. This egg content is an ideal growth medium for pathogenic
penetration may result in the deterioration of egg bacteria, such as Salmonella, Escherichia or Enter-
quality during storage and cause a major economic obacter, which are hazardous to humans (Chousalkar
loss to the poultry industry (Berrang et al., 1998; Cox et al., 2010). Decontamination of the egg surface
et al., 1998; Holck et al., 2018). Numerous outbreaks would be a critical step in reducing foodborne illnesses
(Turtoi and Borda, 2014). Currently, most egg proces-

C 2019 Poultry Science Association Inc. sors utilize chemical sanitization systems to decontam-
Received March 23, 2019. inate the surfaces of eggshells prior to packaging (Cao
Accepted June 25, 2019.
Corresponding author: et al., 2009). Some of these decontamination procedures

include treatments with chlorine and iodine (Berrang index, albumen pH, and yolk pH) of eggs during storage
et al., 2000), boiling water (Himathongkham et al., at 25◦ C.
1999), and hydrogen peroxide (Cox et al., 2000).
However, some chemical solutions have not been com- MATERIALS AND METHODS
pletely acceptable because of chemical residue, limited
effectiveness, and adverse environmental impacts Preparation of Bacterial Cultures
(Cao et al., 2009). Slightly acidic electrolyzed water
(SAEW) with a pH value of 5.0 to 6.5 contains a high The strains of S. Enteritidis (CVCC 2184) and E.
concentration of hypochlorous acid (HOCl), and its coli (ATCC 25,922) were obtained from the China Vet-
application is widely accepted as an environmentally erinary Culture Collection (CVCC, Beijing, China).
friendly sanitization method (Huang et al., 2008; Koide Each bacterium was hydrated according to the manu-
et al., 2009; Zang et al., 2015). facturer’s directions and cultured in tryptic soy broth
In recent years, the use of SAEW as an egg surface (TSB; CVCC, Beijing, China) at 37◦ C for 24 h. Follow-
decontamination method has been met with increas- ing incubation, 10-mL culture was poured into a sterile
ing interest (Cao et al., 2009; Ni et al., 2014). Some centrifuge tube and centrifuged at 4,000 × g and 4◦ C
studies have demonstrated that SAEW could be used for 10 min with a centrifuge (5418R;Eppendorf, Ham-
as a disinfectant in egg processing (Cao et al., 2009; burg, Germany). The supernatant was decanted, and
Ni, et al., 2014). Cao et al. (2009) reported that a re- the pellet was resuspended in 10 mL of 0.1% buffered
duction of 6.5 log10 CFU/g of S. Enteritidis on shelled sterile peptone water (BPW; Beijing Land Bridge
eggs was obtained by SAEW at 15 mg/L available chlo- Technology Company Ltd., Beijing, China), washed 3
rine concentration (ACC) for 3 min. Ni et al. (2014) times and resuspended in 10 mL of the same solu-
also reported that the bactericidal activity of SAEW tion to obtain a final cell concentration of approxi-
on shelled eggs toward Escherichia coli O157: H7, S. mately 8 log10 CFU/mL. The bacterial population in
Enteritidis, total aerobic bacteria, molds, and yeasts each culture was confirmed by plating 0.1 mL portions
was significantly higher than that of chlorine dioxide of appropriately diluted culture on tryptic soy agar
and NaClO solution at an ACC of 80 or 100 mg/L. (TSA; Beijing Land Bridge Technology Company Ltd.,
These findings indicate that SAEW may be an alterna- Beijing, China) plates and then incubating the plates
tive disinfectant to reduce the population of pathogens at 37◦ C for 24 h. The prepared cultures were then used
on shelled eggs. However, some studies reported that in subsequent experiments.
water and many chemical solutions can be detrimental
to the quality of the egg by washing away the cuticle Preparation of Treatment Solutions
surrounding the egg, and cuticle removal may affect the
quality and the shelf life of the product (Berrang et al., SAEW was produced using a nonmembrane genera-
1998; Bialka et al., 2004). tor (Ruiande Biosafety Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing,
Bialka et al. (2004) evaluated the efficacy of acidic China) to electrolyze a NaCl solution (1 g/L) contain-
electrolyzed water (AEW) for the microbial safety and ing HCl (100 μg/L). The SAEW generated was di-
quality of eggs and reported that AEW did not sig- luted in sterile deionized water to obtain different ACCs
nificantly affect albumen height or eggshell strength. (Table 1). AEW was produced by electrolysis of a 0.1%
However, it significantly (P < 0.05) affected the cu- NaCl solution in a chamber with a separating mem-
ticle, which may favor transshell contamination with brane between the anode and cathode using a gen-
bacteria and moisture loss and may shorten the shelf erator (Zhouji Ziyuan Huanbao Technology Company
life of the egg (Messens et al., 2005). Therefore, it was Ltd., Beijing, China). AEW with a pH of 2.50 ± 0.41
necessary to further investigate if SAEW could be used and oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) of 1161.3 ±
to sanitize shelled eggs without affecting the shelf life 3.2 mV and an ACC of 30 mg/L was collected from
of the eggs. These elements are important for practical the anode side of the AEW generator and then di-
implementation of SAEW technology in the industry. luted in sterile deionized water to obtain the different
However, little information is available on the efficacy final ACCs (Table 1). In addition, the NaClO solution
of SAEW to improve shelf life and protect eggs from was obtained from a company (Jinan Xiaosi Technol-
deterioration during storage. ogy Company Ltd., Jinan, China) and then diluted in
The overall objectives of this study were (1) to com- sterile deionized water to obtain the different final con-
pare the efficacy of SAEW and other disinfectants (i.e., centrations of NaClO solution (10, 18, and 26 mg/L)
AEW and NaClO) for inactivation of S. Enteritidis and (Table 1).
E. coli on artificially inoculated shelled eggs with differ- The pH, ORP, and ACC of treatment solutions
ent ACCs (i.e., 10, 18, and 26 mg/L) at different time were measured immediately before each experiment.
points (e.g., 1, 2, 3, and 4 min) and (2) to evaluate The pH and ORP values were measured with a dual-
the efficacy of SAEW treatment on the internal qual- scale pH/ORP meter (CON60, Trans-Wiggens, Singa-
ity attributes (i.e., weight loss, Haugh unit (HU), yolk pore). The ACC was determined by a digital chlorine
5934 ZANG ET AL.

Table 1. Physicochemical properties of sodium hypochlorite solution (NaClO), acidic elec-

trolyzed water (AEW), and slightly acidic electrolyzed water (SAEW) for inactivation of
artificially inoculated shell eggs.

Available chlorine
Solutions concentration (mg/L) pH ORP1 (mV)

Control (deionized water) 0 6.16 ± 0.02a 397.8 ± 4.0a

NaClO solution 10 10.12 ± 0.04b 432.6 ± 2.0a
18 10.24 ± 0.03b 464.3 ± 5.0a
26 10.38 ± 0.04b 478.2 ± 3.0a
Acidic electrolyzed water 10 2.81 ± 0.03c 1097.7 ± 9.0c
18 2.66 ± 0.01c 1132.4 ± 7.0c
26 2.54 ± 0.02c 1156.3 ± 2.0c
Slightly acidic electrolyzed water 10 6.53 ± 0.01d 647.5 ± 3.0b
18 6.42 ± 0.01d 653.2 ± 5.0b
26 6.37 ± 0.02d 675.9 ± 7.0b
Values reported as the means of triplicate measurements ± standard deviation.
Values in each column followed by different lower-case letters in superscripts (a–d) are significantly
different (P < 0.05).
Oxidation reduction potential.

test system (RC-2Z, Kasahara Chemical Instruments of 78 ± 4% for 30 D. Each sample was analyzed on days
Co., Saitama, Japan). The detection range was 0 to 0, 6, 12, 18, 24, and 30 at 25 ± 2◦ C.
320 mg/L. Ten eggs for each treatment were prepared and sam-
pled at least twice.
Bacteriological Analysis of Shelled Eggs Deter-
Design of Experiments mination of S. Enteritidis and E. coli counts on the
eggshell surface was carried out by following a previ-
Preparation of Shelled Eggs Freshly laid, special ously reported method (Cao et al., 2009). Inoculated
class unfertilized egg samples (white shell, from 70-wk- shelled eggs were individually placed in a sterile plastic
old Hy-line W-36 hens) weighing 55 to 60 g were ob- bag containing 500 mL SAEW, AEW, or NaClO solu-
tained directly from the egg company (Qingshan Com- tion at an ACC of 10, 18, and 26 mg/L, respectively, or
pany Ltd., Nanchang, China) and transported to the sterile deionized water (control) for 1, 2, 3, and 4 min.
laboratory under temperature-controlled conditions in The bags were then shaken vigorously by hand at a
a sterile plastic container. room temperature of 25 ± 2◦ C. After treatment, the
The decontamination test eggs were first equilibrated egg sample was placed into a sterile plastic bag, which
to room temperature before testing then sequentially contained 50 mL sterile neutralizing buffer solution, and
washed with tap water and a commercial chlorine- shaken vigorously for 1 min. The viable bacterial popu-
based sanitizer (Beijing Zhenhe Medical Technology lation in the washed treatment solutions and neutraliz-
Co. Ltd., Beijing, China) at an ACC of 30 mg/L for ing buffer solution was serially diluted with sterile 0.1%
1 min, washed with sterile deionized water to com- BPW. A volume of 0.1 mL of each S. Enteritidis and E.
pletely remove the sanitizer, and then air-dried under coli dilution in triplicate on TSA plates and Violet Red
a biosafety hood (DH-920, Beijing East Union Hall In- Bile with Glucose Agar (Qingdao Hope Bio-Technology
strument Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Beijing, China). For Co. Ltd., Qingdao, China) was plated and incubated at
inoculation, eggs were individually soaked into the in- 37◦ C for 24 h. The shell was also weighed to deter-
oculum, prepared by placing 0.1 mL approximately 8 mine the colony-forming units per gram of eggshell +
log10 CFU/mL S. Enteritidis or E. coli suspension into membrane (CFU/g) by following a previously reported
200 mL sterile 0.1% peptone water for 10 min, and ster- method (Bialka et al., 2004).
ilely air-dried under the biosafety hood for 60 min at Weight Loss The weight was established by indi-
a room temperature of 25◦ C to allow bacterial attach- vidually weighting each marked egg using an analytical
ment. The final concentrations of S. Enteritidis and E. balance (YJ-GS-600 g, Shanghai Yajin Electronic Tech-
coli inoculated on the egg surface were approximately nology Co., Ltd., Shanghai, China) with a sensitivity of
6.45 ± 0.24 and 6.27 ± 0.19 log10 CFU/g, respectively, 0.01 g. Weight loss (%) of the eggs during storage was
on average. calculated by subtracting the final weight of the egg
A total of 80 eggs for the storage test were ran- from the initial weight and then dividing by the ini-
domly divided into 4 groups: control (no treatment), tial weight and multiplying by 100 (Caner and Yuceer,
SAEW (30 mg/L), AEW (30 mg/L), and NaClO solu- 2015).
tion (30 mg/L). Each treatment’s immersion time was Yolk Index and Haugh Unit The yolk index is a
3 min. After treatment, eggs were placed in plastic egg measure of egg freshness and is based on the ratio of
trays, marked carefully before storage, and stored under yolk height to yolk width (Caner and Yuceer, 2015).
ambient conditions at 25 ± 2◦ C and a relative humidity Eggs were cracked onto a flat glass surface with a
Table 2. Inactivation of S. Enteritidis on the surface of shell eggs by slightly acidic electrolyzed water, sodium hypochlorite solution
(NaClO), and acidic electrolyzed water (AEW).

Surviving population of S. Enteritidis on eggs (log10 CFU/g)

Available chlorine
Treatment concentration (mg/L) 1 min 2 min 3 min 4 min

Control 0 5.58 ± 0.26a 4.99 ± 0.23a 4.38 ± 0.19a 3.87 ± 0.11a

SAEW2 10 4.47 ± 0.21c 3.35 ± 0.11c 2.16 ± 0.17c 1.08 ± 0.14c
18 3.91 ± 0.13c 2.5 ± 0.15c 1.02 ± 0.21c ND1
26 3.01 ± 0.17c 1.56 ± 0.13c ND1 ND1
NaClO solution 10 4.61 ± 0.06b 3.63 ± 0.18b 2.41 ± 0.25b 1.27 ± 0.17b
18 4.13 ± 0.18b 2.85 ± 0.14b 1.40 ± 0.22b ND1
26 3.51 ± 0.14b 1.79 ± 0.08b ND1 ND1
AEW3 10 4.52 ± 0.16b,c 3.55 ± 0.21b,c 2.34 ± 0.19b,c 1.19 ± 0.09b,c
18 4.05 ± 0.16b,c 2.78 ± 0.22b,c 1.21 ± 0.14b,c ND1
26 3.14 ± 0.12b,c 1.63 ± 0.21b,c ND1 ND1
The data are expressed as the means ± standard deviations.
Within the same column of different solutions at same available concentration, values with different lowercase letters in superscripts (a–c) within
a column were different (P < 0.05), and b,c means no difference with b and c .
Means not detected.
Means slightly acidic electrolyzed water.
Means acidic electrolyzed water.

spatula to measure various internal parameters. The OriginLab Cor., Hampton). Differences between vari-
height and diameter of the yolk were measured using ables were assessed by the Tukey test. Results with
a tripod micrometer (NFN381, Nanjing Mingao Instru- P < 0.05 were considered statistically significant.
ments and Equipment Co., Ltd., Nanjing, China) and a
digimatic caliper (500–150-30, Mitutoyo Co., Kawasaki-
shi, Japan), respectively.
The HU is related to albumen quality and based on Inactivation of S. Enteritidis and E. coli on
a function of the height of the inner thick albumen and
egg weight (Morsy et al., 2015). A fresh, good quality
the Surface of Shelled Eggs by SAEW and
egg would have an HU index of approximately 80, and Other Solutions
an older egg has a lower HU (Yuceer et al., 2016). The Tables 2 and 3 illustrate the survival characteristics
HU was determined from the egg weight and albumen of S. Enteritidis and E. coli inoculated on the surface
height of a broken egg spread on a horizontal plate using of shelled eggs, treated by NaClO solution, AEW, and
the formula (Haugh, 1937): SAEW with respective ACCs of 10, 18, and 26 mg/L for
  1, 2, 3, and 4 min. The initial population of S. Enteri-
Haugh unit = 100 × log h − 1.7w0. 37 + 7.51 tidis and E. coli inoculated on the surface of shelled egg
(1) samples was 6.45 ± 0.24 and 6.27 ± 0.19 log10 CFU/g,
where h is the albumen height (mm) and w is the weight respectively. The bactericidal efficiency of SAEW in-
of the egg tested (g). creased with increasing ACCs and increasing treatment
The parameter, h, was recorded by averaging 3 mea- times at 25◦ C. A complete inactivation of S. Enteritidis
surements carried out at different points of the thick and E. coli on the surface of shelled egg samples was
albumen at a distance of 10 mm from the yolk using the resulted in using NaClO solution, AEW, or SAEW at
tripod micrometer as described above. All the parame- ACC of 26 mg/L for 3 min. Compared to deionized wa-
ters were measured with 3 replicates and were expressed ter, all treatment solutions reduced the population of S.
as means. Enteritidis and E. coli (P < 0.05). The bactericidal ac-
pH Measurement After the yolk and albumen were tivity of SAEW was higher than that of NaClO solution
separated, each egg was placed and homogenized in a at the same ACC (P < 0.05). However, no differences
beaker. Then, pH values of the albumen and yolk were were observed between AEW and SAEW solutions at
measured using a pH meter (SP-2500, Suntex Instru- the same ACC (P > 0.05). Our findings demonstrated
ments Company Ltd., Jiangsu, China). Measurements that SAEW has an equivalent or higher efficiency in
were performed with 3 replicates and average values reducing S. Enteritidis and E. coli present on shelled
were reported. eggs compared to NaClO solution and has bactericidal
activities similar to AEW at the same ACC.
Statistical Analysis The same result was also obtained by Ni et al. (2014),
who reported that the bactericidal activity of SAEW
All experiments had 3 replications for each treatment on shelled eggs for E.coli O157: H7 and S. Enteritidis
and measurement. Mean values of all parameters were was significantly higher than that of NaClO solution
calculated from the independent triplicate trials. Statis- at ACCs of 80 and 100 mg/L (P < 0.05), and no
tical analysis was performed using Origin (Version 9.0, significant sanitization difference was shown between
5936 ZANG ET AL.

Table 3. Inactivation of E. coli on the surface of shell eggs by slightly acidic electrolyzed water (SAEW) sodium hypochlorite solution
(NaClO), and acidic electrolyzed water (AEW).

Surviving population of E. coli on eggs (log10 CFU/g)

Available chlorine
Treatment concentration (mg/L) 1 min 2 min 3 min 4 min

Control 0 5.35 ± 0.23a 4.79 ± 0.16a 4.24 ±0.13a 3.69 ± 0.21a

SAEW2 10 3.45 ± 0.12c 2.91 ± 0.14c 1.66 ± 0.05c 0.43 ± 0.02c
18 2.31 ± 0.12c 1.57 ± 0.11c 0.52 ± 0.01c ND1
26 1.21 ± 0.05c 0.27 ± 0.03c ND1 ND1
NaClO solution 10 3.58 ± 0.07b 2.13 ± 0.10b 1.69 ± 0.07b 0.57 ± 0.06b
18 2.55 ± 0.08b 1.64 ± 0.12b 0.69 ± 0.02b ND1
26 1.32 ± 0.02b 0.43 ± 0.08b ND1 ND1
AEW3 10 3.49 ± 0.11b,c 2.46 ± 0.11b,c 1.64 ± 0.07b,c 0.47 ± 0.04b,c
18 2.47 ± 0.13b,c 1.61 ± 0.12b,c 0.53 ± 0.04b,c ND1
26 1.27 ± 0.11b,c 0.36 ± 0.01b,c ND1 ND1
The data are expressed as the means ± standard deviations.
Within the same column of different solutions at same available concentration, values with different lowercase letters in superscripts (a–c) within
a column were different (P < 0.05), and bc means no difference with b and c .
Means not detected.
Means slightly acidic electrolyzed water.
Means acidic electrolyzed water.

SAEW and AEW at the same ACC. Cao et al. (2009)

also compared the efficiency of SAEW and other dis-
infectants (i.e., AEW and NaClO solution) to inacti-
vate S. Enteritidis on the surface of shelled eggs and
demonstrated that SAEW with a near-neutral pH value
exhibits equivalent or higher bactericidal activity for
shelled eggs compared to AEW and NaClO solution.
Yoshifumi (2003) reported that the effective form of
chlorine compounds in SAEW was mostly hypochlor-
ous acid (HOCl) because of its near-neutral pH value.
This finding means that SAEW has a higher HOCl con-
centration than AEW and NaClO solution at the same
ACC. Guentzel et al. (2008) reported that the antimi-
crobial activity of chlorine-related solutions depends on
the amount of HOCl present in the water, and it may
be the reason that SAEW exhibits bactericidal activity
equivalent to or higher than AEW and NaClO solution. Figure 1. Effect of disinfectants on the weight loss of eggs. SAEW:
Our findings indicated that SAEW has high bacte- slightly acidic electrolyzed water, AEW: acidic electrolyzed water. Val-
ues shown are means ± standard deviation.
ricidal activity against S. Enteritidis and E. coli for
shelled eggs, and it may be an alternative disinfectant
for shelled eggs. Moreover, previous work has demon- trans-shell contamination with bacteria and moisture
strated that the application of SAEW in food products loss from the egg during storage. To further investigate
could not only reduce the initial microbial load but also if SAEW could be utilized to sanitize shelled eggs with-
extend the shelf life of the food products (Rahman et out affecting the shelf life of the eggs, a more detailed
al., 2013; Mansur and Oh, 2015; Sheng et al., 2018). storage study was of interest.
Duan et al. (2017) evaluated the effects of various dis- Weight Loss Weight loss is an important parame-
infectant sprays on initial microbial load and conducted ter that was used to monitor the changes in the qual-
a shelf-life study of chilled chicken carcasses, and they ity of fresh shelled eggs during storage (Samli et al.,
found that SAEW spray was the most effective treat- 2005). The results of the relative weight loss from the
ment with reductions of 0.47 to 0.83 log10 CFU/cm2 and effects of storage time and disinfectants are shown in
0.49 to 0.96 log10 MPN/cm2 in total viable counts and Figure 1. The weight loss of eggs increased as the stor-
total coliforms, respectively. They found that chilled age time increased for all groups. Similar results were
chicken carcasses treated with SAEW had a microbial reported by Samli et al. (2005), Jin et al. (2013), Morsy
shelf life extension of 2 D compared to the controls. et al. (2015), and Yimenu et al. (2017). They all re-
Sheng et al. (2018) also reported that SAEW treat- ported that weights of the eggs decreased significantly
ment is an effective and promising method to prolong during storage. Moreover, different weight loss findings
the shelf life of beef by approximately 8 D at 4◦ C. in these studies may be due to different storage condi-
However, Bialka et al. (2004) found that EW signifi- tions, temperature, egg size, hen age, and shell porosity
cantly affects the egg cuticle and that effect may favor (Yimenu et al., 2017).

Figure 2. Effect of disinfectants on the yolk index of eggs. SAEW:

slightly acidic electrolyzed water, AEW: acidic electrolyzed water. Val- Figure 3. Effect of disinfectants on the Haugh unit of eggs. SAEW:
ues shown are means ± standard deviation. slightly acidic electrolyzed water, AEW: acidic electrolyzed water. Val-
ues shown are means ± standard deviation.

No differences between the control group, Na- observed between AEW and NaClO solution treatment
ClO solution-, and AEW-treated eggs were observed groups. According to the results, SAEW treatment ef-
(P > 0.05). However, there were differences among the fectively reduced the mass transfer rate (i.e., water and
SAEW treatment group and other groups (P < 0.05). CO2 loss) from the albumen through the eggshell dur-
The average weight loss for SAEW-treated eggs stored ing 30 D of storage. Consequently, this process inhibits
at 25◦ C after 30 D was 5.52%, whereas weight losses albumen liquefaction and water uptake by the yolk and
were 6.51, 6.42, and 6.47% for the control group and the diminishes a reduction in yolk quality. The eggs im-
NaClO solution- and AEW-treated eggs, respectively. mersed in SAEW at an ACC of 30 mg/L for 3 min
Normally, weight loss of eggs during storage is mainly were able to preserve their yolk quality longer than the
caused by evaporation of water and loss of carbon diox- control eggs at 25◦ C.
ide from the albumen through the porous shells (Samli Haugh Unit Changes in the HU for the various
et al., 2005). In our study, the 3 min immersion of the disinfectant-treated and the control (untreated) eggs
egg in AEW and NaClO solution may have caused dete- are shown in Figure 3. The HU decreased in all groups
rioration of the cuticle and pores, resulting in increased during storage (P < 0.05). This result is in agreement
weight loss than SAEW-treated eggs. Relative to other with those of previous publications (Jin et al., 2013;
disinfectant treatment groups, the SAEW-treated eggs Caner and Yuceer, 2015; Yimenu et al., 2017). The
may have reduced deterioration of the cuticle and po- reduction in the HU was induced by the decrease in
tentially slowed weight loss of the egg. Although we did the thick albumen height, which becomes thinner and
not conduct cuticle experiments in the present study, loses CO2 during storage, and it allows the electrostatic
numerous studies have documented that SAEW, with lysozyme-ovomucin complex to rupture, which helps the
a near-neutral pH value, has the extra advantage of pH of eggs increase (Morsy et al., 2015).
reduced corrosion of surfaces compared to AEW and All disinfectant-treated eggs exhibited a higher HU
NaClO solutions (Cao et al., 2009; Zang et al., 2017). than the control eggs during 30 D of storage at 25◦ C
Yolk Index Dramatic deteriorations were observed (P < 0.05). After 30 D of storage, the HU of the
in the yolk index due to the storage time as shown in control eggs was 40.8, while SAEW-, AEW-, and Na-
Figure 2. After 30 D of storage, the yolk index values ClO solution-treated eggs had values of 55.3, 50.7, and
of control eggs were 0.26, while SAEW-, AEW-, and 49.1, respectively. This finding indicates that sterilizing
NaClO solution-treated eggs had values of 0.33, 0.31, treatments minimized egg white thinning during stor-
and 0.30, respectively. The yolk index value, which is age. A similar result was shown by Yuceer et al. (2015),
used as an indicator of freshness, declines as a result who indicated that ozone can slow down the decrease of
of a weakening of the vitelline membranes, reduction the HU (P < 0.05), and the function was increased with
of the total solid, and liquefaction of the yolk caused the increasing concentration of the ozone. Morsy et al.
mainly by osmotic diffusion of water from the albu- (2015) also demonstrated that treatment of unwashed
men during storage (Morsy et al., 2015). Each disin- eggs with antimicrobial pullulan-based coating exhib-
fectant treatment of eggs had a lower yolk index than ited a slightly higher HU than pullulan-based coated
untreated eggs after 30 D of storage at 25◦ C (P < 0.05). eggs. Moreover, the HU index of eggs exposed to SAEW
Furthermore, the yolk index of eggs exposed to SAEW treatment was higher than AEW and NaClO solution
treatment was higher than AEW and NaClO solution after 12 D (P < 0.05), and no difference was observed
after 18 D (P < 0.05), and no significant difference was between AEW and NaClO solution treatment groups
5938 ZANG ET AL.

for the disinfectant-treated eggs during storage (P <

0.05). According to these results, eggshell sterilizing, es-
pecially with SAEW, was helpful to maintain albumen
quality by controlling the albumen pH. There were dif-
ferences among the SAEW treatment group and other
disinfectant groups (P < 0.05). The major reason is
that SAEW may lead to lower deterioration of the cu-
ticle compared to NaClO solution and AEW and poten-
tially slows down the CO2 escape from eggshell pores.
In addition, no differences were observed between the
AEW and NaClO solution treatment groups (P > 0.05).
As shown in Figure 5, overall increases in the pH of
the yolk were observed at the end of all the storage ex-
periments. After 30 D of storage, the yolk pH of the con-
trol eggs reached 6.56, while SAEW-, AEW-, and Na-
Figure 4. Effect of disinfectants on the albumen pH of eggs. SAEW: ClO solution-treated eggs had values of 6.43, 6.45, and
slightly acidic electrolyzed water, AEW: acidic electrolyzed water. Val- 6.46, respectively. There were differences among the
ues shown are means ± standard deviation. SAEW treatment group and other disinfectant groups
(P < 0.05). These findings showed that SAEW treat-
ment was effective in maintaining the pH of fresh eggs
during storage.
In conclusion, this study demonstrated that SAEW
exhibits equivalent or higher bactericidal activity for
shelled eggs compared to AEW and NaClO solutions
and is not only effective in reducing or eliminating S.
Enteritidis and E. coli on shelled eggs but also could
maintain fresh egg quality during storage. Relative to
AEW and NaClO solutions, the advantages of SAEW
are reduced corrosion of egg surfaces and potentially
less water and CO2 escape from eggshell pores. SAEW
can be used to preserve eggs at 25◦ C by inhibiting bac-
terial penetration into the albumen and yolk. Further-
more, the potential of SAEW to preserve the albumen
quality and maintain the yolk index suggests its effi-
Figure 5. Effect of disinfectants on the yolk pH of eggs. SAEW: cacy in preventing egg spoilage. However, although it
slightly acidic electrolyzed water, AEW: acidic electrolyzed water. Val- is an improvement over other disinfectants in terms of
ues shown are means ± standard deviation. eggshell cuticle deterioration, it still causes a slightly
adverse impact. Therefore, new combined methods such
(P > 0.05). This result demonstrated that SAEW treat- as SAEW and coating, SAEW and UV light, or SAEW
ment can preserve albumen quality during storage at and refrigeration storage for extending the shelf life of
25◦ C. eggs also need to be investigated to avoid this negative
pH Measurement As seen from Figures 4 and 5, aspect and to improve the effectiveness of egg preser-
significant increases in albumen and yolk pH were ob- vation.
served with increasing time. Albumen pH can also be
used as an indicator of egg freshness except for the yolk
index and HU (Yuceer et al., 2016). Normally, freshly
laid eggs have an albumen pH that lies between 7.6 and The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial sup-
8.5 (Yuceer et al., 2016), but during storage, carbon port from the National Natural Science Foundation of
dioxide (CO2 ) from the breakdown of carbonic acid in China (31860665).
albumen escapes via eggshell pores, resulting in changes
in the bicarbonate buffer system and increases in the
albumen pH up to 9.6 (Caner and Yuceer, 2015). CONFLICT OF INTEREST STATEMENT
In this study, the albumen pH of untreated eggs The authors declare that there are no conflicts of
at 0 D was approximately 8.21, but during storage interest.
of the eggs, the pH gradually increased to 9.55. For
disinfectant-treated eggs, yolk pH values reached 9.02,
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