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The Delaware Tribe, also known as the Lenape, have a rich history and culture that they continue

to preserve and pass down through generations. Here are some ways they keep their traditions
alive today, explained in a way that’s suitable for a 2nd-grade audience:
1. Storytelling: Elders in the tribe share stories that have been told for hundreds of years.
These stories teach important lessons and keep the history of the Delaware people alive.
2. Language Programs: The Delaware Nation works hard to keep their language, Lenape,
alive by teaching it to children and adults. They use recordings from tribal elders and
provide classes to help people learn1.
3. Cultural Events: They hold events where people can learn about traditional Delaware
crafts, games, and activities. This helps everyone understand and appreciate the way of
life of their ancestors1.
4. Crafts: Making traditional crafts like basket weaving is another way the Delaware people
connect with their past. These crafts are not just beautiful; they’re also a piece of history2.
5. Regalia and Accessories: The Delaware create traditional clothing and accessories,
which they wear to honor their heritage and during special ceremonies1.
By doing all these things, the Delaware Tribe ensures that their unique heritage is not forgotten
and that the legacy of their ancestors continues to be a living part of their community. It’s like a
treasure hunt where they find pieces of their past and keep them safe for the future

These are large festivals

featuring Native American cultures
and dances from across North America.
At Powwows, dancers dress up in beautiful clothes
called regalia.
Regalia is very sacred to Native American people
and should never be copied.
Delaware artists are known for their ribbon work,
which can be found on Lenape regalia.
The patterns symbolize a person's clan or the natural world.
Today, the Lenape live just like many other people
on reservations and in cities and towns
across North America and the world.
Although some of the ways that the Lenape live have changed,
they still practice their culture

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