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TASK Chapter – 01 Nature and Significance of Management

Ch – 02 Principles of Management
Play online : PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT - Crossword Labs
Q1. McDonalds offers ‘Aloo Tikki Burger’ to attract Indian customers, despite being
a multinational food joint. Identify and discuss the characteristics of management
highlighted in the case given.

Q2. Through e-chaupals, ITC aims to change the quality of life and the entire
outlook of Indian farmers. Which objective is being highlighted by this initiative of

Q3. “In an organization, the objective of the marketing department is to increase the
sales by 10% by offering discounts. However the finance department is reluctant to
offer a discount as it means loss of revenue." One of the importance of coordination
helps to resolve this conflict. Identify and explain it.

Q4. Mr. Tanuj is responsible for assigning work to employees and representing their
grievances to Mr. Deepak (Tanuj’s boss). Identify the managerial level at which
Tanuj and Deepak are working.

Q5. Ahlcon International (leading shoe manufacturers) requires less labor hours
and inputs to manufacture a pair of shoes as compared to its competitors. However,
the company always fails to achieve its target production. Whether the Alcon
International is effective and efficient in its working? Can the company be
successful in the long run.

Q6. Mohan lal and his co-workers are employed by Crest Industry. All the workers
keep on working from 8:00 AM to 9:00 PM, without any break in between.
Continuous work has reduced the production level. Management is very worried as
the demand of the product is rising and production level is not satisfactory, in spite
of having a required workforce.
(i) Why has continuous work reduced the production level?
(i) Identify the technique of scientific management, which is required to be observed
in this case?
(i) How can this technique help the Crest Industry in meeting the increasing

Q7. A marketing manager was able to identify a bulk buyer and he was authorized
to give a discount of 10% for credit period up to 30 days and discount of 5%, if
credit period extends beyond 30 days. However, the buyer was insisting on a
discount of 10% for a credit period of 45 days. Due to lack of powers with the
manager, the deal could not be finalized. Discuss the principle, which is

Q8. Sargam Enterprises imports various computer parts from China and assembles
them to make a complete computer. The total work involves three different tasks:
assembling labeling and packing the computer. Each employee of the company
independently performs all the three tasks. As a result, no employee is able to gain
specialization in a particular field and the company is unable to fulfill the orders on
(i) State and identify the principle, which can be followed by Sargam Enterprises to
overcome this problem?
(il) Will the use of this principle enable the employees to gain specialization?
(i) Can the company implement this principle in managerial work also?

Q9. In order to ensure unity of command, Mr. Rajkumar, the factory manager of M/s
Play Kids Pvt. Ltd. (Toys Manufacturing Company), appointed just one foreman (Mr.
Suryavanshi) for the entire production, planning, implementation and control of a
workman. However, Suryavanshi was not competent enough to effectively
supervise both planning and executing functions. It reduced the quality of work and
efficiency of the workman.
(i) Which technique of scientific management is violated in the given case?
(ii) What steps can be taken by Mr. Rajkumar to improve the quality of work and
efficiency of a workman?

(il) This technique is an extension to one of Fayol's principles? Identify the principle.
Q 10. Sitaram, the production manager of X Ltd., wants to increase the speed of
In order to identify and eliminate unnecessary and unproductive movements of
workers in packaging, he installed a movie camera in the factory.
(i) Which technique of scientific management is adopted by Sitaram?
(ii) How can this technique help X Ltd?

Q11. Gangadhar is a worker in Liberty Industries, a shoe making company. He is

regularly provided instructions by one of his superiors. Another superior lays down
the sequence of operations. His speed, efficiency and quality of work are also
supervised by different superiors, who specialize in their respective fields.
(i) Identity the technique of scientific management followed by Liberty Industries,
(ii) What is the significance of having so many superiors on Gangadhar?
(iii) Which principle of Fayol is not applicable in this kind of organization?

Q 13. Shersingh works as a head mechanic in XYZ Ltd (Machine assembling

He requires a number of tools while assembling the machine. To get the tools,
Shersingh has to move frequently to the tool room, which is situated away from the
workplace. Such frequent movements lead to wastage of time and no steps are
taken by the factory manager to eliminate such unnecessary movements of
Shersingh and his co-workers.
(i) Which technique of Taylor is overlooked by the factory manager? (ii) How can
frequent movements be avoided?
(i) What kind of benefits will accrue to XYZ Ltd. after avoiding such unnecessary

Q14. Shersingh works as a head mechanic in XYZ Ltd (Machine assembling

He requires a number of tools while assembling the machine. To get the tools,
Shersingh has to move frequently to the tool room, which is situated away from the
workplace. Such frequent movements lead to wastage of time and no steps are
taken by the factory manager to eliminate such unnecessary movements of
Shersingh and his co-workers.
(i) Which technique of Taylor is overlooked by the factory manager?
(ii) How can frequent movements be avoided?
(i) What kind of benefits will accrue to XYZ Ltd. after avoiding such unnecessary

Q15. An unstable Government is one of the major causes of a weak industrial base.
Identify the key component of the business environment highlighted in the given

Q16. Attractive rates of interest on home loans have increased the demand for
homes and has given a boost to the business of builders and property dealers.
Which aspect of the Business environment is discussed in the given case?

Q17. Parliament of India has made certain amendments in the Consumer

Protection Act,
1986. As a result, business enterprises will have to spend more to maintain quality
standards of their products.
(i) Which key component of the business environment is discussed in the given
(il) Give one more example to show the effect of given environment on the working
of business enterprise?

Q18. "With increase in birth rate and fall in death rate, the infants now have a bigger
share in the composition of the population. It has increased the demand for baby
products, like milk bottles, toys, etc. Identify the component of the business

Q19. The RBI has reduced the bank rate to face the situation of inflation. Identify
the dimension of the business environment?

Q20. "According to the Weights and Measures Act, every edible product should
explicitly bear a green dot for vegetarian contents and brown dot for non-vegetarian
ingredients." Which key component of the business environment is discussed in the
given case?

Identify the topic concerned. (principle, technique or environment)


Q1. Identify the level of management engaged in following activities:

(i) Determine long-term objectives.

(il) Represent workers' grievances.
(iii) Drafting departmental policies
(iv) Strategic decision-making.
(v) Coordination with other departments.
(vi) Laying down broad guidelines.
(vii) Encourage initiative of employees.
(viii) Appointing departmental heads.
(ix) Interpret policies of the top level.
(x) Analyze the business environment. ‘
(xi) Developing a day-to-day work schedule.

Q2. Identify the management function engaged in the following activities:

(i) Grouping various activities, assigning duties and establishing authority responsibility
(ii) Recruitment, selection, training and development of employees
(iii) Monitoring function.
(iv) Formulation of policies and strategies.
(v) Division of activities and creation of organizational structure.
(vi) Supervision and motivation of employees.
(vii) Finding the right person for the right position.
(viii) Comparison of actual performance with standards.
(ix) Management in action.
(x) Manpower planning.

Q3. Which principle is being overlooked by Mohan, a manager, in the following cases:
1. He expects his subordinates to adapt to new environments and working
conditions without giving them time to settle down.
2. He expects his subordinates to work for the happiness and pleasure of being in
3. the organization.
4. He does not distribute the work amongst his subordinates, either according to
5. capability or proportionately.
6. He is very lax (careless) with his fellow employees and subordinates. He does not
give them parameters or rules for reporting to work and completion of
7. assignments.
8. He often speaks to people at all levels, passing on instructions regarding his
department and also other departments.
9. He neither has a system of keeping his equipment nor people at a prescribed
10. place.
11. He expects his colleagues to get work out of subordinates without giving them
any powers.
12. He expects his colleagues to get work out of subordinates and yet has a
differential treatment for each person.

Q4. Name and explain the technique of scientific management which:

1. Helps in establishing interchangeability of manufactured parts and products.

2. Helps in eliminating unnecessary diversity of products and thus results in saving
3. cost.
4. Is an extension of the principle of division of work and specialization.
5. Overlooks the principle of equity.
6. Is in direct contrast to unity of command.
7. Stresses on paying higher wages to efficient employees.
8. Aims to find the most optimum way of doing a job.
9. Determines the time needed to perform a well defined job.
10. Determines movements involved in performing a job.

Q5. Name and explain the principle of management.

1. In which workers should be encouraged to develop and carry out their plans for
improvements in the organization.
2. Which requires judicious application of penalties by the management.
3. Which points out the danger and costs of unnecessary labor turnover.
4. Which aims at securing the loyalty and devotion of the employees by giving them
kind, fair and just treatment.
5. Which says: 'We should not have multiple bosses, as it will lead to divided

(Spiral file -covered- CBSE project)

The following steps might be followed:

1. Students must take any one topic during the academic session of Class XII
2. The project work for each term should be saved in the form of PowerPoint
Presentation or pdf and explained before the entire class. (scan the project and
save the pdf of the project .Email to - BHAVYA FIALOK
3. The project file should contain 30-32 pages.
4. The project will be handwritten.
5. Cover page should project the title, student information, school and year.
6. List of contents. - Acknowledgements, Certificate.
7. Introduction.
8. Topic with suitable heading.
9. Planning and activities done during the project, if any.
10. Observations and findings while conducting the project.
11. News paper clippings to reflect the changes of share prices.
12. Conclusions (summarized suggestions or findings, future scope of study).
13. Appendix (if needed)
14. Bibliography.

Students are supposed to select one unit out of four and are required
to make only ONE project from the selected unit. (Consist of one
project of 20 marks) Read the details
● . Project One: Elements of Business Environment
● . Project Two: Principles of Management
● . Project Three: Stock Exchange
● . Project Four: Marketing

The marks will be allocated under the following heads:

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