History - DPP 01 (English)

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राष्ट्र वादी संस्थांची स्थापना

Q1 List the following institutions in chronological (D) Indian Association

order according to their creation.
Q3 This organization …………….. is known as the first
A) British India Association
political organization in Maharashtra.
B) Bengal British India Society
(A) Indian League
C) British India Society
(B) Indian Association
D) Vangbhasha Prakashika Sabha
(C) Bombay Association
(A) A, B, C,D
(D) Deccan Association
(B) B, C, D, A
(C) D,C, A, B Q4 Which of the following organisations merged
with the Indian National Congress?
(D) D, C, B, A (A) Young Bengal Movement
(B) Bombay Presidency Association
Q2 Before the formation of the National Assembly
(C) East India Association
(Congress), which political organization was
(D) Indian Association
functioning in Kolkata to make it the center of
the All India Movement? Q5 In which year, Landholders' society was
(A) Sarvajanik Sabha established in India?
(B) Mahajan Sabha (A) 1818 (B) 1828
(C) Prarthana Samaj (C) 1837 (D) 1808

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Answer Key
Q1 (D) Q4 (D)

Q2 (D) Q5 (C)

Q3 (C)

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Q1 Text Solution:
Answer (4) : D, C, B, A Established- 1852
Jagannath Shankarsheth, a big businessman
Wangabhasha Prakasika Sabha (1836) - This and social worker in Mumbai, had a great
meeting was founded by the followers of involvement in the establishment of this
Raja Rammohan Roy. This organization used organization.
to discuss, study and send request letters to Purpose- To do the welfare of the country.
the government, review the government Conveying the problems and demands of
policies. the people to the government in a legitimate
British India Society (London, 1839) George way.
Thompson - Closely associated with the Leaders of Hinduism, Parsis, Muslims,
Tagore family. Portuguese and Jews gathered in this
The Bengal British India Society (1843) was organization.
more like a study group than a movement It was the first political organization in
group. Maharashtra.
British India Association (28 Oct 1851) - Q4 Text Solution:
Landholders Society (1838) and Bengal British Answer (4) : Indian Association
India Society merged.
Secretary - Devendranath Tagore and The Indian Association merged with the
President Radhakant Dev. Indian National Congress in 1886.
Q2 Text Solution: He was present at the second session of the
Answer (4) : Indian Association Indian National Congress held in Calcutta in
From the organization 'Indian League' In 1886, Dadabhai Naoroji served as the
established in 1875, 'Indian Association' was President of the Indian National Congress.
formed in 1876. Q5 Text Solution:
Founder - Surendra Nath Banerjee Answer (3) : 1837
Inspired by Joseph Mazzini, the nationalist
leader of the unification of Italy, the The Landholders's Society was the first
organization aimed to create an all-India political association to be started in India
movement. was in Calcutta in 1837. It was established by
Although the members of this organization Dwarkanath Tagore. Its earlier name was
were Bengalis, the Indian Association Zamindari Association. He established it
became the first all-India movement. along with Prasanna Kumar Tagore,
Q3 Text Solution: Radhakanta Deb, Ramkamal Sen and
Answer (3) : Bombay Association Bhabani Charan Mitra.

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