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6 Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Editorial Delhi

The Constitution, a surprise entrant in poll battlefield

he Chakkipat neighbourhood of Agra and changed. Constitutional values provide the election must not be misread as harking back to
in Uttar Pradesh was adorned with basis for challenging discriminatory law. the Mandal politics of yore. There is something
Turnout conundrum flags of B.R. Ambedkar with the tagline
kalam ka badshah (master of the pen),
Historian Rohit De’s book, A People’s
Constitution, offers a powerful account of how
far more significant at play here. The rhetoric of
“changing the Constitution” challenges the very
The low voting percentage in many an allusion to the seminal role of Ambedkar in ordinary citizens have mobilised around principles upon which this country was founded.
drafting the Constitution of India. We spoke to a constitutional principles throughout independent And it is this that is causing dissonance among
States is a cause for concern group of young Jatav men, once a core vote bank
Yamini Aiyar
India’s history to secure rights. Challenging social voters with the BJP’s logic of cross-caste political
of the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP). As the BSP’s is a public policy and economic deprivation and preserving mobilisation. The Yadav voter we spoke to

ith just one phase left in the general
election 2024, a stocktaking exercise graph has trended downward, these men had scholar equality of status are at the heart of India’s articulated this clearly: “The Constitution
on voter participation across the voted for the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in the constitutional project. As former Chief Justice of protects our fundamental rights. It ensures
country reveals a significant dampening in tur- 2019 general election, but they will not support India Y.V. Chandrachud powerfully notes, in the equality between castes and communities.”
nout in this set of elections in comparison to the the BJP this time. The reason, the Constitution — Minerva Mills case, the Constitution provides us The fact that the ordinary Indian is worried
2019 and even the 2014 general elections. There “Dr. Ambedkar means everything to us. We don’t “the obligation of securing to the people liberty about the Constitution is of far greater political
are State and regional level variations — voters in think it’s too easy to change the Constitution, but of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship; significance than the question of who wins the
the east, northeast and many in the south typical- we believe the BJP wants to change the equality of status and of opportunity and the election. Against the backdrop of total dominance
ly voted higher than those in west, central and Constitution.” Neelanjan Sircar assurance that the dignity of the individual will at that the BJP projected at the start of the electoral
north India. Yet, barring some exceptions such as all costs be preserved”. It is when these very campaign, the concerns over the Constitution,
is Senior Fellow,
Telangana and Karnataka, where voter turnout The rhetoric of electoral dominance constitutional values are challenged that the expressed by the ordinary voters, are constitutive
Centre for Policy
registered a small increase from 62.8% to 65.7% Why has the Constitution emerged as an explicit Research Constitution rather than law enters the domain of of growing anxieties over democratic erosion.
and 68.8% to 70.6% among others, there has site of contestation in this election? The mass politics. And it constrains the democratic legitimacy of the
been a general decline in voting across States in proximate trigger was the BJP’s declaration of A young BJP supporter from the Pasi government even if the BJP comes to power
2024. As an analysis in The Hindu revealed, not “400 paar” (a reference to its assertion of community makes this clear. “I am happy with again, as projected.
only was there a dip in turnout in percentage winning 400 seats) and remarks, by some Narendra Modi….. But I absolutely don’t want a
terms, but there was also a decline in voter tur- leaders, early in the campaign, that total electoral Hindu rashtra.” When we ask him what Hindu A mirror to contradictions
nout in absolute terms in 132 of the 485 consti- domination in this election would empower the rashtra means, he responds in one word: But the constitutional discourse, as it is emerging,
tuencies that went to polls in the first six phases. BJP to change the Constitution. Opposition bhedbhav (discrimination). A young Yadav farmer also mirrors the deep contradictions that have
The high number of seats that encountered a dip leaders were quick to mobilise. BSP leader on the outskirts of Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh shaped contemporary politics in India. It is
in voter participation is unprecedented since the Mayawati’s nephew and former BSP national concurs, “The constitution matters because it instructive that even as Dalit voters speak of the
latest delimitation that was conducted prior to coordinator Akash Anand gave rousing speeches. protects us... it gave us reservations. Humein Constitution and rights, the constitutional
the 2009 general election. A closer look at the Indeed, days after Ms. Mayawati sacked Akash Samvidhaan bachana hai (the Constitution must principle of “secularism” and religious equality
numbers shows that there was a significant bump Anand, the Samajwadi Party leader Akhilesh be protected).” was a concern expressed primarily by Muslim
in the total electorate (eligible voters above the Yadav took to X (formerly Twitter) to publicly voters, who spoke repeatedly against
age of 18 years) in 2014, and slight increases in remark that even traditional voters of the BSP are An interplay in north India “Hindu-Muslim” politics. Secularism, via the
2019 and 2024. But it was only in 2024 that voter voting for the INDIA bloc to save the Constitution. The interplay between the Constitution and Constitution, found voice during the protests
turnout dropped dramatically in many consti- The Congress’s Rahul Gandhi has taken to political mobilisation has fundamentally shaped against the Citizenship (Amendment) Act back in
tuencies. symbolically waving a copy of the Constitution at the trajectory of democratic politics in North early 2020, but only among Muslims.
This drop in turnout can possibly be explained his campaign rallies. The Opposition has declared India. Reservations found place in the Arguably, the heightened polarised rhetoric
by political factors. Was there lower enthusiasm this election to be a battle for “saving the Constitution primarily as compensatory adopted by the Prime Minister in recent weeks is
to vote in States which did not feature a strong constitution” and it is having resonance on the provisions to redress historical disadvantage a response to the re-emergence of caste coalitions
contest among the parties in the fray? Does this ground. emerging in the 1990s as the primary with the Constitution as the centre-piece. Hindu
explain the relatively low turnout in Gujarat Scholars make an important distinction The fact that mobilisational tool for asserting representational voters are not blind to the communal nature of
(60.1%, a 4.4 point drop from 2019), where the between constitutional principles and ordinary claims of lower caste groups in the 1990s. The this rhetoric. However, this is not their primary
laws. Constitutional principles frame
the ordinary Modi juggernaut, with its ability to forge a concern. Their preoccupation is primarily with
Bharatiya Janata Party is in a dominant position
fundamental rights and are of a “higher order” Indian is cross-caste coalition, appeared to have shifted the caste-based discrimination and reservations. The
or Kerala (71.3%, 6.6 point drop) where both the
main rivals, the Left and the Congress along with that every citizen must obey. Ordinary laws, on worried about arc by forging a cross-caste, Hindu coalition. For silence around the constitutional aspiration of
their allies, are part of the INDIA bloc nationally? the other hand, are rules, often guided by the Constitution much of this decade, the logic of caste-based secularism remains conspicuous against the
Has inter-State migration been a factor which constitutional principles, that govern society. is of far greater mobilisation seemed to have receded in the backdrop of the deeply poisonous and divisive
possibly explains the low turnout in the northern Ordinary laws, in India, regularly police our political background, allowing the BJP, to introduce and Hindu-Muslim rhetoric that has dominated this
and central States? Bihar, for example, has seen a spaces. They discriminate and are used coercively significance pass the 103rd Amendment to the Constitution election.
significant gender gap, with women voters far by the state in ways that undermine freedoms mandating 10% reservations for economically If the 2024 election is indeed a battle for the
and disempower citizens. Laws that police who
than the weaker sections (EWS) amongst unreserved (read Constitution, then the silences tell us as much
outnumbering men in participation in percen-
you can marry, whether you can use the Internet question of upper caste) categories, to muted opposition. about the critical fault lines that our polity has to
tage terms. Have the heatwave conditions contri-
buted to electors deciding to stay at home? These and what you can eat are some illustrations of who wins The reemergence of the grammar of the confront, as it does of the possibilities of a more
are questions that deserve a closer look at data this. However, these laws can also be challenged the election Constitution, rights and reservation in the 2024 substantive politics of rights and equality.
and the Election Commission of India must play a
role in answering some of them. India has always
enjoyed a higher degree of participation relative
to other electoral democracies and a significant
drop, as seen this year, is cause for concern. Vo-
ter apathy over the longer term can undermine
Still no sign of the language of equity and inclusion
the democratic process itself. People get the go-

vernment they deserve when they vote, and the he general election 2024 is almost nearing Anukrati Nigam accessible to deaf citizens. Despite the RPDA, policy changes mean little in
government they do not deserve when they do its end. Yet, when the Election Our ableism is reflected in how invisible the the face of such lethargy in implementation.
Commission of India (ECI) made the is a data scientist and deaf are in India. The deaf community faces challenges and
not vote.
announcement for the election in March, the long a research volunteer additional discrimination with access to health
at the Association of
video televised and propagated on social media, A headcount in India care as most hospitals in India lack interpreters.
Socially Applicable
stood out for one detail — the absence of sign Research, Pune In the 2011 Census, there were five million Complications increase for mental health-care
language interpreters. This is a small, but hearing-impaired people in India. The National access to the deaf community due to a lack of
significant, example of the ways in which Association of the Deaf counts 18 million. The training in language interpretation. The Mental
everyday life in India excludes Deaf and Hard of World Health Organization estimates nearly 63 Healthcare Act of 2017 promises mental health
Hearing (DHH) citizens. Radhikaa Sharma million Indians to have significant hearing care for all, but it is not effectively implemented,
The last lap India’s push for equity in education, health
care, and rights cannot succeed without
is a research
volunteer at the
impairment. However, they rarely find inclusion
in our lives. Only 5% of deaf children find
with only 250 certified sign language interpreters
and no clear data on ISL-trained mental health
Rafael Nadal’s spirit no longer seems dismantling ableist barriers that exclude DHH Association of Socially themselves in school, and it often takes them professionals.
able to power his body people. Applicable Research, much longer to graduate, thanks to an oralist
Consider the National Programme for Pune course structure. What needs to be done

or a good part of the last two decades, eve- Prevention and Control of Deafness, to prevent Despite government initiatives to employ the The present situation demands diverging from
rything at the French Open seemed like a and treat hearing impairment and provide deaf, they often struggle to secure employment. ableism towards accessibility. ISL should be
prelude to one man’s crowning moment medical rehabilitation. While it is well-structured, Dr. Satendra Protests erupted in 2020 due to recruitment recognised as a language officially, and its use
on the concluding Sunday of the tournament. it does not focus on the quality of life. It discusses Singh favouring those with less than 40% hearing must be naturalised in schools and colleges, for
The year 2024, however, has turned out diffe- theoretical aspects of screening procedures and is a disability rights impairment. Multiple petitions to recognise ISL hearing and DHH students alike. It should be
rently for Rafael Nadal, who had clinched the sin- hearing aid prescription, but does not mention defender and director have been stonewalled, citing the adequacy of the taught by DHH individuals, further buffeting their
gles title on 14 of his 18 prior visits, as he made an the Indian Sign Language (ISL) which is an professor at the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, (RPDA) employment opportunities. The hearing
emotional first-round exit on Monday, losing to integral form of deaf communication. The Social University College of 2016 for preserving and advancing the language. population should be able to practise ISL in
fourth seed Alexander Zverev in straight sets. It Justice Ministry set up the ISL Research and Medical Sciences, This failure, despite several protests, is a covert everyday situations to achieve fluency in the
was only the fourth time in 116 matches that the Training Centre in 2015 officially, but ISL is still Delhi yet overt act of marginalisation. language.
Spaniard had lost on Parisian clay, and the mo- not recognised as an official language. Despite the What does everyday life look like for deaf Health-care systems must be updated so that
ment, more than any in recent times, had a valed- National Education Policy 2020 recommending people? Public transport announcements, TV the deaf population has easy and accessible
ictory feel to it. Ever since he suffered a hip injury the standardised teaching of ISL across schools, shows, directions within public structures, and communication at all levels. DHH patients benefit
at the 2023 Australian Open and missed the rest its use in education systems remains sparse even even calling helplines are made insurmountable from receiving care from language-concordant
of the season, Nadal’s tennis future has been a in schools for the deaf. tasks due to a lack of accessibility. Minuscule physicians. However, the regulatory medical,
huge question mark. The 22-time Major cham- everyday things taken for granted by others dental, and nursing commissions impose
pion has not been very optimistic himself, for he Sign language versus oralism become wars won after years of litigation and significant barriers on DHH individuals aspiring
perhaps knows that at nearly 38, and with an in- The Indian education system still focuses on advocacy. Although Doordarshan pioneered a to health-care professions. Inclusivity will not
jury ravaged body that has allowed him to play “oralism”, where deaf people are taught to use weekly news segment in ISL in 1987, its precedent only make the health-care workforce more
just 12 times this year, the end is near. Yet, that their voices and lip read, instead of using their has not been taken up by private news channels. diverse and inclusive but will also mainstream ISL
has not stopped him from taking to the court hands to communicate. While films, Indian Premier League 2024 cricket interpreters.
with childlike enthusiasm. He played in Barcelo- Most educators in deaf schools are not trained matches and OTT shows have come up with Deaf programming should be par for the
Equity in
na, Madrid and Rome — places where he has col- in ISL. Instead of creating better access and accessible options, we have a lot of slack to pick course across media channels. Channels with
lectively secured 27 trophies — soaking in the remediating marginalisation, the current deaf education, up. English language programming often have
fans’ adulation in what has come to resemble a education system focuses on “rehabilitation”, health care, and Opportunities for the deaf community remain accessible subtitles. However, Hindi and other
much-deserved victory lap. asking the deaf to adjust to their surroundings rights in India limited to housekeeping jobs, wait staff, and data regional languages do not have ISL interpretation
To be sure, Nadal has not closed the door on instead of removing social barriers. An exclusive cannot succeed entry operators. The private sector has or subtitles. Government event announcements
returning to his favourite stomping grounds on focus on oralism has been criticised for creating unless the programmes in place for accessibility and should have live ISL interpreters, a common
the red dirt in 2025. His immediate target is the an isolatory social structure for deaf people in an ableist barriers inclusion with captioning and interpreter feature in several countries. One can hope that
2024 Paris Olympics, whose tennis event will be inherently ableist world. On the other hand, services. However, the government sector has with timely interventions in the right direction,
that exclude
held at Roland-Garros in late July-early August. integrating sign language has been found to help made little progress. Several state- and we may witness real-time ISL interpretations in
But there is little doubt that the ground he once deaf children in cognitive development and Deaf and Hard national-level protests have been mounted by the the next election mandated by the ECI.
guarded with an iron fist is fertile for an almighty prevent linguistic deprivation; over 70 countries of Hearing deaf over the years. Their demands for accessible Finally, more issues exist than are highlighted
jostle to anoint a new king. World No.1 Novak Djo- recognise national sign languages legally, which citizens are education and better employment have been met in this article. The authorities concerned should
kovic, the 24-time Major and three-time French makes education and critical information truly removed with lathi charge or lackadaisical promises. pay heed to the DHH community and its needs.
Open champion, would have been the obvious fa-
vourite if his form had not nose-dived. He is with-
out a title this season and has revamped his en- LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
tire support staff to jump-start his year. Jannik
Sinner and Carlos Alcaraz are both coming in af- A moment for introspection levels, from police officers accordance with the crime, accept bribes and permit electricity safety devices, cinema is catching up with
ter recovering from injuries. Alexander Zverev, Every once in a while, a to even doctors, has with no concession for age. irregularities. It has become which must be checked. the best in the world arena
who won the Rome Masters, seems dialled in but case comes up which shocked the nation. Even Sharada Sivaram, a habit to raise a hue and Kshirasagara Balaji Rao, and securing an armful of
will have to deal with a domestic abuse trial in pa- questions our collective more sad is the extent to Ernakulam, Kochi, Kerala cry only when such Hyderabad awards at Cannes.
rallel. Casper Ruud, who won Barcelona and Ge- conscience, our justice which the parents of the tragedies occur but turn a The win for All we imagine
neva recently, will hope to go all the way after system (or the lack of it) accused are going all out to Safety norms blind eye later. Structures Cranking up as Light is a pointer. The
two straight runner-up finishes at Roland-Garros. and rampant corruption at protect their child. This case There are established fire must have proper fire and Slowly, but certainly, Indian most enthusing aspect is
Among women, three-time champion Iga Swia- all levels. The Pune car should be an eye-opener to safety norms while that young women are
tek is the overwhelming favourite, and is expect- crash case has brought out review the law regarding constructing hospitals, Corrections & Clarifications behind the history-creating
ed to be challenged by Aryna Sabalenka and Co- the extent to which our juvenile offences. Minors are malls, cinemas, apartments A clarification in respect of the Editorial, “Cannes do” (May 28, 2024): In success stories. The
co Gauff. For India, the singles challenge ended system goes to protect the no longer minors given the and other structures. But 2024, Payal Kapadia won the second highest honour or the Grand Prix, but Elephant Whisperers was
prematurely with Sumit Nagal’s loss, but Rohan guilty if they are influential. gravity of the offences they these are often violated by in 1946, when the Palme d’or or the top prize was called the Grand Prix, just the beginning.
Chetan Anand won for his film, Neecha Nagar, along with several other
Bopanna and Yuki Bhambri will aim to fly the flag The unimaginable commit. So, even the builders to save money. films including David Lean for Brief Encounter. Ayyasseri Raveendranath,
high with their respective doubles partners. dereliction of duty at all punishment should be in Government authorities Aranmula, Kerala
Wednesday, May 29, 2024 7

The question of Palestine’s UN membership Walking the tightrope on the liquor policy
The LDF government would do well to forge a political and social consensus first

srael’s war on Gaza has by exercising their veto power, any country’s membership so far.
raised several ethical, whereas no such veto power India supported Pakistan’s
political, and diplomatic applies in the UNGA except that admission to the UN in 1947 and State on a path to total
questions. One diplomatic the decision should be cleared by also representation of the People’s STATE OF PLAY prohibition.
development that has attracted a a two-thirds majority. Republic of China’s in 1971, despite On the other, the hospitali-
lot of interest is Palestine’s When Cold War politics stalled a prolonged border conflicts with G. Anand ty industry has demanded a
renewed application for C.S.R. Murthy numerous admission requests in the latter. more liberal approach. The
membership of the United Nations is former Professor of the UNSC in early years, the UNGA While it is true that the U.S. or software industry has long

(UN). Ironically, its quest is stuck International sought the World Court’s opinion the former USSR/Russian leaked voice message complained that the lack of so-
at the UN Security Council (UNSC) Organization at JNU, on whether the UNGA had the Federation stood in the way of from a WhatsApp cialising venues with alcohol
due mainly to the geopolitical New Delhi. He is the power to admit states in the many applicants’ prospects of group of members of in Kerala makes the State a dis-
calculations of the U.S., which author of ‘India in the absence of the UNSC’s becoming UN members, China is the Federation of Kerala Ho- appointing job destination for
argued that membership should United Nations: recommendation. The Court ruled not free from blame either. After tels Association (FKHA), a po- techies. The government’s re-
follow and not precede a Interplay of Interests in 1948 that the UNSC’s being seated in the UNSC in 1971, werful and rich lobby of bar cent decision to allow the sale
and Principles’
negotiated solution to the recommendation is a prerequisite the People’s Republic of China owners in Kerala, has sparked ment led by Oommen Chandy. of legal alcohol in designated
long-standing conflict. for the UNGA to exercise its power. vetoed newly liberated a controversy in the State. The LDF’s agitation then cost areas in Information Technol-
This is not the first time that Subsequently, the deadlock in the Bangladesh’s membership The voice note, recorded two UDF ministers their Cabi- ogy parks has drawn criticism
Palestine has attempted to obtain UNSC was broken to recommend application. by an FKHA office bearer, pur- net berths, though the conse- from powerful prohibitionist
UN membership. In 2011 too, its all pending applications. This portedly urged bar owners to quent anti-corruption inquiry groups.
request was opposed by the marked successive decades of What is the way forward? pool money to influence the came to nought. In order to balance the de-
veto-bearing U.S. in the UNSC. steady increase of the total Clearly Palestine cannot assume Left Democratic Front (LDF) The current controversy mands of the two groups, the
Since then, Palestine enjoys only membership from the 51 founding full membership bypassing the government’s upcoming liqu- has therefore evoked a sense government has so far walked
non-member observer status. members to 193 today. It would UNSC and the U.S. China and or policy. The message sur- of political déjà vu. The UDF is a tightrope.
This year, in April, after the not be off the mark to note that Russia are apprehensive that such faced days after the Kerala all set to launch anti-govern- Kerala has grappled with
UNSC failed to agree on Palestine’s membership of the UN is bypassing could become a Tourism Department held a ment protests, would be remi- the problem of alcohol abuse
request because of the lone veto invariably viewed as a sought-after precedent for the admission of routine online meeting of sta- niscent of the restive days of for years. Experts have attri-
cast by the U.S. in its capacity as a confirmation of sovereign Taiwan or Kosovo later. In a less keholders, including hotel, re- 2016. buted the State’s relatively
permanent member, the UN statehood of the countries which likely scenario, the U.S. might sort, and houseboat owners. Denying the accusations, high suicide rate, domestic
General Assembly (UNGA) stepped gained independence from foreign refrain from casting yet again its The Leader of the Opposi- the State government says it violence, street crimes, and
in to voice support to the rule or occupation. veto or abstain from voting, as an tion, V.D. Satheesan, who be- perceives a political plot to un- divorce rate to substance
Palestinian application. On May The example of Mongolia is expression of displeasure with longs to the Congress, accused dermine the public’s trust in abuse and addiction. Never-
10, the UNGA overwhelmingly comparable to Palestine’s plea. Israel for ignoring its advice to the government of dangling the LDF’s policymaking. The theless, unreasonably restrict-
adopted a resolution affirming When Mongolia’s membership cease attacks against Gazan the prospect of lifting dry days police have opened a probe to ing the availability of legal li-
Palestine’s eligibility to assume full application was stuck in the UNSC, civilians, thereby paving the way and extending bar timings in establish the motive for the quor for political reasons, like
membership in the UN. It also the UNGA intervened with a for the UNGA’s approval of exchange for sizeable back- FKHA’s fundraising bid. prohibition, has a proven his-
urged the UNSC to favourably resolution similar to what was Palestine’s membership. Israel handers from the liquor lobby. The FKHA has stated that it tory of failure globally. Kerala
consider Palestine’s request. done in the Palestine case, might protest and quit the UN. If He alleged that the FKHA had sought to raise funds from has been no exception. In
suggesting that Mongolia deserves the UNSC stalemate continues, the sought ₹2.5 lakh each from its members to build an office in 1997, for instance, the Con-
Norms and politics a favourable recommendation by UNGA could possibly consider 801 members to raise ₹20 Thiruvananthapuram and not gress government banned the
The UN requires membership the UNSC. Eventually Mongolia keeping Israel out of its crore for the ruling Commu- to bribe the government. sale of arrack. This spawned a
seekers to be “peace loving” states became a member in 1961. deliberations. Such a bold tactical nist Party of India (Marxist). CPI(M) State Secretary M.V. liquor mafia that smuggled in
and to be able and willing, in its move, which is short of Israel’s Mr. Satheesan said corrup- Govindan has said that tweak- spirit from neighbouring
judgment, to carry out the India’s approach suspension or expulsion that tion, and not statecraft or pu- ing the liquor policy was not States.
obligations of the Charter. While India joined 142 member countries would be impractical without the blic good, informed the LDF’s on the LDF’s agenda. “Neither The government can also ill
the criteria were liberally in supporting the UNGA in the UNSC’s recommendation, has policymaking. He also de- the government nor the party afford to ignore fiscal realities.
interpreted, the procedural May 2024 resolution favouring precedents. South Africa in the manded the resignation of Ex- has broached the subject. The Tourism is a significant reve-
threshold laid down for admission Palestine’s case for membership. apartheid era and the Serb cise Minister M.B. Rajesh and UDF is towing a conspiracist nue earner for Kerala. The
turned out to be decisive and India opined that membership Republic of Yugoslavia during the Tourism Minister Mohammad line,” he said. hospitality industry has ar-
difficult, and was dictated by the
This is not the status could enhance the prospect brutal ethnic cleansing era were Riyaz, who, he alleged, were Kerala has one of the high- gued that the “unreasonable
political exigencies of the five first time that of a two-state solution to the barred from participating in the at the centre of the plot. est per capita alcohol con- restrictions” on liquor sales
permanent members (P5) in the Palestine has protracted Israel-Palestine UNGA. Youth Congress workers sumption rates in the country. and bar timings have pushed
UNSC at any given time. As such, attempted to conflict. Notably, India’s position Apart from these theoretical marched to Mr. Rajesh’s offi- The liquor policy has always MICE (meetings, incentives,
membership applications require obtain UN to the membership question is options, accretion of participatory cial residence holding a cash been a politically turbulent conferences, and exhibitions)
recommendation without the membership. In now entirely in line with the privileges to Palestine, just short counting machine and de- and socially sensitive subject. to other “tourist-friendly” des-
express opposition of any of the 2011 too, its approach articulated during the of the power to vote in the UNGA manded his resignation. The On the one hand, the Church tinations like Sri Lanka and
P5 before the UNGA accepts the Nehruvian era — that UN and eligibility to be elected to same machine was used by and Muslim social organisa- Goa. The LDF government
admission request. In other
request was membership should be open to all other major principal organs of the LDF in 2016 as a metaphor tions have always called for a would do well to forge a polit-
words, the UNSC’s opposed by the state applicants without the UN, from September would for liquor policy-related “cor- puritanical liquor policy ical and social consensus be-
recommendation is ruled out if veto-bearing U.S. discrimination. In fact, there is not signal that might cannot become ruption” in the United Demo- aimed at whittling alcohol fore attempting to tweak the
any of the P5 casts a negative vote in the UNSC a single instance of India opposing right in this age. cratic Front (UDF) govern- availability and putting the current liquor policy, if at all.

Many U.S. adults question worth of a college degree: survey F R O M T HE A RC HI V ES

Student debt is mounting and the wages of non-degree holders are increasing

(Chart 2). On the other hand, Re- U.S. plans review of
publicans and those without a col-
lege degree are more inclined to programmes of aid to India
The Hindu Data Team question its value.
The evolving labour market also Washington, May 28: There are now indications

recent report by the Pew plays a critical role in shaping pu- that the United States, whose initial reaction to
Research Center sheds blic attitudes toward college edu- the Indian nuclear test was mild compared to
light on the evolving de- cation. The increasing availability the much harsher criticism voiced in the news
bate in the U.S. regarding the value of well-paying jobs that do not re- media and sections of the Congress, is now
of a college degree. As economic quire a college degree is influenc- engaged in deciding what, if any, further action
conditions are changing and the ing how people view the necessity it should take.
costs of higher education are ris- of a degree. The growth of indus- Reports purporting to originate from official
ing, public opinion on the necessi- tries such as technology and sources here now suggest that the U.S.
ty and benefits of a college degree skilled trades is providing alterna- Administration has called for a high-level
has become increasingly divided. tive pathways to financial stability inter-agency review of all aid programmes to
The report highlights a signifi- and career advancement, making India (No food or economic aid has gone to India
cant improvement in economic college education seem less indis- since 1971, though the aid budget includes a
outcomes for young adults without pensable for some. nominal sum of $75 millions for the next fiscal
a college degree. Over the past de- Chart 3 shows the median an- year. The International Development
cade, the employment rates and nual earnings of U.S. men aged 25- Association is another source from which India
median incomes of this group have 34, working full-time. Since 2014, obtains U.S. money, but the U.S. Congress has
seen a notable increase, narrowing earnings have risen for young men yet to approve the contribution for this
the gap with their degree-holding with some college education as multilateral agency). The New York Times in fact
peers. This trend is reshaping per- well as for those with a high school quotes one U.S. official as saying that “If there is
ceptions of the necessity of a col- diploma. Chart 4 shows the same no cost to India for doing this (conducting a
lege education for achieving eco- for young U.S. women. In the past nuclear test), other countries too will go ahead.”
nomic stability. 10 years, the earnings of women The implication of this remark, if it is true, is
At the same time, the cost of at- with a degree as well as the earn- that if India does not stop further tests, the U.S.
tending college continues to esca- ings of those without have risen. will cut off all forms of aid to India.
late. Tuition fees have surged, The COVID-19 pandemic further The initial U.S. reaction to the Indian test was
leading to greater financial bur- complicated perceptions of higher carefully worded by the Secretary of State, Dr.
dens on students and their fami- education. The shift to online Kissinger, who was at that time in West Asia. It
lies. The increasing student debt learning during the pandemic, merely said that the U.S. was opposed to all
has led many to question whether coupled with the economic down- nuclear proliferation because of the impact it
the long-term financial obligations turn, has led many to reconsider would have on world stability. Despite Pakistan’s
of a college degree are justified by the traditional college experience. efforts, the Central Treaty Organisation’s
the potential economic benefits. Some respondents express con- communique issued here last week also bore the
This financial strain is a critical fac- cerns about the quality and value mark of the absent Kissinger’s call for restraint.
tor in the growing scepticism of online education compared to But since then, a traditionally friendly country
about the value of a degree. in-person learning. The pandemic like Canada, acting with unaccustomed
Approximately half the respon- has highlighted the need for flexi- sharpness, had suspended all aid to India’s
dents in the survey believe that a bility and adaptability in higher atomic programme, and placed under review all
college education is worth the in- education, as students and institu- other forms of aid.
vestment, citing better job pros- tions navigated various challenges.
pects and higher earning potential The report suggests that the fu-
(Chart 1). However, a significant ture of higher education may in- A HUNDRED YEARS AGO MAY 29, 1924
portion remains sceptical, point- volve more flexible pathways. Al-
ing to successful careers attained ternatives to traditional four-year The prickly pear pest
without a college education as evi- college programmes, such as voca-
dence that a degree is not always tional training, apprenticeships, Lands with approximately 40,000,000 acres in
necessary for professional success. and certification programmes, are Queensland and about 6,000,000 in New South
The report identifies differences gaining traction as viable options Wales, are invaded by prickly pear. Cockmeal
in opinion based on political affi- for career development. These are insects have been imported from Ceylon and
liation and educational back- more affordable and targeted ways Northern India to check the plague. Various
ground. Democrats and people of gaining the skills needed for the methods have been adopted to control the
with higher levels of education are workforce and reflect a shift in plants spread including its use as cattle fodder —
more likely to view college as es- how education and employment as material for paper pulp making and alcohol
sential for achieving success are connected. production.
Delhi Wednesday, May 29, 2024
● ●

Text&Context 0
Global turnover of Countries that have The people who died The people killed in The seats reserved by
tech firms under the recognised Palestinian due to heatstroke in India and Bangladesh Delhi University for
ambit of the new bill statehood in the UN Rajasthan due to Remal cyclone single girl child
In $ billion. India’s ‘Digital Spain, Ireland and Phalodi in Rajasthan recorded a The toll includes 12 workers Starting August 1, Delhi University will

30 Competition Bill’ is on the

lines of EU’s Digital Markets
Act 2022. It will apply to firms whose
140 Norway are moving to
formally recognise a
Palestinian state, a step toward a long-held
6 maximum temperature of 49.4
degrees Celsius on May 27, the
India Meteorological Department reported.
38 who died when a quarry
collapsed in Mizoram, which
the government attributed to torrential
1 allocate this seat under a
supernumerary quota in all
undergraduate and postgraduate
digital services have at least 10 million Palestinian aspiration that was fuelled by There is a possibility of surface winds of rains as the storm progressed inland. programmes, marking the first time such a
users locally, bringing some of the world’s outrage over civilian deaths in the Gaza 25-35 kmph in various parts of the State in Cyclone Remal made landfall in India and policy has been implemented. ANI
biggest tech firms under its ambit. REUTERS Strip following Israel’s offensive. AP the next 48 hours. PTI Bangladesh on Sunday evening. AFP COMPILED BY THE HINDU DATA TEAM

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On fire safety regulations in India

What happened at the Rajkot gaming centre and at the New Born Baby Care Hospital in New Delhi? What are the various laws and guidelines which stipulate
rules around fire safety in buildings? How have courts responded to negligence over public safety?


G. Ananthakrishnan 쑽
On May 25, seven babies died
The story so far: in a fire in a hospital for
deadly fire at a gaming centre

newborns in Vivek Vihar, Delhi,
in Rajkot, Gujarat on May 25 leading to the arrest of Naveen
killed at least 32 people, Khichi, owner of New Born
bringing focus back on the Baby Care Hospital, along with
safety of public buildings and venues. The the doctor on duty.
TRP Game Zone carnage unfolded in the
evening, as fire spread inside the 쑽
structure built with a metal frame and The Union of India’s position
sheets, trapping the victims including on fire safety is that the Model
several children. Two inquiries have been Building Bye-Laws, 2016 and its
set up to go into the disaster, one a component Chapter 11 on “Fire
Special Investigation Team (SIT) by the Protection and Fire Safety
State government and another by the Requirements” provides the
Rajkot police. The Gujarat High Court suo necessary framework for State
motu took up the incident and made governments, which bear
responsibility for fire safety
critical observations on the functioning of
under law.
the State administration, following which
the Police Commissioner, Raju Bhargava, 쑽
Additional Commissioner Vidhi
Given that there were 241 fires
Choudhary, and Municipal Commissioner in commercial buildings and 42
Anand Patel were transferred. Rajkot in government buildings in
municipal officials including town 2022, killing a total of 257
planning officers responsible for the people (NCRB data), tightening
prevention of illegal constructions were the implementation of the
suspended, and four people including the provisions of the building code
operator of the game zone, Dhaval and the Model Building
Thakkar, were arrested. Bye-Laws is imperative.

What was the other incident?

On May 25, seven babies died in a fire in a
hospital for newborns in Vivek Vihar,
Delhi, leading to the arrest of Naveen
Khichi, owner of the New Born Baby Care
Hospital, along with the doctor on duty.
Preliminary reports suggested that a large
number of oxygen cylinders stored in the
facility aggravated the impact of the blaze.
In both incidents, the focus is on fire
certification by the authorities, issue of
No Objection Certificates (NOC), and the
failure of authorities to take cognisance of
illegalities that were happening in full
public view.

What fire regulations govern safety? In ruins: A view of the burned down TRP Game Zone in Rajkot. ANI
The Union of India’s position on fire
safety is that the Model Building in place. Chapter 11 of the Bye-Laws causing death by negligence (IPC 304A), Arcade killed over 20 students and led to
Bye-Laws, 2016 and its component clearly lays down fire safety and hurt or grievous hurt by rash or negligent calls for tightening of fire safety in public
Chapter 11 on “Fire Protection and Fire infrastructure requirements for buildings act (337, 338) by the owners of the buildings. After Rajkot, the Gujarat High
Safety Requirements” provides the which are 49 feet in height or more, and cinema, and culpable homicide (304) and Court took note of the Public Interest
necessary framework for State those with low occupancies in various other sections in the case of theatre staff Litigation (PIL) before it, and noted that
governments, which bear responsibility categories, for issue of NOC. and public agency employees, such as the “insult [had been] added to injury”
for fire safety under law. Ensuring In addition, Gujarat’s Comprehensive electricity authority. A transformer of the because its earlier orders had not been
adherence to fire safety norms and Development Control Regulations 2017 electricity authority that was placed complied with by the State government.
standards laid down in Part 4 of the also make it mandatory to get the Chief without sanction and allowed without
National Building Code (NBC) and Fire Officer’s opinion even for a safeguards was thought to have triggered What can be done to get the law
incorporating mandatory provisions in temporary structure. The same the inferno. The owners had to directly enforced?
the process is left to the States. regulations stipulate that all structures for bear responsibility for the wilful The suo motu notice issued by the Gujarat
A structure such as the Rajkot game whatever use must meet fire prevention structural deviations. High Court extends its directions on fire
zone would fall under assembly buildings and safety provisions specified by the Fire Essentially, the court held the owners safety and calls for a government report
of the bye-laws, since it is a venue without Authority, in terms of the Fire Prevention of the property, employees and staff from on action to comply with the
permanent seating arrangements where and Life Safety Measures Act, 2013. In the the electricity agency liable for the Comprehensive Development Control
300 or more persons would gather. The case of the Rajkot game zone, it was built devastating toll in the Uphaar tragedy for Regulations, fire NOCs, periodic checks
definition of assembly buildings is broad apparently as a non-standard structure to violating the law and later for payment of under the Fire Safety Act and issue of
under the regulations. They include any evade regulatory requirements, and the compensation. On June 13 last year, the licences under various Acts. Earlier, the
building or part of a building where “not inquiry would reveal whether it was anniversary of the blaze, the Association State government had informed the court
less than 50 gather for amusement, qualified to be used as an assembly of Victims of Uphaar Tragedy blamed the that 163 hospitals and 348 schools in
recreation, social, religious, patriotic, building offering leisure and judiciary for allowing the Ansal brothers municipality jurisdictions did not have a
civil, travel and similar purposes, for entertainment services. to walk out of jail on a reduced sentence. valid fire NOC. It cited practical difficulties
example, theatres, motion picture In the wake of the Rajkot fire, the and lack of trained manpower and
houses, assembly halls, museums, How have the courts viewed neglect Gujarat High Court taking suo motu infrastructure to achieve full compliance.
skating, rinks, gymnasiums, restaurants, of fire safety? cognisance has led to scrutiny of the Given that there were 241 fires in
places of worship, dance halls, club Among the most high-profile deadly fire enforcement of fire and building laws on commercial buildings and 42 in
rooms, passenger stations and terminals accidents that have led to the loss of life, the one hand, and the identification of government buildings in 2022, killing a
of air, surface and marine public the Uphaar cinema tragedy of 1997 in several unauthorised venues in the State total of 257 people (NCRB data),
transportation services, recreation piers Delhi resulted in the conviction of the hosting leisure and entertainment tightening the implementation of the
and stadia.” Hospitals, custodial and owners of the venue, Sushil Ansal and services. The court was told by the provisions of the building code and the
penal or mental health institutions are Gopal Ansal among others for negligence Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation that a Model Building Bye-Laws is imperative.
institutional buildings, while educational, and tampering of evidence. The death of recent law, the Gujarat Regularisation of Full accountability by the State and
business, industry and specialised uses 59 people who were trapped in the Unauthorised Development Act, 2022 (in enforcement agencies is vital. Temporary
are covered separately. balcony of the hall because of illegally force since Jan 2, 2023) was used by an and ramshackle structures allowed to
During the pandemic, amidst a spate of installed seats and a blocked exit resulted unauthorised game zone to apply for come up in urban and rural areas,
fires, the Health Ministry circulated in a protracted legal battle, with the regularisation. attracting unwary leisure seekers, run the
guidelines on September 28, 2020, families of the victims forming an Gujarat has witnessed more than one risk of setting off deadly fires. They need
stipulating third party accreditation for association to seek justice. The Uphaar terrible fire in recent years. The 2019 fire to be tightly regulated for safety.
fire safety and putting a fire response plan case was prosecuted with the charge of in a tuition centre in Surat’s Takshashila The writer is a Chennai-based journalist.
Wednesday, May 29, 2024 9


Know your
K. Subrahmanian

“Disinterested, uninterested.”
‘Disinterested’ means ‘not influenced
by one’s own advantage, impartial’.
You can go to him for advice. He looks
at every problem objectively. He gives
disinterested advice.
‘Uninterested’ means ‘not interested’.
He’s selfish. He is uninterested in others.
Smita Patil and Girish Karnad in Manthan. SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT In American colloquial English,
‘disinterested’ is used in the sense of
‘uninterested’. In Britain, discriminating

How Manthan’s depiction of class, caste writers and speakers maintain the
distinction between the two words. When
a person is interested in something, he

and gender hierarchies remain relevant

shows his ‘desire to learn or know
something or his involvement in
I am interested in old coins.
I am interested in his welfare.
Restored by the Film Heritage Foundation with 4K technology, Shyam Benegal’s ‘Manthan’ made a splash at the Cannes Film Festival. Ahead of its When you are interested, you show
theatrical re-release, a look at how the landmark film speaks to today’s agrarian economy interest in something or somebody. When
you say that something is interesting, you
mean that something is holding your
Anuj Kumar the milking of caste and class hierarchies their milk. Rao’s educated wife Shanta and fidelity. attention, something is arousing your
to satiate one person’s greed is done away also has a casteist outlook and shows little Naseeruddin Shah’s Bhola represents curiosity. When you say ‘I am interesting,’
fictionalised account of how with. This means reducing the role of the interest in her spouse’s battle against the anguished Dalit, who has almost lost you are paying a compliment to yourself.

A India’s dairy movement took

root, Manthan combines social
drama and commentary to
deliberate on the difficult process of
deepening democracy. Almost five
middlemen who make the villagers
dependent by doling out loans to them in
their time of need and then deciding the
prices according to their interests. This
pernicious cycle of exploitation still
Unpaved roads, lack of basic health
facilities and gender hierarchies are seen
alongside lopsided development shown
through Govind Nihalani’s long shots of
his voice because of feudal structures and
doubts the concerns of the doctor until
Rao shows him the possibility of a level
playing field through the power of vote.
Eventually, when Bhola addresses his
When you say ‘I am interested,’ you are
showing an interest in something or
somebody. There are some who say that
they are interesting when they mean that
they are interested. Others would say that
decades after it made it to theatres, the exists, albeit in different forms, as we the farm and huts with thatched roofs, community to say ‘soch vichari se vote you are an interesting person if, for
title reflects the churning of caste and discovered during the farmers agitation. and the familiar village sounds created by dalna’ (think before you vote), it rings a example, you are deeply interested in a
class that is going on in our participatory Trains that go through Punjab are getting Vanraj Bhatia — all of which disrupt bell. variety of things.”
democratic process even when we have inordinately delayed because a section of stereotypes of village life. Preeti Sagar’s The actor who believes in method once “Low-down (N. C. Chagla, Bombay)”
entered the much-publicised Amrit Kaal farmers are still protesting. “Mero Gaam Kaatha Parey” kept Manthan told this journalist that he lived in a hut, “ ‘Low-down’ as an adjective means
of our freedom from the colonial yoke. Manthan sparks this train of thought alive in memory when Hindi cinema had learnt to make cow dung cakes, and milk ‘abject, mean, dishonourable.’
A product of the times, when parallel because economic exploitation marked by moved on to western shores for a buffalo. He would carry buckets full of He is noted for his low-down tricks.
cinema was building a bridge between art systemic challenges continues to haunt inspiration. milk and serve the unit members to get ‘Low-down’ as a noun means ‘relevant
and commercial movies, director Shyam the agrarian economy and collective The film’s heart is on the left but the physicality of the character right. information.’
Benegal refuses to decorate his cinema action and advocacy for the doesn’t give a blank cheque to bookish The journalist wanted to get the
with false hopes and sermons. He posits empowerment of the underprivileged are idealism and keeps questioning the The power of crowdfunding low-down on the minister’s dismissal.
an outsider into the stark reality of rural seen with suspicion both by the system as motives and gaze of the urban outsider in In 2016, in an interview with this You try to get to the bottom of a thing
life and through him taps into the spirit, well as a section of the community. the rural milieu. Rao’s motives are not journalist, Mr Benegal, while underlining to find out all about it; you go deep
ignorance, and enterprise of village folks. Interestingly, as the locals arrive to only probed by the smarmy Mishra whose that the common Indian has always down.”
Like the innovative idea of receive the suited-booted vet who had milk business is expected to take a hit supported good cinema, said that in “The present continuous or
crowdfunding, Mr. Benegal proposes that gotten down from the train, the first because of the cooperative but also by Manthan the source of funding was much progressive tense.”
social progress and profit can coexist on sentence we hear is, “Maaf kijiye, gaadi Rao’s well-meaning friend Deshmukh more organised and publicised but it was “In colloquial English, the progressive
the same page. On the surface, it is time par aa gayi” (excuse us, the train has (Mohan Agashe) who is not as emotionally not the only time he worked with the is used with ‘hope,’ ‘want,’ ‘wonder’ to
inspired by eminent dairy engineer and arrived on time). Made during the time of invested in the task as Rao is. money of common people to tell their express tentativeness, politeness. ‘I hope
social entrepreneur Verghese Kurien’s Emergency, the film retains its Tendulkar creates an interesting story to a larger audience. you will come’ means that the speaker’s
remarkable experiment but a deeper look independent voice and makes a sharp contrast between the playful city guy In Antarnaad (1991) which was based expectations are high. ‘I am hoping you
reveals the fissures of caste, class, and comment on the dark period for played by Anant Nag and the committed on the Swadhayay movement or will come’ is polite and less demanding.
corruption that are still stopping India democracy when it is said that trains had urban that Karnad essays with his innate self-reliance, the fishing communities of The tone is rather deferential.
from becoming one big cooperative suddenly started running on time. The grace and poise in perhaps his most Maharashtra collected money and I am wondering if you can come
society. train sequence segues into a harsher convincing and heart-moving approached Mr Benegal. Before that in tomorrow.
reality where the vet, after alighting from performance. Both develop a soft corner Susman (1987), handloom cooperatives Are you wanting any assistance, sir?
The narrative a train, refuses to board an overloaded for the village girls, or the honour of the contributed to bringing Mr Benegal’s Can I help you?
The film gives the idealism of youth a horse carriage. community one could say, but their vision of the plight of weavers to life. The The progressive of ‘go’ is used to
chance to blossom. Early in the film, motives are different. tragic irony of the weaver later found its denote a future action.
when protagonist Dr. Manohar Rao Entrepreneurship and caste Bindu played by Smita Patil is a way into Prakash Raj’s Kanchivaram I am going to Bombay next week.
(Girish Karnad) reaches Sanganva village Vijay Tendulkar’s screenplay and Kaifi complex character played with irresistible (2007) as well. She is not going to contest the election.
to build a dairy cooperative, the local Azmi’s dialogues tear open the class and conviction. She seems to be yearning for Before the Film Heritage Foundation The present progressive is also used to
businessman Ganga Prasad Mishra caste structures that make the democratic freedom from the shackles of patriarchy came into the picture with 4K technology, denote events that are likely to take place
(Amrish Puri) who buys milk from process difficult to realise at the but hasn’t developed the confidence and Manthan was digitally restored in 2011 by in the future.
villagers for his private dairy crosses his grassroots. Rao’s insistence on equality the vocabulary to take the next step. Rao, Pixion and Cameo Restoration Sound, He is taking me to a movie next week.
path. Mishra takes pride in building the threatens to disrupt the existing power too, is in two minds. Mr Benegal has and that ‘restored version’ is available on I am buying her a present for her
economy of the village. Rao doesn’t structures in the village. The cooperative beautifully portrayed the unsaid between YouTube. birthday next Sunday.
contest his claim but adds that it is time to is formed but the swaggering Sarpanch the two. Their silences and simplicity However, the poor prints of Susman The progressive is also used to denote a
move on to a more equitable system (Kulbhushan Kharbanda) still insists that haunt us long after the credits roll and and Antarnaad are waiting for an Amul to change of state taking place over a period.
where the arbitrariness of the pricing and Dalits form a separate line while selling question the fundamentals of feminism have a new lease of life. He is getting old.
Our industries are improving.
The difference between (a) ‘He is
friendly’ and (b) ‘He is being friendly’ is
that (a) says that the person is by nature
THE DAILY QUIZ Please send in your answers to friendly; (b) suggests that the person appears to be friendly at the time of
speaking. It is not his nature to be friendly
all the time. He shows a friendly attitude
World Menstrual Hygiene Day is observed every year on May 28. A quiz on the subject at the moment.”
Published in The Hindu on March 3,
Ramya Kannan X Questions and Answers to the previous day’s daily
QUESTION 4 quiz: 1. The only player to have won two editions of the
X What is the word we World Cup as captain. Ans: Daren Sammy
QUESTION 1 know that defines and 2. The players to have won the Cup as wicket-keeper
Cold, winter weather can marks the end of a captains. Ans: M.S. Dhoni in 2007 and Jos Buttler in
exacerbate the painful woman’s reproductive 2022
symptoms women feel years? 3. This country was involved in two tied matches in the
during periods. What is X 2012 edition. Ans: New Zealand
the reason? QUESTION 5 4. This country has reached the semi-finals six times. Ans:
X In 1946, a production Pakistan
QUESTION 2 house that you may 5. The common link between Dirk Nannes, Roelof van der
On an average, how much quite not associate Merwe, David Wiese and Mark Chapman with respect to
blood does a woman’s with the subject made T20 World Cup history. Ans: They have played for two
body lose during a a movie, The Story of different countries
period? Menstruation. It was a 6. The only bowler from a non-test playing nation to pick
X basic explanation of up five wickets in an innings. Ans: Ahsan Malik for The
QUESTION 3 the purpose and Netherlands
The withdrawal of process of 7. This person has stood as an on-field umpire in the most
testosterone in adult menstruation, told number of matches. Ans: Aleem Dar (45 matches)
males can cause largely with Visual: Identify the players and the feat that connects
nervousness, irritability, illustrations, and them. Ans: Rohit Sharma and Shakib Al Hasan are For feedback and suggestions for
lethargy and depression. naturally, avoiding the X the only players to have played in all eight editions Text & Context, please write to
Often referred to as ‘man subject of sex. Can you Visual question: and are in their respective teams for the ninth
periods’, what is the guess the name of the Which hormone is primarily responsible for triggering menstruation? Its chemical edition too with the subject ‘Text & Context’
condition called? production company? formula/structure is illustrated above. Early Birds: Prashant Nain| Abhay Krishan
4 . bl . think

WEDNESDAY - MAY 29 - 2024

WEDNESDAY - MAY 29, 2024

A relook at tariffs, FTAs, GVCs
TRADING GAINS. Merely lowering tariffs and signing FTAs, without improving the business environment, will not help
Formidable brand
The business of cricket has never been better

I n terms of the cricket, the seventeenth edition

of the India Premier League (IPL) may have
ended in a whimper with the Kolkata Knight
Riders beating Sun Risers Hyderabad with nine overs
to spare. But the truth is that the Board of Control for I
n a speech at an industry body
function on May 17, the CEO of
NITI Aayog (CNA) shared
insights on India’s possible path
forward on tariffs, free trade
agreements (FTAs), non-tariff barriers
Cricket’s (BCCI) biggest brand shines brighter than (NTBs), emerging trade issues, the EU's
ever from a brand and commercial perspective. green measures, global value chains
The commercial model is These suggestions ignite a debate
straightforward: the BCCI auctions digital about what is best for India. Let's
and broadcast rights to a couple of entities, examine each suggestion in the light of
prevailing global and Indian practices.
who in turn make their returns from
sponsorship and advertising. The teams get TARIFFS
a share of the BCCI’s revenues, while they CNA said India should pursue low tariffs
fork out huge sums to ‘buy’ their players. to join GVCs. Most trade economists
agree. However, we have both positive
IPL’s commercial success is borne out by its and negative examples of impact of tariff
huge stadium and virtual viewership, which cuts on manufacturing and trade.
has worked well for the gravy train of live Globally, low tariffs led to the
EXTERNAL PUSH. Indian exporters have to navigate through a host of tariff and non-tariff issues /ISTOCKPHOTO
streamers, telecasters and advertisers. shutting down of most manufacturing in
Viacom 18 bagged digital rights to stream the US and EU and increasing reliance
on imports from China. Now, wanting to schemes like the Production Linked exports to EU countries and standard integrate into GVCs. We notice that
matches for ₹23,758 crore over 2023-27. It make critical products at home, the US Incentive, which work on tariff products for rest of the world. despite offering zero-tariff access to
lined up 18 sponsors and 250 advertisers. has regularly increased tariffs and other arbitrage. For instance, smartphones CBAM is one of at least five EU most industrial product imports from
These include Dream11, Tata Motors, restrictions since 2018, especially on have a 20 per cent tariff, while most measures hitting trade. Indian firms ASEAN, Japan, and South Korea for a
PayZapp by HDFC Bank, SBI, Thums Up, Chinese imports. The US now uses high components have 7.5-10 per cent. must comply with EU requirements. But decade, India has not become a
tariffs and subsidies to boost local Today, about 85 per cent of customs government must hit imports from the significant part of GVCs. An important
Britannia, Pepsi, Jindal Steel, Google and manufacturing, a strategy India is also duty collections come from less than 10 EU in equal measure. reason is long port clearance times and a
Parle Products. Disney Star, that owns the adopting. per cent of tariff lines, while the bottom low ease of doing business.
Star Sports network, bagged the TV Indian tariffs are on the higher side 60 per cent of tariff lines contribute less LABOUR, ENVIRONMENT
broadcast rights for 2023-27, for which it compared to developed country than 3 per cent of revenue. With some CNA said that labour, environment, and FREE TRADE PACTS
averages. Over the past decade, India's work, we can reduce the average import similar issues are integral to society, and CNA advocated the need for India to
paid ₹23,575 crore. Star Sports too lined up simple average tariffs have risen from 13 tariff from the current 18.1 per cent to if societal conditions impose standards sign more FTAs with key trade partners.
star-studded advertisers. Disney Star per cent to 18.1 per cent. But a simple less than 10 per cent without affecting in these areas, the Indian industry must The Secretary of the Department for
announced a couple of weeks ago that the average tariff is not a good measure as it important products. An adapt to remain competitive. Promotion of Industry and Internal
TV viewership for the first 51 IPL matches ignores trade values. So, what are inter-ministerial exercise may be carried Higher environmental standards of Trade (DPIIT) also stressed this point.
(out of a total of 74) was a record 510 effective tariffs in India? out to simplify tariff structure and also the US or EU are designed for domestic India has 14 FTAs with 22 countries and
In FY 2023, the government collected avoid adverse global glare. Remember, application in countries with a per capita is now negotiating new FTAs with 49
million. Franchises have built up a ₹2,18,680 crore in customs duties on Donald Trump called India tariff king. income of $50,000. The problem lies in more countries.
committed fan-base over the years. During imports worth ₹57,49,801 crore, forcing countries with a per capita Before moving ahead, we must know
the IPL, a mini-economy of small vendors indicating an effective import tariff of EU’S CARBON TAX income of $2,000 to adopt these, which if our past FTAs have benefited us and if
comes into being. 3.8 per cent. This rate is low because CNA said the EU CBAM is not intended will halt most economic activities. there are lessons from these in new
imports used as inputs for exports are to hinder trade and urged domestic Developed countries often use these FTAs.
IPL has not only changed domestic not charged a tariff, but tariffs are high industries to adapt to these changes to standards to restrict trade. For instance, Trade economists suggest that to
cricket, spawning various local and State for the same products when imported remain competitive. Let us see the the United States-Mexico-Canada boost growth, a country should lower
level T20 leagues, it has also served as a for domestic use. counterpoint. Agreement (USMCA) prescribes that an import tariffs, create more free trade
template for T20 leagues around the world – High tariffs on raw materials have a CBAM, when fully implemented, will auto component must be made by agreements (FTAs), and integrate into
cascading adverse impact on the result in a 20-35 per cent import tax on workers earning at least $16 per hour. global value chains (GVCs).
Big Bash (both men and women) in economy, but we are not in position to Indian firms. A firm has to share all plant This disqualifies all such production in However, these strategies will only be
Australia, South Africa’s SA20 league, West eliminate high tariffs on crude oil and and production details with the EU. Mexico, where the minimum wage is $8 effective if the country first reduces
Indies’ Caribbean Premier League, Pakistan many industrial raw materials. Also, firms may need to run two per hour. costs and improves its business
Super League, Bangladesh Premier League, In India, high tariffs worked well for production lines to be effective. India cannot afford to implement the environment.
Sri Lanka (Lanka Premier League) and even many sectors. India became a small-car Expensive yet greener products for same stringent labour and Currently, high tariffs prevent India
hub due to high import duties (70-125 environmental standards as advanced from joining GVCs, but simply lowering
US’ Major League Cricket. The BCCI has per cent) on automobiles and lower countries. It must evaluate whether it is tariffs without improving business
also been conducting the Women’s Premier duties (5-15 per cent) on auto To deal with EU’s CBAM, ready to make binding commitments in conditions could result in more imports
League, which offers enormous potential in components. Conversely, Australia saw Indian firms will have to new domestic policy areas such as the replacing local manufacturing. Serious
unearthing talent. the disappearance of all car makers environment, labour, gender, digital efforts are needed to enhance the
when it gradually cut import tariffs from run two production lines, trade, data governance, and more. business environment to benefit from
The league has opened up an alternative 45 per cent in the early 1990s to 5 per one for European exports these trade strategies.
career path for young Indian cricketers, who cent, 10 years later. GLOBAL VALUE CHAINS
are talented but unable to able to break into Any talk of lowering tariffs hits a and the other for the rest CNA underscored the need to reduce The writer is the founder, Global Trade Research
the national team. Here, the parallel with roadblock of possible disruption in of the world tariffs and streamline procedures to Initiative
European football leagues is striking. IPL
has given these young cricketers a chance to
rub shoulders with the best in the world and
also benefit from top coaching talent, apart
from the financial payoffs at the auctions. It
has also served as a template for
Fashioning an ethical, sustainable garment industry
franchise-based leagues in other sports in The fast fashion industry can shed its wasteful practices and use sustainable material to produce eco-friendly garments
India – football (ISL), badminton (Premier
Badminton League), volleyball (Prime The sad part being an alarming 92 around the world are rapidly recognising
Pooja Misra million tonnes of textile waste, the importance of taking a more
Volleyball League), table tennis (UTT) and equivalent to a truck full ends up in proactive role in tackling the fashion
the hugely popular Pro Kabaddi league
he fast fashion market is landfills every second (UNEP, 2018). industry’s detrimental impact. The EU
which has been going on for 10 seasons now. projected to reach $184.96 This industry has been called out for in December 2023 announced new rules
Corporate-backed leagues have made the billion by 2027 from $122.98 8-10 per cent of global carbon emissions based on the 2022 EU Strategy for
billion in 2023, a CAGR of 10.7 per cent. (UNEP, 2018) and if not curtailed it Sustainable and Circular Textiles. The
pursuit of a career in a range of sports a This multi-faceted industry focuses could increase to 26 per cent by 2030 EU’s Extended Producer Responsibility
viable proposition. Yet, the global on production of low quality, (Ellen Mc Arthur Foundation, 2017). (EPR) programme focuses on
experience suggests that they could do with inexpensive, affordable clothing and is However, not everything is bleak. The encouraging manufacturers to embrace
more financial transparency. well-suited for a price conscious fast fashion industry has been pushed to sustainable and circular concepts.
consumer with a taste for trendy producing clothing with more Last but not the least, it is imperative
apparel. However, one cannot turn a environmentally friendly material and that we ensure that fast fashion brands
blind eye to fast fashion’s innumerable adopt sustainable practices such as FAST FASHION. Towards ethical employ sustainable and ethical
ethical and environmental concerns. implementing a recycling programme, practice sGETTY IMAGES production practices which extend
This industry has been often criticised launching a “conscious” collection beyond financial concerns and
POCKET RAVIKANTH for excessive consumption, high wherein the apparel is produced with at contribute to the well-being of society,
obsolescence, cumulative resource loss, least “50 per cent sustainable materials” components of the circular economic workers and the environment.
and unsustainable and unethical and embracing company policies that model. Providing better wages and
business practices. Well over 11 years respect labour and labour rights. With consumers changing their prioritizing the employees well-being,
have passed since the unfortunate These brands should also create mindset, although at an alarmingly slow utilizing eco-friendly raw materials and
incident in late April 2013 at the Rana advertising campaigns that encourage rate, the sustainable and ethical fashion sustainable packaging options, building
Plaza garment manufacturing factory ethical and conscientious consumption market and slow fashion industry is once a transparent supply chain, minimizing
which resulted in a death of 1,134 patterns. again gaining limelight. Slow fashion, a waste and focusing on animal welfare
people. The incident shed light on the road towards a more environmentally will help construct a conscientious and
precarious working conditions of CIRCULAR STRATEGY friendly future, is about buying ethically responsible fashion industry. This would
workers. A circular business strategy can produced sustainable garments and is a help build consumer trust and loyalty
Known for overproduction, fast effectively complete the manufacturing mind-set change away from following toward an ethical fashion brand.
fashion companies are often stuck with a cycle by prioritising lifespan and fads and valuing practicality, quality,
mountain of unsold inventory often minimising waste. Recycling, reusing, timeless beauty, and ethical The writer is a Professor in Economics and Area Chair
leading to apparel being sold at a 40 per swapping garments, giving, thrifting, manufacturing. at the Birla Institute of Management Technology,
cent markdown or ending up in landfills. and buying second-hand are all integral More importantly, governments Greater Noida

LETTERS TO EDITOR Send your letters by email to or by post to ‘Letters to the Editor’, The Hindu Business Line, Kasturi Buildings, 859-860, Anna Salai, Chennai 600002.

Solar push The Editorial has pointed out to the Dairy atmanirbhartha for bovine semen is sourced since it may give room for health
The Editorial on tapping solar power disturbing trend of concentration of This is with reference to “Dairy through international players issues that may go unattended due
(May 28) is welcome. More progress solar installations in Rajasthan and industry ‘mooing’ to such as the US-based Sexing to shortage of veterinary
could have been made if substantial Gujarat. Renewable energy projects Aatmanirbharta with indigenous Technologies (ST USA), through professionals.
subsidy been extended to every can be set up on degraded lands, bovine sex-sorting tech”, (May its Indian arm ST Genetics India. It However the present situation of
residence and firms to arrange solar which is about 27 per cent of 3.29 28). The indigenous technological is a welcome technology. abandoning the male calves by
panels. Instead loans are provided to million sq. km of our landmass. intervention to enhance P Sundara Pandian farmers needs to be handled with
corporate firms who are targeting Moreover, using satellite imagery and productivity of milch animals will Virudhunagar care since most of them end up at
lakhs of hectares of fertile lands involving farm scientists and be soon rolled out in the country the slaughter house.
making it solely a commercial extension professionals of state making it affordable and More female calves The large number of male cattle
project. Every company should be Agricultural universities and Krishi accessible for India's dairy Apropos “Dairy industry …. Sex found abandoned on city roads is
mandated to source at least 70 per Vigyan kendras of the state will also farmers. T sorting tech” (May 28), this the glaring example of how the
cent of its power requirements from assist in identification and NDDB Dairy Services has experiment may no doubt situation is being handled without
captive source. documentation of waste land parcels. successfully conducted field trials enhance milk production, which concern.
AG Rajmohan T Raj Pravin of sex-sorted semen usage. warrants heightened veterinary Rajiv Magal
Anantapur Pechiparai (Tamil Nadu) Currently, the sorting technology care for the increased population Halekere Village (Karnataka)

Published by Nirmala Lakshman and Printed by Praveen Someshwar at HT Media Ltd. Plot No.8, Udyog Vihar, Greater Noida Distt. Gautam Budh Nagar, U.P.201306, on behalf of THG PUBLISHING PVT. LTD. Chennai-600002. Editor: Raghuvir Srinivasan (Editor responsible for selection of news under the PRP Act). ISSN 0971 - 7528

YK . . . . . . . . ND-NDE
think . bl . 5

WEDNESDAY - MAY 29 - 2024

Rethink and reboot

Ambiguities in Digital Competition Bill
Ganapathi Nagarajan
Badri Narayanan Gopalakrishnan
The skilling potential
ince 2006, the Ministry of

of tourism
Tourism is implementing a
relatively less-known scheme
Vedika Mittal Kumar called ‘Hunar se Rozgar’
meaning skill to employment.

draft of a Digital This is primarily aimed at catching the
Competition Bill was school dropouts and training them for
recently released by the employment or self-employment. The JOBS PUSH. The Hunar
Ministry of Corporate Affairs
along with an explanatory report
scheme runs on a small budget of around
₹30 crore.
se Rozgar scheme’s
by the committee that It was conceived as a six to eight week bureaucratic norms
recommended this Bill. free training programme for those in the
The report leans on the 18-28 years age bracket, with expert must be eased to enhance
recommendations of the
institutes picked in this regard. Star its participation
Parliamentary Standing hotels are expected to train a minimum
Committee of Finance that a clarityISTOCK.COM number of persons. While every effort is
Digital Competition Act is being made to bring the unorganised
required to regulate large digital Facebook. So far, India has sector into mainstream employment by
enterprises (Amazon, adopted a unique approach to giving necessary skilling, a large gap
Google/Alphabet, regulate e-marketplaces. The FDI exists in employment of the youth. The
Meta/Facebook/Whatsapp). Policy distinguishes between scheme currently attracts people mainly
Presently, the Competition foreign and Indian in the northern States.
Commission of India (CCI) is e-marketplaces. Foreign The government needs to take more
empowered to assess any marketplaces are not allowed to measures to popularise the scheme so
anti-competitive activity by pursue a dual role - that of that more agencies come up to assist in
digital enterprises ex-post - i.e. platform owner and seller. No implementing it in a holistic manner. Let
after the occurrence of the such rule applies to domestic us quickly go through a SWOT analysis
activity. e-marketplaces. The draft Bill of the scheme before arriving at
The main thrust of the new Bill implies two policy reversals - conclusions:
is to empower the CCI to regulate firstly, there will be no difference Strengths: The strength of the
conduct of large digital in policy for foreign and domestic scheme is its fancy nomenclature and
enterprises ex ante - i.e. before the e-marketplaces and secondly, all the very essence and principle of this
occurrence of undesirable e-marketplaces will be allowed to scheme. This name evinces lot of
conduct. Simply put the CCI will assume a dual role - i.e. to run the interest.
become an umbrella regulator platform and be a seller on the Weakness: The scheme suffers
which will set the rules of the platform - to put it simply, to be a bureaucratic delays and procrastination KRISHNAN VV
game for designated large digital referee as well as a player in the tactics adopted by both the government
enterprises in India. This game. as well as private institutions. This may two stages i.e. 80 per cent upon the opportunity to promote the cultural destinations, subject to non-occurrence
approach is concurrent with Unlike the existing law (FDI need to be looked into by the completion of the training and heritage and Glory of Bharat, this sector of natural calamities like floods,
global practice especially in the Policy), the draft Bill does not stakeholders and to ensure that the distribution of completion certifications is fertile for such schemes. This may also Tsunami etc.
EU and UK which have prohibit an e-marketplace from processes are streamlined through an and the balance 20 per cent is being paid help the government raise higher tax Absence of better living standards in
formulated similar legislations. assuming a dual role. The clause online portal. upon provision of revenue. the tourist destinations might distract
on self-preferencing in the draft Further, information, education and employment/self-employment to the A mechanism should also be drawn up people who may wish to move away from
AI IMPACT Bill only states that a designated communication (IEC) activities in the youth who have undergone capacity to motivate the stakeholders to make the hectic urban life to such destinations
However, the recent proliferation enterprise shall not favour its own form of due publicity and awareness building training. This was not the case contributions to boost tourism. to have a better work-life balance.
of AI across sectors makes one products or services. Therefore, programmes need to be scaled up. earlier where the payment mode was Bids by India for Olympics 2036 and Way forward: The overall
wonder if the Digital Competition as per the draft Bill all Indian language media needs to be used 40:40:20. Youth Olympics 2029 may help us make expenditure on this scheme should
Bill is a bit early for India. For e-marketplaces in India will now widely to boost the IEC mechanism. Opportunities: Hunar se Rozgar is a necessary scale-up processes timely. increase. Tourism ecosystem must be
example, even though ChatGPT is be able to run the platform as well Given the various check points, many pathbreaking scheme. It enables the less Threats: Tourism as a sector is prone improved with the help of State
not a substitute for Google, the as offer their own goods and institutions do not show interest, as the educated youth to go for formal to external shocks, There has been a dip governments and other public/private
fact that a product like it was built services for sale on the platform. guidelines are made in such a way that employment after a brief training. Given in tourism during the pandemic. institutions including enhanced
and data required for it was The draft Bill itself highlights the scheme’s implementation is possible the utmost importance of tourism in the Similarly, Ukraine-Russia War and infrastructure connectivity through
readily accessible, makes one how enforcement of the FDI only in government institutions such as economy and forex reserves, apart from Israel-Palestine war have impacted the Gati Shakti and introduction of Bullet
rethink if the so-called Policy is ambiguous and breeds Tourist Management Institutions, Hotel tourism sector in these areas. trains and increased air connectivity.
gatekeepers of the digital uncertainty. Moreover, the draft Management Institutions and other This scheme enables the Moreover, safety and security of the There should be a vision to make India as
economy really pose as Bill clearly states that if any of its similar institutions. tourist destinations enhances the a top tourist destination in the world by
formidable an entry barrier as we provisions are inconsistent with Moreover, recently the scheme less educated youth to go tourism activities. 2047.
think. an existing law then the draft Bill guidelines have been revised to allow for formal employment Holistic development of tourist
Digital markets have unique will take precedence. payment only after implementation of destinations is required. Nagarajan is a former Under Secretary; and
attributes like network effects Whether or not distinguishing training. after a brief training in the The capital spends on transport Gopalakrishnan is a Fellow at NITI Aayog. Views
which result in foreclosing between foreign and domestic Further, the payment mechanism is in growing tourism sector connectivity are usually good in these expressed are personal
competition but the question is e-marketplaces is desirable and
whether we need to let it play out whether or not e-marketplaces
for a bit before drawing the assuming a dual role is fair or not
boundaries. are larger questions. Their Short take
As for the Bill itself, it seems to answers must be rooted in well
follow a mix of the EU and UK
approach wherein the CCI will
thought out economic policy. If
that exercise has been
ECB revamps banks’
designate certain large digital
enterprises and lay down a list of
undertaken, it’s not captured in
the report accompanying the annual health checks
dos and don'ts for some core draft Bill and if it hasn't, then the
services provided by them. For proposed law must not be Reuters
example, Amazon may be preceded by such conscious

designated for the e-marketplace discussion. A rethink and reboot he European Central Bank is
services it provides via may be required. streamlining its health checks on
or Meta may be designated for its the euro zone's banks, allowing it
social networking services The writer is an independent public policy to train its focus on pressing lapses and
provided via Instagram and researcher. Views are personal get tough on laggards.
The central bank's supervisory chief,
Claudia Buch, said while the revamp
would make its annual checks less
thehindu businessline.
cumbersome, it would also make greater
use of powers to penalise and force
TWENTY YEARS AGO TODAY. The ECB checks on the financial health
of around a hundred of the bloc's biggest
May 29, 2004 lenders, but has often complained that
banks are slow in making vital changes,
Market mood hit by CMP blues Sensex plunges 223 points whether to their technology or risk
The much-awaited common minimum programme (CMP) of the Congress-led management.
UPA was given a thumb-down by the stock market as it failed to give any clear Banks have countered that the ECB's
direction that the new Government would follow visà-vis the economy in general so-called Supervisory Review and
and business in particular. At close the BSE Sensex was down by 223.16 points. Evaluation Process (SREP) was
cumbersome and more about ticking
‘Don’t misuse of double taxation pact’ boxes than keeping up with big changes
The Finance Minister, Mr P. Chidambaram, on Friday put domestic entities on the to the economy or geopolitical shocks,
watchlist for scrutiny of possible misuse of Double Taxation Avoidance such as war.
Agreements (DTAA). ‘‘DTAA treaties are well-established instruments. If a case of Following that criticism and a 2023
misuse arises, then it must be stopped. There is no reason to apprehend that the report from a group of experts, the ECB
DTAAs would go. The misuse is not by a foreign investor, but by some Indians,’’ Mr said it would start making the process
Chidambaram said at a press conference. more dynamic and stricter on lenders
that dragged their feet.
Work on infrastructure, says Immelt "The SREP will become shorter and
Mr Jeffrey Immelt, Chairman and CEO of General Electric Company, has called for move closer to real-time supervision,"
more public invesment in infrastructure development in India. “Make Buch said in a blog post on Tuesday. "This
infrastructure as good as your people,” he said while addressing a meeting of is more relevant than ever considering
CIIhere on Friday. the fast-evolving risk environment."


01. Old firearm (11) 02. Circuits of track (4) 01. A social gaffe, an old-time kiss – with lethal potential! (11) 02. Takes in milk like a cat and passes the tail-ender (4)
08. Desire for food (8) 03. Concerning birth (5) 08. Desire to copy small French entry (8) 03. An upset to the interior of Italy in S Africa (5)
09. Room skirting (4) 04. Consumed (5) 09. Add change to ring the skirting (4) 04. Gone, of course (5)
10. Put things in the 05. Cow's milk glands (5) 10. Something growing to make one put one's foot down 05. What imparts direction without first right of
ground (5) 06. Type of painting (5-6) firmly (5) milk-supplier (5)
13. Musician's 07. Flower named after 13. Water-grass for part of organ-pipe (4) 06. What seascape painter might be expected to use (5-6)
mouthpiece (4) capital (6,5) 16. Course-maker will be at the range (4) 07. Flower for the lions at Regent's Park zoo? (6,5)
16. Prepare food (4) 11. Astray, wrongly (5) 17. A gesture that means something, to give an 11. Take it so, it not being a hit (5)
17. Omen (4) 12. Argentine dance (5) autograph (4) 12. Movement to music that got an altered form (5)
18. Italian currency unit (4) 14. Put out (4) 18. April returns, having lost second spent in Rome (4) 14. Send the money right off the top to put it out (4)
20. Cooking apparatus (5) 15. Sound of lion (4) 20. Broke up the fire-grate (5) 15. Loud utterance has an uncooked sound to it (4)
24. Resolve knot (4) 19. Surrounded by (5) 24. Bring ruin on a French party (4) 19. With others around, Scotsman is in the silver (5)
25. Grabbed hold of round 21. Fish (5) 25. Got hold of a hundred dollar change around the East (8) 21. Fish quintet: rainbow, perhaps (5)
the neck (8) 22. Dwelling, originally Roman (5) 26. The right bird is brought to table, but it's 22. House for the sick in Virginia (5)
26. To be rued (11) 23. By mouth (4) unfortunate (11) 23. Poor alumnus needs no written exam (4)


ACROSS 1. Diatribe 4. Scud 8. Two 9. ‘Cello 10. Let 11. Refresh 12. Mopes 13. Premonition 17. Comma 18. Preview 20. Owl 21. Edict 22. Err 23. Tidy 24. Belittle
DOWN 1. Dotard 2. Aloof 3. Belch 5. Calypso 6. Detest 7. Commitment 9. Cream cakes 14. Rumbled 15. Accost 16. Swerve 18. Price 19. Inept

YK ... . . . . . . ND-NDE

Volume XXXI Number 36


Improved prospects
Post-harvest losses must be minimised
FTA benefits elude India
The high import and low export trend is likely to continue with

he India Meteorological Department has reiterated the country will tries could benefit more from the FTAs with India.
get above-normal rain this year. Since the rainfed regions are also free-trade agreements under negotiation ILLUSTRATION: BINAY SINHA
Negotiating new subjects: New trade agreements
typically include two types of measures. Border
expected to get good rain, this factor will help boost agricultural pro-
measures involve eliminating import tariffs on prod-
duction. Higher production will naturally help contain the food infla-
ucts from partner countries. Behind-the-border
tion rate. It is worth noting, while the core inflation rate, based on the consumer
measures deal with harmonising domestic regula-
price index, is running below 4 per cent, higher food prices are keeping the tions in areas such as the environment, labour, intel-
headline rate above the central bank’s target. The food inflation rate in April, lectual property rights, digital trade, and gender.
for instance, was 8.7 per cent. In the context of inflation management, while Developed countries push for the inclusion of these
improved food production should help contain prices and inflation expectations, subjects in FTA negotiations.
India must also work on augmenting supply chains for perishable items, which While high environmental standards are beneficial,
tend to impart greater volatility to inflation outcomes. Until a few months ago, adopting the US or EU standards in India could raise
for example, vegetable prices pushed up the headline inflation rate. the cost of power and food, halting many economic

This is despite India being the second-largest producer of fruit and veg- free-trade agreement (FTA) is a pact between merchandise trade deficit with these partners activities. Similarly, agreeing to high minimum wages
etables globally, having produced 351.92 million tonnes of horticultural products countries to make trade easier by reducing increased significantly more than its global trade could lead to higher product prices and hurt exports.
tariffs and other barriers on imports from each deficit. Specifically, trade deficits grew by 302.9 per Adopting more restrictive standards for medicines than
in 2022-23, surpassing foodgrain production during the same year. But tonnes
other. Globally, over 350 FTAs are currently in force. cent with Asean, 164.1 per cent with South Korea, and those agreed upon at the WTO will raise medicine prices.
of it goes to waste. Around 15 per cent of fruit and vegetables are lost after har- Over the past four years, India has signed FTAs 138.2 per cent with Japan, compared to an 81.2 per There are other concerns. One, allowing UK or EU
vesting. Climate change-induced extreme heat may worsen the situation in with Mauritius, the UAE, Australia, and the cent increase in the global deficit. This comparison is companies to participate in government procurement
the coming years. As things stand, improving infrastructure can help reduce European Free Trade Association, or EFTA, coun- based on pre-FTA (2007-09) data and recent trade through FTAs would create competition for small
wastage. Cold-chain storage and refrigeration facilities remain inadequate in tries (Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, and data (2020-22). The trend continued in 2023. domestic firms. In contrast, government procurement
the country, resulting in spoilage across the supply chain. A temperature-con- Liechtenstein). Agreements with the UK and Oman Second, India’s exports to these FTA partners have markets in the EU and UK are restrictive and complex
trolled supply chain contributes significantly to preserving perishable goods are nearly finalised. increased at a lower rate than its imports. For instance, for Indian firms to access. Also, stricter sustainability
and ensuring that food reaches consumers in optimal condition. Notably, a India has a total of 14 trade agreements with 25 with Asean, exports grew by 123.9 per cent and imports standards in the FTA with the UK may prevent Indian
large proportion of India’s current cold chain storage capacity — of around 39 countries and is negotiating new deals with over 50 by 175.7 per cent; with Japan, exports grew by 56.4 apparel from qualifying for tariff concessions.
million tonnes — remains unutilised. The available cold-storage units also countries, including the European Union (EU) and per cent and imports by 98.5 per cent; and with South These subjects are new non-trade barriers pushed
the US-led Indo-Pacific Economic Framework. Korea, exports increased by 89.1 per cent and imports by developed countries. India should establish its rules
have a skewed geographical distribution. For instance, most cold-storage facil-
Additionally, India has six smaller trade agreements by 127.3 per cent. for labour, gender, environment, and digital trade before
ities are concentrated in states like Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Gujarat, Punjab, with 26 other countries. Soon, India will have FTAs India’s high tariffs (most-favoured nation or MFN committing to FTAs. India is not only negotiating new
and Andhra Pradesh, while Bihar and Madhya Pradesh have insufficient num- with all major economies except China. However, tariffs) and the low tariffs in partner countries are key FTAs but also reviewing and expanding existing ones
bers of them. Further, most cold-storage facilities are designed to store a single India and China do have limited tariff concessions reasons for its low exports and high imports with with Sri Lanka, Asean, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Chile,
commodity at a time. This calls for boosting multi-storage cold chain capacity on about 25 per cent of tariff lines under these partners. MFN tariffs are the and Mercosur (Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay).
in the country. the Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement. regular tariffs a country charges on High priority is given to the review of its FTA with Asean.
Since most farmers in India are poor with small and fragmented land- From financial year (FY) 2019 to imports, often eliminated for part- An important area for renegotiation in the Asean
holdings and earn little profits from cultivation, investing in storage infras- FY2024, India’s exports to its 21 FTA part- ner countries under FTAs. FTA would be agreement on product-specific rules of
tructure at the decentralised level is not feasible. While over 92 per cent of ners grew by 14.48 per cent, from $107.20 Many Indian firms avoid using origin. When the FTA was signed in 2010, detailed rules
cold-storage units are owned and operated by the private sector, there is scope billion to $122.72 billion. Imports FTAs because the compliance were not negotiated due to a lack of time, and one com-
for government intervention in addressing shortfalls in storage infrastructure. increased by 37.97 per cent, from $136.20 costs outweigh the benefits as part- mon rule for all products was adopted. This makes trade
billion to $187.92 billion. These FTA part- ner countries already have low or in many products unviable.
Although a subsidy of 35-50 per cent is provided to set up storage facilities,
ners include six South Asian Free Trade zero MFN tariffs. The average MFN To achieve better FTA outcomes, the government
including pack-houses, the costs are still high. Other problems including the Area (Safta) countries (including Sri tariffs on Indian products in part- may consider the following strategies in negotiations:
distance between farms and wholesale markets or mandis, and poor road Lanka), 10 Association of Southeast ner countries are very low: Create a common exclusion list for merchandise trade,
infrastructure add to the bottlenecks in the supply chain, leading to spoilage Asian Nations (Asean) countries, and AJAY SRIVASTAVA Singapore (0 per cent), Japan (2.4 focus on sector-specific agreements with smaller
during transit. Almost 30 per cent of India’s road network is still unpaved, Japan, South Korea, the UAE, Mauritius, per cent), Malaysia (3.5 per cent), economies instead of comprehensive FTAs, prioritise
adding to the distance and time taken for the agricultural produce to reach the and Australia. Mauritius (1.1 per cent), the UAE achieving real market access on the ground, negotiate
mandis, which pulls down the farmgate prices. To understand how FTAs have performed and (3.5 per cent), and Australia (2.6 per cent). This limits new areas like environment, labour, and digital trade
Much of the food wastage can be reduced through the use of technology. whether they benefit India, we analysed the perfor- the benefits of FTAs for Indian exporters. In contrast, cautiously to maintain domestic regulatory autonomy,
Increasing agricultural mechanisation, adopting precision farming practices, mance of India’s FTAs with Asean, South Korea, and India’s average MFN tariff is high at 18.1 per cent, so and account for the impact of carbon taxes and regula-
and developing a climate-resilient agri-food system are the key to mitigating Japan. Signed in 2010-11, these agreements are con- eliminating these tariffs under an FTA gives partner tions like the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism.
sidered the most critical by Indian industry. We did country exporters a significant price advantage. Despite having zero duty trade on most industrial
the losses from spoilage in the country. However, improved capacity in areas
not study FTAs with Mauritius, the UAE, Australia, This pattern continues with India’s new FTA part- products with Asean, Japan, and South Korea for over a
like storage and road network infrastructure, and reducing distance between and EFTA as these agreements are less than five years ners. Also, a substantial share of imports into these decade, India hasn’t become a major part of Asian supply
farms and mandis must remain a policy priority. Improving supply chains will old and the tariff reduction process for most products countries is already at zero MFN duties: Canada (70.8 chains. The main reasons are the long time it takes to
help address price volatility, benefitting both producers and consumers. is ongoing. In the absence of specific preferential trade per cent), Switzerland (61 per cent), USA (58.7 per clear goods at ports and the low ease of doing business.
data, we included all trade from an FTA partner, even cent), UK (52 per cent), and EU (51.8 per cent). In con- Improving these areas will quickly boost India’s exports
though some of it may not have used FTA concessions trast, only 6.1 per cent of India’s global imports are at and the benefits of its FTAs.
Pakistan abandoned Our analysis of India’s FTAs with Asean, South zero MFN duty. Given these factors, India may not
Korea, and Japan reveals two trends. First, India’s see a significant export increase, while partner coun- The writer is the founder of Global Trade Research Initiative
Hard economic decisions will help its future

A BharatCompute for AI ascendancy

recent visit to Pakistan by a mission from the International Monetary
Fund (IMF) left without staff-level agreement on a new package for
the troubled economy. Prior briefing from the multilateral agency had
stressed the downside risks to the local economy. The IMF staff said

rtificial Intelligence (AI) capability rests on four bilising, shifting focus to models for image processing, in India and utilise an Indian cloud platform. The
that discussion would continue virtually to finalise the financial support consid-
key pillars: Algorithms, data, talent, and AI com- gaming, multi-modal AI and such other models, government could dedicate a portion of the compute
ered necessary. Yet there is no question that the deadline that the government in pute, with AI compute often considered the which require less computational power. infrastructure in a secure, non-cloud environment
Islamabad had set for additional financing — early July — is approaching without most crucial. Graphical processing units (GPUs) have BharatCompute could prioritise developing founda- for sensitive or classified applications.
any apparent consensus. The IMF, it appears, is playing hardball with Pakistan. become the standard measure of AI compute, spurring tional models in economic, social and strategic Setting up AI compute in a PPP model is a welcome
The sums involved are substantial: Pakistan may request as much as $6 billion, a global race to build massive GPU capacities. domains while leveraging existing open-source LLMs step. This can be operationalised by empanelling a set of
alongside additional financing from the IMF-administered Resilience and In this context, the government’s March decision already developed. This approach promises significant Indian vendors who contribute to a pool of 10,000 GPUs,
Sustainability Trust. to deploy over 10,000 GPUs as part of the India AI dividends even with lower compute resources. which the government underwrites. Such a process
The stumbling block for Pakistan is clearly a general disbelief that the gov- Mission is a significant step forward. This initiative, to BharatCompute should also aim to leverage India’s would be much faster than setting up a greenfield facility
ernment will be able to achieve the political consensus necessary for deep reform. be achieved through public-private partnership (PPP), existing CPU or central processing unit-based compute and ensure a competitive ecosystem providing cost-effi-
Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has been quite clearly apprised of the urgency of reflects India’s willingness to leverage the strengths of capacities for AI advancements, with India’s robust cient, high-quality services. The private sector will bring
the private sector, a departure from past information technology (IT) industry in resources, skills and innovation. However, the PPP
such change. In some recent statements he has gone as far as to directly compare
practices of confining such capital-inten- and large user base providing substan- framework must address potential pitfalls, including
Pakistan to Bangladesh’s success, noting that he felt “ashamed” when he consid-
sive national capacities to the public sector. tial CPU-based compute power, com- continuity in case of vendor change, avoiding vendor
ered the comparison. Yet Mr Sharif’s authority is circumscribed. Any civilian India’s AI compute capacities are pensating for its lack of GPUs. Despite lock-in, data security and privacy issues, and ensuring
leader of Pakistan must of course contend with the fact that the military has the modest compared to leaders like the US CPUs being slower for AI tasks, leverag- access to micro, small and medium enterprises and star-
final say on most policy issues. But this government was only just returned to and China. The global GPU market was ing this resource can enhance accessi- tups. Therefore, it is felt that the management of
office after an election of less than complete credibility. The supporters of former valued at $23 billion in 2022, with an esti- bility and reduce costs. BharatCompute should be with an autonomous body,
Prime Minister Imran Khan, who remains in jail, are likely to protest any changes mated 1 to 2 billion GPUs worldwide, pre- The BharatCompute initiative advo- led by industry leaders with professional expertise, and
meant to put the economy on a firmer footing. General discontent with inflation dominantly in the US and China. Both cates for government-established AI with participation from government representatives.
and stagnant living standards is visible — there have been violent protests in countries have aggressively acquired compute infrastructure to be accessible The AI compute market in India is still nascent.
Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir recently that left one policeman dead. Inflation has GPUs over the past decade and have big- to those unable to afford market rates. While the Indian industry is ramping up AI compute
ger plans to advance their AI compute Currently, AI compute costs range from infrastructure, with some companies developing it for
slowed somewhat but remained above 17 per cent in April 2024.
The fact that, even faced with these problems, Pakistan has struggled to get
capabilities. The US launched the OFF THE GRID $1 to $4 per GPU hour, alongside addi- internal use and others offering it as a service,
National AI Research Resource pro- tional expenses for memory and IT BharatCompute should do more than just set up 10,000
multilateral assistance is a signifier of the degree to which the West has lost gramme in January, while China aims to AJAY KUMAR infrastructure. Government subsidies GPUs. It should catalyse the larger AI compute market
interest in the country after the United States’ ill-advised withdrawal from increase its aggregate compute power by could encourage more startups to enter and encourage industry to scale-up capacities signifi-
Afghanistan early in President Joe Biden’s term of office. Pakistan has been forced over 50 per cent, including 10 exascale systems, by the AI field with the growth of AI startups serving as a cantly. Granting preferential access to domestic players
to turn to its traditional patrons in the Gulf and China for assistance — though 2025. India cannot and does not need to mimic their metric for the initiative’s success. The government for the 10,000 GPUs can give industry a much-needed
the latter has also failed to open its purse strings. Whether this is wise on the part strategy. Instead, it should adopt a smart fast-follower’s could also prioritise developing foundational models kick-start. Proposing tax breaks to incentivise private
of the West is open to question. An unstable Pakistan is, as decades of experience approach, which I term BharatCompute. in domains like agriculture, education, healthcare, and investment in AI compute infrastructure and support-
have shown, a breeding ground for destabilising forces. Once India’s own general Why is AI compute so important? In AI, “compute” water, among others, tailored to Indian requirements. ing customised AI chip development for foundational
elections are over, New Delhi will have to re-evaluate its approach to Pakistan, refers to the computational power needed to perform BharatCompute should support India’s sovereign models is recommended. The booming market for cus-
and consider whether the resumption of trade is in the national interest. But complex operations, like training and running AI AI needs, especially in strategic and security domains. tomised AI chips, highlighted by Nvidia’s growth,
models. It is crucial for optimising deep learning Currently, the AI compute market relies heavily on OpenAI’s Sam Altman’s $ 7 trillion chipmaking venture,
Pakistan’s fiscal stability is the most urgent requirement, and that will require
models, which often have millions or billions of cloud infrastructure, controlled by US and Chinese as well as Microsoft and Amazon’s entry into AI chip
buy-in from the West and the IMF. Given the extraordinary measures that the parameters involving large datasets requiring exten- hyperscalers. A study shows that US-based Amazon design suggests a significant emerging opportunity.
Fund has approved in the past for European countries like Greece and Ukraine, sive computation. Additionally, compute power is Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud India, with its abundant talent-pool in chip design, is
its failure to do so in Pakistan’s case will only underline the criticism of the Bretton needed for real-time inference, enabling predictions command about 70 per cent of the global public cloud well-positioned to capitalise on it. It has an abundance
Woods institutions that they serve broader Western geopolitical aims. This from new data. market, while Chinese tech giants Alibaba, Huawei, of talent and data. BharatCompute could be its strategy
criticism can only be answered by a more cooperative approach from the IMF. The global demand for AI compute surged over and Tencent control much of the rest. Public clouds to leverage these strengths for AI ascendancy.
However, the government in Islamabad will have to push structural reform. the past decade, driven by the computational needs pose privacy and security concerns. To ensure secu-
Pakistan must realise that it has lost the strategic advantage in geopolitics and its of the large language models (LLMs). However, as rity and sovereignty, BharatCompute should require The writer is distinguished visiting professor, IIT Kanpur, and a
future depends on hard economic decisions. LLMs become widely available, this demand is sta- that the compute infrastructure be physically located former defence secretary

Ideas of India
communities in the last 10 years. These employment policy, investment in human significant way. However, this claim needs The Modi regime, in a way, is an
data-driven chapters offer us an insightful capital, democratic accountability of the to be further historicised. outcome of this process. It wants to get rid
explanation to make sense of the emerging bureaucracy, proactive judiciary and The Nehruvian consensus has two of the Nehruvian consensus without
class-based economic fault lines. media, and an empowered citizenry. inseparable elements — state intervention deviating from the post-1991 political
to discuss the institutional failure of This multifaceted factual assessment This serious study encourages us to ask in the economic sphere for achieving what consensus in favour of unrestricted
the legislature and the judiciary. The leads us to the main argument the book a few critical questions. First, is it Nehru himself called the socialistic pattern liberalisation. This has not been a difficult
author stridently argues that the makes. The author asserts that the present appropriate to describe the Modi regime of society and an active politics of task for the BJP. The entire political class,
autonomy of institutions is regime has failed to uphold the political simply as a marked departure from the secularism and inclusion for the protection including the Congress, does not find the
intentionally disregarded to establish values that have been nurtured in the past accepted norms of politics? Or is it an of minorities and other deprived sections of Nehruvian consensus electorally viable.
and consolidate political dominance. seven decades. At the same time, the outcome of an ever-evolving crisis? Second, society. It is worth noting that the Congress- This has helped the BJP establish its
The second set of claims revolves standard procedures of governance have how to make sense of the successful led Indian political class began to separate dominance. Although the author remains
BOOK REVIEW around the idea of governance. The book been completely destabilised for evolving blending of two
these two elements critical of the non-BJP parties, he does not
underlines a crucial difference between the a highly centralised form of politics. In the interrelated political from each other in envisage any direct political-intellectual
HILAL AHMED stated principles of public policy and their final chapter of the book, a set of “ready- trajectories — neo-
'IDEA OF INDIA': A the early 1990s. Two connection between the Modi regime and
Decade of Social,
actual political manifestations. That has to-use solutions” are proposed to make liberalism and radical Political and significant events— its immediate predecessor. This analytical

his book makes a serious attempt been the reason much-publicised policy the arguments more constructive and Hindutva? Finally, Economic Strife the demolition of the limitation also affects the flow of the main
to trace the nature of political-eco- statements— “Sab ka Sath Sab ka Vikas”, practically usable. what have been the
Author: Prasanna Babri Masjid and the argument. The book does recognise the
nomic changes that have been “Minimum Government-Maximum The author claims that policy-making reasons for the Mohanty liberalisation of the fact that welfare schemes have emerged as
introduced by the Modi-led Bharatiya Governance”, and “Cooperative should not follow the usual top-down popularity and Indian economy— a powerful tool to garner popular support
Publisher: Black
Janata Party-National Democratic (BJP- Federalism” — turn out to be politically arbitrary model. Instead, the formation of acceptability of the Eagle Books helped the political for the present regime, which openly
NDA) alliance in the last 10 years. The meaningless. The book argues that these policy must include all stakeholders, regime? What has class redefine the adheres to neo-liberalism and Hindutva.
Price: ~899
author identifies the “idea of India” as a claims function merely as populist media- especially professionals and experts. This made Hindutva the Nehruvian Yet, there is no explanation of this specific
vantage point to offer a methodically friendly slogans to represent an inclusive, proposal is expanded to make a few dominant narrative of consensus in a form of state model.
organised, factually substantiated and democratic image of the regime. achievable recommendations such as politics in the past 10 years? restricted manner. Nehru’s all-inclusive These inconsistencies, however, should
deeply engaging narrative. Divided in 12 The third set of findings make this book encouraging respect for dissent and The book gives us the impression that economic vision was abandoned and he not be overstretched to underestimate the
chapters, the book makes three persua- very valuable. The author devotes three criticism, wider decentralisation of polity the Modi regime deviates significantly was eventually reduced to the value of serious contribution of this thought-
sive sets of findings. long chapters to understand the changing and administration, reassessment of a few from constitutional norms and the given secularism. The Congress regime under provoking exploration of the
First, the post-2014 regime has structural dynamics of the contemporary controversial economic policies, collection imaginations of India as a nation. This Narasimha Rao introduced a new sectoral contemporary moment of our political life.
converted the “rule of law” into what the Indian economy. These chapters show how of relevant data and its wider public impression is not entirely incorrect. It is approach to welfarism to address the needs
author calls “rule by law”. This crucial the recent economic changes have affected dissemination for informed national true that the post-2014 Indian state has of deprived sections while facilitating a The reviewer is associate professor at the Centre for
transformation is explored analytically the lives of the most poor and marginalised discussions, introduction of a formal questioned the Nehruvian consensus in a market-driven economy at the same time. the Study of Developing Societies, New Delhi
MAY 29, 2024


E S TA B L I S H E D IN 1 9 24

What June 4 will

A crowded party tell us about India
scene in Punjab The verdict will reveal
what voters think of
or has his appeal peaked or even Nehru’s Congress conceived the nation
shrunk? Is Modi’s image adequate to not as a sum of caste groups, religions
offset local weaknesses that stem from and ethnicities but as a bigger whole
either the nature of the BJP candidate comprising individual citizens with
Narendra Modi, the or caste configuration or economic rights. It also believed in gradualist
Multi-cornered contests reflect the unsettled depth of a Hindu political anxiety? Do voters want a single strong change that balanced social interests
nature of politics in this border state leader at the helm of the Indian State rather than radical identity-based pol- To break the Hindu umbrella coalition, the Opposition framed the
identity, and the nature or do they wish to return to a more icy breaks. In both these respects, elections as an 85% versus 15% battle AP

of economic sentiment fragmented 1989-2014 type arrange- Rahul Gandhi has reoriented Nehru’s

he electoral battle in Punjab, which heads to
ment with stronger checks? party towards the socialist stream of Indian identity? Is the BJP able to still women voters across identities and
polling booths on Saturday, is distinct from

n June 4, the Bharatiya The second hypothesis is about an Indian politics — and fused it with a balance its older dominant caste base regions, but it is clear that there is
contests elsewhere for multiple reasons. Janata Party (BJP) may increasing sense of a Hindu religious- strong anti-capital strain borrowed with newer backward and Dalit growing anger and distress over the
Though it has only 13 seats, the contest here win over 303 seats. It may political identity. The BJP has con- from the Communist stream. entrants, leverage contradictions lack of formal jobs. The Opposition has
win between 272 and 303 sciously nurtured this. There is State This explains why the 2024 cam- among backwards, and place it all promised more welfare, including
has turned four-cornered from being a bipolar battle seats. Or it may dip below support for the political assertion of paign was fought on the basis of two within a unified religious umbrella major cash transfers, public sector
since the formation of the present Punjab state in 1966. the majority mark. No Hindu religious identity. There is a industrial scale overstatements. To and frame it as opposed to Muslims? employment, a one-year apprentice-
The outcomes will have a bearing on the future course one knows. But examine any of those conscious othering of Muslims break the Hindu umbrella coalition, Or has the caste fault line within the ship plan, and critiqued the (alleged)
outcomes with an eye on what Indian through the aggregation and the Opposition framed the Hindu identity returned as the funda- crony capitalism and (real) increase in
of the Congress, Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD), Aam voters are telling us about leadership, articulation of real, perceived elections as an 85% versus mental marker of political choice, have inequality in recent times.
Aadmi Party (AAP), and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). identity and economy. and fabricated grievances. 15% battle where the 15% identities disaggregated in political This election will thus answer the
Since the arrival of the AAP on the scene, the SAD Here is an obvious first hypothesis There is the construction of were the “other” — upper decision-making, and is the old “secu- following questions. Is the Modi eco-
about the past decade. Narendra Modi an inclusive Hindu identity castes represented by the BJP. lar” politics of marrying some Hindu nomic-welfare model enough to satisfy
has lost its pole position in the Sikh-majority state. The has redefined politics. Every election is by giving a sense of cultural It then falsely claimed that caste groups with Muslims into an enough Indians that the current
second oldest party in the country after the Congress, a balance of the local and national, but and political representation
Prashant the BJP intended to scrap res- electoral alliance working? Is the main regime has done its best and can be
the SAD, founded as a panthic party, seems to have lost Modi’s popularity was enough to offset to backward and Dalit sub- ervations for Dalits, OBCs and political divide on the Hindu-Muslim trusted to improve incomes and get
the disadvantages that BJP candidates groups. There is the “correc- Jha tribals. To sustain its own axis or the upper caste-backward/Dalit them jobs in the future? Has welfare
its links to the grassroots and is battling for relevance. confronted in India’s most populous tion” of perceived historical Hindu social coalition, the axis or neither? To what extent will the energised voters, particularly women,
The Congress, having lost the assembly elections badly parts in 2014 and 2019. Since then, injustices, be it in Ayodhya or BJP framed the elections as verdict pressure parties into expand- to stick to the status quo or are the
in 2022 and then a large chunk of its senior leadership Modi has continued to connect the Kashmir or at Partition. And there is an 85% versus 15% battle where the ing the reservation architecture even political benefits of it saturated? Is
national and local through last-mile an electoral model to show Hindus 15% were the “other” — Muslims repre- further? there public anger against politics-cap-
to the BJP, is seeking to regain lost ground: Punjab delivery of welfare schemes and deep- that, if united, they can effectively sented by the INDIA bloc. It then The third hypothesis is about politi- ital networks? Has the post pandemic
gave the Congress the largest number of MPs (8) after ened the sense of an “imagined com- make the Muslim vote irrelevant and resorted to the worst stereotypes and cal economy. Modi’s model relies on K-shaped recovery, the acute but
Kerala in the 2019 general elections. munity” through the relentless projec- Muslim representation negligible. falsely alleged that the Congress increasing manufacturing and invest- unmet desire for organised sector
tion of a national message. Voters too To challenge this politico-religious intended to scrap reservations for mar- ing in infrastructure; using digital pub- employment of millions of young peo-
The party’s chief rival is its Delhi ally, the AAP, have prioritised who runs the Union identity, the Congress — stung by the ginalised Hindus and give it to Mus- lic infrastructure to push private entre- ple, inflation, and the distress that the
which holds office in Chandigarh. The AAP won a government in Delhi, the executive social depth of Hindutva across castes, lims and redistribute wealth to Mus- preneurship; deepening financial mar- promise of more free ration repre-
landslide victory in the assembly polls in 2022 but is function, over who represents their the absence of resonance of the idea lims. kets; easing credit; formalising the sents, led to a desire for change?
particular constituency in Delhi, the and politics of “secularism”, and crip- This verdict will answer a related set economy; leveraging India’s strength Next week, voters will declare how
battling anti-incumbency. The party has yet to build legislative function. pled by the absence of support among of questions. Has the idea of a unified in services; and creating a welfare net they want to be led, how they want to
sufficient organisational muscle and may be lacking a The 2024 verdict will answer the fol- Other Backward Classes (OBCs) — has Hindu political identity sustained and that includes cash, homes, water, food, be defined, and who they trust with
convincing narrative to push its case for Parliament. lowing questions. Does Modi still promised a caste census, more reser- expanded geographically (including in electricity, cooking gas for the hun- their economic future. That’s the real
attract more voters to the BJP’s core vations and proportionate representa- the south) and deepened socially dreds of millions left behind. Welfare story of 2024.
The BJP has credible leaders in the state but the base, both in areas where the party is tion of all caste groups in all spheres. (among Dalits, tribals and backwards) has both created a class of beneficia-
embers of the 2020-21 farmer protests continue to dominant and in newer geographies, This is a historic break. Jawaharlal and fused with a sense of national ries and helped him win the support of The views expressed are personal
glow, complicating the party’s pursuit to expand its
base beyond its traditional Hindu vote. The general

Perils of promoting an
elections are likely to deepen the political churn in the
state and lead to a reconfiguration of power relations. { PEDRO SÁNCHEZ } SPANISH PRIME MINISTER
The unsettled nature of the Punjab polity is a
reflection of the failure of its political leaders to
reconcile the contradictions in the political economy.
The Congress and SAD are wedded to the paradigm of
anti-vaccination scare Recognition of the State of Palestine is
not only a matter of historic justice,
the 1960s and ’70s, which saw the state grow rich on wo recent controversies featuring Cov- were hitherto at a low level in India.
the back of the Green Revolution.
Gains from agriculture have plateaued while the social
and economic crises that engulfed the state following
T id-19 vaccines extensively employed in The report on Covaxin is enfeebled by its
India have lessons for scientific research weak scientific methodology. Information on a
and media reporting. The virus vector long list of possible adverse effects was obtained
vaccine manufactured and marketed by Astra- only through a telephonic survey. Based on
it is also an essential requirement if
we are all to achieve peace.
After Spain and Norway formally

the rise of terrorism continue to cripple the state’s Zeneca used the spike protein antigen of SARS those responses even diagnoses that required recognised a Palestinian State
CoV-2 virus to stimulate immune response and clinical or laboratory evidence were docu-
political economy. Large-scale migration from the a chimpanzee adenovirus as the carrier to mented as present or absent. Such questioning
state is evidence of the political stasis. The presence of transport that antigen to human cells. After is subject to recall bias (leading to inaccurate
radical elements in the fray — the trust in the ballot is approval for human vaccination in 2020, the responses) and ascertainment bias (mode of
vaccine was extensively used in several coun- questioning generating preferred responses). No
welcome, though — suggests that some old grievances tries, including India. corroborative clinical or laboratory evidence

Elections with Dalits

continue to persist even though Khalistani separatism In 2021, reports emerged of some vaccine was presented, rendering diagnoses questiona-
is mostly an obsession of the diaspora. recipients in Europe experiencing severe clot- ble.
ting disorders in their blood vessels. This had a More importantly, there was no control
The campaign in Punjab, unfortunately, has only peculiar feature. In affected individuals, clotting group of unvaccinated individuals for compari-
revealed the limitations of the political mainstream in
addressing the multiple crises confronting the state.
June 4 is unlikely to be a closure for the state’s restive
occurred despite a drop in platelet counts (cells son. When respiratory infections are reported in
that clump together to trigger blood clots). It the vaccinated group, we should also know
was initially labelled as Vaccine-in-
duced Immune Thrombotic Thrombo-
about the concurrent prevalence of
such infections among age and location-
as the rallying point
politics. cytopenia (VITT). As other countries matched persons who were not vacci- he 2024 polls have centred on reserva- TMC and BJP.
too started reporting similar complica-
tions in some recipients of this vaccine,
the adverse event was renamed
Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia
K Srinath of
nated. When hypothyroidism is
reported among vaccinated individuals,
we need information on the prevalence
that disorder in a similar demo-
T tions and the rhetorical replacement of The politics of the state is overtly casteless but
the Constitution. The Bharatiya Janata is organised around the socially dominant upper
Party (BJP) and the Congress have castes. The Communists, in their three decades
clashed over the issues of constitutionality and of rule, never nurtured a major Dalit face. This is

Israel’s challenge to Syndrome (TTS). The complication was

only noted with two virus vector vacci-
nes (AstraZeneca; Johnson and John-
graphic group in the general popula-
tion. Was hypothyroidism present in
those who reported it even prior to their
representation in rallies, press conferences and despite the presence of numerically large Dalit
meetings. The INDIA bloc is on a warpath with communities such as Rajbanshis, Namashudras,
the BJP on the question of a constitutional safety Poundras, Bagdi and Bauris. The TMC, too,

rules-based order son) and not with other types of vacci- vaccination? When typhoid infections
nes. The name was thus changed to avoid pro- reported by telephonically interviewed persons
voking public concern about all vaccines. are linked to the Covid-19 vaccine, it strains cre-
net for the historically marginalised. merely fields Dalits from reserved constituencies
This is unique. Dalits have rarely been a rally- as symbolic tokenism but doesn’t have a promi-
ing point of mainstream electoral discussion nent pan-state leader from the community. The
In 2021, this complication was widely dis- dulity. Did researchers check the incidence of through the anti-caste lens and constitutional BJP’s rise in the political landscape of Bengal is
he Israeli airstrike that killed 45 people at a tent cussed in scientific literature and global media. typhoid among unvaccinated persons in that framework of representation as is happening also marked by Brahmin and upper caste faces,

T camp in a designated safe zone at Rafah in

southern Gaza is yet another example of how
little Tel Aviv cares for the global rules-based order
Questions about how much AstraZeneca knew area? The Indian Council of Medical Research
about this from its own animal and human (ICMR) has rightly drawn attention to such seri-
research, and to what extent concerns were ous design and analytical flaws.
shared with the general public, are now under Post-marketing studies of vaccine-related
now. They are often taken for granted as a com- while addressing Dalits only as a broader Hindu
munity under either the broader Hindu religious vote bank.
category or within the Bahujan identity. Dalits On the other hand, independent Dalit political
are a strong aspirational community that holds parties such as BR Ambedkar’s Republican Party
and bodies such as the United Nations and the judicial review in a court in the United Kingdom adverse effects are important because clinical constitutional promises very dearly for of India, Kanshi Ram’s Bahujan Samaj
(UK) that is examining compensation claims. trials designed to assess efficacy do not provide two reasons. First, the Constitution was Party, Ram Vilas Paswan’s Lok Jan-
International Criminal Court (ICC). The action will Recently, AstraZeneca admitted that evidence large enough sample sizes of vaccine recipients drafted by BR Ambedkar as an egalitar- shakti Party and Viduthalai Chiruthaigal
only sharpen divisions between Israel and European exists of this complication. While all who actu- to identify an array of potential adverse effects. ian social document. Second, the Consti- Katchi (VCK) exist in some tension with
States that have either called for an end to the ally suffered such complications must be com- Late complications are especially likely to be tution protects and safeguards the inter- the mainstream. With the exception of
pensated, there is no cause for public anxiety missed in short-term efficacy trials. Discovery of ests of Dalits. So, they are deploying con- the BSP, and to an extent the LJP, their
targeting of civilians in the Gaza Strip or have acted to among vaccine recipients who received their the link between virus vector vaccines and TTS stitutional provisions to interrogate the
formally recognise a Palestinian State. Israeli Prime doses several months ago and did not experi- attests to the value of such studies. However, unfinished tasks of political parties of
Subhajit foray into the political mainstream has
been halting. But their political assertion
ence such a complication soon after. methodologically weak studies can derail scien- the Left, Right and centrist streams. Naskar has constantly been in support of consti-
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu may well describe the
The mRNA vaccines too have had their share tific research and harm public health. A spuri- The consternation on the issue of tutional remedies such as reservation,
deadly assault on displaced Palestinians as a “tragic of “scare”, with myocarditis and pericarditis ous link between the measles vaccine and guaranteeing reservations has some strengthening protection from caste-
mishap” but such excuses mean very little, given the (inflammation of heart muscle and its covering autism, suggested by a publication in The Lan- serious connotations. For Dalits, it’s very impor- based atrocities and opposing tampering of the
impunity with which the Israeli military has targeted layer) reported among some persons who cet, created a worldwide anti-vaccine move- tant to note the identity of the person assuring Constitution.
received the vaccines. Young males were identi- ment. The link was found to be non-existent and them of constitutional promises. Invariably, The lack of prominent Dalit leadership in
hospitals, UN staff, and international aid workers in fied as a high-risk group. Both the virus vector the flawed study was later retracted but the most political parties have no strong assertive mainstream political parties shows that Ambed-
its relentless campaign in Gaza. Israeli offers to vaccines and mRNA vaccines were specifically damage continues with measles outbreaks Dalit face to assure them, and therefore, political kar’s warnings about the dangers of democracy
investigate such incidents through its own authorities directed at the spike protein of the SARS CoV-2 among families who refuse to vaccinate their slugfests transform into mere rhetoric. remaining a top dressing are relevant. The spa-
virus. children. One of the important Dalit faces in independ- ces of national and state politics remain hostile
mean those responsible will receive little more than a Inactivated virus vaccines have been around Four groups have a duty to report accurately ent India was Babu Jagjivan Ram for the Con- and indifferent toward creating a Dalit leader-
slap on the wrist. much longer and widely used. Vaccines against and responsibly on issues of public health gress from 1937 to 1977. It took another 40 years ship. Powerful party organisational ranks and
The attack came just two days after the influenza and Hepatitis A are among the classic importance involving vaccines: Researchers for Mallikarjun Kharge to lead the party. The BJP cabinet portfolios in governments have histori-
examples. They have been generally well toler- who must design methodologically strong stud- credits itself with nominating Ram Nath Kovind cally been assigned to upper caste political lead-
International Court of Justice (ICJ) directed Israel to ated, with no serious complications. Indige- ies, conduct them with scrupulous adherence to as President. But it currently has no pan-Indian ers, and Dalit representation has remained
end its offensive in Rafah. That the strike was carried nously developed Covaxin too is an inactivated protocols and report them with integrity; manu- Dalit face. tokenism. This is not only true of the central cabi-
out in a region where 85% of the population of Gaza virus vaccine. Here, the inactivated SRS CoV-2 facturers who must truthfully disclose all find- The Telugu Desam Party has not nurtured net formations — where the social justice minis-
virus was combined with a United States (US) ings of clinical trial research plus provide alerts anyone after GMC Balayogi, who was elevated as try is typically the home of the Dalit minister —
has taken shelter illustrates how little the Israeli supplied adjuvant Alhydroxyquim-II that stim- from continuing post-marketing surveillance; speaker of the Lok Sabha. Communist parties but also of many state governments, irrespective
leadership cares for Palestinian lives. Tel Aviv’s ulates cellular immunity. Because Covaxin the government’s science agencies which must and prominent regional parties such as the Tri- of the party in power.
dismissal of global criticism of its actions as “anti- presents an array of antigens from the whole provide vigilant oversight of research and public namool Congress (TMC), YSR Congress Party, In 2024, the prominence that reservation and
virus, it can provide broadband immunity, even accountability; media which must gain suffi- Aam Aadmi Party, Dravida Munnetra Kazha- Constitution have acquired in the elections due
Semitism” will no longer wash, and neither will against variants that emerged with changed cient familiarity with research methodology to gam, All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazha- to the years of Ambedkarite assertions will,
Netanyahu’s assertions about continuing his war, spike protein configurations as the pandemic distinguish between scientifically strong and gam, Biju Janata Dal or the Janata Dal factions, hopefully, augur well not only for Dalits and
especially when Israeli citizens are calling for a truce. advanced. frail studies. Unless all of them play their roles also don’t have prominent Dalit figures leading organic Dalit leadership in mainstream political
A recent study reported a long list of adverse with conviction and commitment, a confused them. Parties of the backward classes such as the parties but also for the completion of the egalitar-
Israel’s actions that undermine bodies such as the ICC events of special interest (AESIs), in 635 adoles- public will be sceptical of science and suspicious Samajwadi Party and Rashtriya Janata Dal have ian project the country began when it adopted
and ICJ could lead to greater radicalisation across cents and 291 adults one year after vaccination of public health interventions. never nurtured Dalits in leadership. As a result, the Constitution.
West Asia at a time when it is already grappling with with Covaxin. This created a media stir in India, when these parties talk about issues such as res-
coming close on the heels of AstraZeneca’s K Srinath Reddy is honorary distinguished professor ervations, they lack credibility. The most glaring Subhajit Naskar is assistant professor at the
severe security challenges. The time has come for admission. The report on Covaxin raised further of public health, Public Health Foundation of India. example of this is in West Bengal, dominated first department of international relations, Jadavpur
Netanyahu to end this unjust and unjustifiable war. concerns, stoking anti-vaccine sentiments that The views expressed are personal by the Congress and Communists and now, the University. The views expressed are personal

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16 WEDNESDAY, 29 MAY 2024



The rise of quick commerce has

left us with a bagful of questions
We should study the impact of its success on the retail sector’s evolution as well as broader economy

is all about second-order effects. So, ering non-grocery products like elec-
will the rise of quick commerce lead to tronic gadgets, lipsticks, toys and even
expansion of India’s economic output, gold and silver coins. Of course, this
or will it simply take away business from expansion will need continued innova-
traditional players that were servicing tion at the supply-chain level to manage
this demand? Or will it be a bit of both? the higher inventory that selling more
How will it impact street-corner kirana products necessitates. On the flip side,
stores and supermarkets? nothing stops larger general e-com-
This point isn’t just important in the merce companies from making bigger
VIVEK KAUL context of quick commerce companies, bets on quick commerce, as Flipkart
is the author of ‘Bad Money’. but applies to e-commerce as a whole plans, making success tougher for
too. In their book, Breaking the Mould: everyone.
Reimagining India’s Economic Future, Third, will quick commerce turn out
Raghuram G. Rajan and Rohit Lamba, to be a pan-India phenomenon, or will it

Climate: Clean energy

mention that Lenskart, which is in the be limited to our bigger cities as it cur-
spectacles business, sells 50,000 rently is? As the Zomato letter referred

he stock price of Zomato has ral- frames a day. How is this impacting to earlier pointed out: “While we have a
lied big time in the last one year. India’s 50,000 eyewear shops. Is Len- presence in 26 cities, the focus from an
As of Friday, 24 May, it had gone skart taking away business from tradi- expansion standpoint is the top eight

needs a carbon market up 184% since 24 May 2023, though it

must be said that the closing price as of
Friday was more than 9% lower than its
all-time high of ₹201.4 on 10 May. The
tional eyewear shops?
Another interesting example here is
that of India’s increasing ghost malls. A
recent Reuters report points out that
cities in India.” This is where the money
is, and hence, in a way, it’s low-hanging
fruit for quick commerce companies.
Nonetheless, as the country’s digital
recent fall notwithstanding, a major smaller malls are increasingly turning penetration keeps increasing, there is
reason for the rise lies in the very fast into ghost malls as customers gravitate enough reason to believe that these
A buyers’ market is emerging in India for clean-energy assets. As private incentives to drive growth of the company’s quick com- towards bigger malls and shop online. companies will focus on non-metros as
merce business, which delivers vegeta- Hence, as quick commerce companies well and that will mean more pressure
a transition away from fossil fuels remain weak, we should go well beyond green subsidies bles, groceries and other products— grow bigger, whether they will end up on traditional kirana stores.
from lipsticks and pen drives to floral expanding India’s broader economic Fourth, it will be interesting to see
bouquets and branded kurtas—in a output is an important question in need how the relationship of quick com-
matter of minutes. of more thought and research. merce companies evolves with other

ndia is seeing a buyers’ market emerge for air of a seasonal routine. In spite of a big policy In 2023-24, the adjusted revenue of Typically, a technological innovation companies, like those in the fast moving
clean-energy assets, as Mint reported, with push for emission-free power and related gains the company’s quick commerce busi- leads to the destruction of existing eco- consumer goods sector or even those
ness grew by 186% to ₹2,302 crore. In nomic activities and jobs as well as the selling electronic products. Will the
a rise in businesses vying to attract inves- in renewable capacity, the power we use today comparison, the adjusted revenue of creation of new ones, although those quick commerce businesses launch
tors for stakes big and small in renewable broadly remains the same. Our decarbonized the company’s mainstay food-delivery who get hurt by it do not necessarily their own private labels, like large gen-
power projects. Among others, Siemens facilities are either off-grid or unable to plug business grew by a significantly lower benefit from the new opportunities eral e-commerce companies have? And
Energy is looking to sell the wind-turbines supply gaps to meet overall demand for other 27% to ₹7,792 crore. thrown up. As Daron Acemoglu and will that then lead to quick commerce
unit of its local subsidiary, Shell is scouting for reasons. What keeps supply and demand apart Swiggy and Zepto are the other major Simon Johnson write in Power and companies limiting the presence of
players in the field of quick commerce. Progress: “Technology doesn’t have a products made by other companies on
investors in Sprng Energy and Renew is in in this key infra sector needs an updated study, Swiggy recently filed for an initial pub- preordained direction, and nothing their platforms?
talks to hawk some of its solar assets. An over- but state-run distributors that don’t charge lic offering. Experts and analysts believe about it is inevitable.” Of course, we are getting into the
supply of climate-friendly generators of elec- users enough to profitably pay power suppliers that the company’s success as a listed Second, will quick commerce busi- realm of speculation here, but it is
tricity suggests that deals will be struck at are part of a statist legacy. Reform attempts so entity will depend on how well its quick nesses reach a point where they start worth remembering something that
weaker valuations than sellers would like, with far have failed to empower price signals, power commerce business does. Further, a resembling large e-commerce firms Kaushik Basu writes in Reason To Be
Mint Long Story published on 22 May like Amazon and Flipkart? As the letter Happy: “In traditional economics, buy-
saleability likely to hinge on project viability, handouts retain their role as political freebies, points out that the e-commerce major accompanying Zomato’s financial ers and sellers were brought together by
market conditions and the risk-return profile. and we’re stuck with a creaky grid-work that Flipkart “after failing in 2015 and results for the period January to March the invisible hand of the market... With
Meanwhile, project tenders issued in 2023-24 can hardly pay for itself, let alone respond to an 2020… is attempting a quick commerce pointed out: “We will be adding more the arrival of the digital platform, the
indicate that greenfield investor interest in online cry for electricity free of snap-offs. Since venture yet again”. use cases,” meaning the platform will [invisible hand] is no longer imaginary
clean gigs ran at 69 gigawatts (GW) of capacity, reliable supply is what users need, solar and This rise of quick commerce raises a sell a greater variety of products. Quick but an actual corporation, with an eye
few interesting points. First, economics commerce companies are already deliv- on little other than its own profit.”
well above the rate of 50GW per year needed wind sources have a particular drawback. The
for India to meet its 2030 goal of 500GW from sun and wind do not shine and blow at anyone’s
renewables. Some companies are in the busi- command. So, barring captive use, the energy
ness of setting up and selling off generators they generate needs to be stored for this supply
to re-invest in new ones. Unless secondary to be effective. Storage is very costly, and while
demand for these assets picks up, however, we batteries can get cheaper, renewable generators
risk the financial equivalent of a power cut. can’t beat carbon-heavy plants on affordability.
New Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Kolkata, Chennai, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad, Chandigarh*, Pune* Thursday, May 29, 2014 Vol.8 No.127 `4.00 in Delhi-NCR/`5.00 outside Delhi-NCR 24

Memoirist, poet
For all the buzz of action in our power sector, As an emerging economy with rising low-end
Maya Angelou dies at 86 >11
INFRASTRUCTURE: Modi government to bring
new scheme in place of JNNURM >4

it still presents a dismal picture overall. The demand, India doesn’t yet plan to quit coal-fired
CNBC-TV18: Attorney general Mukul Rohatgi
says retrospective tax law dampener for FDI >24
VIEWS: Pakistan—Fragile, handle with care >30

power ministry’s website says that India has power. Relative costs explain why. This is also
SENSEX 24,556.09 Æ 6.58 NIFTY 7,329.65 Æ 11.65 DOLLAR `59.03 æ `0.01 EURO `80.23 æ `0.29 GOLD `27,175 æ `360 OIL $109.66 æ $0.36


Govt likely The resignation of Infosys Ltd president B.G. Srinivas, who was seen as one of
the top contenders to take over as the company’s first non-founder CEO, is the
to buy Abhijeet
Group’s project
class angst
418GW of installed capacity. About 237GW of it why private players need the lure of subsidy
latest in the line of top-level departures at the firm since co-founder N. R.
Narayana Murthy returned as executive chairman in June 2013.

The nation that leads the

See Page 3
in Jharkhand

to make H ere is an inequality

B Y U TPAL B HASKAR paradox: inequality within nations is growing,
B.G. ························· while the world as a whole
SRINIVAS, NEW DELHI has become less unequal
board member
I ndia Power Corp. Ltd, a thanks to rapid economic

is housed in thermal plants that burn fossil fuels support—and state purchase mandates, etc—to GST priority
and president, was with group firm of Kolkata-based growth in countries like
Infosys since 1999 non-banking finance company China and India. The latter
Srei Infrastructure Finance is good but the former is

clean energy economy will

Ltd, plans to acquire Abhijeet political dynamite.
Group’s 1,080 megawatt (MW) New research by econo-
Jharkhand power project, val- mists Christoph Lakner
ued at around `9,000 crore, in and Branko Milanovic
Finance minister Jaitley the indirect tax regime. The
Apr 2014
what could be the first of sev- shows the fastest income
may meet state finance presentation will be made to Chandrashekar Kakal, Nithyanandan eral acquisitions in India’s growth since 1988 has been

(mainly coal) to create steam and drive turbines, invest in clean energy. Clearly, to meet climate
the finance minister on Thurs- head of business Radhakrishnan, power sector. for those around the global
ministers soon to sort day. Mar 2014
IT services Chief compliance officer Lenders to the Abhijeet median income and the
out differences, ensure The finance minister is also project, including state-owned super rich. Income growth
expected to soon meet state fi- Rural Electrification Corp. Ltd has been negligible around
early rollout of GST nance ministers to sort out dif- Feb 2014
Subu Goparaju, (REC) and State Bank of India the 85th-90th global per-
head of Infosys

be the nation that leads the

ferences and ensure an early Labs (SBI), have been looking to re- centiles, a group largely
B Y R EMYA N AIR rollout of GST, India’s most cover or restructure their populated by the develop- ambitious tax reform, aimed at Jan 2014 loans. The Abhijeet group, ing world’s middle class.
V. Balakrishnan , Stephen Pratt,
························· making India a common, uni- promoted by Manoj Jayaswal, The rapid rise in in-

almost 47GW is from watermills in dams, and goals, the state has no option but to play a big
board member and head former head of utilities
NEW DELHI fied market and ensure seam- of India and BPO business in North is one of the alleged benefici- comes in Asia has been ac-
Dec 2013

T he National Democratic less movement of goods and businesses, now with America aries of the previous govern- companied by stagnation
Alliance (NDA) govern- services, making it easier to do Aam Aadmi Party ment’s irregular allotment of in the Western middle
ment is likely to make business Nov 2013 coal mines. The Central Bu- class. So the overall global
implementation of the goods Adi Godrej, chairman of the Sudhir reau of Investigation (CBI) is trend is towards better in-
and services tax (GST) a priori- Godrej Group, has estimated Chaturvedi, probing the allotments. come distribution but it
ty as it gets down to work, pav- that implementation of GST Oct 2013 head of US Jayaswal has been in talks could have come at the

global economy.
ing the way for the creation of would add up to two percent- Humberto Kartik with Srei Infrastructure, which cost of the middle class in
Andrade, Jayaraman, services
a unified market of 1.2 billion age points to India’s gross do- has approached lenders with a the developed countries.

nearly 110GW of the total is attributed to wind- role. While subsidies can be stepped up to fund
people and easing the move- mestic product (GDP). Sep 2013 Latin America BPO sales head buyout plan, said a person fa- That could create local po-
BPO head in Australia Ashok Vemuri,
ment of cargo across state Initially planned to be board member and miliar with the development litical angst.
boundaries. launched on 1 April 2010, it head of Americas, now who asked not be identified. Is the rise of nationalist
Aug 2013 CEO of iGate
But the direct taxes code has been delayed because of a “We have given our Expres- parties in recent European
(DTC)—aimed at widening the lack of consensus between the sion of Interest to the Bankers elections one manifesta-
Basab Pradhan,
tax net and plugging loopholes centre and the states. Jul 2013 global sales head Source: Mint research
tion of this trend?
in the current income tax In its manifesto in the run- TURN TO PAGE 2®
laws—may be put on the back- up to the general elections, the

mills and solar panels. Yet, as seen in recent a clean-up, the Centre may also need to play the
burner for now, according to Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)
government officials who did had promised to bring on
not wish to be identified. board all state governments EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION
Finance minister Arun Jait- and address their concerns in
ley held a meeting with offi-
cials in the revenue depart-
ment and the direct tax and in-
adopting GST.
The BJP-led National Demo-
cratic Alliance government at
In US, a few CEOs dominate pay ranking
direct tax arms of the govern- the centre may have a better
ment on Wednesday to get an chance of forging a consensus, B Y T HEO F RANCIS & very top, and that their pay a total of $188 million, more and salaries for US private-sec-

years, the Centre begins to huff and puff over prime mover (as a direct investor). For market
overview of the main taxation given that a majority of dis- J OANN S . L UBLIN doesn’t necessarily correlate to than the combined pay of the tor workers rose an average of
issues. senting states, Gujarat, Mad- The Wall Street Journal their company’s size or results. 50 CEOs at the bottom of the 1.8% in 2013, according to the
The revenue department has hya Pradesh and Punjab ························· This year’s survey looked at same list. labour department.

been asked to prepare a pres- among them, are ruled by the or most CEOs at big com- 2013 compensation for CEOs Pay across the survey rose by The survey results come
entation for the new finance BJP or its allies, which won panies, pay is rising mod- at 300 large, US-traded public a median 5.5% to $11.4 million, from an analysis of proxy state-
minister, detailing the features power in the April-May Lok erately and awards are in- companies. It found the top nearly two-thirds of which was ments by the Journal and con-
and architecture of GST, the Sabha elections. creasingly tied to future finan- 10% by pay earned 23% of the tied to performance. sulting firm Hay Group.
areas of disagreement with The government may be able cial performance. But that total compensation, while the The increase trailed the The top ranks were dominat-
state governments and other to move the official amend- doesn’t apply to everybody. bottom 30% accounted for just companies’ median profit rise ed by many of the same names

coal supplies to prevent power cuts as soon as forces to help, though, we’ll also need a parallel
issues like compensation for ments to the Constitution The Wall Street Journal’s an- 13% of the total. of 8% and median total share- that regularly appear among
loss of revenue that have de- amendment Bill, key to the im- nual compensation survey The three highest-paid holder return of 34%, which in- the highest-paid executives.
layed the implementation of plementation of GST as early found that, for all the debate CEOs— Oracle Corp.’s Larry cludes stock gains and divi- Ellison, last year’s best-paid
as in the monsoon session of around high CEO pay, the big- Ellison, CBS Corp.’s Leslie dends. It did, however, out- CEO, with $76.9 million in to-
Mint is also available for R8 with gest rewards go to a relative Moonves and Liberty Global strip growth in compensation
Hindustan Times in Delhi-NCR only TURN TO PAGE 4® handful of executives at the Plc.’s Michael T. Fries —made for ordinary employees. Wages TURN TO PAGE 2®

peak demand reaches the level of our thermal carbon market to incentivize an overall tilt away
capacity. Last summer, demand peaked at an from emissions. Carbon pricing could close the
estimated 221GW. This year, it may exceed cost gap, draw private money into clean power
240GW. Coal wagons doing extra runs bear the and give our climate plan the boost it needs.


Digital tools must be used as shields and not weapons

banking services through electronic KYC. The rise of social media has had its own used memes to reach out to young voters. solicit votes from voters. On the other hand,
ARVIND GUPTA & AAKASH GUGLANI Digilocker has simplified document man- impact. During the 2014 elections, India had While technology has empowered politi- some candidates have willingly circulated
agement for citizens and reduced reliance over 243 million internet users. In 2019, we cal campaigns, it has also amplified the deepfake videos with special voice-overs to
on physical copies. UPI has transformed dig- had over 450 million, a large portion of spread of misinformation and deepfakes. In reach multi-lingual constituents and thus
ital payments, making transactions easier whom were active on social media platforms previous elections, misinformation was seen optimize their use of limited resources for
and faster. Fastag has eased congestion at like Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp, mak- to spread rapidly through WhatsApp and campaigning.

s India’s democracy nears the end of toll plazas and improved traffic flows. The ing these political battlegrounds. Over the other messaging platforms. However, in Both the ministry of electronics and infor-
the world’s largest electoral exercise, GSTN has modernized India’s taxation sys- past decade, social media 2024, the use of AI has mation technology (MeitY) and the EC have
it is evident that digital technologies tem. The DBT system ensures the targeted has come to be dominated combined with social taken proactive measures to mitigate these
have changed the whole landscape of Indian delivery of subsidies and benefits directly by memes, AI-generated As they are an media algorithms to make risks and secure India’s elections. MeitY
policymaking, reshaping governance, citi- into the bank accounts of beneficiaries, min- content and synthetic vid- misinformation more chal- issued guidelines under its IT Rules to social
zen engagement, political campaigning and imizing leakages and corruption. Jeevan eos. While earlier elections integral part of lenging to combat. media intermediaries that are aimed at pre-
elections. This transformation has not only Pramaan, a biometric-enabled digital life saw mostly text-based con- Deepfake videos, in par- venting users from posting harmful or pro-
streamlined bureaucratic processes, but also certificate, has simplified pension disburse- tent, hashtags and image-
our democracy ticular, pose a significant hibited content. The EC has leveraged tech-

are, respectively, head and

brought services closer to the people, foster-
ing financial inclusion and digital empower-
ment for retired government employees.
MyGov has emerged as a key platform for
based campaigns, today’s
839 million internet users
and public life threat to election integrity.
AI-generated videos can
nology to combat the same threats. To
uphold the integrity of Indian elections, the
policy manager, Digital India
ment. Ministries and government depart-
ments have embraced digital tools to raise
the government to reach out to citizens far
and wide with information. It has facilitated
in India are confronted
with memes, deepfakes
now, it’s vital to manipulate speeches, alter
facial expressions and cre-
poll panel deployed educational campaigns,
AI algorithms and partnerships with social
transparency, efficiency and accountability. direct interaction between citizens and poli- and AI-generated content. reduce the risk ate entirely fabricated sce- media platforms.
Performance dashboards, social media han- cymakers, allowing feedback, suggestions Memes have become a narios, making it difficult Clearly, digital technologies have become
dles and grievance redressal mechanisms and participation in policy and law formula- particularly powerful tool of their misuse for viewers to discern truth an integral part of Indian policymaking in a
like Twitter Seva have become standard fea- tion. Leveraging AI tools and even memes, for political communica- from falsehood. Political variety of ways, and this digital adoption is
tures of governance, allowing citizens to such platforms have engaged citizens in the tion, conveying complex parties and malicious shaping governance, citizen engagement
interact directly with the government and policymaking process, making governance messages in an easily digestible format. actors exploit deepfakes to discredit oppo- and electoral processes. While various initi-
monitor its performance. more responsive to people’s needs. AI-generated content, including deepfake nents and manipulate public opinion. Other atives have delivered numerous benefits to
The success of tech-led governance is visi- India’s election machinery has also been videos, has further blurred the line between than politicians, sportspersons and film people, including efficiency, empowerment
ble in various innovative schemes and digital upgraded. Voter Verified Paper Audit Trail reality and fiction. These technologies are actors have also become victims of deep- and inclusivity, we also face steep digital
platforms. Jan Dhan Yojana accounts have (VVPAT) machines to go with Electronic Vot- being leveraged to create campaign narra- fakes made with mala fide intent. challenges. As we move ahead, we must aim
enabled financial inclusion by giving over ing Machines marked a significant develop- tives and influence voter perceptions. Even Recently, in Tamil Nadu, political parties to ensure that digital tools work as shields
500 million unbanked citizens access to ment for free-and-fair elections in India. the Election Commission of India (EC) has used deepfake videos of deceased leaders to rather than weapons.


Commanding heights: Only the India’s state sector is thriving

but not helping the economy
public sector can save the world State-run firms in old sectors can’t lead a modernization project

Evidence has piled up that private capital isn’t up to the task and governments will have to lead transitions to clean energy


is a Bloomberg Opinion columnist.

is the chief economic advisor to the
Government of India.

en years ago, when Narendra Modi
rode an electoral wave to power in
New Delhi, many expected that he

n October last year, Gulzar Natarajan and I would be far more supportive of the private India’s public sector has performed well in
wrote ( that nations may sector than previous Indian leaders. As a recent times BLOOMBERG
be ill-advised to rely on private capital for the candidate, Modi was quoted as saying: “I
investments they need to make to deal with believe government has no business to do their ability to invest in more future-proof
climate change. However, Brett Christophers business,” and one of the many slogans of businesses—key to their longer-term via-
takes this argument further in his book, The that 2014 campaign was “minimum gov- bility.” A cycle, whether virtuous or
Price is Wrong: Why Capitalism Won’t Save the ernment, maximum governance.” That vicious, is at work here. State-owned firms
Planet. He delves into why private capital, despite seemed as close to laissez-faire Thatcher- dominate certain older sectors. They see
its potential, will not invest enough in renewable- ism as one could expect in India. decent cash surpluses. But, being state-
energy generation capacity for the planet to Few who looked closely at Modi’s tenure controlled, they can’t channel their profits
achieve its goal of limiting temperature increase as CM of Gujarat, however, believed this into the broader financial system to find
to 1.5° Celsius above pre-industrial levels. narrative. His proudest achievement there the most effective new projects. Instead,
First, Christophers marshals a lot of evidence to was turning around the state government’s they must follow directions from New
make his case, and second, he does not absolve the own public-sector companies, particularly Delhi to re-invest in their own industries.
West of its historical responsibilities and its conse- in the energy sector. And that’s been his Meanwhile, private firms in India are
quent current responsibility to support developing focus in national office as well. In a recent struggling. New investment plans from the
countries with technological, material and finan- interview, when asked to cite an example of private sector shrunk by over 15% in
cial resources to combat climate change. For how markets should react to his expected 2023-24. Manufacturing suffered the big-
example, he cites Derek Browers of the Financial re-election, he pointed specifically and gest hit, as fresh proposals fell by 40% in
Times: “The Western nations that did so much of solely to how he had revived the stock pri- value terms, from ₹20 trillion ($240 billion)
the damage will have to finance the transition in ces of public-sector companies. in 2022-23 to ₹12 trillion ($144 billion) in
the developing world—it is astonishing that this Modi wasn’t wrong. State firms have 2023-24.
idea is still debated (” He done better than India’s benchmark Economists have come up with various
does not blame developing economies, particu- Sensex index for three years straight and explanations for the declines. Some argue
larly India and China, for continuing to rely on look likely to do so again this year. They that domestic demand is still not robust
fossil fuels for electricity generation. He also have regularly traded at a premium to their enough for the private sector to make a
acknowledges the substantial investments private peers. Government officials attrib- business case for new investment. Others
these two countries make in renewable energy ute this success to administrative shifts point out that productivity in manufactur-
generation capacity. He calls it the wrong model and, based on the interest costs in developing countries, utility-scale within these creaking old behemoths. The ing has barely increased, so fresh capital
He questions the belief that private capital will available global evidence, concludes that private renewable energy generation will take a long time, minister in charge of India’s state petro- has not been drawn into the sector. And
create adequate renewable energy capacity capital is not designed to do the job. if ever, to be profitable enough for private capital to leum companies, for example, says that the pretty much everyone agrees that busi-
because private capital is rightly about profits. In A very insightful quote attributed to Meredith be invested in large sums. The upshot is that an Modi administration has introduced a ness-friendly reforms have not gone far
another age, he says, private capital had turned to Angwin is worth repeating here: “They are not energy transition on the scale required to keep “new era of governance characterized by enough.
coal to power cotton production because it was markets as we know markets. They are complex warming within reasonable limits will not take professionalism, strategic foresight and A more fundamental problem is that
profitable. Private capital would get invested if systems, with new regulations constantly tweaking place. Christophers suggests the solution is for the unwavering commitment to national inter- Modi has developed a battle-plan for eco-
energy generated through renewable sources and trying to improve existing regulations. They state to undertake the task, instead of de-risking pri- ests.” Most analysts are similarly optimis- nomic growth over his past two terms—
could be priced and sold profitably. Otherwise, are a bureaucratic thicket, not a market. It’s Orwel- vate capital. “Extensive public ownership of renew- tic, if less effusive. and the private sector isn’t meant to lead
not. The record is not encouraging. Whenever lian. [Electricity is] ‘deregulated’ only if ‘deregu- able energy assets appears the most viable model.” But what does this public-sector outper- the charge. The government actively mops
state support—in terms of subsidies, guarantees, lated’ means ‘lots more regulation’. ‘War is peace.’ In countries like India, this means that we will formance say about India’s real economy? up household financial savings and routes
land concessions or tax reliefs—was withdrawn, ‘Deregulation’ is ‘lots more regulation.’ Orwell be back to a full circle. In the past, our state-owned Is such vibrancy worth bragging about? all investment through the state sector. As
investment in additional capacity came down, would be amused.” generation and distribution companies were not Two bits of context are worth noting. First, a share of GDP, government expenditure
or the price of capital equipment required for Christophers invokes Karl Polanyi to argue that economically viable partly because we had not most of India’s state-owned enterprises are has increased sharply, as has India’s debt.
renewable energy went up. One of the reasons for electricity is a ‘fictitious’ commodity, like land and gotten prices right, apart from other interventions. in legacy sectors—fossil fuels, old trans- The finance ministry’s think tank estimates
this that Christophers does not mention but Ed labour. He writes, “…electricity essentially was and That resulted in the unbundling of generation and port, 20th-century capital goods. And sec- growth in the coming year will be an opti-
Conway points out is that renewables are so much is not a suitable object for marketisation and profit distribution and some privatization of generation ond, private-sector investment in India mistic 7.1%-7.4%, essentially thanks to pub-
less energy-dense than fossil fuels. generation in the first place.” In liberalized mar- and distribution, and the results have been mixed. remains anaemic. Consider these three lic-sector capital expenditure.
Christophers does not condemn private capital. kets for electricity, as in Europe, renewable-energy If the state took over ownership of renewable points together, and the macro picture This strategy is, to put it mildly, not
After all, private capital is about property rights developers take all possible steps to avoid selling at energy assets, as it once did with fossil-fuel-based begins to look a little worrying. If public- Thatcherite. It certainly won’t modernize
and profits. His take on various seemingly compli- the market price. That is a negation of the market electricity generation and distribution assets, sector undertakings are doing well, is that India’s economy away from sunset indus-
ant but devious methods adopted by financiers- mechanism. would the same problems plague the endeavour? because the private sector is under-per- tries. Nor will it increase productivity—
investors-suppliers to profit from electricity If so, the insistence by Western governments and Is retaining ‘extensive public ownership’ and also forming on growth and investment? And is that’s asking too much of the public sector.
prices is interesting. He says that it is wrong to multilateral bodies that, with de-risking, a wave of ensuring investment accountability, production it good news if the best-performing com- Above all, it is fiscally unsustainable.
cast these transgressions in moral terms because private capital is ready to be deployed is baffling at efficiency and accountability possible? panies in an economy are those that hold Government investment has risen in every
it gives rise to the impression that, but for some one level. But, at another level, it looks like a case The imperative of an energy transition, which near-monopolies in sunset industries? federal budget; how long can India keep
deviant market participants which includes of passing the hat to the private sector. Suppose is as difficult as it is desirable, and the compelling Analysts at Kotak Institutional Equities that up? If Modi returns to power after the
reputable names, the market for electricity would private capital does not flow to emerging economies evidence that Christophers has shared with us have argued the latter is a real problem. ongoing election, his administration must
function efficiently. That is, there will be efficient for their energy transition. It would be easy then make it necessary that we confront these “Continued large re-investment of cash adopt a different strategy. State-owned
price discovery which is fair to the consumer and to blame these countries for failing fitness tests questions sooner rather than later. flows by PSUs into their extant businesses companies can’t be the basis of a modern,
profitable to suppliers. He questions that premise. required to receive that capital. Even so, given the These are the author’s personal views. (mostly sunset industries) may constrain productive economy. ©BLOOMBERG


The unit of change targeted can make or break reforms

sets the stage for the depth, scale and scope user experience but resulted in vast duplica- So, it is critical to evaluate what the most tive journey of discovery, innovation and
SUPRIYA SANKARAN & RAHUL MATTHAN of transformation. tion of efforts as physical filings had to be appropriate unit of change is in a given con- collaboration.
Consider, for example, reforming the jus- scanned and uploaded and orders had to first text. Here are some questions: While there may not be a one-size-fits-all
tice system. The Supreme Court’s e-Courts be printed before being scanned and Does the unit of change align with the answer, determining the unit of change
Project, which aims to transform the Indian uploaded. overarching goals of the proposed reform? must become an essential part of the process
judiciary through technology, has, from However, when the e-Courts Project If the objective is to improve well-being in of any transformation. When we determine

ne of the most critical yet often time to time, adopted different units of chose ‘dispute type’ as the unit of change society, are we aligned with this goal if we the unit of change, we set the compass direc-
overlooked parts of the reform pro- change. In some instances, it has treated its when it set up virtual treat ‘disease,’ say, as the tion before embarking on our transforma-
cess is determining what should be ‘function’ as the unit of change, looking to courts for traffic challans, it unit of change and track tion journey. It also helps us target our inter-
the ideal ‘unit of change’ of the proposed digitize filings and summons, or implement re-engineered all the pro- As seen with progress around it? ventions, directing our efforts with precision
transformation. What do we mean by this? video conferencing as an alternative to per- cesses involved in the dis- Is the unit of change fea- towards the areas where change will yield
A ‘unit of change’ is a component of a system sonal presence in the courtroom. In other pute, right from the courts, clarity sible and practical? Does it the greatest dividends. This not only con-
that’s the focal point for transformation instances, it has treated the ‘court’ as the unit moment the traffic viola- take into account factors serves resources, but also amplifies the
efforts. It could be a geography, a function, of change, looking to invest time and resour- tion happened. As a result,
on what we are like resource availability, effectiveness of the reform.

are, respectively, co-founder of

a process, an institution, a policy or any
other distinctly identifiable element that,
ces in making courts paperless. When it set
up ‘virtual courts challans,’ it treated the
these virtual courts can
receive digital challans
trying to fix stakeholder capacity, ease
of adoption, etc?
It is also important to collect data and evi-
dence to help us analyse which unit of
Agami and Public Collective for
Avoidance and Resolution of
when modified, is capable of catalysing
broad systemic improvements. By way of
‘dispute type’ (in this case traffic disputes) as
the unit of change.
directly from cameras of
the traffic police. They can
makes a major Does the chosen unit of
change give us the most
change is more practical and feasible in
terms of governance, change management,
Disputes (PUCAR), and a example, consider reform efforts in educa- The impact and potential of each of these generate digital summons difference to bang for our buck? What is resource availability and political space. We
partner at Trilegal who also has tion. One approach could be to target the approaches has been drastically different. to send violators’ phones, the point of intervention must attempt to foresee the risks of each unit
a podcast by the name Ex ‘school’ as the ‘unit of change.’ When this is When ‘function’ was the unit of change, offering an option to pay a outcomes that holds the most signifi- of change and ways we can mitigate them or
Machina. the case, the reform agenda could include people were able to file or argue matters fine online or contest the cant influence over the even creatively flip them around to serve
developing new curricula, different peda- remotely. While this is a critical value propo- case. We found that most functioning and outcomes instead as advantages.
gogy or making changes in the administra- sition for users, because it merely layered a of the cases in the Delhi Virtual Traffic chal- of the broader system or organization? When we make these determinations col-
tive processes of the school. On the other digital process over existing analog pro- lan courts are settled at this stage itself, Identifying the appropriate unit of change laboratively with decision-makers and
hand, if the ‘unit of change’ is the child, cesses without carrying out proper process- hugely simplifying the process for litigants. is not easy and often fiercely contested by change-makers, we foster community par-
reform efforts would focus on improving re-engineering, the new system inherited Choosing the correct unit of change also stakeholders, particularly when they have ticipation in reform efforts from the very
learning and development outcomes. the shortcomings of its analog predecessor. creates a cascade effect on subsequent choi- divergent incentives. The choice also needs beginning. It can help break down a large
Identifying the correct unit of change is When the unit of change was a ‘court,’ ces and strategies. It also helps orient efforts to be constantly revisited to ensure that it amorphous vision into a practical roadmap
crucial for the success of a given reform, as it going paperless significantly improved the and improves efficiency by focusing them. remains relevant. This is, therefore, an itera- that everyone can contribute to.

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The times that we could rely on others without
reservation are over. That means we Europeans
have to take our destiny into our own hands if Angela
we want to survive as a community Merkel


� �

N about a week, elections will de- Macron wants to Make Europe Great Again, borrowing different nations. More importantly, among
termine the complexion of a new many in Europe—as among many strategic
INDIAN EXPRESS IS NOT AN European parliament. They from Trumpian MAGA ideas and protectionist analysts in India—the term conjures up the
INDUSTRY. IT IS A MISSION. would show how the public eval- Bidenomics. The Euro polls may influence this process spectre of anti-Americanism, which dic-
— Ramnath Goenka uates policies of Europe’s deci- tates caution in its use. A research paper of

sion-makers on security, econom- the European Council of Foreign Relations
ic challenges, energy transition notes differing responses to US perspec-
and migration. Polls project right and far- tives: UK, Sweden, Baltic and Central Eu-

PARTIES TO BLAME FOR right parties may increase representation,

perhaps even displacing the centre-left as RESPONSE ropean countries consider US concerns an
important determinant of the limits of

UPTICK IN POLITICAL the second largest grouping.

In April, France’s President Emmanuel
strategic autonomy, while some western
European countries believe that US con-

Macron laid out a characteristically frank cerns are driven by economic motives.
analysis of Europe’s challenges, declaring Two men have recently held up a mirror
it would “die” if it did not wake up to cur- to Europe’s strategic challenges—Donald

rent realities. Macron said Europe today Trump and Vladimir Putin. The former by
HE bitter fight between the main opponents in Odisha’s encounters hostility from Russia, lack of his posture on transatlantic defence and
twin polls has seen blood spilling on the streets. Last interest from the US and competition from economic relations; the latter by his mili-
Saturday, two incumbent MLAs were booked for multi- China. The US has only two priorities: P S RAGHAVAN Former diplomat and Distinguished Fellow, tary operations in Ukraine, which have
America First and China. Europe is not a Vivekananda International Foundation shown up Europe’s vulnerabilities. Pros-
ple violent incidents in the state’s Khordha and Angul
geopolitical priority. It has to find strategies pects of an impending Trump administra-
districts. One of them, a BJP nominee, was held for to prevent marginalisation and relegation. tion and a protracted war in Ukraine have
alleged vandalism as well as manhandling polling officials in Macron’s prescriptions include policies energised consultations on measures to pro-
a booth. The arrest of a major national party’s candidate dur- to accelerate self-reliance in raw materials, tect its security and economic interests.
ing an election is a first for Odisha. The other case was of a semiconductors, digital technologies and Of the elements in Macron’s blueprint,
BJD candidate accused of assaulting a BJP worker. The first healthcare; and strategies to make Europe defence coordination and integration have
major incidence of violence at these elections was reported a world leader in artificial intelligence, made the most progress. A UK-France dec-
quantum computing, space, biotechnolo- laration in March 2023 held out the prospect
in Ganjam immediately after the first phase of polling in the gies and new energy by 2030. ‘Food sover- of the UK joining a European defence ini-
state on May 13, when BJP’s Berhampur Lok Sabha candidate eignty’ and energy transition policies with tiative. It was suggested their nuclear deter-
came under attack hours after voting concluded. Two days economic growth should be priorities. rents could provide security guarantees for
later, a BJP worker was hacked to death allegedly by BJD The centrepiece of Macron’s recipe is a Europe. These are nascent ideas, requiring
workers during a poster campaign in the same district. The strong European defence capacity, with a acceptance and validation. Creating the ca-
subsequent phases of polling have seen an uptick in violence, full spectrum of military capabilities. This pacities and force structures for a robust
needs a Europe-wide defence industrial European deterrent would be a lengthy, but
including arson, clashes and bomb attacks. There have been
strategy, consolidating specialisations of worthwhile, process. For the US, which is
reports of voters bearing the brunt for refusing to abide by major players, a “European preference” for overstretched in its efforts to contain Rus-
the diktats of candidates in parts of the state. military acquisitions and addressing the sia and China, outsourcing European secu-
It is necessary to scratch the surface to understand the mismatch of specifications and standards rity to Europeans may not be as unwelcome
fundamental reason behind this spate of violence: the mus- (which was shown up in the assistance ex- as it was two decades ago. British participa-
cle power political parties use to win elections. An analysis tended to Ukraine). It envisages strategic tion may be a confidence builder, both
cohesion between European armies and a across the Atlantic and the continent.
of the state’s assembly candidates’ backgrounds by the As-
rapid reaction force, creating an autono- MANDAR PARDIKAR Leaders recognise the geopolitical need
sociation of Democratic Reforms revealed that the share of mous European capacity to pursue its own for a strong, autonomous Europe. But
major political parties’ nominees who have criminal cases defence strategies “in the Mediterranean, ships with its own Arctic, Indo-Pacific, and dynamic knowledge-based economy in translating declarations into viable action
lodged against them ranged from 17 percent to 68 percent. Africa, the Indo-Pacific and the Arctic”. Latin America and Africa strategies, reject- the world”. Underpinning the agenda was plans needs visionary leadership, drawing
At least 58 percent of BJP candidates have serious charges Europe also needs a clear understanding ing bipolar confrontation too many conti- a security and defence policy, envisaging in disparate political strands and creating
against them, compared to 22 percent for the BJD and 30 of its geography, to protect against un- nents are accepting. It is a vision that can military integration and a force to promote a common minimum programme that
percent for the Congress. The accused in the Berhampur governed inflows of migrants and goods. It be described as Making Europe Great European interests beyond boundaries. meets acceptance across the continent.
needs to protect its culture: “Europe’s chil- Again—borrowing from Trumpian MAGA Concerned about a potential decoupling Alliances were a Cold War construct,
attack is an independent candidate for an assembly seat who dren are more and more exposed to Ameri- ideas and protectionist Bidenomics. It has of Europe from America, the US acted to with inbuilt inflexibilities. Alliance part-
has 46 cases pending against him. All major parties have can or Asian content.” Achievement of been dubbed grandiose, but it is consistent assert the primacy of NATO in EU’s de- ners now have a new diversity of political
fielded candidates with similar backgrounds. these targets may need massive investment with his past warnings about Europe’s lack fence policy, including a right of first re- and socioeconomic options and compul-
The BJD has been pointing fingers at the saffron party for of a billion euros annually, but Macron says of geopolitical vision. Seven years ago, he fusal for military actions. The eastward sions. This is the reality Europe is encoun-
fielding candidates charged with serious crimes, while the BJP it is essential for Europe’s resuscitation. It called for “greater unity, greater sovereign- expansion of NATO had its own corrective tering. The transatlantic link will remain
continues to allege that the ongoing violence has patronage of involves spurning Western economic ortho- ty, greater democracy” in Europe. Over the impact. The Iraq war of 2003 created East- important; the challenge is to find a balance
doxies of decades (on which they have been years, he has actively engaged in initiatives West fissures in the continent and the eu- between a tight embrace and decoupling.
the ruling party and the police administration. The fact remains lecturing countries like India for decades). to strengthen European capacities. rozone crisis accentuated its North-South The outcome of the Euro elections may
that as long as political parties have no qualms about welcoming Macron’s justification is Europe cannot af- There is a deja vu in this ambition for a divisions. The Lisbon agenda of 2000 gave influence this process. A Europe rooting
candidates with criminal antecedents into their folds, violence ford to remain a nice guy, when the US and strong Europe. Soon after the Cold War, Eu- way to a less ambitious programme. for multipolarity can make a valuable con-
as a weapon to influence polls will continue unabated. China are breaking all rules. rope saw opportunities and a demographic In recent years, European institutions tribution to an emerging world order,
The objective is a Europe that is not a dividend from its forthcoming expansion. have reiterated the importance of strategic whenever that happens.


“vassal of the US”, but a “power of bal- In 2000, the EU launched the Lisbon agenda autonomy for Europe. However, the inter- (Views are personal)
ance” that can develop reciprocal partner- to transform it into “the most competitive pretation of strategic autonomy varies in (


T is mostly in conditions of extreme weather that mem-

bers of the public and the state come to think of homeless
persons. The bitter cold of Delhi winters has been the im- Enhancing capabilities
petus for the Supreme Court to pull up state governments Ref: The misdirected debate on population
changes (May 28). The article makes a very
more than once for failing to provide adequate shelter to
good point about religious demography and

homeless populations. But winter is not the only dangerous NDIA stands tall today as the development. The argument that population
month for the unhoused. A blistering heatwave has swept world’s fastest-growing large growth is linked to an enhancement of
the country in recent months and yet, in ever-balmy Chen- economy. This has been accom- women’s capabilities, especially their
nai, the shelter supports the city corporation should be panied by the creation of high- education and income, is quite convincing.
equipped to offer have been undermined. quality employment opportuni- CHANDRAJIT Director General, Confederation V Janakiraman, Tiruvarur
Chennai opened its first shelter in 1944. Although it falls ties, reflected in the latest BANERJEE of Indian Industry
Periodic Labour Survey, where Mamata’s commitment
short of the Supreme Court-mandated one shelter per one lakh positive trends can be observed across Ref: Mamata to skip INDIA bloc meet on June
population, it still has 50 shelters for a population of around 70 many indicators. The worker-population cess to education. A host of digital educa- youth and preparing them for the workforce 1 in Delhi (May 28). The TMC leader has said
lakh—on paper at least. In reality, TNIE has reported that four ratio (WPR) for people aged 15 and above tion initiatives like DIKSHA, SWAYAM, PM through various schemes, such as Pradhan she was bogged down with remedial measures
shelters were closed in 2022 and this year the city corporation increased by almost 10 percentage points e-vidya, etc., have been undertaken to facili- Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana, Jan Shik- post the Remal cyclone. Her commitment to
surrendered nearly `8 crore allocated for constructing new from 46.8 percent in 2017-18 to 56 percent in tate multi-modal access to education. shan Sansthan, National Apprenticeship the state’s welfare rather than taking part in
shelters, claiming non-availability of land. Meanwhile, newly 2022-23. Similarly, the labour force partici- The positive impacts of such initiatives Promotion Scheme-2, etc. As per CII Re- the meeting is highly commendable.
pation rate (LFPR) significantly increased are reflected in India’s education-wise em- search’s analysis of the annual PLFS data, Rajamani Chelladurai, Tirunelveli
built shelters were repurposed—TNIE found one functioning
over the same five-year period from 49.8 per- ployment indicators that show several posi- the vocational training have also translated
as a primary health centre—and NGOs running shelter pro- cent to 57.9 percent. This was supported by tive trends. As per PLFS data, WPR in the into higher jobs as a notable increase was Dedicated leader
grammes are struggling to make ends meet as the local body a concomitant decline in the unemploy- 15 and above cohort for secondary educa- seen in the proportion of workforce who Hats off to Mamata Benerjee for not attending
delays payments for months on end. The losers, amid this bru- ment rate from 6 percent to 3.2 percent. tion and above has increased from around received vocational training from 8.1 per- the INDIA bloc meeting as her priority is
tal heatwave, are the people the state’s own revenue depart- This employment landscape has under- 43.2 percent in 2017-18 to 50.3percent in 2022- cent in 2017-18 to 27.4 percent in 2022-23. relief work in the state. It is rare to find
ment categorised as ‘high-risk’ in such climatic conditions. gone transformative changes over the According to PLFS estimates, the Female such dedicated chief ministers. Let her tribe
years, with the emergence of dynamic sec- Labour Force Participation Rate also wit- increase in our country.
The Greater Chennai Corporation has a storied history and is
tors and entrepreneurial ventures. A host nessed a significant increase from 23.3 per- Kavitha Srikanth, Chennai
the richest and largest local body in Tamil Nadu. If it fails to of government initiatives directed towards cent in 2017-18 to 37 percent in 2022-23 (for
fulfil its responsibilities to vulnerable populations, it will only fostering gainful employment has created a the 15 and above cohort). This represents a Illegal setup
set a trend for smaller local bodies to follow. conducive ecosystem fostering innovation, sharp rise in working women, which will Ref: Lost faith in state machinery: Guj HC
Homelessness is a complicated issue in India where desti- creativity and entrepreneurial talent. contribute greatly to further development. (May 28). The Gujarat High Court pointed out
tute persons, employed but houseless persons, and entire fami- At the same time, a strong impetus has Education, skilling and credit enhance- correctly that the administrative machinery
lies brave the elements in urban hubs without roofs over their been placed on developing a future-ready, ment programmes are further helping close woke up only after lives were lost. This
inclusive and employable workforce with the gender gap, particularly with a surge in applies not only to Gujarat, but other states
heads. In situ housing near their workplaces has long been a

relevant and up-to-date skills, supported by the proportion of women in higher educa- too. It is unfortunate that the gaming
demand that, if fulfilled, could resolve the problems and im- various skill development programmes and tion and STEM areas. For accelerating the arena in Rajkot was functioning without
prove the prospects of a significant section of this population. affirmative action policies that will contin- As the employment landscape pace of job creation, CII has suggested an any permission for almost three years. It is
For the destitute who are alone, unable to work or unwell, it ue to shape India’s future of work. is witnessing a shift towards Employment Linked Incentive Scheme in disgraceful that many government officials
is vital that the state ensures their protection, while respecting The central government has undertaken skill-based hiring, the importance sectors such as tourism, logistics, retail, participated in the inauguration of that
their agency, by making appropriate budgetary allocations as a range of impactful measures to create a film, animation and gaming. Greater focus illegal structure.
vibrant and conducive jobs ecosystem in of vocational training cannot be on promoting labour intensive sectors such M Haneef, Kottayam
activists have been demanding. Meanwhile, the city corpora- the country. Notable initiatives including overstated. It has great potential as textiles, leather and jewellery can also
tion must revive closed shelters and reclaim newly construct- Digital India, Skill India, Startup India, the yield more employment. Reinvigorating Nadal
to boost employability by training
ed ones so that facilities are ready and available to serve this Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana, and Special attention needs to be accorded to Ref: Nadal exits in first round, isn’t sure of
vulnerable population ahead of the monsoon. Production Linked Incentive Schemes
workers in specific skill-sets equipping workers with skills in high- future French Opens (May 28). The exit of
across India’s strategic sectors are support- growth sectors, particularly in manufactur- Rafael Nadal is shocking. But he is a gutsy
ing India’s aspirational youth and budding 23. The ratio for the categories of graduates, ing, logistics, finance, healthcare and life warrior and cannot be expected to resign
Q U I C K TA K E entrepreneurs through skilling, enhancing postgraduates and above also exhibited sig- sciences. With greater automation and Ar- meekly. He has been haunted by injuries that
employability and boosting enterprise de- nificant improvement, going up by 6.1 per- tificial Intelligence (AI), harnessing the po- kept him away from playing for months. He is
PREPARE BETTER FOR STORMS velopment. For example, the PLI scheme
has created over 8 lakh new jobs.
cent and 4.1 percent respectively over the
six-year period. The LFPRs for all catego-
tential of AI and related technologies with
requisite skills must be top priorities.
only 38, with a lot of play left in him. His faith
about his own skill plus the fan support will

YCLONE Remal is leaving a devastating trail across the The sustained level of government capex ries also displayed similar patterns, rein- India, with a young population with a me- reinvigorate him and make him play-fit soon.
northeast. At least 31 deaths have been reported in storm- spending for physical, social and digital in- forcing the positive impact that strong edu- dian age of around 28 years, has immense Manoharan Muthuswamy, Ramanathapuram
frastructure, as reflected in consecutive cation policies have had on employment. potential to contribute significantly to glo-
related incidents in Mizoram, Assam, Nagaland and Meg- budgets, has also created large scale em- As the employment landscape is witness- bal long term economic growth. It is being Record performance
halaya. The biggest toll has been reported from Mizoram, ployment. With over 33 percent increase in ing a shift towards skill-based hiring, the positioned as the largest provider of human Catching them young is true for sports in
where at least 17 people were killed when a stone quarry public capex for three preceding years, in- importance of vocational training has great resources in a world economy faced with general and weightlifting in particular.
collapsed on migrants working at a rail bridge. A chunk of frastructure construction has helped con- potential to boost employability by training the challenges of ageing populations. As Fifteen-year-old Indian weightlifter
Tripura’s power grid has been destroyed. We know by now nect rural and urban India to create new workers in specific skill sets. Under the India marches forward on the path of Preetismita Bhoi shattered the youth clean
that storms and flash floods are likely to increase in number employment and business opportunities. Skill India Mission, the Ministry of Skill growth, propelled by innovation and its tal- jerk world record in the women’s 40-kg
A strong education sector is a critical Development and Entrepreneurship is im- ented youth, the horizon of opportunity category, securing a gold medal at the IWF
and intensity. To leave populations so utterly vulnerable is
enabler of human capital. The National plementing an array of schemes through continues to expand, beckoning a bright World Youth Championships. The achievement
criminally callous of all governments. We deserve more re- Education Policy was introduced in 2020 to its extensive network of centres, colleges and inclusive future for all. is phenomenal. The teenager bettered the
sponsive warning and evacuation systems and better infra- improve the quality of education, promote and institutes. Both short-term and long- (Views are personal) previous record by 1 kg.
structure to deal with nature’s fury. skill development and provide universal ac- term training programmes are training ( Krishnan Ramani, Kozhikode


Chairman of the Board: Manoj Kumar Sonthalia Editor: Santwana Bhattacharya
Resident Editor (Tamil Nadu): Anto T Joseph * Printed and Published by R K Jhunjhunwala on behalf of Express Publications (Madurai) Private Ltd., at Express Press, ‘Express Gardens’, 29, Second Main Road, Ambattur Industrial Estate, Chennai - 600 058. Chennai: Vol. 94, No. 128. RNI Reg. No. TNENG/ 1002/57.
Phone: 044-23457601, Fax: 044-23457619. * Responsible for selection of News under the PRB Act. Copyright: Express Publications (Madurai) Private Ltd. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any manner, electronic or otherwise, in whole or in part, without prior written permission is prohibited.

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 !   ! '  (  )'(*     ndia’s Twin Challenges

      !   +!      Warrant Active Deterrence:
      " ,#$-. /    + !  Achievable through
 01$         2   Investment in Defence
&     !          BJP’s defence and national
security manifesto is Modi ki
  !   "   3  &  24  5  guarantee for Surakshit Bharar. It
&      !           launched a massive 15-day cam-
      !    paign to invite suggestions
    +        through face-to-face meetings
and the NaMo app from around
         (   /     10 mn supporters. The election
           manifesto is immersed in Modi
  +        pictures and a surfeit of Modi ki
            guarantees. There is plenty the
BJP is taking credit for.
     !    !      Eliminating terrorism though
        !  attacks occurred only last week in
  6  !  ! J&K. Cross Border Terrorism
  7      has a tragic history: attack on
Parliament in December 2001 borders is matched by a thrust these two interlinked issues — was Rs 16,646 crore while in
 (under BJP rule) and Mumbai towards the security of the Theatrisation and NSS— seri- 2022-23 it rose to Rs 63,328
8         !   2008 under United Progressive Indian Ocean Region. Defence ously enough. Speculation is crore. Government officials
            Alliance (UPA) dispensation. In manufacturing and rife these will happen within offer the perennial excuse that
/    "  &             2001 BJP applied coercive diplo- Atmanirbharta figure promi- one year of BJP 3.0. During the defence forces can’t spend the
macy -Operation Parakaram- nently under Making India a UPA rule, NSS was prepared money. Amit Cowshish who
         &   which was partially successful. In Global Manufacturing Hub. thrice.The issue most befud- was financial advisor
                2008 UPA exercised strategic There is no mention of China dling is the static of defence (Acquisition) a decade ago
    9  &      ! restraint — doing nothing. Its or Pakistan and dealing with spending on which the 2024 says the 1.9 per cent of GDP
!        /    &  zero tolerance for terrorism was the twin threats they pose BJP manifesto is silent. in the current fiscal is 13 per
demonstrated by Uri and even as the opposition has The Congress on the other cent of Government expendi-
           !   &  Myanmar surgical strikes in 2016 attacked the Government for hand has Stated in its current ture. A defence spending bud-
                 and Balakot air strikes in 2019. loss of territory in east Ladakh manifesto that it will arrest the get which is 3 per cent of GDP
 24&             These created deterrence against which the Government has decline in defence spending alone can begin to catch up
            &   spectacular terrorism. BJP’s claim denied emphatically. Clean and allocate sufficient funds. with China in military capabil-
of no attack in the last decade is chit to China will resolve the Sufficiency of funds is a chal- ity.
         !   +    wrong: terrorists struck at border dispute on India’s terms lenge no Government has The rest of the world is invest-
!             !  Pathankot, Pulwama and Uri difficult if not impossible. 7 addressed. ing hugely in defence with 31
   01$ :                Brigade Headquarters and 2950 Restoration of status quo ante Defence allocation has plum- Nato nations committed to
civilians and security forces were (April 20, 2020), demanded by    meted from a high of 3.5 per reaching 2 per cent of GDP
   /    '(        killed in terrorist-related incidents successive Army Chiefs, is cent in Congress rule in the with the UK pledging to reach
               8 between 2014 and 2023. BJP’s also not realizable. The lack of
  7  late 1980s when I was a mem- 2.5 per cent of GDP by 2027.
               inventory of achievements is political guidance to the  7 9:  ber of the Defence Planning Even pacifist Japan has decid-
              impressive: revocation of Article Armed Forces is a major defi- Staff to less than 2 per cent ed to put aside the 1 per cent
370, 52 per cent reduction in Left ciency. The first indication in    today even when the GDP has spending on defence constitu-
Wing Terrorism, with Home four years that agreement on       risen exponentially. The latest tional limitation and will spend
'(%* Minister Amit Shah declaring it
will be crushed within three
theorisation is nearing came
from RM Rajnath Singh this ;<=>3    
SIPRI report shows India’s
defence budget is USD 84bn
2.5 per cent of GDP by 2027
and invest USD 315 bn to
years. There is an overall decline month. compared to China’s USD 296 augment capabilities and
of 73 per cent in the insurgency Leaving it to the CDS whose  7   bn. In defence allocation, for deterrence. The capital cost of
in the northeast but no mention operational role is unclear to 7   2024-25, defence outlay was catheterisation and attendant
of Manipur where violence has obtain consensus on the allo- increased by 4.7 per cent reforms have to be factored in.
continued for one year and cation of resources, the job 77     which is the lowest in ten years Modi has to bite the bullet to
repolling ordered twice. Manipur, profile of service Chiefs when (except in 2020-21) when it deter China and with
a serious embarrassment for the theatre commanders are in ?    Q[ was 1.45 per cent of the GDP. Jaishankar try to make the
Government will reignite insur- place and operational com- \      As a percentage of GDP twin threat challenge one-
gency. Given the violent situa- mand and control of theatres defence spending has not front. Modi’s This is not the era
tion on the India-Myanmar bor- is unworkable without inputs   reached even 2 per cent at a of war is day-dreaming!
der, with the Junta fighting a los- from RM and NSA to CDS. time when two full-fledged (The writer, a retired Major
ing battle with rebels, Myanmar Equally, NSA Ajit Doval and ] Q wars are being fought along General, was Commander,
will present a major threat to the the National Security Council with several skirmishes. The IPKF South, Sri Lanka, and
North East. Hailing CDS as an Secretariate have to update the capital budget for modernisa- founder member of the
achievement, the BJP empha- National Security Strategy sub- tion best illustrates the parsi- Defence Planning Staff, cur-
sised the completion of theorisa- mitted by Integrated Defence mony: the gap between the rently the Integrated
tion soonest. Further infrastruc- Staff in 2021. Surprisingly, the amount demanded and the Defence Staff. The views
ture development in the northern Government has not taken amount allocated in 2015-16 expressed are personal)

#     "#  # = ##=   !   $ )** + * *.'+

$     Madam — Apropos the news story “Errant
vets shoot to kill Kerala big cats, jumbos,”
published on May 27, this is my response.
The recent deaths among wild animals in
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Kerala, including elephants, tigers, leopards
and cheetahs, raise serious concerns about
the State’s conservation efforts. The tran-
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v&(53 3z6635 5-#3 5('" % &(3#35 z'5#$
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quillizer shots administered by veterinar-
              ians are fatal in many cases, leading to ques- "}$&" (53[ (#'3 '"$
- "#3z(3 (z'" #'"#'6  $' 5^'
tions about the competence of veterinary
            doctors and the quality of the drugs used. &(5#'$ ##'% '" (}'z 6'(5#' #3
The animals are often captured and then (z#$ #($#'3 z35 '}#65 5-#3 "$#5 z#q
eil Armstrong was poor, till others make it make it, but the best advice killed, with the excuse that they are “tres- $#(#z 5 '3z( 3z35#'#$#5% #'  "%'# (q

N the first man to walk

on the moon on 21
July 1969. We read about
conscious of the disparity. I
firmly believe that each
human being dreams with
that I could give him and
others, is to continue to
dream even if you fail —
passing” into human settlements in search
of food and water. However, a closer exam-
ination reveals that the encroachment is the 
&(&3 5- '^3 35(% _ 35# #((3 '
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$" 5(3 z'"(3(3 5- &$v#5%  5- }#q
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the historical event in the open eyes; it could be a there is always something other way around, with human settlements ?{[ 5-#3 #3 % (3&'3 3  (6z$( '^3&&( 5#} 35(56#3 ' 33'[ ^-#$ 5- 3z(6 #' #(q
newspapers the next day. I prayer to be able to see the new to look forward to. expanding into former reserve forests. The ("([ 5- 3$5#'6 #((3 #' '"#[ 3(#'6 z& (3 % &(3'5 3-(5q5( -$$'63[ ""(33q
think on a subconscious dawn next day, a hope that We know of people who get destruction of water bodies and greenery 5 |> &( '5[ -} z6-5 % 55'5#' 3&#5 #'6 z'"($%#'6 &#5% #33z3 '" #'5#'#'6
level, the event sowed the the wages would be better paralysed or lose their eye- due to encroachment and illegal quarry- #'6 '6 5- $^35 6$$$%[ 5- ('5 3z(6  $' 5^' 35 '" (}'z #3 #&(q
seed of the first dream that tomorrow, or the belief in a sight and sometimes even ing has left the animals without a place to ($53 5- -$$'63 " % 5- }#5#' #'"z3q 5#} ( $'6q5( }##$#5%
I saw with open eyes. For better life. their limbs. live, leading to starvation and, ultimately, 5(%[ &(#(#$% "z 5 &#5% '35(#'53 v(q Aaradhya Patel | Delhi
days on end, all that I could I know a couple, now set- Yet, there are many death. The situation is dire and if left
think of was ways to create tled in America, who have instances of people over- unchecked, Kerala’s forests may soon recruitment. In disregarding calls from its unproductive branches, each stage of
a miniature earth and moon started a foundation to coming their handicaps become deserts and its wildlife may closest ally, the US, Israel is undermining growth is a masterclass in strategic plan-
within the confines of our assist the underprivileged through sheer grit and become museum pieces. the rules-based global order. ning and resource allocation. The delicate
bedroom and the ways that young. The lady passionate- courage. A visually Dhruv Malhotra | Mumbai About 143 countries have supported full balance between auxin and cytokinin hor-
I could send my own natural to dream of a good ly told me about the intro- impaired young woman UN membership for Palestine and three mones ensures that the tree grows in a way
Apollo to the moon. job, followed by marriage ductory annual session that found dumped in a waste        European countries—Ireland, Norway that maximises its exposure to sunlight
My dreams kept on evolv- and children and promo- they arrange for the young- bin 25 years back, cleared Madam — Apropos the news story and Spain—have decided to formally and minimises shading, while the devel-
ing. At that stage, all that I tions; till I realised that I sters, usually at some rated Maharashtra services exam- “Hamas racket attack triggers air raid recognise Palestine as a State for ‘peace in opment of lignin provides a robust
would look forward to was wanted something beyond property, to give them inations recently. There are sirens in Tel Aviv,” published on May 27, the Middle East’. Israel’s friends and part- defence against pathogens and pests.
to move to the next class the predictable routine of a exposure to a life that cur- many more around us. All this is my response. There seems to be no ners, the US in particular, need to stress The branching patterns of trees are a
with good marks. Much Government job. This led rently is beyond their that they need is for some- end to the war in West Asia. While Hamas to Tel Aviv the diminishing returns of its reflection of their genetic makeup and
later, coming from a fami- me to join the private sec- means, but which they one to help them nurture claimed on Sunday that it fired a ‘large current course of action. The peace and environmental conditions, with different
ly of first-generation engi- tor. It was now time to might be able to lead one their dreams. rocket barrage’ at Israel’s commercial hub security in the region and the fate of the species adopting various strategies to opti-
neers, it was only natural bring forward my earlier day if they pursue their We need only to remember of Tel Aviv, Israel has ignored the multilateral rules-based order hang in the mise their growth and survival. The
for me to join an engineer- dream of being an entrepre- dreams. I was sceptical as I writer Mar y Anne International Court of Justice’s (ICJ) rul- balance. Disruptions like these have a long- branches themselves serve as vital con-
ing course. Towards the neur. The dreams kept on thought that such an envi- Radmacher, “Nurturing is ing, asking it to halt its offensive in Rafah term ripple effect on an already tense duits for water and nutrient transport,
end of my course, I started evolving with my advancing ronment might be too not complex. It’s simply immediately. It has also intensified attacks world. providing habitat and support for a
dreaming of becoming an age; some were discarded, intimidating. being tuned in to the thing across Gaza. Israel’s decision to ignore the N Sadhasiva Reddy | Bengaluru diverse range of organisms. Ultimately, the
entrepreneur. I realised the some were attained and few My fears might be unfound- or person before you and ICJ ruling is unfortunate. In persisting with cycle of growth and retreat in trees
difficulties in pursuing this remain, hoping for fruition ed. The Internet has made offering small gestures its military action to ‘eliminate Hamas’,         serves as a powerful reminder of the
goal at that stage due to the in the years to come. available a plethora of pos- toward what it needs at Israel has inflicted untold suffering on Madam — Apropos the news story importance of change and the wisdom of
limitations of a middle- One unfulfilled dream is to sibilities to the younger that time.” Palestinians, giving rise to a humanitari- “Genesis of Growth: From Bud to Branch,” knowing when to let go, inspiring us to
class background. I parked help others, much younger generation. A young boy, (The author is an electrical an crisis in a region that could do with- published on May 26, this is my response. adapt and evolve in our own lives.
my dream, to be retrieved at and less privileged than whose education we have engineer with the Indian out renewed polarisation. Far from achiev- The intricate anatomy of a branch is a tes- Kiara Mehta | Hyderabad
an appropriate time. me, to dream. A child is been supporting for the Railways and conducts ing its objectives of destroying Hamas and tament to the remarkable adaptability and
I thought of my next steps. born a child. It does not past few years, wants to be classes in creative writing; its military infrastructure, Israel is prob- resilience of trees. From the initial bud for- #  .
At the age of 21, it was only know the meaning of being an astronaut. He might not views are personal) ably aiding the terrorist group’s fresh mation to the eventual shedding of !"#$%&'$

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limate change is bound to breakthrough led to a Nobel ity, say an automobile engine, Agricultural Research is working

C affect our food systems. The

impact of rising CO2 levels
may impact crop yields in
complex ways like altering
plant metabolism, changing soil fertili-
ty, erosion by pests and several others.
Thus our food systems must be modelled
Prize win for Jennifer Doudna
and Emmanuelle Charpentier in
the year 2020.
To get a more intuitive feel of the
technology, think of the conven-
tional gene editing technologies
similar to a random insertion of
merely by reading the instruction
booklet meant for its assembly.
No doubt an AI-enabled
enhanced and faster understand-
ing of life’s fundamental systems
like the protein structures can
help in the creation of more
in the field of CRISPR to devel-
op crop varieties suitable to the
country’s needs.
The need of the hour is to build
robust knowledge systems, invest
in genetic engineering research,
create robust institutional mech-
for resilience in a warmer world. While a chapter in a book which might resilient crop varieties. anisms for stakeholder collabora-
we must make behavioural shifts in our look rather messy whereas Key Concerns: No doubt there tion including the consumers
food habits, it is also important to CRISPR has the ability of adding are risks associated with gene and envisage regulations that
revisit history to learn how science has  that chapter well aligned with the edits. It is very much like tinker- blend civilisational ethics and the
&           6 
contributed to addressing the food ques-
tion in the past. The introduction of
   context and information flow of
that book. Although not entire-
ing with life’s basic systems and
this may have consequences
tenets of contemporary science.
In conclusion, climate change
   +      <; = <! = high-yielding varieties (HYVs) during     ly free of risks, it is widely beyond the intended genetic necessitates a resilient approach
          !   the Green Revolution made us overcome believed that CRISPR holds material, species, geographies to our food systems, incorporat-
!         A   the Malthusian trap in the mid-20th cen-   immense potential for creating and time horizons. Beyond the ing advanced technologies like
               tury, which threatened a mass starvation-
like situation. HYVs produced more
  climate-resilient crops like a
wheat plant thriving in summer,
perceived threat of these scientif-
ic misadventures, there are ethi-
CRISPR for precise genetic mod-
     grains per plant, requiring less land and q  similar to how the HYVs cal concerns associated as well This innovative tool, inspired by
+   " 7 @     resources, however, the use of fertilisers addressed the challenges during like the creation of designer natural bacterial defenses, offers
       +   7 and pesticides also increased.  \  the Green Revolution. babies or large corporations targeted solutions for creating cli-
      !   !    &  Targeted & Precision Gene Editing
Genetic alterations in plant breeding are
  7 The AI Advantage :
Proteins are the building blocks
monopolising the technology.
Way Forward:
mate-resilient crops with minimal
unintended effects.
!            both natural and human-induced and Q   of life. These proteins are synthe- While we must tread with caution Combined with AI advancements
have been there for years. These meth- sised upon activation of certain in the gene space, we should also in understanding protein struc-
7KH7KLUG(\HLQ&RQWHPSRUDU\8QGHUVWDQGLQJ ods involve cross-breeding, altering    genes in the plant or animal cell. realise that genetically modified tures, these technologies promise
 !    ! !     
DNA with radiation or planting a gene
like a pest-resistant Bt gene inserted in
\ \ One of the biggest mysteries of
life on earth is to understand
organisms have already entered
into the world’s food systems. A
significant improvements in agri-
cultural productivity and sustain-
      +       the cotton seed. The conventional meth- q [ what triggers the synthesis of a large part of animal feed is genet- ability. While ethical and safety
      !            ods for human interventions involve particular protein in a cell and ically engineered and several concerns remain, the benefits of
     !       changes in a large part of a plant’s genet-    how a protein molecule is shaped ingredients in human food too genetic engineering extend
B           ics, resulting in both intended and
uncertain consequences like enhancing
  [ in 3-D, as this understanding
helps in determining the protein’s
have such modifications.
The benefits of gene tech are not
beyond agriculture to human
     A    one trait and an inadvertent suppression     function and how it would inter- limited to food crops rather they By investing in research, foster-
        <   =  of others. However, technologies like act with other such molecules to have path-breaking implications ing collaboration and establishing
  !             CRISPR (Clustered Regularly    create organ structures or say an on human health in terms of dis- ethical regulations, we can har-
   " 7      " 7 Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats) q enzyme. ease prevention or cure and myr- ness these advancements to
   6          offer precision cut-and-paste-like oper- AI tools like Google’s AlphaFold iad others. The recent introduc- secure our food future in a warm-
   !             ations at the ladder level in the DNA   attempt to predict these 3-D tion of indigenous CAR-T cell ing world.
helix (the nucleotides). structures of protein molecules by therapy by India, targeted (The author is an officer of the
This accuracy thus minimises the risk of     reading the cellular codes in the towards genetically engineering T Indian Railway Service of
unintended edits in the genetic materi-
al. The tool is derived from natural
  form of amino acid sequences. It’s
quite similar to imagining a com-
cells (immune system cells) for
cancer cure is one such example.
Mechanical Engineers. He has
been a UK Commonwealth
7KHZULWHULVDVSLULWXDOJXLGHYLHZVDUHSHUVRQDO defence systems in bacteria and the plex machine and its functional- The Indian C ouncil of Scholar; views are personal)


n a massive human tragedy, There was negligence on the as their responsibility is to keep developed nations. But inci- momentarily to assuage the jeopardy for the shattered and from a friend’s son who had

I involving human negli-

gence, 16 innocent lives
were lost and almost 75 peo-
part of the people who put up
such a dangerous advertising
panel as well as the local
watch on city roads and, wher-
ever necessary, take quick
action to prevent accidents and
dents and accidents causing
deaths, injuries and damages
are rampant in India, perhaps,
public outcry for the time
The thought that perplexes one
grieving family members.
Anyone, with an awakened
mind and a sensitive heart,
long back gone to study in
England. When asked about
the difference in life between
ple were injured when a hoard- authorities. damage. In this particular much more than in any other here is how unfortunately so who is witnessing rampant India and England, he sadly
ing fell on a petrol pump in The natural question here is matter also, there is an obvious country. many innocent and precious human tragedies regularly quipped that in England peo-
Ghatkopar, a suburb in why was the company allowed indifference towards the The national newspapers are lives were lost and what impact happening in India, naturally ple do not let even their ani-
Mumbai on May 13. It is to put an advertising panel, breach of duty and negligence full of news of deaths, injuries it would have had on their shudders to think about mals die and go to every
guessed that the hoarding had that posed danger to human as is apparent in the general and damages caused either due family members. Many of whether there is any guaran- extent to save their lives, but in
a weak foundation and prob- .00&% /' lives, in violation of the rele- attitude of apathy and lack- to road accidents, dog attacks, those who died must have tee of security or value of, India, we see people regularly
ably fell due to the heavy vant norms and why some adaisical approach in the fire incidents, drowning in been the sole breadwinners in human life in this country. dying like animals, without
winds that were blowing that was arrested in this connection action to remove such a dan- Government functionaries as rivers, lakes and swimming the family on whose income Ghatkopar tragedy among much compassion being felt by
day and struck several people on Thursday. gerous panel was not taken in well as among the common pools or due to negligence in the family may have been other such incidents again Government or people. Hope
who were present at a nearby This incident would not have time by the concerned author- people in India. This incident many other situations includ- dependent. The unexpected compels one to think that that the Ghatkopar incident
petrol pump. It is learnt that occurred if care had been ities. There is clear negligence has posed many questions ing while doing medical pro- deaths of near ones and whether every individual, in will raise concerns and make
the hoarding was three times taken by those who are of the owners and workers of involving faulty urban gover- cedures. What is surprising is injuries to those who sur- this country, is so insecure and the Government and people
the size sanctioned by the entrusted with the responsibil- the company that put this nance in Indian cities as well that such news does not invite vived must have caused huge vulnerable that anything can more careful and responsible
Brihanmumbai Municipal ity of ensuring observance of panel on the public road as as highlighting the general or attract much public reaction shock and left indelible marks happen to them anytime and and a general atmosphere of
Corporation (BMC) and stood legal norms. Any damage or they could reasonably foresee apathy towards human life in and only some hue and cry is on the psyches of relatives and anywhere and there is always care and value for human life
on the land owned by the harm caused to persons, nat- that such a panel may cause our country. raised in bigger matters for injured that will remain a a possibility of an accident shall prevail to save precious
Government Railway Polic urally, raises concerns of some harm or injury if care is not There is no doubt that the some time which is gradually constant source of pain for occurring with them due to human lives in our nation.
(GRP). The advertising panel kind of negligence or human taken. But there is also appar- Ghatkopar incident was an forgotten. The Government them for the rest of their lives. negligence and callous apathy (The author is a Sr Assistant
that held the hoarding in ques- carelessness. It is apparent that ent negligence of the local accident and accidents do officials also do not seem The loss of relatives as well as of others towards human life. Professor at the Faculty of
tion was put by Ego Media some negligence was involved authorities whose account- occur despite precautions and much bothered by such inci- the source of income will turn This dismal atmosphere makes Law, the University of Delhi;
whose owner Bhavesh Bhinde and legal norms were violated. ability is required to be fixed they happen even in the most dents and they also respond this tragedy into a double the author recall a Statement views are personal)

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