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Name of students: Jayden Brady

Registration Number: 1002750165
Center Number: 100275
Territory: Jamaica

This mathematics SBA will be based on geometry. The title is “Which

size ceramic tile is more economical for the floor of a 12ft x 12ft room”.
We have chosen this particular topic because one of the most astonishing
interior decorations are floor tiles and sometimes larger tiles may fit the
space better than smaller tiles and vice versa, but the pricing may be a
factor hence the meaning of the SBA. Even though there are many
different tiles to choose from such as: porcelain tile, Glass tile, Marble
tile and other stone tiles etc. Ceramic is the most preferable because it is
the cheapest. Not only are ceramic tiles more affordable, consumers also
choose these tiles because it often fits their taste and lifestyle Better than
other floor and wall coverings. Hence the meaning of the SBA is to
determine if it is cheaper to use small ceramic tiles or large ceramic tiles
to tile a room. Researchers will compare the cost of using small tiles and
large tiles in a particular room, collect pricing information and analyze
the data collected.
The research was carried out using quantitative research method. The
method we used to obtain data was by informal interview. Among
ourselves we decided that the best location to conduct this research was
at the “Steward Hardware” located in may pen clarendon. It was
necessary to find out the prices of different size tile to analyze which one
will be more economical to use. The method of data collection was
judge to be appropriate due to the fact that the prices for each tile was
personally given to us from one us the cashiers. The procedure that was
used is outlined below.
● The sample size was determined (in this case, three different size
of tile)
● Visit hardware store and interview the cashier.



(a) The number of 12 x 17 tiles needed to tile a 24ft x 24ft room?

#1 I’ll first change the inches into feet

12 ÷ 12 = 1ft
17 ÷ 12 = 1.42ft
= 1ft + 1.42ft = 2.42ft

24ft + 24ft = 48ft

= 2.42ft ÷ 48ft = 19.8ft
= 19.8 × 12 = 237.6inches
= 237.6 ÷ 7 = 33.9tiles

#2 the cost of one 12×17 tile is $155

155×33.9 = $5254.50

(b)The number of 13 × 13 tiles needed to tile a 24ft ×24ft room?

#1 I’ll change the inches into feet

13 ÷ 12 = 1.08ft
13 ÷ 12 =1.08ft
= 1.08ft + 1.08ft = 2.16ft

24ft + 24ft = 48ft

= 2.16ft ÷ 48ft = 22.2ft
= 22.2 × 12 = 266.4inches
= 266.4 ÷ 7 = 38.1tiles

#2 The cost of one 13×13 tile is $150

150 × 38.1 = $5715

(c)The number of 8 × 12 tiles needed to tile a 24ft × 24ft room?

#1 I’ll change the inches into feet

8 ÷ 12 = 0.67ft
12 ÷ 12 = 1ft
= 0.67ft + 1ft = 1.67ft

24ft + 24ft = 48ft

=1.67ft ÷ 48ft = 28.74ft
=28.74 × 12 = 344.9inches
=344.9 ÷ 7 = 49.3tiles

#2 the cost of one 8×12 tile is $45

45 × 49.3 = $2218.50

The cost and amount of a specific set of tiles needed to tile a 24ft×24ft room.
Types of tiles needed to Number of tiles needed to Cost for tiles needed to
tile a 24ft×24ft room. tile a 24ft×24ft room. tile a 24ft×24ft room.
12×17 33.9 tiles/40 tiles $5254.50
13×13 38.1 tiles/ 38 tiles $5715
8×12 49.3tiles/ 49 tiles $2218.50

Figure 1 shows the conversion of inches to feet and the necessary tiles required to
tile a 48 ft room would be 33.9 tiles. Figure 2 Shows that a 12 x 17 tile cost $155 and
the total cost would be $ 5254.50, The table shows that a 13 x 13 tile cost $150 and to
tile the entire 24 ft x 24 ft room would cost $5715. In a 48 ft room an 8 x 12 ft tile
would cost $45 and 49.3 tiles would be required and the total cost would be
$2218.50. In the presentation shown the most expensive tile to tile a 24 x 24 ft room
was a 13 x 13 and 12 x 17 respectively. On pie chart above shows that an 8 x 12 tile
would require the most tiles due to its size and acquires 41% of the pie chart
furthermore The line graph was used to represent the cost of each tile.
Project Descriptors Mark
K C R Total
Project Title

• Title is clear and concise and relates to a real-world problem 1

• Objectives are clearly stated and relate to title 1
• Comprehensive description of the project 2
• Limited description of the project
• Detailed contents page with page numbers 1

Method of Data Collection

• Data collection method is clearly described, appropriate and
without flaws, where the data is genuinely obtained. 2
• Data collection method is stated

Presentation of Data
• Data, which is genuinely obtained, is accurate and well organised 2
• Data, which is genuinely obtained, is presented but is not well
• Tables/graphs/diagrams/formulas/proofs included, correctly
labelled, clearly and logically stated, used appropriately and
reflect the data collected. 2
• Tables/graphs/diagrams/formulas/proofs included and reflect the
data collected
• Accurate use of mathematical concepts 1

Analysis of Data
• Detailed analysis of findings done, which is coherent and reflects
the data collected and presented. 2
• Limited analysis of findings that reflects the data collected and
Discussion of findings
• Statement of findings clearly stated 0
• Statement of findings follows from data collected 0

• Conclusion was based on findings and related to the purpose of
the project 0
• Conclusion related to the purpose of the project

Overall Presentation
• Information was communicated logically using correct grammar
• Information was poorly organised or difficult to understand at
times 1

Maximum for each profile 5 8 2 `15

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