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2011 Actuate Statement SVC Training

Amanda Newman Sales reserved. Compensation Analyst

2005 Sprint Nextel. All rights


Accessing Actuate 2011 Sales Compensation Components Key sections to 2011 Actuate Statement 2011 Sales Compensation Math & Examples Opening an IRIS issue

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2011 Actuate Statement Training

2005 Sprint Nextel. All rights reserved.

Accessing Actuate
Access your Actuate Statement through the Sales Comp Website:

Type Salescomp (all one word) into your intranet web browser

Select TMP & Actuate Portal from the list on the left hand side of the screen

You will be asked to log into the Actuate website using your CID and Password.

First time users will use sprint (all lower case) for your password.

The links you will follow:

Sprint Field Desired Year and Month (ex 201101) Segment e.g. ENT, GB, BSO, SVC, INW etc Desired Region Desired Area Desired Branch Desired Name

Most will only have one choice on each screen (mgrs/directors will have multiple choices)

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2011 Actuate Statement Training

2005 Sprint Nextel. All rights reserved.

Banner Page - If you click on your EmpID from any other section, it will bring you here.

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2011 Actuate Statement Training

2005 Sprint Nextel. All rights reserved.

Total Payment Summary will give you an at a glance look at your compensation by component, prior period changes and final payment amount.

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2011 Actuate Statement Training

2005 Sprint Nextel. All rights reserved.

Current Month Payment Detail section will break out by page each component you are compensated on.

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2011 Actuate Statement Training

2005 Sprint Nextel. All rights reserved.

Wireline TBR
Wireline is calculated YTD. Always look at the Adjusted Value Column as this is the final value after any adjustments. Basic Calculation is: YTD Incentive Target * YTD Perf % - Paid through Prior Months Please refer to your own specific plan deck for a detailed explanation of how you are paid.

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2011 Actuate Statement Training

2005 Sprint Nextel. All rights reserved.

Wireless TBR CL Only

Calculated YTD. Always look at the Adjusted Value Column as this is the final value after any adjustments. Basic Calculation is: YTD Incentive Target * YTD Perf. % - Paid through Prior Months. Please refer to your own specific plan deck for a detailed explanation of how you are paid.

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2011 Actuate Statement Training

2005 Sprint Nextel. All rights reserved.

Wireless Activation Rev (WAR) CL Only

Wireless Activations Rev commission is calculated by individual month not YTD. Basic Calculation is: Wireless Activ Monthly Perf x Monthly Incentive Target Please refer to your own specific plan deck for a detailed explanation of how you are paid.

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2011 Actuate Statement Training

2005 Sprint Nextel. All rights reserved.

Net Activations
Net Activations commission is calculated by individual month not YTD. Basic Calculation is: Net Activation Monthly Perf x Monthly Incentive Target Please refer to your own specific plan deck for a detailed explanation of how you are paid.

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2011 Actuate Statement Training

2005 Sprint Nextel. All rights reserved.

Revenue Matrix

March MM Statement

Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level

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2011 Actuate Statement Training

2005 Sprint Nextel. All rights reserved.

Affiliation Adjustment section Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level
This is the affiliation the adjustment was loaded to.

This is the MM the adjustment was loaded.

All affiliation adjustments to revenue/quota will appear in this section. This includes adjustments made to revenue, quota, wireless activations, deactivations and wireline credit adjustments.

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2011 Actuate Statement Training

2005 Sprint Nextel. All rights reserved.

Current Month Adjustment sections

Details the component impacted by the adjustment.

This is the MM the adjustment was loaded.

Adjustments in this section for affiliated participants are keyed directly to the individual. These are not generated by the activity of affiliations.

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2011 Actuate Statement Training

2005 Sprint Nextel. All rights reserved.

Payment Adjustment Section Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level
Anytime an adjustment is made directly to a payment instead of to revenue/net activations/quota the payment amount and description will be on this page. If adjustments are entered for a prior month, the resulting payment impact will also appear here.

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2011 Actuate Statement Training

2005 Sprint Nextel. All rights reserved.

I have 2 minutes to look at my comp where do I look?


Total Payment Summary Page Identify your Final Payment Amount and review the breakout by plan component in the top section of the page.


Current Month Payment Detail This breaks out your current month and YTD Performances by component. Affiliations section This breaks out your current month affiliations. Discuss any discrepancies with your manager.



Affiliation Adjustment section Look at the adjustments to revenue and quota for the month. These will be listed broken out by affiliation name. You will also see any adjustments made for credits in this section.


Payment adjustment section Any add on payments and/or prior period payments will be in this section with an explanation of the payment.

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2011 Actuate Statement Training

2005 Sprint Nextel. All rights reserved.

Opening an IRIS ticket

In your web browser type Salescomp to get to the Salescomp website.

Near the top you will see IRIS. It is the first link above the TMP & Actuate Portal link. Click this link to take you to the IRIS website where you can submit an IRIS issue that will go directly to your comp analyst.

For a complete guide on how to submit an IRIS issue please contact your Comp Analyst or your Manager.

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2011 Actuate Statement Training

2005 Sprint Nextel. All rights reserved.

Please call your comp analyst with any specific questions about your compensation check and/or statement. If you are unsure who your compensation analyst is, please check with your manager.

If you have any questions about this training document after this call, please start with your comp analyst. If he/she is unable to answer, please have them contact me and I will be happy to assist them.

Comp plan descriptions and calculations from the 2011 Comp Plan documents, supersede any data presented here.

Please let your manager know that you took the 2011 Actuate Statement Training.


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2011 Actuate Statement Training

2005 Sprint Nextel. All rights reserved.

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