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Assignment I: Project Outline and Literature Review Mind Map

Table of Contents
Functional Requirements.................................................................................................................3
Non-Functional Requirements.........................................................................................................4
User Interface Design......................................................................................................................5
Data Requirements...........................................................................................................................6
Technical Requirements...................................................................................................................6
Testing and Validation.....................................................................................................................8
Timeline and Milestones..................................................................................................................9

The primary components, capabilities, and constraints for making a web-based augmented reality
(AR) application are described in this necessity determination. Using portable devices, the
program overlays ecological data on true conditions trying to convey to clients definitive
knowledge. This paper will determine the project's boundaries, including its target group and
expected use cases, with a focus on convenient augmented reality innovation. This report goes
about as an asset for the improvement group to deliver a drawing in an easy-to-understand
augmented reality application by communicating the utilitarian and non-practical necessities, UI
plan, data reviews, and specialized details.
The objective of this project is to make a web-based augmented reality (AR) application that
objectives natural data representation for suitable devices. Through the program, clients will
want to see and collaborate with ecological data representations in three aspects superimposed on
true regions. The degree incorporates working with various internet-based programs and cell
phones, coordinating geolocation administrations for exact situations, and planning and
executing easy-to-use UIs. Although the application's primary purposes can be educational and
informational, it can be helpful in various enterprises, including the travel industry, metropolitan
preparation, and ecological understanding. The extension considers any asset and specialized
constraints that can influence improvement.
Functional Requirements

ID Requirement Description Priority

Display environmental data overlays on handheld AR devices,

FR1 High
including 3D objects, bar charts, and floating panels.

Support real-time geolocation tracking to accurately position

FR2 environmental data overlays based on the user's physical location High
(Alkan and Basaga, 2023).

Allow users to toggle between different types of environmental

FR3 Medium
data visualizations (e.g., temperature, pollution levels, humidity).

Enable users to interact with environmental data overlays
FR4 Medium
through gestures or touch inputs on the handheld device.

Provide intuitive user controls for navigating and manipulating

FR5 High
the AR environment, such as zooming, panning, and rotating.

Ensure compatibility with popular web browsers on various

FR6 High
handheld devices, including smartphones and tablets.

Implement responsive design principles to optimize user

FR7 High
experience across different screen sizes and resolutions.

Incorporate accessibility features, such as text-to-speech support

FR8 Medium
and high contrast modes, to accommodate users with disabilities.

Support multi-user collaboration, allowing multiple users to view

FR9 Low
and interact with the same AR environment simultaneously.

Integrate social sharing functionality to enable users to share

FR10 screenshots or videos of their AR experiences on social media Low
Non-Functional Requirements

ID Requirement Description Priority

Performance: The application should load environmental data

NFR1 overlays quickly and render them smoothly to minimize latency High
(Berger and Gerke, 2023).

Usability: The user interface should be intuitive and easy to

NFR2 High
navigate, with clear instructions and visual cues provided.

Security: Data transmission between the application and server

NFR3 High
should be encrypted to protect user privacy and integrity.

Compatibility: The application should be compatible with a wide
NFR4 range of handheld devices and web browsers, including older High

Reliability: The application should be stable and robust, with

NFR5 High
minimal crashes or technical glitches during usage.

Scalability: The application architecture should support

NFR6 scalability to accommodate increasing user traffic and data Medium

Accessibility: The application should adhere to accessibility

NFR7 standards (e.g., WCAG) to ensure inclusivity for users with Medium

Maintainability: The codebase should be well-documented and

NFR8 Medium
structured, facilitating ease of maintenance and future updates.

Performance Efficiency: The application should optimize

NFR9 resource usage (CPU, memory, bandwidth) to conserve device Medium
battery and data usage.

Interoperability: The application should seamlessly integrate

NFR10 with external services (e.g., geolocation APIs) and data formats Low
(e.g., JSON).

User Interface Design

Figure 1: Mind Map

(Source: Self-Created)

Element Description

Display environmental data overlays in a visually appealing manner, using

AR Overlays
3D objects, bar charts, and panels.

Navigation Provide intuitive controls for users to zoom, pan, and rotate the AR
Controls environment for enhanced interaction.

Enable gesture recognition to allow users to interact with AR overlays

Gesture Support
through natural gestures like swiping and tapping (Cheliotis et al., 2023).

Geolocation Display a visual indicator to show the user's current geolocation and
Indicator orientation relative to the AR overlays.

Information Present informative text or tooltips to provide context and guidance on

Display how to interact with the AR environment.

Include a settings menu to allow users to customize their AR experience,
Settings Menu
adjust preferences, and manage settings.

Data Requirements

Requirement Description

Environmental Retrieve and display real-time environmental data from external sources,
Data including temperature, humidity, and pollution levels.

Geographic Obtain geolocation data to accurately position AR overlays based on the

Data user's physical location and orientation.

Landmark Store information about known landmark locations, such as universities or

Locations tourist attractions, for geolocation-based AR experiences.

User Capture user preferences and settings, such as language preferences or AR

Preferences visualization preferences, for personalized experiences (Efe et al., 2023).

Optionally, store historical environmental data to provide users with

Historical Data
insights into trends and patterns over time.

Device Collect device-specific information, such as screen size and resolution, to

Information optimize the presentation of AR overlays.

Technical Requirements

ID Description Priority

Web-based Platform: Develop the AR application as a web-based

TR1 High
platform accessible through standard web browsers.

Cross-Browser Compatibility: Ensure compatibility with major

TR2 High
web browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge.

Responsive Design: Implement responsive design principles to
TR3 ensure optimal display across various screen sizes and resolutions High
(Kassis et al., 2023).

AR Framework: Utilize an AR framework or library (e.g., AR.js,

TR4 A-Frame) for developing AR functionalities within the web High

Geolocation API: Integrate with a geolocation API (e.g., HTML5

TR5 High
Geolocation API) to retrieve user location data accurately.

Data Visualization Library: Incorporate a data visualization

TR6 library (e.g., D3.js, Three.js) for creating immersive and High
interactive AR overlays.

HTTPS Protocol: Ensure that the application uses the HTTPS

TR7 High
protocol for secure data transmission and communication.

Mobile Optimization: Optimize the application for mobile

TR8 devices, including smartphones and tablets, to provide a seamless Medium
AR experience.

Performance Optimization: Implement performance optimization

TR9 techniques (e.g., lazy loading, image compression) to enhance Medium
application speed and responsiveness (Kunkera et al., 2024).

Server-Side Support: Set up server-side infrastructure to handle

TR10 Medium
data processing, storage, and user authentication (if applicable).

Accessibility Features: Implement accessibility features (e.g.,

TR11 ARIA attributes) to ensure compatibility with screen readers and Low
assistive technologies.

Analytics Integration: Integrate analytics tools (e.g., Google

TR12 Analytics) to track user interactions and gather insights for Low
continuous improvement.
Testing and Validation

Objective Description

Verify that all specified functionalities work as intended, including AR
overlay display, geolocation tracking, user interaction, and navigation

Ensure that the application functions correctly across different web

browsers (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge) and handheld devices (e.g.,
smartphones, tablets).

Measure the application's performance metrics, such as loading time,

rendering speed, and responsiveness, to ensure optimal user experience
(McCord et al., 2023).

Evaluate the user interface design and interaction flows through user
Usability Testing testing sessions to identify any usability issues and gather feedback for

Conduct security assessments to identify and address potential

Security Testing vulnerabilities, such as data encryption, secure communication protocols,
and protection against malicious attacks.

Verify that the application meets accessibility standards (e.g., WCAG)

and is compatible with assistive technologies, ensuring inclusivity for
users with disabilities.

Test the integration of external APIs (e.g., geolocation API, data

visualization library) and backend services to ensure seamless
communication and functionality (Phan, 2023).

Re-run previously conducted tests to ensure that new changes or updates

do not introduce any unintended side effects or regressions in the

User Acceptance Engage end-users to validate the application against their expectations,
Testing needs, and use cases, ensuring overall satisfaction and usability.

Simulate high user loads and stress conditions to assess the application's
performance under peak usage scenarios and identify potential bottlenecks
Load Testing
(Wang et al., 2023).

Timeline and Milestones

Figure 2: Project Plan

(Source: Self-Created)

Figure 3: Timeline
(Source: Self-Created)
Throughout ten weeks, the task will go through six vital stages. Analysis and conditions variety
require the initial fourteen days, and afterward, planning and arranging require the following
fourteen days. The group will next begin a four-week undertaking stage where they will focus on
creating essential highlights and coordinating AR. Weeks seven and eight are saved for careful
testing and improvement to ensure that quality conditions are followed. The application will be
finished and the advancement interaction will be recorded within the following fourteen days.
The task cycle will reach a conclusion in the 11th week when the group presents the task
discoveries and determines the best way to utilize the application.
The web-based AR application undertaking can be executed effectively with managed
milestones and a coordinated time period. From analysis and condition variety to the definitive
presentation, the group will follow the predetermined phases to give a high-quality item that
fulfills client assumptions and task targets. The purposeful methodology ensures great
undertaking of the board and asset usage, which thus brings about the application's brief
completion and effective conveyance. The group's capacity to cooperate, adjust, and be devoted

will assist them with prevailing in the task and helpfully affect the advancement of augmented
reality innovation.


Alkan, I.B. and Basaga, H.B., 2023. Augmented reality technologies in construction project
assembly phases. Automation in Construction, 156, p.105107.

Berger, C. and Gerke, M., 2023. Current and potential use of augmented reality in (geographic)
citizen science projects: a survey. Geo-spatial Information Science, pp.1-17.

Cheliotis, K., Liarokapis, F., Kokla, M., Tomai, E., Pastra, K., Anastopoulou, N., Bezerianou,
M., Darra, A. and Kavouras, M., 2023. A systematic review of application development in
augmented reality navigation research. Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 50(3),

Efe, I.E., Çinkaya, E., Kuhrt, L.D., Bruesseler, M.M. and Mührer-Osmanagic, A., 2023.
Neurosurgical education using cadaver-free brain models and augmented reality: first
experiences from a hands-on simulation course for medical students. Medicina, 59(10), p.1791.

El Kassis, R., Ayer, S.K. and El Asmar, M., 2023. Augmented reality applications for
synchronized communication in construction: a review of challenges and opportunities. Applied
Sciences, 13(13), p.7614.

Kunkera, Z., Željković, I., Mimica, R., Ljubenkov, B. and Opetuk, T., 2024. Development of
Augmented Reality Technology Implementation in a Shipbuilding Project Realization Process.
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 12(4), p.550.

McCord, K.H., Ayer, S.K., Wu, W., Perry, L.A., London, J.S. and Kopitske, J., 2023. Using
augmented reality to simulate authentic learning building assessment and construction
experiences. Journal of Architectural Engineering, 29(3), p.04023023.

Phan, T.H.G., 2023. An Implementation Methodology for Augmented Reality Applications

(Master's thesis, University of Twente).

Wang, K., Guo, F., Zhou, R. and Qian, L., 2023. Implementation of augmented reality in BIM-
enabled construction projects: a bibliometric literature review and a case study from China.
Construction Innovation.


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