L¡ggaratlon Resting Of: Lor Low Strength Cytlndersl

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Thl¡ bcr¡¡rl¡¡l ¡l¡nd¡¡d lu ic"GfrtF l¡ ror¿oe wlth l¡tc¡¡¡lsultl rtcot¡arGd ou crnü¡dl¡¡th¡ c¡arblletrrt i¡ lhc

Ilvclqrn¡¡ ol l¡ttlt¡'ddd Jil¡¡dúat, Guld!. ¡¡J nc;;i¡¡rd¡rt-. ír.!.df,iü; ¡r{mlplñ

íi;ftb.de or¡r*rür rcttrlcrl B¡¡rlcrs to Dcd¡hn o hl¡dpl¡¡ lor tlr
rlrJc (TBT) ce¡tdttE

affi Destgnatton: D4Bs2 - to"l


Standard Test ]tlethod lor

l¡ggaratlon and resting of Gontrolted Low strength Matertal
(CLSM) Test Cytlndersl
Thid stü¡d¡rd i¡ is¡u¿d o¡dc¡ rhc fxcd dcsi3nroon D4832; üc nun¡bcr inuncdietcly followiug rüe dcsigrurrim
ind.icetes rhc ycer of
xiginal adoption r' in úrc c¡te of lcüs¡on, thc Jrc¡r of las( ¡wision. A numbc¡ ir po*nrtrc"ct
ínalcrter rtre yea of l¡st rc¡ppmval. A
opcruript cp*ilan (s) indicrtcr m cditqirl chrgc sincc üc lrst rcvision or rc¿pprcvrt.

units of mc¡mrr¡¡¡cot st¡icíE¡rt in

1. Scrpc* 1.7 The valucs stated in SI units a¡e to be regardcd as

Ll This test n¡edrrxl covers prrrcdures firr thc prcparation. standard. The values givcn in
parcnthcscs aftcr SI units sre
curing, transpoñitrg and te.sting of cylindricul tesr sperinrens of providcd for infornration only and are not considered standard
controlled low strength nraterial (CLSM) for the dclerminatir¡n 1.7.1 Thc converted inch-pound units use the gravitarional
of compressive strength. system of units. [n this system, the pound (lbf) represents a unit
t.2 This test meüod covers CI§M materials üat have of force (weighr), while ¡hc unit for mass is slugs. The
higher sucngrh rhan üc soil hur lcris than g400 kpa (1200 psi). convcrtd slug unit is not given, unless dynamic (F=¡¡¿¡
Tlpical strcngrhs lbr mosr applicarions fall bctwccu 350 to 700 calculations arc involvcd.
l<Pa (50 to 100 psi). 1.8 ftir stanfurd does not purport to address ail of the
t.3The CLSM used to make the molded spec.imcns shall bc
safety concens, if any, ossociated with ¡fs ¡¿se. It is the
sanrpled after all on-site adjustments have been made to the
responsibility of the user of this stotdatd to csnblish appro-
priale safety, health, and envhowtuntal practices and tlcter-
mixmre proportions, including the addition of ¡nix water and
any admixNres.
milu thc applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
See Sectiou 7,
1.4 This test meüod may be used to prcpere and test 1.9 This ihternationat stand,a¡d was dcveloped
cylindrical spccimcns of othcr mixtures of ioil ¿n«l cementi_
in accor-
¿lucc wi¡h fitertutiorulty recognized principles on stonda¡d-
tious materials, such as sclf-cementing fly ashcs. izntion esubüshed in tlu Dccision on principles for the
1.5 CLSM is alst¡ k¡rown as liowablc fill, controllcrt densi§ Daelopwnt of Intcnutional Standards, Guides utd Recom-
till, soil-ctrr¡rcnt slurry. soil-ccn¡cnt grout, unshrink¡rble fi Ii, mcndations issrud by the Wortd Traile Organkation Tbchnical
K-Krete. and other similar nan¡es. Barzie's to Trade (TBT) Comniuee.
1.6 All ohs€rvcd and calculated value.s shall conform to üe
guidelinc.s for significant ügits and rounüng established in
2. Rde¡a¡ccd Docrmrents
kactice ú61¡2Á. 2J ASru Snndards:z
1.6.1 Thc procedures uscd to specify how d¡ta are collccted/ C3l/C3lM Practice for Making and Curing Concrüc Tcst
recorrded end calcul¿ted in this stan¡l¿rrj arc rcgarded ari Specimcns in the Field
industry standard. In additit¡¡r. thcy arc repre.scirativc of thc C39/C39M Test Meüod for Comprcssive Stneugth of Cylin-
signiñcant digia that .should generally be rctained. The pr<rcc_ drical Concrete Spccimens
dun:.s used do not cor¡sirtcr nraterial variation. purpo.se for Cl25 Terminology Relating to Concretc and Concrcte Ag-
obuining the data. special purpose studies. or any ionsider_ gregates
atiorrs for rhc r¡srcr's objectives; and it is co¡nmon prrcticc to CI9UC192M Practice for Making and Curing Concrete Test
incrcasc or ¡rduce signiñcant digits of feported d¡ta to be Specimens in the laboratory
comtncnsurale wiü these considerations. It is beyond the scopc C47UC47OM Spccification for Molds for Forming Concrete
r¡[ this stanclard to considcr signiñcant digits used in analysis Test Cylindcn Vertically
mcthods lirr engincering design. C6l7 hacúce for Capping Cylindrical Concrcre Spocimens
C123llCl23lM Practice for Use of UnbonCcd Caps in
!-Thi\ rqs¡ mcthod is under
rlrc juri¡diaio dASTM Curmit¡c D l g o¡r Soil ¡od
-Rrrk and is rtrc dirccr rrspoüsibility of subcommiüce D l 8 . l 5 on st.bflizarion wiü
Admi¡tulas. 2Fr rtfcrcocd A§fM d¡¡duds. visit. thc ASTM wbclts, vurom.ot¿ or
Chnani adirior rgxovcd lhc. tS, 2016. hblisbGd ¡uru¡ry 20t?. Originally
in 198t. l¡¡t pcnors odition cppmvcrl in 2010 rt-f,!4E32_10. DOi:
cont¡ct ASru Customcr Service * scrvicc@astm.org. Fo¡ .,lnaual Srrll of A-STll
!pp.9vcd §ond¿¡nlr volumc infomation. rEfcr to üc ¡t¡ndud's Daumcot Summery pege m
lhc A§TM wcbsirc.

.A §mlqr d
Gengcr tettlom rppterc rt üe e¡it of thls st¡nd¡rd
Cop!,ígH O ASTM lntrnrüild, 1 OO Bsn Hübor Ollve, pO Box W6i Cqshot5d(a,
pA I g4Z&2S§g. Unh..t 8|d..
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Unirrs¡d¡d Cotrt¡ooÍlcriunr (Univcrsidad Ctnhunrricm) prnurnt b Licarc
Agrccrrrr*. No furthcr rcprodutionc eútorücd.
{ffi ocesz - 16.r
Determination of Compressive Sftngtl, of Hardened
Cy- Adequacy of curing.
lindrical Concrete Specimcns
D653.Terminology Rclating to Soil, Rock, 5.2 CLSM is typically used as a backfill material around
and Contained
Fluids slructure§, particularly in confincd rr limited sfr¡cc§.
D3740 hactice for Minimum Requirements sive strcngth tasting is performc«l to a.ssisl in ihe dasign
for Agencies rlf rtrc
lnSp.eAln ftsting and/or Inspoction of Soil and Rock as
mix md to scr,trc as a quality controt techniquJ during
_ !t ¿ in Engineering Design and Constn¡ction construcdon. Mix design is typicaly h¡scd rn 2t<lay
D5971 Practice for Sampling Freshly Mixcd and construction control te.sts pcriormcrt 7 rtays aftcr plic.e_
Low-Strcngü Marerial nwnt. The comprcssive slrcngth(s) erul <tther test
aglc(s) will
D6023 Tcsr Mcüod for Density (Unit Wcighr), yicld,
vary_according to thc rcquirements for rhe end product.
ment Contcnq and Ai¡ Content (Gravi¡ñetric) of Additional inform¡tion on úr usc and history of CLS¡r,l ¡s
Low-Sucngth Mareriat (CLSM) connined in Apcndir Xl.
_ -,.^o^¡1"!
D6024 Test Meüod for Ball Drop on Controlled Low 5.3 This resr ¡s onc of a series of quality conüol tests th&t
Suength Matcrial (C[SM) to Dercrmine Suitabiliry
ftr can bc pcrformcd on CLStrvl during constn¡ction to mouitor
Load Applicarion
compliancc with spocilication rcquircments. Thc other ¡ests
D6026 hacticc for Using Significant Digits in
Georcchnical that can be uscd during consmtction control of CLSM ¡¡c
Practicc [Xlglt and Tcsr Mcrhods Df»3. ü{I2l,snd Dót00.
D6103 Test Method for Flow Consistency of Controlled
Low Srength Msrcrial (CLSM)
fr*. erc many dhcr combinations of soit, cerncnr, fly
ash (ccrnentitior or not), admixtr¡rcs, w¡ter quality u, ,rtt
3. ftrmlndogr m¡tcrials thar could bc tested using rhir mcrho.t Tbc mirru¡er",
3.1 Dcfnitiotrs: will vary dcpcnding on rhc inreu¿¿ usc. availabiliry of
3.1.1 For common dcfinitions of terms in this standsrd, refer ma¡erials! and placcment rcguircmcnm.
to Tcrminology Cl25 and D653.
3.1.2 Connolled Low Strength Material (CISM), r_a
. Nu¡r t-Thc $dity of ür n¡ulr produccd by thls uaullnl
dcpcrrht on llrc cornpaarcc of rhc peironncl porflrming ir. onrl rhe
ture of-soil, &ggrcgates (sand, grarrel, or boü), cemcntitior¡s {tu$tt¡y- gf rhc Gq¡ipment and fúltirict urO. furncfcs rh¡¡ nrc<r rhc
ctitc¡l¡ of Ptrtlcc D!?{0 ¡¡c tgE¡rlly co¡ddcfortár.O* of ccrrn¡rcrcnr
materials, watcr, and sonptimes admixtr¡rcs, that hrdens
in.o ud -obpaivc ¡csttoy$rp¡ln¡¡nrpcátnlanO drc &; Uscrs oi rhu
a- matli.{ wirh a highcr stncngth tban glndlrd ¡¡c c¡uliooed
tbc soil h¡ les¡ than yiü pncücc
üat conptialrc D!7{} rkrs nr¡r in
about 8400 kPa (1200 psi). illclf &§sü¡n rcliarrlc rciu¡¡!. Rct¡¡bJc ttr¡¡ts dcpcnd m many facrrrs: Disc¡¡.r¡ror¡-Us{ * o replacement for compacted Prroicc Dt?40 providÉ ! rÉl¡rs of cvrlunin¡ ¡im oirnoo. f*r.rrs.
backfill, CL§M can be placed as a slurry, I mortar,
or a 6. Apparatus
cornpacted marcrial and typically has srcnths
- of 350 to 700
IOa (50 to 100 psi) for mqst 6.1
ryplications. Singlc-Use Cylindrial Motd.r-ptastic sinstc-usc 150 x
4. Summary of Test Method 3{D mm (6 x 12 in.) or lü) x 2(tr mm (¿ x íin.) cytinrtcr
molds with-righr-.fining lid.s (¡cc 92.2.1 regarding couiionary
4.1 Cylinders arc testcd to dererminc the compessive 8l1l"1ryll-{*'air-üthr" tids), conforming ro §pcciñcation
Itrengrh ol'rhe CLSM. Thc cylintlcni arc prcpsrcd e47OC/tmM. Orho sizcs ¡nd rypes of moiás may he ¡¡scd as
try pouring
u rcpre.scntarive CLSM sample into mokls,
rüa aefndng d long as the length to diamcrcr rar¡á is 2 ro l. The t j0 x 300
thc strength devclopmen! eiüer curing thc cv¡ü¿crs (6 x 12 in.) m9l_ds are prefcmed for use in concre¡c c()mprcs-
removing them from the ¡nolds o, rcmoring thc
áoHs gior to sion apparatus (Sccüon óJ) bccause of &e low strcngrh rif
curing rhc cylindcrs. and prcparing thc cyllndcrs
for comp.cs- material and üc lrrgm surface ¡rea of üe cods of rhc cylinden.
sion rc.sring. Tlu cylindcr.s are rhcn tcstá
to oUtain comiris_ 6.1.1 Mold removal can bc accomplistred wiü the use of
sive srrengrh.s. Duplicatc cytinders * ,"quir"d
ior each test low air.prcssurc. The pr€ssurc shall bc low cnough so the
agc spccified.
sample is undamagcd.
5. §lgnfficence ¡nd Usc 6-2 So¡tpling and Mking Reccpracle-_Tl*, reccpraclc shall
5.1 This meüod provides standardizcd requirements for he a suiublc non-absorbcnt mf,r¿rial (hcavy-gaugc metal
^, pn lcst or
T. pgtlgn, curing. ynrpo1ine and testing of tesr cylin_ hcavy duty plesüc conrainer, wheelbarrow. itó.1 óf suficienr
ders of CLSM under feld conditións by replñaüng ..ñeld ctpacity allgw easy sampling and rcmixing wltl¡ a shovel
a 1o or
curÉ" of the naterial. scoop and to allow preparation of at least two cylindcn
and for
5.I.1 If rhc cylinders are ñeld curc4 ¡s stipulated herein, uhcr tcs¡s such es described in Tcsr Mcthods bSyll. Dfltal,
rcs-ulting comprcssive strcngth test data ,""y
U" uscd for the md Dólü!.
following purposes:
6.3 Stomge Conuiw-A tightly coastructed insulae4
l.].] I ecceetance tesring for speciñed Checking
strengür, ^
6rmly bnrced wooden box wiü i corer or olher suitable
the adequacy of .ixrure pioportions for container tbr storagc of the CLSM cyLindcrs at üe constn¡cüon
site. Thc conlaincr st¡all be equipped, as necessary, to Quality control. maintdn
the tcmperarure immediately arl.jaccnt ro the cyúnders in the Deternrinatjon of whether the CLSM is
capabte of range of 16 to 27oC (60 to 80.F). The lq:arionof the
being put in service. storagc
container shall be away frum direct sunlight and protectcd from

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15:28:9 EST 20192
unircreidrd ccntmamericrna (JnivlÉidrd controrrncricam) purluant
b Lieneo Ag¡cnront. No furtñor roprodtrctiou rühorizcd
.ffi onasz - 16",
lieczing tcn¡pcratur€s for cxtcndcrl lcngths
of tirne (for addi_
tional guidance scc Secrion orr Curin¡ ¡i f_t""t¡""
C3trC3tM). {lmum of two compressive süength cylinden for each tqsr
age lo represenr each samplcd Uat*¡. l¿¿¡t¡onal
Thc conraincr shall bc markccl for ¡órdfic*ián materiat may
shall bc a be requircd if orhcr resting ¡s ro be pcrformü,lo*,
bright color to avoid disrt¡rbancc. ""¿ u, in Test
Mcthods D59lt, Dú023, un¿ XfO:.
Trons¡xtrtotit»t Cintui¡ler_A stundy wo<dcn
o¡hcr suitablc container eonstructed wirh jcquatc
box or Norr 2-ln thc iniü¡l sugc of CLSM usagc. prcpererion of threc
pad«ling t<l cyUodcn i¡ rccom¡nondcd o oboin.rcli¡blc
minimizr shrrk. vibrarir¡n, rr tlanrqre «, rne rkra for
whcn rünsported k, thc labora«rry.
óüú cylintn Ah agc. Subscqucnrly. rwo cyliadcn *i""ffiríi"Irnagü
Ftrnd É u-ü'. n r¡nrain r,csring
¡tcords ro a¡ccnaln an ovcrali qunliry ofibc ,ii. rio*.r."
sincc thc
6.5 kuing MachiniThe lqsting machine cylindeni uc fragilc rnd may.bc á.r"i.O dr;ñm"r*.,rlion.
shall meer the mold
rcquircmcnrs as describcd in Test Máhod
C39/C39M with the
cepp¡nt. Jncparuüon of ¡n-crt¡a c],,ñdc;-dy Uc
to pmv¡dc rhc minimum numhcr of tca¡ cyllndcn (.cc N"i,
following cxcrptions. 1 ¡nd tO.rÍ.
In addirion,_ ir ma¡. nL u.scful ro dcrcrminc ihe
¿*¡ii"i,t" tail cyl¡ndcn
rcadability shalt be a minimum of nro significrnr to hcl¡r cvaluarc rhr: unifrnrrity of thc comprcssiri
,,-11 I ,T:inrcrpolation irr.ngth ,rf,*.
9lq¡r1 ]vrrh of the second ügir nor morc rhen 0.1 I
kN (ZS. lbl) lor srrengrhs
a¡or¡tiSO tp¡ t-sO ¡xi). For
less rhan
9. CI^§M Cytlnder Moldlng and C\rlng
strcngrhs grearer than about 3.j0 kpa (50
psi), the miaimum
reutlahiliry shoul«l be nro significanr Aigis . \l -fb.ce of Molüng-Mold cylinders prompdy on a lcvel,
wíü int"rpofarion rigid, horizontal surface free li,om vibration *'J «ho dirt*_
t)l'-rhe-sccrurd digit nor more ihan 0.55 [N (100 bances. The cylinders should bc p,repared at place
lbf). a as ncar :u¡
t:1.If".the comp:ssive srrengrh .,r CI.SM cylintttrs practicable to üe location where théy arc to
ü stored during
w¡u ryprcat¡y be ¡00 ro M00 kpa (aboul t5 to the flrsr four days.
t200 iUtlin,r¡.
üe tcsting machine must have a loading rEng" ru"h
that val¡d 9.2 Placing the CISM:
v¡lues of compressivc srrength c¡n be óbtalñc¿.
I Thoror¡ghly rnix the CISM in üe sampling and
. 6.6 Curing Envirunmcnt_A curing env¡ronmcnt (watcr mixing receptacle to avoid segregation and to maiutain ñomo_
Fü,.dTp_I4, fog room) thar mcñs thc rcquircnrcnrs o[ genei§. Because CI§M mixtures can blecd easily (the
Pracricc Clg2rclnM. Thc cylinders may he.urJd in rhe sanre ance of frce water at the surface), the sample n,rr.t
b" .outincty
curing cnvironn¡cnt uscd for concrctc mixed during cylinder production to insure homogeneity,
ut thc latxra_
tory performing thc testing. "ytin,l.r, avoid segregation and ensu¡e that üc cylinder produced
6.7 Small lools-Tbols and itcrns that nuy be reprqscnts the material placed in the t¡ench.
requircd such
as shwels, pails, trowels, tamping rod and Wirh a.scoop or pail, scoop through the center portion
;;ilr. of..9.2.2*"p,lcle and pour the CI§M int *re mold. hepeat
7. Hez¡r¿" P:.
undl the mold is full. Tap the ouuides of the cylinder
mold no
7.1 Tbchnical prccautio*_Tlte procedure for morc than tcn ümes with a tamping rod or open face
üe preparo_ of the
tion of CLSM tesr cylinders has many *i.itrrit¡". hand to close holes that remain aná to releasl
to prcparing enkappcd air
voids, assuring complcte ñlling of üe mold. If neccssary,
191lpF resr cytinden (pracrice Cil/C3lM an¿ hacúce'C192; lcvel
Cl92M). Howevcn thc cylindcrr are much more off tlrc top layer with the trowel or straight_edge so it
t".gite ttran remains
concrcte cylindcrs. and spr-ciar carc shor¡rd elen and relatively smq)th. place a lid orplastic bag loosely
be takeriin üeir on
prcparation. sloragc. anrl h:rndling. the mold.

7.2 Safety Hazards: . N* l:.n. placerncn rcI inro üe cylinder molds gcncrafly
nd follow pracüces C3 ?{_g§y
7.2.1-Strictly observe the safety prccautions l M or C t 92f, t ó2ii as itrc ptaccrrnr is
. stated in prac- ll
ta1rcrs and des nor rqulrc n dding ;;i-br"üng.
tice C617. 1ot 99ry Howevcr ir
the cylintlcrs ure cuppcd with mohen sulfur
the CI-SM mirturc cont¡ins high gravel *oÉot
, it cú.e C3l/C3lM
. !?.-2.!f
(which is nor adviscd for CLSivl cylindcn, see-ütion
monar shor¡ld he folowed wirh rhe appitcaÉte tayering,.áAig-üOrur
pcnainiog ro rhe cylinder moú si¿rc.

Capping thc Cylindcrs). wcar propcr personnel

l0 on
protective Usc of an airtight lid has becn known to cause
equipmenr. including gtovcs wirh .ün, low
ui ür.i ii
-nü cm t6-in.)
strength matcrials to crack. possibly duc to üe
cteaüon of a
.rng. Wernlng-Fresh hydraut ic *"r"nr iiinr* r, rr"*
yacuum inside the mold. If an

cat¡stic and muy caule chemical burns

_" airtight lid is contemplated, its
to skin anj r¡ssuc ufruo use should be evaluated bcforc doing routine testing.
prolonge«l exp,rsurc.3¡ A
pin-sized hole in the lid h¿s been used-successfully
in ñany
E. CLSM Sempüng ¡nd Tbst Spedmens Some mün¡res will bleed rapidly, thar is, frec
Ll samplas of the CISM for each rcst cylinder willappear in the sample while in tte nüiing rtcoptacle
-Takc in and
acc«rdance wiür Dj97l. Record the ¿üso whilc in the mold. Obtaining the maürial to
idcnriry of üe CLSM fill rho
represcnted and the datc and tirnc of cylinder_must_be done qückly afrár mixing. A
casting. few minutes
sample fronr the batch should be a minimum
aftcr filling the mold, ttroroüghty mix tlie CLSM in üe
1 T:
m-"8 (l 0.03
tf) tbr each nro cylinders to be prepared. prepare of sampling a1d mixing rcceptacle aná place a scooptul
in the top
a of the displacing the warci. This rcf,iling may be
rcquircd again aftcr about 15 mi¡r. Smooth the top and
tse¡rim o¡¡ cover
Safety precaudons,J\lanurl ofAggregarc
and Concrtte Testing.
after aII rcúlling is ñnished.
Anuurl Bu* of ASTM Srard¡¡&, \ftrl. (X.02.
9.3 Curing:
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Fn Jan 4 l5:2g:52 EST 20l9
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univcridad ccnhoamcticana (univuai«l¿d c¿ntrmmricrm)
p.munt to LieNAgErEnt No fi¡rth.r Ep¡od*¡ion¡ authoüod.
,(ffi ooaz - 16'r
9.3.1 Store thc rylinders at thc construction site
storag€ container until thc fourth day afrcr prcp¡ration.
in the ll. Cmrprrssive Strength Testing
Refer to
9,2 fu curing rcguirrmcnts. .ingll..l Pl«.enrcnl ol()uppei Cyliuder_plrce
hlrrck, with
¡hc k¡rver bcar_
?3.? Th" cylinders shall be stortd under conditions üat
its h¡¡rdcned fa"" up. on the ¡able
rr platcn of
maint¡in thc ¡empcralurc jmmediately adjacent to úre thc tcsting machinc dircctly untlir thc spherieally seatert
in rhc rangc of 16 ¡o 27"C (60 to Ab.Fi. The cylinders (upper) bearing block. Wipe clean ¡hc bearing
musr faces of rhe
always bc prolccred lnm freezing. Aftei the nniaa¡ upper and lower bcaring blocks and of the rcsi cylindcr,
provide and
a high humidity enviroruncnt by sürrounding rhe cylintlers placc rhe tc;r cylindcr on the lowcr bcaring
wiü blocl. Carcfully
wet burlap or other highly adsorbcnt lnaerld. align the axis o[ rhe cylindcr wirh thc cenür of rhrusr of
9.3.3 On rhc fourth day, carefully transport the cylindcn spherically seated block. As üe sphcrically sea(ed hlrrk
to is
thc site of the curing cnüronment in ttre Uansportation brought to hcar on the top of the cylindcr, n¡ratc its rn«rvahlc
tainer and place in a curing enüronnrent (sec OiO). portirm gently by hand so üat uuitbrm sc¡rting is
9.-3.4 The cylinders are rypically left at thc contn¡ction
- four days
for and then ransponcd to a curing cnvironnent If
site .11.2 Rat¿ ol luuling-Apply thc load continuously and
without shock, Apply thc load a¡ a constant rate such that thc
extremely low suength CLSM (below :SO'tpa) would cylinder will fail in not tess than 2 min. Make no adjusrment in
$ryeea-U¡ -oving on thc fourü day, then üe cylindcrs are to thcc.onrrols o[ thc resting n¡achinc while a spccimen is yielding
be placed in a water storage ta¡k with , ar^p"átur" rapidly immcdiarely bctorc failu¡c
16o and Z7"C (60o and E0"F) at rhe constructi'on
site untif tfrey tl.3 Apply the load unül rhe cylindcr fails, and rccord üc
a¡c able to bc moved wirhout damagc.
nlaxilt¡um kud, to eithcr two or threc significanr tligits, carried
10. Capping the Cylinders by.the cylinder during the resr. For ¡b¡ru¡ one (rut of cvery ten

. l0.l On the day of tesüng, carefully rqnove thc ¡nol& from

cylindcrs. conrinuc thc loading until ¡hc cytin«ler breaks
the cylindcn and nllow thc cylindcrs to air-dry for 4 to g enough t«¡ exun¡inc the appcararrc.e of the intcrior t¡f tlrc
bcforc capping. If rhc uppcr iurfacc of rhc cyíinder is nor rp":ilr"T.Note any apparcnt segregarion, lenses, pockcts, and
horizonlal planc, ure a *'ire hrush to fl¡rtten thc surface. the likc in tlrc specimen.
off aII loose particles. kovide a cap for the cylinders using
üe following methods: 12. C¡lculadoo
t Cry the cylinder using gypsum plaster in accordance !2.1 Calculate and record the comprcssive süEngü of thc
with Practicc C617. test cylindcr to either two or three significant digir.s as follows:
10.1.2 Use elastomeric pads in acclrdancc wi¡h pmcrice
Cl23lrtl23lM. The results of úrc qualification tesr.s in hac_ L
tiee Ct23l/Cl23lM for acceptanó of the caps must
": (r)
indicate a reduction of st¡engrnbf more than 20 d, raüer where:
2 % as stated in Practice C I 23 l rC t 23 I M. The targer
difference C = comprcssive strength, kpa (tbf/in.:).
is acoepbblc because of the less critical oro o"f CI§M
and D = non¡inal diametcr of cylinder (noárally 150 mm or 6
2O % is esümated to bc úrc inherent variation in.), and
in comprassive
sEength results because of üe lower strength values,
for ¿ = maximum load, kN (lbfl.
P..1^(10 psi). Alrhough comprJssive srrensths
:i1pt:^ 15.|
q?t_ol .L0 I{Pa (l500psi) are nor wirhin the scopc of practice 13. Report Tbst Dsts Sheer(§IForm(s)
C1231/Cl23lM, acceprabte rcsults have bccn fáun¿ in
Iaboratorias. Qualification testing shaúl be performed
many l3,l Thc mcúrodology uscd ro specify how data are rc_
prior tá corded on üc test data sheet(s)lform(s), as givcn bclow, is
5rg _unbondcO capping sysrems for acciptance testing of
CLSM mixhres.
covered in l.ó.
13.2 Record as a minimum the following general informa_
Nors 4--Sulñ¡r rnofianl arc not recornmcnded for capping
CI.§M tion (daa):
cylinders bccause üe srrengür
gf rh:.c3p i. g.o"ra(
ü¡n rht ClSMcylinda. strcngth, wtricfriaifcaa ot¡o'i-eous
{:ynnoer strcngths bclow abour 4ff)0 kpa (600 psi).
rcsuf¡s. nor _ 13.2.1 Samplc/cylindcr identífying information, such as
ir is rccommendecl to Project No., Mix No., Cylinder No., locaüon, etc.
usc othcr capping methods. lrowever if surh¡r m'orür
h ur"4 o¡r shourd bc 13.2.2 Mix De*ign, if known.
nJaced o1 thc cappi_ng platc ¡o ensure rcle¿se of the caming maerial
tne cappng ptare. More oil may be requircd on 13.3 Record as a minimum the following test cylinder data;
the óipIng plate when
capping CLSM cylindcrs tran is normally usea
wt*'.!lpi,,g 13.3.1 Date, time and name of individual .noi¿"¿ CLStrl
cylinders,.cappcd GLSM cyrindrs wiil nórmarty "oro"t"
*ntuii-o'or" air voids spec'imcns.
cytinder than capped concrete cytindas, and this
Ty.Tl !n".T.rnd.rt
snoutd bc considc¡ed if the caps arc t¿ppcd ro 13.3.2 Diame¡cr and lcngth. mm (¡n.), ro rwo signilicanr
check foi voids.
10.2. Use the same capping method throughout digit§ (See 6.1). Diamcter tlimcnsion is needed ro vcriiy rhat ir
each project tprrela¡cs wiü the nomin¿¡l r.liame¡er used in the atrove
to avoid any variation in thc tes( rcsults frim using
difereut equation.
capping .systems.
13.3.3 Cross-scctional arca, mm2 (in. 2), to two significant
- 10.3 CLSM cyliaders arc morc fragilc than concrcte cylin-
ders and musr be handled carefully during üre mold
digits (Sce ó.1).
removal 13.3.4 Maximum load, kN (lbf), to either two or
and during capping. three
signiñcant digits (See I 1.3).
Copyri ght by ASIM I,f I (all ri ghrr reservod) Fri Jar 4 I 5:2 g: 52 EST 20 I 9
Downkxdcd/printcd by 4
univcnidrd c¿otmameriear¡n (universidld ccntroor¡cricono) purürnl
to Lic.nec Agroeront No ñu1hrú Eproduc{io.r¡ suhoúizrü
dff omsz - t6"r
13.3.5 Compressive soc,ngth, lpa (lbflin.2),
to eithcr two ú l4.t.l Subcommittee Dlg.l5 is seeking any data ftom the
_significant digis (Sce i Z. f ¡. users of this test method tbat might bc
13.3.6 Age of cylindrical spccimen (Sec
8.2) in days to
usá to malcc a limited
ne¡rest 0.1. statement on precision.
133.? Appropriab rcmark§ as to type of f¿ilurc, 14.2 8ia¡-There is no accepted rcference value
defccts for üis test
noüed, or non-uniformiry of CLSM, ,r.t l, apparcnt method, thercforc, bias cannot be determined.
segre.gation, lcnses, pockeb, ¡rnd the ükc
in rtri cyú,iOricat
spocimcn (Sec I 1.3). 15. Keywords
13.3.8 Method of capping (See l0).
l5.l backfill; CLSM; compressive strcngth; construction
14. hccision and Bt¡s control; mix dcsign; quality control; soil stabilizaüon
14. I Preci¡ion-Test data on precision is
uot prescnted. It is
cither uot feasible or too costly ai this timc ¡o hav"
ren or morc
laboratories participate in a ror¡¡rd-robin testing program.


(Nounndetory lúo¡¡r¡son)


This srandard was developcd to provide an acceÉed,
have been used, with the latter two normally uscd whcn
consensus-n¡ethod of preparing and testing CLSM üc soil
cylindcrs. comcs fro¡n the trcnch excavation.
Because the cylindcrs are morc fragilc th;n normal
cylinders,- the standard provides . workabl" method Xl.5 ?sfrng
of prepa_ TLrhniqucs:
ration and testing based on much trial and crror.
X1.5. IThe 150 by 3fi).rnm plasric cylinderu (see 6. l) are
Xl.2 CLSM is a combination of soil, aggregatcs (sand, suggc.sterl as a nrat¡er r¡f cconomics: that sizc is rror necessary
gravel, or both), ccmenütious materials (portial¿temcnt, ba.sed on the 'particle sizes nomrally uscd in CSLM. Á
or natural pozzolans), sometimes adnüxturcs, and minin¡unr test ¡¡ge of 7 rlays is rcr.on¡mcntlcrl for construction
enough potable wuler so that ¡l¡e mixmre has the consistcncy control tcsting becaus€ rhc cylindcrs ntay not bc intact Cnough
¡tl¡ick liquid. Irr rhis tbmr. the CLSM flows readily into for transpoñing and testing in 3 days. In addition. üe rcsüñg
,penings' ñlling voids, lnd pnrvides a hardened matcriar that ha¡i bccn donc tor 3-day slrcngtñ has resulted in extlcmel!
has a strcngth grca!Ér than thc untreated crralic valrtcs.
soil uscd in the mix.
Some cementitious fly ashes have been successfully
used in Xl-S.2 The moundirrg r¡f the rnaterial irr the cylirrders was
place of üe porttand cement. -
fuund to bc ncccssary for mixturcs that ¡Jirl nor c.ontain many
Xl.3 Although the primary use to datc of CLSM or othc¡ fincs; ¡hc^wutcr bled so guickly thal a spacc was lcli on top
similar ma¡erials has been as cmbedment for pipclincs, the cylinders and the hardened cylinders w€re not ofa uniflrnr
it also
has becn used as trcnch backfill and strucn¡rc
ú;ktrii.lJ --- hcight.

Xl.4 Tlpically, CLSM contains about 5 ao lO% portland X1.5.3 At ¡hc moisturc contcnt ra¡uiretl for üe mixtr¡rc to
cement. One of the defini.te advantages is havc thc neccssary flow properües, consolirtaüon of the
rhat CLSM may te CSL¡í
produced using local soils. As opposed in the cylinder mold by vibration is not necessary.
to a lcan concrcte
slurry, üe soil for thc CLSM c¡n- contain up to
ahour 20 to Xl.6 l)pical ltse:
25 % nonplasric or slightly plasüc fines.'Alihough
concrde.sands huve been uscd, the presence
of ñnes can help X I .6. I The use of CLSM as pipc cmbcdment illusrrares
kecp rhc sand-sizcd pürticlrs in suipcnsion. This relationship berwccn the testing requiremcnts and a typical
alklws the
n¡ixlurc t<.¡ flr¡w e¡¡sier and helps prcvent scgrcgation. application. For pipc insullations, CI§M is used to fill the gap
Soils tl¡at
are basically sand sizes work beir with thJ bctwecn the pipe and thc cxcavatcd trench. The CL§M
sizc compaüble with the space to bc ñlled. Cenrrat'Uat translers the load from thc p,pc to thc in siru matcrial, .so the
f, phns
ü9 9" slurry delivercd in ready-mix ürucks, rrench_side, nativc soil must bc ablc to providc thc ncces§{Df suppon for the
trail-along portabre batch plants and mobile continuo.s mixers ¡ipc. The circular trcnch tmt¡om sha¡rc is aávrniagc.rus be_
cause it rcduccs excavaüon quantities untl ¡hus rcduccs
dling of üe soil materials. The CL.SM eliminarss thrr pnrhlem
. T"if, A , ¡nd DcGmor, c., ..Soit-Cemcnt pipc Bcddiog. Cr¡¡¡di¡o
d trying to.sha¡rc ¡ cradle in rhc trench tntkrm to fir rhe pipe.
Agucd{rct." Iounul olthc Construction D¡yrt¡a, ASóE, V"t 94:ñ.. COl, l%S. A cr¿dle is labor intensivc and may not ¡qsul¡ in full contact
r "Cemmt-Trcered pipeline
Bedding,'. poAaná C"rrá, e**J"i*pr¡t¡lic.rion betwccn thc pipe arrl the soit. The CI^§M dr¡es ensure unitonrr
No. PA@ll.0t.
suppon for the pipe. Placement of the CLSM is rnuch faster
Copyrighr by ASTM Irrft (a¡t rigbb rc§crvcdl Fri
J¡n 4 l5:28:52 EST 2Ol9
Dornlodcd/prinbd by 5
univcr§id0d ccr¡tro§moricana (univcrsid¡d c¡nhoonrricim) p¡rBrlsnt io LiHrc Agrrcmor¡t. No nnthcr rcpodrrtims r¡rthorizod.
than compacting the soit
ffi olasz - 16",
in layerr alongsi¡le ths pipe, lnrl X1.6.2 Fluidized rhermal backfill (FTB) is a specialized
loT"So ro thc pipe fro¡¡ the crrnpacting «¡uipment is typc of CLSM used around undcrground clcctric t¡ansmission
climinarcd. h is also qrickcr rhan ltooding and-jeuing
or rhc and distribution cables ro conduct hcat away from thc cable.
§aturetioo end vibruim mcthods of compacfing granular
The ¡hennal rcsistivity of CI.SM ca¡r be evaluated using
bedding maleriols. This fr$cr insraltaüo¡r i¡ u diuinct thc
advan- aPpropriatc ASTM or IFEF methods.
tage where the construcüon is in po¡rlatcd arcas
m through


In accordance with corr¡mi¡tce DIE policy, üis scction idcntifics

thc locsrim of changcs io this srandard sincc
thc last cdirion (2010) rhs¡ may impact ürc usc of this snndard. (D""rrb*
15, 20ró)

ü)Rwised 1.7.
12)Reüs€d Section 3.
Ásru ¡dtal lrrs ao paahrr tqp.alhg
üt @ ol utyp.t,ñr ri0ñ,¡.r..r¡d .t @,,,,,a o aür.w it",i ÍÉn*,*
of n¡ürgrrüf ot''fusottÚtLÚ!,d.náetq.tltE'u,¡ttbb¡t'linfftiononrülotú¡l'¡rortfl{,tontüttls,dadtx
stú dg¡úc, uccttnrynZoáry-rüA; ti*
7?¡b¡¡r¡üdl¡¡¡& bre*br3tJV)Lt byao¡ry**b#,alan,,oú&'.,,dm.tq
l'pr-óad,e¡hcr-rprc¡o¡o.niñú¡arr vott'ñ-ámtn,,#,-t,,iúrii;;raa-b¡ffia¡,sr¡¡d¡rt¡,vbr'dctrlü, ycerx,Ú
úd elr¡É ú Wb^a7u¡rlrarhltr+rrti. ii¡"onnüt fl ta¡w
,rtp(frrtbt drrt¡r@nnnrb4rtrrr¡Joo rrriyÚlú. npuúua»*-rrrr-ar*;;rdrad r¡¡rút ea¡tü¡tutt d t tnlrf¡lg or tt
t túa Wr Y,a§ bwrr b ¿tp ¡s7U CLrnn¡ at¿ r-,twyotrsr,.¿
- S.niir¿, a n eür.r ódrr A_r.
n**a&sqy¡ig'tcct!{,Asrtltr/f'/¡r&,I,. lüi,f¡¡¡tLrtD¡útva,rcff[c7w,ltt¡lcoad¡oñofur
lrrrE s:,,rbs. M)d *q ljh+ - ¡tr,ür";*l; átu*zg5l.,
üÚÚ' ü c 6to!32'95et ot¡oúL -ÉrL; crr,¿"¿ tÍr¡y b M q @ilüO Asru d üü tuc
(r*u,'tn.aÚ. tuo¡**n,Ur a ilWt).-ár;,ü;; tnay .crvi,,o,l,¡n,,o|,' (},fYl{¡; ¡¡ nra¡ñ r¡, r¡raü¡re
wd ütw. ag¡yar¡. m o t ea,- t* ptó e*ir¡¡¡idi tffi
& t ,-rrriáiñ' w "'¡ é v¿q¡¡¡rüt CJa¡¡¡rp
Cc,Ér, 2u

Copyright by ASIM Intl (all rights rcrvrd)¡ Fri Jan 4 l j2t:52 EST 2019
Dovr,nlodoüprinlcd by o
tllüvgeid¡d cc¡rtroamcic¡¡n «l¡ir¡c¡s¡d¡d oontroemiom) pumurm
b L¡c"rE Agr.orr¡cnt lib furthor ,¡p¡oduorio.s úrlhüizcd.

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