Fejér Ernő Üzenőfüzet

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A Book of Messages


zenfzet A Book of Messages

Az album megjelenst tmogattk: A Nemzeti Kulturlis Alap Fotmvszeti Szakmai Kollgiuma Supporters:
Photographic Department of the National Cultural Fund K & H Bank Zrt.

K & H Bank Kli Sndor, Miskolc megyei jog vros polgrmestere Sndor Kli, Mayor of the County Seat of Miskolc Dr. dor Ferenc, Borsod-Abaj-Zempln megyei kzgyls elnke Dr. Ferenc dor, Chairperson, Assembly of the Borsod-Abaj-Zempln County Local Government Dr. Duds Illsn, Invest Trade kft., Miskolc Mrs. Ills Duds, Invest Trade Ltd. Valent Zsolt, V & V Stdi, Miskolc Zsolt Valent, V & V Studio, Miskolc


zenfzet A Book of Messages

Folpress Kiad Folpress Publishing House 2010

Szaturnusz jegyben, narckp, 2004. janur 4., 30 x 22 cm "In the Sign of Saturn", Self Portrait, January 4, 2004, 30 x 22 cm

Fejr Ern
kpzmvsz, fotmvsz szakmai letrajza

Ern Fejr,
artist, photo artist Curriculum Vitae

1945-ben szletett Disgyrben (Miskolcon). 1964-ben vgzett a miskolci Z. M. Gpipari technikumban ltalnos gpsz szakon. 1964-tl klnbz tervezintzeteknl dolgozik pletgpsz-szerkesztknt, majd tervezknt 1976-ig. 1966-tl kezd kpzmvszettel foglalkozni, sztns ideakeressbl. 1974-ben sikertelen kpzmvszeti felvtelije miatt (tlkoros), felhagy a rajzolssal. 1976-tl 1987-ig a miskolci Jzsef Atilla Knyvtr Killttermben dolgozik killts szervezknt, rendezknt, fotogrfusknt. Ez id alatt a Miskolci Galriban is dolgozik idszakonknt, hasonl feladatokat vgezve. Kzel 100 kortrs kpzmvszeti, knyvmvszeti, fotmvszeti s irodalomtrtneti killtst, knyvpremiert szervez s rendez. A killtsok katalgusait, plaktjait tervezi, szerkeszti. A knyvtrban kialakt egy professzionlis fotlabort, mely kiszolglja a kpzmvszeti dokumentlst s a helytrtneti gyjtst. Felesgvel kzsen kialaktanak egy kpzs iparmvszeti knyvgyjtemnyt (idegen nyelv) s egy kpzmvszeti diatrat, reprodukci gyjtemnyt. Szmos knyvet tervez a Napjaink cm folyiratnak. Fotogrfii, rsai, rajzai jelentek meg a Fotmvszetben, a Fotban, a Mvszetben, a Magyar Grafikban, a Mozg Vilgban, a Napjainkban, a Holnapban, az j holnapban. Szmos kpzmvszeti-, knyvmvszeti- s fotkilltshoz tervezett katalgust s plaktot. Orszgos Knyvheti plaktot tervezett 1981-ben s 1982-ben. 1979-ben magntanulknt ltalnos fnykpsz oklevelet szerez. 1979-tl kezdi fotogrfiit publiklni szakfolyiratokban (Fot, Fotmvszet), illetve csoportos killtsokon szerepel.

1945 born in Disgyr (Miskolc). 1964 completes his secondary studies in the Z. M. technical school of Miskolc, specializing in civil engineering. 19641976 works at various planning offices, first as a mechanical drafter and then as a designer. 1966 becomes engaged in fine arts, instinctively trying to find his own ideas. 1974 after being rejected by the Art College (due to his being over the age limit), he gives up drawing. 19761987 he works at the Exhibition Room of the Attila Jzsef City Library of Miskolc as organizer/director of exhibitions, and as photographer. Parallel to this, he has several similar assignments for the City Gallery of Miskolc. During this period, he organizes about 100 contemporary exhibitions in the fields of fine arts, book design, photography and literary history as well as book presentations. He designs and edits exhibition catalogues and posters. In the library, he sets up a medium level professional photo laboratory, which caters for both fine arts documentation and local history collection. Together with his wife, he establishes a solid collection of books on fine and applied arts (in foreign languages as well), and a slide collection of art reproductions. He also creates several book designs for the periodical Napjaink. His photos, writings and drawings are published in publications such as Fotmvszet, Fot, Mvszet, Magyar Grafika, Mozg Vilg, Napjaink, Holnap, j Holnap. He designs catalogues and posters for several exhibitions on fine arts, book design and photography. In 1981 and 1982, he is commissioned to design the poster of the National Book Week. 1979 pursues independent studies and receives his qualification as a general photographer.

1980-tl 1986-ig a Fotmvszet cm szaklap 7 nvdjt nyeri el plyamunkival. 1982-tl kezdi el rni publiklsra nem sznt zenfzeteit. 1983-ban rendezi els nll fotkilltst Vesztesek cmmel. 1986-ban felveszik a Magyar Fotmvszek Szvetsgbe. 1986-ban az V. Esztergomi Fotbiennl nagydjasa Ptcselekvs csendleteivel. 1987-tl 1989-ig a miskolci Dli Hrlapnl dolgozik fotriporterknt, jsgrknt. 1989-ben elnyeri a Kulturlis Minisztrium Rmai Mvszeti Akadmia sztndjt. 1989-ben elbocstjk a Dli Hrlaptl. Kt vig munkanlkli. Mvszi s ltalnos lettja megtrik. jra fel kell ptenie szellemi s fizikai egzisztencijt, ismeretlen s tle idegen keretek kztt. A pszichs gdrbl a rajzols emeli ki. 1989-ben felesgvel kzsen megalaptja a Foto & Design Kft-t, de a budapesti, Ernst Mzeumbeli killtsig nem dolgozik a cgben. 19871991 kztt jbl az autonm kpgrafika fel fordul. A ngy v alatt ksztett grafikibl s montzsaibl 1991-ben a budapesti Ernst Mzeumban nll killtst rendez Organon cmmel. Ezt kveti a Miskolci Galriban hasonl cm killtsa. 1991-tl 2005-ig knyszervllalkoz, szernyen sikeres. 1991-tl 2001-ig nem fotografl, de killtsokon rszt vesz. Kizrlag rajzol s montzsokat kszt. Szellemi s anyagi egzisztencija lesen sztvlik, mkdkpes skizofrninak tartja a maga szempontjbl a 89-tl eltkozolt 16 vet. 1992-ben felveszik a Magyar Alkalmazott Fotogrfusok Kamarjba, mely sajnos, pr vet lt. 1992-ben a Foto & Design Kft-n bell ltrehozzk a Mvszellt szakzletet. 1993-ban felveszik a Magyar Alkotmvszek Orszgos Egyesletbe, a kpzmvsz tagozatba. 1993-ban felvtelt kri a Magyar Kpzmvszek Szvetsgbe. Felvtele elsikkad a Szvetsg talakulsi folyamatban. 1993. mrcius 15-n a Mveldsi s Kzoktatsi miniszter Balogh Rudolf-djat adomnyoz rszre. 1993-ban dr. Kunt Ern, a Miskolci Egyetem Blcsszettudomnyi Karnak Kulturlis s Vizulis Antropolgia Tanszke vezetje meghvja a tanszkre oktatnak. 1994-ben a Magyar Fotmvszek Szvetsge keretn bell megalakul Els alkotcsoport tagja lesz. 1996-ban megvlt az Antropolgia Tanszktl dr. Kunt Ern vratlan halla miatt.

From 1979 on, his photographs appear in professional publications (Fot, Fotmvszet), and his works are displayed at group exhibitions. Between 1980 and 1986 he is awarded 7 Niveau prizes of Fotmvszet for his works. 1982 begins to write his message books, with no intention of publishing them. 1983 stages the first solo exhibition of his photographs, under the title Losers. 1986 becomes member of the Association of Hungarian Photo Artists. 1986 his still lifes entitled Acts of Compensation (Compensation Still Lifes) win the Grand Prize of the Fifth Photo Biennial of Esztergom. 19871989 works for the Miskolc daily paper Dli Hrlap as a photo-reporter and journalist. 1989 receives the grant of the Rome Art Academy, through the Hungarian Ministry of Culture. 1989 loses his job with Dli Hrlap, and remains unemployed for 2 years. His professional and artistic career broken, he has to build up his existence from scratch both in the intellectual and the physical sense under circumstances that are unknown and alien to him. Drawing helps him overcome his depression. 1989 together with his wife, he starts his own venture under the name Foto & Design Co., but it is only in 1991, when he has his first Budapest exhibition at the Ernst Museum, that he begins doing substantial work in it. 19871991 turns towards autonomous picture graphics. In 1991, from the graphic works and montages produced during these 4 years, he has a solo exhibition arranged at the Ernst Museum Budapest, under the title Organon. This is soon to be followed by another exhibition in the Gallery of Miskolc, with the same title. 19912005 compelled to be self employed, with modest successes. 19912001 does not do any photography but continues to present his works at various exhibitions, devoting himself solely to drawing and montage making. His intellectual and material beings are sharply separated: he calls his 16 years wasted after 1989 (the change of regime) an effective state of schizophrenia. 1992 becomes member of the sadly short-lived Chamber of Hungarian Applied Photographers. 1992 sets up his own art supplies shop, under the aegis of his Foto & Design Co. 1992 gains membership of the National Association of Hungarian Creative Artists, in its art department.

1996-ban a Fotmvszek Szvetsge kiadsban s a Nemzeti Kulturlis Alap tmogatsval a Fnykptr cm sorozatban ktete jelenik meg (szerkesztette Gera Mihly). 1997-ben Harsny kzsgbe kltzik. 1997-ben a kulturlis miniszter meghvja, illetve deleglja a Balogh Rudolf-djat jell bizottsgba. (2006-ig) 1997-ben a Nemzeti Kulturlis Alap plyzatn plyadjban rszestik. 1997-ben a Szemere Bertalan Szakkpz s Mvszeti Kzpiskola a sok vtizede foly fnykpsz szakmunkskpzs megjtsra meghvja mvszeti vezetnek. Kialaktja az j alkalmazott fotogrfusi kpzs technikai httert, kpzsi anyagt. 2000-ben felmentik mvszeti vezeti llsbl, mert nincs pedaggiai kpestse. 2000-tl visszatr sajt tulajdon cgbe dolgozni. 2000-tl szerepel a Kpz s Iparmvszeti Lektortus szakrti nvjegyzkben (autonm s alkalmazott fotogrfia). 2001-ben a Nemzeti Kulturlis Alaptl alkoti tmogatst kap ht hnapi idtartamra. 2003-ban felveszik a Magyar Grafikusmvszek Szvetsgbe. 2005-ben az Nemzeti Kulturlis Alap teljes kr tmogatsban rszesti a Magyar Fotogrfusok Hzban rendezett killtst. 2005-ben fenti killtst kveten felhagy a fotograflssal. 2005-ben eladja cgt s mvszellt zlett. Nyugdjba vonul, kpeivel, knyveivel, hanglemezeivel foglalkozik. zenfzeteit rja. Elzrkzva l. Minden invencijt a kpzmvszetbe konvertlja. Mint mondja ,,ptcselekvsszeren. 2006 elejn kri a Magyar Fotmvszek Szvetsgt, ne jelljk a tovbbiakban a Balogh Rudolf-dj kuratriumba. 2008-ban Miskolc Vros Kzgylse Kondor Bla kpzmvszeti djat adomnyoz rszre, szakmai javaslatra. 2008 vgtl a M. T. A. Miskolci Akadmiai Bizottsga mvszettrtneti szakbizottsga kooptlja sorba. 2009-ben visszalp a tagsgtl. 2008-ban jelents tmogatst kap a Nemzeti Kulturlis Alap fotmvszeti szakmai kollgiumtl fotogrfiai letm albuma megjelentetshez.

1993 applies for membership of the Association of Hungarian Fine Artists. However, his admission gets stuck in the transformation process of the Association. 1993, March 15th is awarded the Balogh Rudolf Prize by the Minister of Culture and Education. 1993 is invited by Dr Ern Kunt, Head of Department to teach at the Cultural and Visual Anthropology Department, Faculty of Arts, of the University of Miskolc. 1994 becomes member of the First Creative Group (Els alkotcsoport), established within the framework of the Association of Hungarian Photo Artists. 1996 quits his job at the Anthropology Department, after the sudden death of Ern Kunt. 1996 volume of his photographs is published by the Association of Hungarian Photo Artists, with the financial support of the National Cultural Fund, in the Fnykptr (Photo Collection) series (edited by Mihly Gera). 1997 moves to the village of Harsny. 1997 is invited and delegated to become member of the nomination committee of the Rudolf Balogh Prize (until 2006). 1997 receives a grant awarded by the National Cultural Fund. 1997 is offered the position of artistic director at the Bertalan Szemere Vocational and Art School, with the mission of renewing the photographers training going on there for long decades. Here he sets up the technical background and compiles the training material for the new applied photographers training. 2000 loses his post as artistic director, on account of not having any teaching qualification. 2000 returns to work for his own firm. From 2000, his name is on the list of experts of the Lectorate of Arts and Industrial Arts (autonomous and applied photography). 2001 receives a creative grant from the National Cultural Fund for a period of 2 months. 2003 is accepted as a member of the Association of Hungarian Graphic Artists. 2005 exhibition arranged in the House of Hungarian Photographers receives full financial support from the National Cultural Fund. 2005 following this exhibition, he abandons photography. 2005 sells his company and his art supplies shop. He retires, devoting himself to his pictures, books and records, and writing his Message Books. He lives in seclusion, converting his inventive energies into art as acts of compensation, in his own words. At the beginning of 2006, he requests the Association of Hungarian Photographers to remove him from the board of curators of the Rudolf Balogh Prize.

Egyni killtsok

Vesztesek, Miskolc Megyei Krhz Fotogrfik s Montzsok, Miskolci Galria Fotogrfik, Budapest, Fotmvszeti Galria Csendletek Chardin mesternek, Budapest, Francia Intzet 1988 Csendkpek, Esztergom, VI. Fotbiennl 1991 Fotessz, Miskolc, Avasi Gimnzium galrija 1993 Art Expo, Budapest 1994 Art Expo, Budapest 1994 Megyeknyv, Miskolc, B.A.Z. Megyei nkormnyzat Galrija 1995 Megyeknyv, Lengyelorszg 1996 Csendletek Chardin mesternek, Nrnberg, Keresztes Lajos Galria 2001 tkels a tudatalattin, www.origo.hu Internet jsg 2005 zenfzet, Magyar Fotogrfusok Hza, Budapest
1983 1985 1986 1987

2008 is awarded the Bla Kondor Fine Art Prize by the General Assembly of the city of Miskolc on professional recommendation. From the end of 2008, he is co-opted in the art history sub-committee of the Miskolc Academy Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. In 2009, he steps down from membership. 2008 receives significant financial assistance from the Professional College of the National Cultural Fund, for the publication of a comprehensive album of his oeuvre.

Solo exhibitions
(photo art) 1983 1985 1989 1987 1988 1991 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 2001 2005

Egyni killtsok
(kpzmvszet) 1991 1991 1993 1994 1996 1997 1999 2000

2001 2007 2008

Organon, Budapest, Ernst Mzeum Organon, Miskolc, Miskolci Galria Art Expo, Budapest, cm nlkl, sajt stand Art Expo, Budapest, cm nlkl, sajt stand tkels a tudatalattin (montzsok), Miskolc, Fotgalria j Altamira (rajzok), Miskolc, Megyei Knyvtr Barlangrajzok, Miskolc, Miskolci Galria tkels a tudatalattin, (rajzok, diavetts s lveboncols), Miskolci Mentlhigins Mhely, Miskolc, Akadmiai Szkhz Emlkezs egy meghalt killt teremre, (tizenegy v tizenegy rajz), Miskolc, Jzsef Attila Knyvtr Perpetuum stabile, Miskolci Galria Ltsvezekl, Lengyelorszg, Katowice Kulturlis Centrum

Losers, Miskolc County Hospital Photographs and Montages, Miskolc Gallery, Miskolc Photographs, Gallery of Photo Art, Budapest Still Lifes for Master Chardin, French Institute, Budapest Still Pictures, VI. Photo Biennial, Esztergom Photoessay, Gallery of the Avas High School, Miskolc Art Expo, Budapest Art Expo, Budapest County Book, Gallery of the B.A.Z. County Municipality, Miskolc County Book, Poland Still Lifes for Master Chardin, Lajos Keresztes Gallery, Nuremberg Crossing the Subconscious (www.origo.hu) Message Book, House of Hungarian Photography, Budapest

Solo exhibitions
(fine art) 1991 1991 1993 1994 1996 1997 1999 2000

2001 2007 2008


Organon, Ernst Museum, Budapest Organon, Miskolc Gallery, Miskolc Art Expo, untitled, private stand, Budapest Art Expo, untitled, private stand, Budapest Crossing the Subconscious (montages), Photo Gallery, Miskolc New Altamira (drawings), County Library, Miskolc Cave Drawings Miskolc Gallery, Miskolc Crossing the Subconscious (drawings, slide show and vivisection), Mental Health Group of Miskolc, House of Academy In Memory of a Vanished Exhibition Room (Eleven Years Eleven Drawings), Attila Jzsef Library, Miskolc Perpetuum Stabile, Miskolc Gallery, Miskolc A Penitent of Vision, Cultural Center of Katowice, Poland

Csoportos killtsok
(fotmvszet) 1982 FF 80, Fiatal Fot 80 utn, Miskolc, Fotgalria 1984 narckp, Miskolc, Fotgalria 1984 IV. Esztergomi Fotogrfiai Biennl, Esztergom, Rondella 1985 Miskolci Fotogrfia 45 utn, Miskolci Galria 1985 Magyar Fotogrfia, Bcs, Tallinn 1985 I. Orszgos Fottrlat, Tatai vr 1985 Mozgs, Miskolc, Fotgalria 1986 V. Esztergomi Fotogrfiai Biennl, Esztergom, Rondella 1987 Magyar Fotogrfia 87, Budapest, Mcsarnok 1987 Mai Magyar Fotogrfia, Anglia, Bradford s London, Angol Nemzeti Fot s Filmmzeum 1987 Ms-Kp, Budapest, Ernst Mzeum 1989 Magyar fotogrfia 89, Budapest, Mcsarnok 1990 Salfld (Balaton), Pajta Galria 1991 A fal, USA, Arts Center, Denver 1991 VIII. Nemzetkzi Film, Video s Mvszeti Fesztivl, Gyr 1991 Magyar Fotogrfia 91, Budapest, Budai vr 1992 Magyar Fotogrfia 91, Anglia, London 1992 Jtk, Miskolc, Mission Art Galria 1993 VIII. Esztergomi Fotogrfiai Biennl, Esztergom, Rondella 1993 Salfld (Balaton), Pajta Galria 1993 Camera Obscura, Kecskemt, Magyar Fotogrfiai Mzeum 1994 Franciaorszg, Prizs, Magyar Intzet 1994 Csoport-kp, Budapest, Vigad Galria (kat. CD-n) 1994 Mai Magyar Fotogrfusok, Salfld, Pajta Galria 1994 Els Alkotcsoport Killtsa, Esztergom, Rondella 1995 Fotrvers IIIIII. Sos Andrs rendezsben 1995 Mai Magyar fotogrfusok, Salfld, Pajta Galria 1996 Magyar fotogrfia 96, Budapest, Ernst Mzeum 1996 Kortrs Magyar fotogrfia, Szlovkia, Pozsony 1996 Tzves az Esztergomi Fotogrfiai Biennl, Budapest, Budapest Galria 1996 Kortrs fotogrfiai rvers, Budapest, Mai Man Galria 1997 Kortrs Magyar Fotogrfia, Nmetorszg, Berlin 1997 Kortrs Magyar Fotogrfia, Szlovkia, Pozsony 1997 Kortrs Magyar Fotogrfia, Pcs 1997 Fotvsr, Budapest, Mai Man Galria 1998 Kp s Szveg, Kecskemt, Magyar Fotogrfiai Mzeum 1999 100 v 100 kp, Budapest, Mai Man Hz, Magyar Fotogrfusok Hza 2000 A Test, Olaszorszg, Soave (Verona) 2000 Salfld (Balaton), Pajta Galria

Group exhibitions
(photo art) 1982 FF 80, Young Photo after 80, Photo Gallery, Miskolc 1984 Self-Portrait, Photo Gallery, Miskolc 1984 IV. Biennial of Photography, Esztergom, Rondella, Esztergom 1985 Photography in Miskolc after 45, Miskolc Gallery, Miskolc 1985 Hungarian Photography, Vienna, Tallin 1985 I. National Photo Exhibition, Tata Castle 1985 Motion, Photo Gallery, Miskolc 1986 V. Biennial of Photography, Esztergom, Rondella, Esztergom 1987 Hungarian Photography 87, Arts Hall (Mcsarnok), Budapest 1987 Contemporary Hungarian Photography, National Museum of Photograph and Film, Bradford and London, UK 1987 Ms-Kp (Images with a Difference), Ernst Museum, Budapest 1989 Hungarian Photography 89, Arts Hall, Budapest 1990 Pajta Gallery, Salfld (Balaton) 1991 The Wall, Arts Center, Denver, USA 1991 VIII. International Festival of Film, Video and Arts, Gyr 1991 Hungarian Photography 91, Buda Castle, Budapest 1991 Hungarian Photography 91, London, UK 1992 Play, Mission Art Gallery, Miskolc 1993 VIII. Biennial of Photography, Esztergom, Rondella, Esztergom 1993 Pajta Gallery, Salfld (Balaton) 1993 Camera Obscura, Museum of Hungarian Photography, Kecskemt 1994 Hungarian Institute, Paris, France 1994 Group photo, Vigad Gallery, Budapest 1994 Contemporary Hungarian Photographers, Pajta Gallery, Salfld 1994 Exhibition of the First Creative Group, Rondella, Esztergom 1995 Photo Auction IIIIII, arranged by Andrs Sos 1995 Contemporary Hungarian Photographers, Pajta Gallery, Salfld (Balaton) 1996 Hungarian Photography 96, Ernst Museum, Budapest 1996 Contemporary Hungarian Photography, Bratislava, Slovakia 1996 Ten Years of the Esztergom Biennial of Photography, Budapest Gallery, Budapest 1996 Auction of Contemporary Photography, Man Mai Gallery, Budapest 1997 Contemporary Hungarian Photography, Berlin, Germany 1997 Contemporary Hungarian Photography, Bratislava, Slovakia

2002 Kapolcs, Mvszetek Vlgye (A Pajta Galria killtsa) 2002 Fotrvers, Magyar Fotogrfusok Hza 2002 Mvszek, Mvek, Mgyjtk, Miskolci Galria s Misson Art Galria 2004 Szimbizis, Pajta Galria 2004 (H)UNOK Prizsban, a Szlsi-Nagy-Nemes gyjtemny fotanyagaibl, Budapest, MVM. Galria 2005 Prosan szp... Miskolc, Miskolci Galria

Csoportos killtsok
(kpzmvszet) 1988 1988 1989 1990 1990 1990 1991 1992 1992 1993 1994 1994 1996 1996 1997 1997 1997 1998 2000 2002 2004 2004 2006 2007 2008 2009 2009

IV. Rajzbiennl, Salgtarjn, Ngrd Mzeum Miskolci Tli Trlat, Miskolc, Miskolci Galria Tavaszi Trlat, Salgtarjn, Ngrdi Mzeum Tavaszi Trlat, Salgtarjn, Ngrdi Mzeum V. Rajzbiennl, Salgtarjn, Ngrdi Mzeum Miskolci Tli Trlat, Miskolc, Miskolci Galria Tavaszi Trlat XXI., Salgtarjn, Ngrdi Mzeum VI. Rajzbiennl, Salgtarjn, Ngrdi Mzeum Miskolci Tli Trlat, Miskolc, Miskolci Galria Tavaszi Trlat XXII., Salgtarjn, Ngrdi Mzeum VII. Rajzbiennl, Salgtarjn, Ngrdi Mzeum Miskolci Tli Trlat, Miskolc, Miskolci Galria VIII. Rajzbiennl, Salgtarjn, Ngrdi Mzeum Tbblett, Miskolc, Miskolci Galria, Szalai-Kondor Hz Tbblett, Tiszajvros, Vrosi Galria Magyar Szalon, Budapest, Mcsarnok Miskolci Tli Trlat, Miskolc, Miskolci Galria IX. Rajzbiennl, Salgtarjn, Ngrdi Mzeum X. Rajzbiennl, Salgtarjn, Ngrdi Mzeum Miskolci Mvszek, Miskolc, Megyei Knyvtr XII. Rajzbiennl, Salgtarjn, Ngrdi Mzeum Miskolci Kpzmvszek, Magyar Kpzmvszeti Szvetsg Szkhza, Budapest XIII. Rajzbiennl, Salgtarjn, Ngrdi Mzeum Tavaszi trlat XXIX., Salgtarjn, Ngrdi Mzeum XXIV. Miskolci Grafikai Triennl, Miskolci Galria Tavaszi Trlat XXX., Salgtarjn, Ngrdi Mzeum 20. Miskolci Tli Trlat, Miskolci Galria

1997 Contemporary Hungarian Photography, Pcs 1997 Photo Fair, Man Mai Gallery, Budapest 1998 Image and Text, Museum of Hungarian Photography, Kecskemt 1999 100 Years, 100 Pictures, Man Mai Gallery, Budapest 2000 The Body, Soave (Verona), Italy 2000 Pajta Gallery, Salfld (Balaton) 2002 Valley of Arts, Kapolcs (exhibition of the Pajta Gallery) 2002 Photo Auction, House of Hungarian Photographers, Budapest 2002 Artists, Art Works, Art Collectors, Miskolc Gallery, Miskolc and Mission Art Gallery 2004 Symbiosis, Pajta Gallery 2004 HUNS in Paris from the pictures of the SzlssyNagyNemes Collection, MVM Gallery, Budapest 2005 Beauty in Twos, Miskolc Gallery, Miskolc

Group exhibitions
(fine art) 1988 1988 1989 1990 1990 1991 1992 1992 1993 1994 1994 1996 1996

IV. Drawing Biennial, Ngrd Museum, Salgtarjn Miskolc Winter Exhibition, Miskolc Gallery, Miskolc Spring Exhibition, Ngrd Museum, Salgtarjn V. Drawing Biennial, Ngrd Museum, Salgtarjn Miskolc Winter Exhibition, Miskolc Gallery, Miskolc Spring Exhibition XXI., Ngrd Museum, Salgtarjn VI. Drawing Biennial, Ngrd Museum, Salgtarjn Miskolc Winter Exhibition, Miskolc Gallery, Miskolc Spring Exhibition XXII., Ngrd Museum, Salgtarjn VII. Drawing Biennial, Ngrd Museum, Salgtarjn Miskolc Winter Exhibition, Miskolc Gallery, Miskolc VIII. Drawing Biennial, Ngrd Museum, Salgtarjn SurPlus (Tbblett), Miskolc Gallery, Miskolc, Szalai-Kondor House 1997 SurPlus (Tbblett), City Gallery, Tiszajvros 1997 Hungarian Saloon, Arts Hall, Budapest 1997 Miskolc Winter Exhibition, Miskolc Gallery, Miskolc 1998 IX. Drawing Biennial, Ngrd Museum, Salgtarjn 2000. X. Drawing Biennial, Ngrd Museum, Salgtarjn 2002 Artists from Miskolc, County Library, Miskolc 2004 XII. Drawing Biennial, Ngrd Museum, Salgtarjn 2004 Artists from Miskolc, Center of the Association of Hungarian Fine Artists, Budapest 2006 XIII. Drawing Biennial, Ngrd Museum, Salgtarjn 2007. 29th Spring Exhibition, Ngrd Museum, Salgtarjn 2008. XXIV. Graphic Art Triennial of Miskolc, Miskolc Gallery 2009. 30th Spring Exhibition, Ngrd Museum, Salgtarjn 2009. 20th Winter Exhibition of Miskolc, Miskolc Gallery


Csoportos killtsok
(alkalmazott mvszetek) 1987 Plaktok, Miskolc, Jzsef Attila Knyvtr Killtterme 1988 Nemzetkzi Knyvtri Plaktkillts, Budapest, Budai Vr, Orszgos Szchenyi Knyvtr 1994 Miskolci Tli Trlat, Iparmvszet, Mini Galria

Group exhibitions
(applied arts) 1987 Billboards, Exhibition Room of the Attila Jzsef Library, Miskolc 1988 International Library Billboard Exhibition, National Szchenyi Library, Buda Castle, Budapest 1992 Miskolc Winter Exhibition, Industrial Arts, Mini Gallery

(fotmvszet) 198086 A Fotmvszet ht nvdja 1984 Az narckp plyzat II. dja, Miskolci Fotgalria 1985 A Kpzmvszeti Lektortus dja, Tata, I. Orszgos Fottrlat 1985 A Mozgs plyzat II. dja, Miskolci Fotgalria 1986 Az Esztergomi Fotogrfiai Biennl nagydja 1987 A Magyar Fotogrfia II. dja, Budapest, Mcsarnok 1987 Szkely Aladr emlkplyzat II. dj, Bkscsaba 1990 A VII. Esztergomi Fotogrfiai Biennl III. dja 1991 A Mveldsi Minisztrium klndja, Budapest, Magyar Fotogrfia 91

Prizes and awards

(photo art) 198086 7 Niveau Prizes of Photo Art 1984 II. Prize of the Self-Portrait competition, Miskolc Photo Gallery 1985 Award of the Lectorate of Fine Arts, 1st National Photo Exhibition, Tata 1985 II. Prize of the Motion (Mozgs) competition, Miskolc Photo Gallery 1986 The Grand Prize of the Esztergom Biennial of Photography 1987 II. Prize of Hungarian Photography, Arts Hall, Budapest 1987 Aladr Szkely Memorial Competition, II. Prize, Bkscsaba 1990 III. Prize of the VIII. Esztergom Biennial of Photography 1991 Special Prize of the Hungarian Ministry of Culture, Hungarian Photography 91, Budapest

1989 Rmai Magyar Akadmia

(kpzmvszet) 1991 B.A.Z. Megyei nkormnyzat dja, Salgtarjn, Tavaszi Trlat 1994 Iparmvszeti dj, Miskolci Galria, Tli Trlat 2009 B.A.Z. Megyei nkormnyzat dja, Salgtarjn, Tavaszi trlat 2009 B.A.Z. Megyei nkormnyzat dja, Miskolc,Tli Trlat

1989 Rome Art Academy

(fine art) 1991 Prize of the B.A.Z. County Municipality, Spring Exhibition, Salgtarjn 1994 Applied Arts Award, Winter Exhibition, Miskolc Gallery 2009 Prize of the B.A.Z. County Municipality, Spring Exhibition, Salgtarjn 2009 Prize of the B.A.Z. County Municipality, Winter Exhibition, Miskolc

1993 Balogh Rudolf Mvszeti dj (Kulturlis Minisztrium) 2008 Kondor Bla Kpzmvszeti dj (Miskolc V. Kzgylse)

1993 Rudolf Balogh Art Prize (Cultural Ministry) 2008 Bla Kondor Fine Art Prize (V.General Assembly of Miskolc)

Kzgyjtemnyekben lv mtrgyak
(kpz-s fotmvszet)

Works in public collections

(fine art and photo art)

Angol Nemzeti Fot- s Filmmzeum, Anglia, Bradford Arts Center, USA, Denver Arts Institute University, USA, Chicago Szllsy-NagyNemes gyjtemny, Sant Meur de Fosses, Franciaorszg Bks Megyei Mzeumok Magyar Fotmvszek Szvetsge, Budapest Herman Ott Mzeum, Miskolc Komrom Megyei Mzeumok Latinovits Emlkmzeum, Balatonszemes Mveldsgyi Minisztrium, Budapest Magyar Fotogrfiai Mzeum, Kecskemt Petfi Irodalmi Mzeum, Budapest

National Media Museum (National Museum of Photography, Film and Television), Bradford, UK Arts Center, Denver, USA Arts Institute University, Chicago, USA Szllssy-NagyNemes Collection, Sant Meur de Fosses, France Bks County Museums Association of Hungarian Photo Artists, Budapest Ott Herman Museum, Miskolc Komrom County Museums Latinovits Memorial Museum, Balatonszemes Ministry of Culture, Budapest Museum of Hungarian Photography, Kecskemt Petfi Literary Museum, Budapest

rversek, zleti eladsok Auctions and sales

Fotmvszeti Galria, Budapest, Vci u. (klfldre) Kpcsarnok, Szentendre (klfldi vsrlk) Magyar Fotogrfusok Hza, Budapest rversei Sos Andrs fotkeresked magnrverse, Budapest K. L. Galria, Nrnberg Gallery of Photo Art, Vci u. Budapest (sales for abroad) Arts Gallery (Kpcsarnok), Szentendre (foreign buyers) House of Hungarian Photographers, auctions, Budapest Private auction of Andrs Sos, photo art dealer, Budapest K.L. Gallery, Nuremberg

Mvek magntulajdonban Privately owned works

Abdi Andrsn, Kulturlis s Vizulis Antropolgia Tanszk, Miskolc, tanszki titkr, Balla Demeter fotmvsz, Budapest Brczi Zoltn bankr, Dr. Seb Nra orvos, Miskolc Balogh va zletvezet, Miskolc Francia Nagykvetsg, Pierre Brochan nagykvet asszony, Budapest Francia Nagykvetsg, M. Jack Bath kulturlis attas, Budapest Farag Istvn s Lszl Zsuzsa tipogrfusok, Budapest Gera Mihly szerkeszt, Budapest Jankovics Marcell filmrendez, Budapest Keresztes Lajos fotmvsz, Nrnberg Kollrn Czerva Edit, asszisztens, Miskolc Dr. Knya Kroly ideggygysz, Miskolc (Dr. Knya Csaba, Bres) Krll Istvnn, Miskolc Lenkei Zoltn grafikusmvsz, Miskolc Mihlszki Jzsefn, Miskolc Galria, gazdasgi vezet Nagy Gabriella befektetsi csoportvezet, Budapest Nagy Klmn, Miskolci Vrosi Knyvtr Novk Mria anesztziolgus asszisztens, Miskolc Dr. Plinks Gyrgy a Legfelsbb Brsg tancsvezet brja s felesge, Budapest

Mrs. Andrs Abdi, department secretary, Department of Culture and Visual Anthropology, Miskolc University Demeter Balla, photo artist, Budapest Zoltn Brczi, banker & Nra Seb Dr, physician, Miskolc va Balogh, shop manager, Miskolc Pierre Brochan, ambassador, French Embassy, Budapest M. Jack Bath, cultural attach, French Embassy, Budapest Istvn Farag and Zsuzsa Lszl typographers, Budapest Mihly Gera, editor, Budapest Marcell Jankovics, film director, Budapest Lajos Keresztes, photo artist, Nuremberg Edit Czerva Kollr, assistant, Miskolc Kroly Knya Dr., neurologist, Miskolc (Csaba Knya Dr., Bres) Mrs Istvn Krll, Miskolc Zoltn Lenkei, graphic artist, Miskolc Mrs Jzsef Mihlszki, business manager, Miskolc Gallery Gabriella Nagy, investments specialist, Budapest Klmn Nagy, City Library of Miskolc Mria Novk, anesthetist, Miskolc Gyrgy Plinks Dr., chief judge of the Supreme Court and his wife, Budapest

Platthy Elemr gpszmrnk, Szvai gnes gpszmrnk, Miskolc Rkassy Csaba, gotha Margit grafikusmvszek, Budapest Serfz Simon r, Miskolc Sulyok Gabriella grafikusmvsz, Budapest Svidr Emiln knyvel, Miskolc Szalczki Katalin jsgr, Miskolc Dr. Szilgyi Szabolcs sebsz, Miskolc Szilvsi Zoltn s felesge, Szilvsi autjavt s zlet, Miskolc ifj. Szilvsi Zoltn, Szilvsi autjavt s zlet, Miskolc Dr. Szilvsi Bea jogsz, Budapest Tasndi Mria auditor, Miskolc Dr. Tury Ferenc pszichiter, Budapest Valent Zsolt s Erika, V & V Stdi, Miskolc Varga va szobrszmvsz, Miskolc Nmet, olasz, holland, francia gyjtk a Szentendrei Erdsz Galribl s a Budapesti Fotgalribl

Elemr Platthy & gnes Szvai, mechanical engineers, Miskolc Csaba Rkassy & Margit gota, graphic artists, Budapest Simon Serfz, writer, Miskolc Gabriella Sulyok, graphic artist, Budapest Mrs Emil Svidr, accountant, Miskolc Katalin Szalczki, journalist, Miskolc Szabolcs Szilgyi Dr., surgeon, Miskolc Zoltn Szilvsi & wife, Szilvsi car saloon and repair shop, Miskolc Zoltn Szilvsi Jr, Szilvsi car saloon and repair shop, Miskolc Dr Bea Szilvsi, attorney, Budapest Maria Tasndi, auditor, Miskolc Ferenc Tury Dr., psychiatrist, Budapest Zsolt & Erika Valent, V & V Studio, Miskolc va Varga, sculptor, Miskolc German, Italian, Dutch and French collectors from the Erdsz Gallery in Szentendre and the Budapest Photo Gallery


Gyermekkorom csendletei (19841986) Still Lifes of My Childhood (19841986)

Gyermekkorom csendletei NO. I. 1984, 16 x 25 cm

Still Lifes of My Childhood NO. I. 1984, 16 x 25 cm


Gyermekkorom csendletei NO. III. 1984, 19 x 29 cm

Still Lifes of My Childhood NO. III. 1984, 19 x 29 cm


Gyermekkorom csendletei NO. II. 1984, 19 x 28,5 cm

Still Lifes of My Childhood NO. II. 1984, 19 x 28,5 cm


Gyermekkorom csendletei NO. IV. 1984, 19 x 29 cm

Still Lifes of My Childhood NO. IV. 1984, 19 x 29 cm


Gyermekkorom csendletei NO. VI. 1984, 19 x 28 cm

Still Lifes of My Childhood NO. VI. 1984, 19 x 28 cm


Gyermekkorom csendletei NO. IX. 1984, 19 x 28 cm

Still Lifes of My Childhood NO. IX. 1984, 19 x 28 cm


Gyermekkorom csendletei NO. VII. 1984, 19 x 29 cm

Still Lifes of My Childhood NO. VII. 1984, 19 x 29 cm


Gyermekkorom csendletei NO. XI. 1986, 19 x 28 cm

Still Lifes of My Childhood NO. XI. 1986, 19 x 28 cm


Gyermekkorom csendletei NO. X. 1986, 19 x 29 cm

Still Lifes of My Childhood NO. X. 1986, 19 x 29 cm


Gyermekkorom csendletei NO. XIII. 1986, 19 x 29 cm

Still Lifes of My Childhood NO. XIII. 1986, 19 x 29 cm


Gyermekkorom csendletei NO. XIV. 1986, 19 x 29 cm

Still Lifes of My Childhood NO. XIV. 1986, 19 x 29 cm


Csendletek Chardin mesternek (19841987) Still Lifes for Master Chardin (19841987)

Csendletek Chardin mesternek NO. I. 1984, 26 x 38 cm

Still Lifes for Master Chardin NO. I. 1984, 26 x 38 cm


Csendletek Chardin mesternek NO. II. 1984, 26 x 39 cm

Still Lifes for Master Chardin NO. II. 1984, 26 x 39 cm


Csendletek Chardin mesternek NO. III. 1984, 26 x 36 cm

Still Lifes for Master Chardin NO. III. 1984, 26 x 36 cm


Csendletek Chardin mesternek NO. VIII. 1985, 29 x 38,5 cm

Still Lifes for Master Chardin NO. VIII. 1985, 29 x 38,5 cm


Csendletek Chardin mesternek NO. V/a. 1984, 26 x 36 cm

Still Lifes for Master Chardin NO. V/a. 1984, 26 x 30 cm


Csendletek Chardin mesternek NO. XI. 1984, 26 x 38 cm

Still Lifes for Master Chardin NO. XI. 1984, 26 x 38 cm


Csendletek Chardin mesternek NO. X. 1984, 29 x 38,5 cm

Still Lifes for Master Chardin NO. X. 1984, 29 x 38,5 cm


Csendletek Chardin mesternek NO. XIV. 1985, 27 x 39 cm

Still Lifes for Master Chardin NO. XIV. 1985, 27x 39 cm


Csendletek Chardin mesternek NO. XIII. 1985, 26 x 38 cm

Still Lifes for Master Chardin NO. XIII. 1985, 26 x 38 cm


Csendletek Chardin mesternek NO. XIV/a. 1985, 14,5 x 22 cm

Still Lifes for Master Chardin NO. XIV/a. 1985, 14,5 x 22 cm


Csendletek Chardin mesternek NO. XV. 1985, 17,5 x 23,5 cm

Still Lifes for Master Chardin NO. XV. 1985, 17,5 x 23,5 cm


Csendletek Chardin mesternek NO. XVII. 1986, 26 x 38 cm

Still Lifes for Master Chardin NO. XVII. 1986, 26 x 38 cm


Csendletek Chardin mesternek NO. XIX/b. 1986, 26 x 36 cm

Still Lifes for Master Chardin NO. XIX/b. 1986, 26 x 36 cm


Csendletek Chardin mesternek NO. XIX/a. 1986, 26 x 36 cm

Still Lifes for Master Chardin NO. XIX/a. 1986, 26 x 36 cm


Csendletek Chardin mesternek NO. XVIII. 1986, 26 x 38 cm

Still Lifes for Master Chardin NO. XVIII. 1986, 26 x 38 cm


Csendletek Chardin mesternek NO. XXI. 1985, 26 x 38 cm

Still Lifes for Master Chardin NO. XXI. 1985, 26 x 38 cm


Csendletek Chardin mesternek NO. XXIV. 1985, 18 x 36 cm

Still Lifes for Master Chardin NO. XXIV. 1985, 18 x 36 cm


Csendletek Chardin mesternek NO. XXVIII. 1986, 26 x 36 cm

Still Lifes for Master Chardin NO. XXVIII. 1986, 26 x 36 cm


Csendletek Chardin mesternek NO. XXVI. 1986, 26 x 36 cm

Still Lifes for Master Chardin NO. XXVI. 1986, 26 x 36 cm


Csendletek Chardin mesternek NO. XXVII. 1986, 26 x 36 cm

Still Lifes for Master Chardin NO. XXVII. 1986, 26 x 36 cm


Csendletek Chardin mesternek NO. XXV. 1986, 26 x 36 cm

Still Lifes for Master Chardin NO. XXV. 1986, 26 x 36 cm


Csendletek Chardin mesternek NO. XXXIII/a. 1985, 18 x 35 cm

Still Lifes for Master Chardin NO. XXXIII/a. 1985, 18 x 35 cm


Csendletek Chardin mesternek NO. XXXI. 1985, 26 x 33 cm

Still Lifes for Master Chardin NO. XXXI. 1985, 26 x 33 cm


Csendletek Chardin mesternek NO. XXXV. 1985, 26 x 33,5 cm

Still Lifes for Master Chardin NO. XXXV. 1985, 26 x 33,5 cm


Csendletek Chardin mesternek NO. XXX. 1985, 26 x 34 cm

Still Lifes for Master Chardin NO. XXX. 1985, 26 x 34 cm


Csendletek Chardin mesternek NO. XXXVII. 1987, 26 x 38 cm

Still Lifes for Master Chardin NO. XXXVII. 1987, 26 x 38 cm


Csendletek Chardin mesternek NO. XXXVIII. 1987, 26 x 38 cm

Still Lifes for Master Chardin NO. XXXVIII. 1987, 26 x 38 cm


Ptcselekvs csendletek (19831987) Compensation Still Lifes (19831987)

Ptcselekvs csendlet NO. II. 1983, 21 x 36 cm

Compensation Still Life NO. II. 1983, 21 x 36 cm


Ptcselekvs csendlet NO. XI. 1985, 26 x 36 cm

Compensation Still Life NO. XI. 1985, 26 x 36 cm


Ptcselekvs csendlet NO. IV. 1983, 25,5 x 36,5 cm

Compensation Still Life NO. IV. 1983, 25,5 x 36,5 cm


Ptcselekvs csendlet NO. XIII. 1985, 26 x 36 cm

Compensation Still Life NO. XIII. 1985, 26 x 36 cm


Ptcselekvs csendlet NO. V. 1983, 19 x 27 cm

Compensation Still Life NO. V. 1983, 19 x 27 cm


Ptcselekvs csendlet NO. XVII. 1986, 26 x 35,5 cm

Compensation Still Life NO. XVII. 1986, 26 x 35,5 cm


Ptcselekvs csendlet NO. VII. 1984, 19,5 x 28 cm

Compensation Still Life NO. VII. 1984, 19,5 x 28 cm


Ptcselekvs csendlet NO. XVIII. 1986, 29 x 38 cm

Compensation Still Life NO. XVIII. 1986, 29 x 38 cm


Ptcselekvs csendlet NO. VIII/a. 1984, 16,5 x 23 cm

Compensation Still Life NO. VIII/a. 1984, 16,5 x 23 cm


Ptcselekvs csendlet NO. X. 1985, 26 x 36 cm

Compensation Still Life NO. X. 1985, 26 x 36 cm


Ptcselekvs csendlet NO. IX. 1985, 26 x 36 cm

Compensation Still Life NO. IX. 1985, 26 x 36 cm


Ptcselekvs csendlet NO. XII. 1985, 29 x 39 cm

Compensation Still Life NO. XII. 1985, 29 x 39 cm


Ptcselekvs csendlet NO. XIII/b. 1986, 29 x 39 cm

Compensation Still Life NO. XIII/b. 1986, 29 x 39 cm


Ptcselekvs csendlet NO. XXVII. 1987, 29 x 35,5 cm

Compensation Still Life NO. XXVII. 1987, 29 x 35,5 cm


Ptcselekvs csendlet NO. XV. 1986, 29 x 38,5 cm

Compensation Still Life NO. XV. 1986, 29 x 38,5 cm


Ptcselekvs csendlet NO. XXII. 1986, 26 x 36 cm

Compensation Still Life NO. XXII. 1986, 26 x 36 cm


Ptcselekvs csendlet NO. XIX. 1986, 26 x 36 cm

Compensation Still Life NO. XIX. 1986, 26 x 36 cm


Ptcselekvs csendlet NO. XXI. 1986, 26 x 33,5 cm

Compensation Still Life NO. XXI. 1986, 26 x 33,5 cm


Ptcselekvs csendlet NO. XXV. 1986, 26 x 36 cm

Compensation Still Life NO. XXV. 1986, 26 x 36 cm


Ptcselekvs csendlet NO. XXVIII. 1986, 28,5 x 38,5 cm

Compensation Still Life NO. XXVIII. 1986, 28,5 x 38,5 cm


Ptcselekvs csendlet NO. XXVI. 1986, 26 x 36 cm

Compensation Still Life NO. XXVI. 1986, 26 x 36 cm


Hommage ` ,,cselekv kz (19861987) a Hommage ` Creating Hand (19861987) a

Hommage a cselekv kz NO. 1. 1986, egyedi, tbb negatvrl, 34 x 58 cm `

Hommage a Creating Hand NO. 1. 1986, non-series, from several negatives, 34 x 58 cm `


Hommage a cselekv kz NO. 3. 1986, 59,5 x 49,5 cm `

Hommage a Creating Hand NO. 3. 1986, 59,5 x 49,5 cm `


Hommage a cselekv kz NO. 4. 1986, 46,5 x 56,5 cm `

Hommage a Creating Hand NO. 4. 1986, 46,5 x 56,5 cm `


Hommage a cselekv kz NO. 2. 1986, egyedi, tbb negatvrl, 57 x 42 cm `

Hommage a Creating Hand NO. 2. 1986, non-series, from several negatives, 57x 42 cm `

Hommage a cselekv kz NO. 6/b. 1986, 39 x 29 cm `

Hommage a Creating Hand NO. 6/b. 1986, 39 x 29 cm `


Hommage a cselekv kz NO. 6. 1986, 39 x 30 cm `

Hommage a Creating Hand NO. 6. 1986, 39 x 30 cm `


Hommage a cselekv kz NO. 7. 1986, 30 x 37 cm `

Hommage a Creating Hand NO. 7. 1986, 30 x 37 cm `


Hommage a cselekv kz NO. 8. 1986, 38,5 x 29,5 cm `

Hommage a Creating Hand NO. 8. 1986, 38,5 x 29,5 cm `


Hommage a cselekv kz NO. 9. 1987, 28 x 36 cm `

Hommage a Creating Hand NO. 9. 1987, 28 x 36 cm `


Hommage a cselekv kz NO. 12. 1987, 29 x 32 cm `

Hommage a Creating Hand NO. 12. 1987, 29 x 32 cm `


Hommage cselekv kz NO. 11. 1987, 29 x 39 cm

Hommage a Creating Hand NO. 11. 1987, 29 x 39 cm `


Hommage a cselekv kz NO. 10. 1987, 29 x 39 cm `

Hommage a Creating Hand NO. 10. 1987, 29 x 39 cm `


Hommage a cselekv kz NO. 13. 1987, 29,5 x 37 cm `

Hommage a Creating Hand NO. 13. 1987, 29,5 x 37 cm `


Hommage a cselekv kz NO. 16/a. 1987, 39 x 29,5 cm `

Hommage a Creating Hand NO. 16/a. 1987, 39 x 29,5 cm `


Hommage a cselekv kz NO. 17. 1987, 29 x 38 cm `

Hommage a Creating Hand NO. 17. 1987, 29 x 38 cm `


Hommage a cselekv kz NO. 19. 1986, 25,5 x 35,5 cm `

Hommage a Creating Hand NO. 19. 1986, 25,5 x 35,5 cm `


Hommage a cselekv kz NO. 21. 1986, 26 x 36 cm `

Hommage a Creating Hand NO. 21. 1986, 26 x 36 cm `


Tr-kp (1986) Space-Shapes (1986)

Tr-kp NO. 1. 1986, 29 x 38,5 cm

Space-Shape NO. 1. 1986, 29 x 38,5 cm


Tr-kp NO. 3. 1986, 26 x 36 cm

Space-Shape NO. 3. 1986, 26 x 36 cm


Tr-kp NO. 4. 1986, 29 x 39 cm

Space-Shape NO. 4. 1986, 29 x 39 cm


Tr-kp NO. 5. 1986, 29 x 39 cm

Space-Shape NO. 5. 1986, 29 x 39 cm


Tr-kp NO. 6. 1986, 28,5 x 40 cm

Space-Shape NO. 6. 1986, 28,5 x 40 cm


Tr-kp NO. 7. 1986, 44 x 57 cm

Space-Shape NO. 7. 1986, 44 x 57 cm


Tr-kp NO. 10. 1986, 28,5 x 36 cm

Space-Shape NO. 10. 1986, 28,5 x 36 cm


Tr-kp NO. 11. 1986, 29 x 39 cm

Space-Shape NO. 11. 1986, 29 x 39 cm


Tr-kp NO. 12. 1986, 49,5 x 59 cm

Space-Shape NO. 12. 1986, 49,5 x 59 cm


Sznpadkpek (1986 1987) Stage Pictures (1986 1987)

Sznpadkp NO. 1. 1986, 28,5 x 36 cm

Stage Pictures NO. 1. 1986, 28,5 x 36 cm


Sznpadkp NO. 3. 1986, 29 x 32 cm

Stage Pictures NO. 3. 1986, 29 x 32 cm


Sznpadkp NO. 2. 1986, 28,5 x 36 cm

Stage Pictures NO. 2. 1986, 28,5 x 36 cm


Sznpadkp NO. 4. 1986, 36,5 x 46 cm

Stage Pictures NO. 4. 1986, 36,5 x 46 cm


Sznpadkp NO. 5. 1986, 28,5 x 34 cm

Stage Pictures NO. 5. 1986, 28,5 x 34 cm


Sznpadkp NO. 8. 1986, 29 x 37 cm

Stage Pictures NO. 8. 1986, 29 x 37 cm


Sznpadkp NO. 8/a. 1986, 36,5 x 46 cm

Stage Pictures NO. 8/a. 1986, 36,5 x 46 cm


Sznpadkp NO. 9. 1986, 29,5 x 37 cm

Stage Pictures NO. 9. 1986, 29,5 x 37 cm


Sznpadkp NO. 7. 1986, 36,5 x 46 cm

Stage Pictures NO. 7. 1986, 36,5 x 46 cm


Kztes lt (1986 1991) Existence In-Between (1986 1991)

Kp, 1986, 16,5 x 23 cm

Picture, 1986, 16,5 x 23 cm


Torony NO. 1. (Kondor Bla emlkm) 1986 k., 49,5 x 59 cm

Tower NO. 1. (Bla Kondor memorial) c 1986, 49,5 x 59 cm


Torony NO. 2. (Kondor Bla emlkm) 1986 k., 58 x 49 cm

Tower NO. 2. (Bla Kondor memorial) c 1986, 58 x 49 cm


Torony NO. 3. (Kondor Bla emlkm) 1987. jlius, 24,5 x14 cm

Tower NO. 3. (Bla Kondor memorial) July 1987, 24,5 x14 cm


Torony NO. 4. (Kondor Bla emlkm) 1987. jlius, 24,5 x14 cm

Tower NO. 4. (Bla Kondor memorial) July 1987, 24,5 x14 cm


Torony NO. 5. (Kondor Bla emlkm) 1987. jlius, 25,5 x14 cm

Tower NO. 5. (Bla Kondor memorial) July 1987, 25,5 x14 cm


Megksett triptichon Kondor Blnak, 1986, 40 x 50 cm

Belated Tryptichon for Bla Kondor, 1986, 40 x 50 cm


Montzs egy lomrl, 1987, 22 x17 cm

Montage about a Dream, 1987, 22 x17 cm


Mizantrp lom, 1987, 26 x17 cm

Dream of a Misanthrope, 1987, 26 x17 cm


Tanulmny, 1987, 17x 22 cm

Study, 1987, 17x 22 cm


Art mter, 1987, 17x 22 cm

Art Meter, 1987, 17x 22 cm


Camera obscura, 1991. IV., 28 x 36 cm

Camera Obscura, 1991. IV., 28 x 36 cm


Levelek M. C. Escher mesternek, 1991. IX. 6., 59,5 x 48,5 cm

Letters to Master M. C. Escher, 1991. IX. 6., 59,5 x 48,5 cm


Levelek M. C. Escher mesternek, 1991. IX. 7., 59,5 x 48,5 cm

Letters to Master M. C. Escher, 1991. IX. 7., 59,5 x 48,5 cm


Levelek M. C. Escher mesternek, 1991 IX. 8., 59,5 x 48,5 cm

Letters to Master M. C. Escher, 1991 IX. 8., 59,5 x 48,5 cm


zenfzet (Perpetuum stabile, 20012004)

(a sorozat minden publiklt s nem publiklt kpe 1 pldnyban kszlt, 30 x 40 cm-es matt barit kartonra)

Message Book (Perpetuum stabile, 20012004)

(each published and unpublished picture of the series was made in a single copy, on flat, barite-treated cardboard, 30 x 40 cm)

zenfzet NO. 3. Skorpi gombostjn (Jan Saudeknak), 2001. mjus 10.

Message Book NO. 3. On the Pin of Scorpion (for Jan Saudek), May 10, 2001.


zenfzet NO. 7. Az egyetlen metafora fel I. (Szentkuthy Miklsnak), 2001. szeptember 1.

Message Book NO. 7. Towards the One and Only Metaphor I. (for Mikls Szentkuthy), September 1, 2001.


zenfzet NO. 5. Az let paradoxonja (Andrej Tarkovszkijnak), 2001. augusztus 4.

Message Book NO. 5. The Paradox of Life (for Andrei Tarkovsky), August 4, 2001.


zenfzet NO. 11. Az egyetlen metafora fel II. (Szentkuthy Miklsnak), 2001. oktber 14.

Message Book NO. 11. Towards the One and Only Metaphor II. (for Mikls Szentkuthy, October 14, 2001.


zenfzet NO. 4. Kphumusz (kollgimnak), 2001. jlius 18.

Message Book NO. 4. Picture Humus (for my Colleagues), July 18, 2001.


zenfzet NO. 12. A mvszetek hajja (C. D. Friedrichnek), 2001. szeptember 21.

Message Book NO. 12. The Boat of Arts (for C. D. Friedrich), September 21, 2001.


zenfzet NO. 9. A megtallt id (Le temps retrouv, Marcel Proustnak), 2001. szeptember 2.

Message Book NO. 9. The Recovered Time (Le temps retrouv, for Marcel Proust), September 2, 2001.


zenfzet NO. 13. Az id nma korholsa (Jean Franois Millet-nek), 2001. szeptember 22.

Message Book NO. 13. The Silent Reprimand of Time (for Jean Franois Millet), September 22, 2001.


zenfzet NO. 14. A balgasg gygytsa (Hieronymus Boschnak), 2001. oktber 8.

Message Book NO. 14. Curing Foolishness (for Hieronymus Bosch), October 8, 2001.


zenfzet NO. 16. A kltszet a kp testvre (56. szletsnapomra), 2001. oktber 10.

Message Book NO. 16. Poetry is Sister to Picture (On my 56th Birthday), October 10, 2001.


zenfzet NO. 15. A Metafizikus mzsa ravatala (Carlo Carra nak), 2001. oktber 8. `

Message Book NO. 15. Deathbed of the Metaphysical Muse (for Carlo Carra ), October 8, 2001. `


zenfzet NO. 17. A gordiuszi csom tjolsa (Rkassy Csabnak), 2001. oktber 14.

Message Book NO. 17. Compass for the Gordian Knot (for Csaba Rkassy), October 14, 2001.


zenfzet NO. 18. Koszrzs (magamnak), 2001. oktber 14.

Message Book NO. 18. A Sense of Chaos (for Myself), October 14, 2001.


zenfzet NO. 19. Virtul I. (A Metafizikus mzsa sznevltozsa, Carlo Carra nak), 2001. oktber 21. `

Message Book NO. 19. Virtual I. (The Transfiguration of the Metaphysical Muse, for Carlo Carra ), October 21, 2001. `


zenfzet NO. 20. Kpmosoda (Ren Magritte-nek), 2001. november 2.

Message Book NO. 20. Picture Laundry (for Ren Magritte), November 2, 2001.


zenfzet NO. 23. Levelek Keszonlandba, 2001. december 10.

Message Book NO. 23. Letters to Caisson-Land, December 10, 2001.


zenfzet NO. 24. tkels a tudatalattin, 2001. december 12.

Message Book NO. 24. Crossing the Subconscious, December 12, 2001.


zenfzet NO. 21. Perpetuum stabile I. (Elmenni ks, itt maradni kr, Pilinszky Jnosnak), 2001. november 11., magntulajdon

Message Book NO. 21. Perpetuum stabile I. (Too late to Go, No Use to Stay, for Jnos Pilinszky), November 11, 2001. In private property)


zenfzet NO. 25. A szavak holdudvara (Giorgio de Chiricnak), 2001. december 16.

Message Book NO. 25. The Halo of Words (for Giorgio de Chirico), December 16, 2001.


zenfzet NO. 27/a. A bomls kziknyve (mile Ciorannak), 2001. december 29.

Message Book NO. 27/a. The Handbook of Decay (for mile Cioran), December 29, 2001.


zenfzet NO. 27/b. Ariadne fonalai (Rkassy Csabnak), 2001. december 29.

Message Book NO. 27/b. Ariadnes Yarn (for Csaba Rkassy), December 29, 2001.


zenfzet NO. 28. A kp szzada (kollgimnak), 2001. december 30.

Message Book NO. 28. The Century of the Picture (for my Colleagues), December 30, 2001.


zenfzet NO. 33. Art mter II. (Marcel Duchamp elmenekl), 2002. augusztus,1.

Message Book NO. 33. Art Meter II. (Marcel Duchamp escapes), August 1, 2002.

zenfzet NO. 34. Az elmaradt genezis, 89 emlkmve (Bib Istvnnak), 2002. november 3.

Message Book NO. 34. Genesis Cancelled, A Memorial of 89 (for Istvn Bib), November 3, 2002.


zenfzet NO. 35. Ltsvezekl (Vajda Lajosnak), 2002. december 1.

Message Book NO. 35. Penitent of Vision (for Lajos Vajda), December 1, 2002.


zenfzet NO. 36. Verdes id (mos Imrnek), 2002. december 1.

Message Book NO. 36. Fluttering Time (for Imre mos), December 1, 2002.


zenfzet NO. 37. Isten ktsgbeesett fldmrje (Kondor Blnak), 2002. december 1.

Message Book NO. 37. Gods Desperate Land Surveyor (for Bla Kondor), December 1, 2002.

zenfzet NO. 38. Virtul II. (Melankolikus tanulmny mile Ciorannak), 2002. december 22.

Message Book NO. 38. Virtual II. (A Melancholy Study for mile Cioran), December 22, 2002.


zenfzet NO. 40. Kant doboza, 2002. december 28.

Message Book NO. 40. Kants Box, December 28, 2002.


zenfzet NO. 44. Idmenyasszony, 2003. janur 2.

Message Book NO. 44. Bride of Time, January 2, 2003.


zenfzet NO. 45. Szerelem (N. M-nak), 2003. janur 3.

Message Book NO. 45. Love (for M. N.), January 3, 2003.


zenfzet NO. 46. Appercepci (Henri Bergsonnak), 2003. janur 4.

Message Book NO. 46. Apperception (for Henri Bergson), January 4, 2003.


zenfzet NO. 47. Mennyorszgi vndorok (Hamvas Blnak), 2003. janur 26.

Message Book NO. 47. Wanderers of Heaven (for Bla Hamvas), January 26, 2003.


zenfzet NO. 48. Angyalok prbeszde, 2003. janur 29.

Message Book NO. 48. A Dialogue of Angels, January 29, 2003.


zenfzet NO. 49. Sejtjeim farsangi rulsa (N. M-nak), 2003. februr 6.

Message Book NO. 49. Carnival Betrayal of my Cells (for M. N.), February 6, 2003.


zenfzet NO. 50. Virtultang (Astor Piazzolnak), 2003. februr 7.

Message Book NO. 50. Virtual Tango (for Astor Piazzola), February 7, 2003.


zenfzet NO. 54. Az id lasstsnak ksrlete (narckp is), 2003. augusztus 6.

Message Book NO. 54. Trying to Decelerate Time (also: Self-Portrait), August 6, 2003.


zenfzet NO. 56. Aranymetszs, 2003. augusztus 8.

Message Book NO. 56. Golden Section, August 8, 2003.


zenfzet NO. 58. Az let brtn, a kp szabadsg I. (Ren Magritte-nek), 2004. janur 17.

Message Book NO. 58. Life is Prison, Picture is Freedom I. (for Ren Magritte), January 17, 2004.


zenfzet NO. 61. Speculum III. (Lamentci a beszd hibavalsgrl), 2004. februr 7.

Message Book NO. 61. Speculum III. (Lamenting the Vanity of Speech), February 7, 2004.


zenfzet NO. 62. Marcel Duchamp lesiet a tudatalattijba, 2004. februr 7.

Message Book NO. 62. Marcel Duchamp Rushes Down into his Subconscious, February 7, 2004.


zenfzet NO. 64. Az let brtn, a kp szabadsg II. (Ren Magritte-nak), 2004. februr 21.

Message Book NO. 64. Life is Prison, Picture is Freedom II. (for Ren Magritte), February 21, 2004.


zenfzet NO. 63. Egy (Gygymandala C. G. Jungnak), 2004. februr 14.

Message Book NO. 63. One (Healing Mandala, for C. G. Jung), February 14, 2004.


zenfzet NO. 65. Speculum I. (Szemlld Ego), 2004. februr 14.

Message Book NO. 65. Speculum I. (Ego in Contemplation), February 14, 2004.


zenfzet NO. 71. Speculum II. (Portes de la Nuit, Az jszaka kapui, Jean Cocteau-nak), 2004. mrcius 6.

Message Book NO. 71. Speculum II. (Portes de la Nuit, Gates of the Night, for Jean Cocteau), March 6, 2004.


zenfzet NO. 76. Keser adeptus II. (Az rzelmek ravatala), 2004. prilis 25.

Message Book NO. 76. Bitter Adeptus II. (The Deathbed of Emotions), April 25, 2004.


zenfzet NO. 73. Orpheus s Euridike (Jean Cocteau-nak), 2004. mrcius 7.

Message Book NO. 73. Orpheus and Eurydice (for Jean Cocteau), March 7, 2004.


zenfzet NO. 77. Panaszfal (C. G. Jungnak), 2004. prilis 25.

Message Book NO. 77. Wall of Lamentation (for C. G. Jung), April 25, 2004.


zenfzet NO. 78. K, halottaim srjra, 2004. jlius 11.

Message Book NO. 78. Stone, On the Tomb of My Dead, July 11, 2004.


zenfzet NO. 79/a. Helybenhaj, 2004. jlius 18.

Message Book NO. 79/a A Stationary Ship, July 18, 2004.


zenfzet NO. 80/a. Szavak malma (Marcel Duchamp-nak), 2004. jlius 21.

Message Book NO. 80/a The Mill of Words (for Marcel Duchamp), July 21, 2004.


zenfzet NO. 81. Tjol a bels szobhoz (Andrej Tarkovszkijnak), 2004. augusztus 1.

Message Book NO. 81. Compass for the Internal Chamber (for Andrei Tarkovsky), August 1, 2004.


zenfzet NO. 82. Sodrds szrazon, 2004. augusztus 1.

Message Book NO. 82. Drifting on Dry Land, August 1, 2004.


zenfzet NO. 83. Hat (Vak vezet vilgtalant, id. Pieter Brueghelnek), 2004. augusztus 8.

Message Book NO. 83. Six (Blind Leading the Sightless, for Pieter Brueghel the Elder), August 8, 2004.


zenfzet NO. 87. Befejezetlen mondatok, elkldetlen levelek, nyitva maradt ajtk emlkre, 2004. szeptember 18.

Message Book NO. 87. In Memory of Sentences Unfinished, Letters Unsent and Doors Left Open, September 18, 2004.


zenfzet NO. 89. Hrom (Patofizikus tr C. G. Jungnak), 2004. szeptember 26.

Message Book NO. 89. Three (Pathophysical Space, for C. G. Jung), September 26, 2004.


zenfzet NO. 26/a. Perpetuum stabile II. (Blaise Pascalnak), 2001. december 24.

Message Book NO. 26/a. Perpetuum Stabile II. (for Blaise Pascal), December 24, 2001.


Tudnivalk a fotogrfiai letmrl

Fejr Ern 1976 s 2004 kztt fotograflt aktvan, gynevezett mfajbokrokban. Ksn indult fotogrfiai tevkenysge dnten a miskolci Jzsef Attila Knyvtr Killttermhez, a Miskolci Galrihoz, valamint a miskolci Dli Hrlaphoz ktdtt. lete gy alakult, hogy fnykpeit az 19761991 kztti 15 vben ksztette. Kivtel, az zenfzet cm sorozat 20012004 kztt keletkezett kpei. Fotogrfiai munkssgban egyms mellett, de lesen elklntve foglalkozott alkalmazott fotogrfival (reprogrfival, kpzmvszeti dokumentcival, riporttal, sajt- s reklmfotogrfival), s autonm fotogrfival. A most megjelent fotogrfiai letmktetbe csak az gynevezett csendleteit jellte ki kzlsre, mint legfontosabbnak s legszemlyesebbnek tartott autonm kpeit. E sorozatok a visszaemlkezs s a tanulmnyok kpsorai utn egyre inkbb elmlyednek szemlyes vilgkpe s a zskutcs ltezs tkztetsnek melankolikus, metaforikus kpi vilgba. Vlaszt nem vrva zenget kpeivel a sebhelyes idnek. Kpeit a kpzmvszeti gondolkods s a fotogrfiai technika jellemzi. Fotogrfiinak egy rsze a kis rszben killtott, publiklt Vesztesek cm sorozathoz hasonlan szociografikus, dokumentatv, kultrantropolgiai megkzelts kpsorozat, mint pldul az Egyhzi nnepkr, a Hall, a Sznpad mgtt, a Miskolci F utcai udvarok munkacm, alig- vagy egyltaln nem publiklt sorozatok. E munkafolyamat nagyobbrszt lezratlanul maradt, mert a rendszervltst kt v munkanlklisggel kezdve, fotogrfiai autonmija, szellemi s fizikai egzisztencija megtrt. Kors kultrtrtneti rtket kpviselnek az 19761990 kztt, a kpzmvsz kollgkrl, mtermi s szemlyes lethelyzetekrl, kpzmvszeti zsrikrl, killts megnyitkrl, irodalmi estekrl, sznhzi esemnyekrl ksztett felvtelei, amelyek munkja, szemlyes mozgsa, bartsgai rvn szlettek meg. Mvszettrtneti jelentsggel brhat a Jzsef Attila Knyvtr mvszettra szmra rgztett kpzmvszeti reprodukcis anyaga a killtterem egyedi

Information about Ern Fejrs Photographic Oeuvre

Fejrs active period in photography is realised between the years 1976 and 2004. His career as a photographer started rather late, and was tied predominantly to the Exhibition Room of the Attila Jzsef Library of Miskolc, the Miskolc Gallery and the daily paper Dli Hrlap of the city of Miskolc. He worked in what he called genre clusters. Due to various circumstances in his life, most of his photographs were taken in the 15 years between 1976 and 1991, whereas the pictures of the Message Book series were created between 20012004. He was active both in applied photography (reprographics, fine art documentation, reports, press and commercial photography) and in autonomous photography, working side by side in these two fields, but keeping them strictly apart. In this volume of his photographic works, he publishes only his so-called still lifes, his most significant and most personal autonomous photographs. After the initial images of reminiscence and studies, these series go deeper and deeper into a melancholic and metaphoric world of vision, to clash his personal view of life with the dead-end of existence. Waiting for no response, he sends messages to scarred Time. His pictures are characterized by a fine artists philosophy and photographic technique. Some of his photographic work like the Losers series, exhibited and published only in part is a series of pictures with a sociographic, documentary and cultural anthropological approach, including those with the working titles Church Holiday Cycle, Death, Behind the Stage, and Courtyards in the Main street of Miskolc, all of which remained mostly or entirely unpublished. This creative process was broken and left by and large unfinished due to the two years of unemployment that the change of regime brought for him, shattering his autonomy as a photographer as well as his intellectual and financial existence. His pictures taken between 19761990, of artist colleagues, studio and personal life situations, fine art juries, exhibition openings, literary nights, theatre events

bemutatibl. Helytrtneti jelentsgek az 1976-tl kzel 2000-ig a Miskolcrl, valamint Borsod-Abaj-Zempln megyrl megbzsra fnykpezett memlki felvtelei, s a Miskolci Vrosi Knyvtr rszre ksztett helytrtneti dii. Az autonm fotogrfin bell szmos sorozat maradt tovbbra is alig publikltan. Pldul a Vrostjak, a Temettjak, a Parktjak, a Gyermekkorom sznhelyei, a Tzfallra V. v. Delftnek, a Fellettjak, mely kpek az Atget-i tisztelgs, valamint a szemlyes lt s sznhely nyomaszt ktdsnek lenyomatai (lsd a Fnykptr 2. cm ktetet, Magyar Fotmvszek Szvetsge/Pelikn Kiad, Bp. 1996. szerkesztette Gera Mihly). Fontos rszt kpezik az letmnek az narckpek. Vgigksrik a teljes letmvet. A szemlyes ltsmdra val trekvs miatt nem a kls llapot, az idmls rgztsre trekszenek, hanem a bels emocionlis, pszichs llapot s a klvilg kztti viszony brzolsa a cljuk. 20012004 kztt, szinte zrvnyknt kszlt az zenfzet cm sorozata. Ennek killtsa utn egy vratlan gesztussal befejezte fotogrfusi mkdst, mint mondta, minden tovbbi invencija ellenre. A fotogrfit megelzve, s aztn ksbb, vele prhuzamosan kpzmvszettel is foglalkozott (egyedi rajzok, montzsok), s ezzel foglalkozik jelenleg is.

(all born through work, social interaction and friendships) represent real documentary and cultural historical value. The collection of fine art reproductions that he compiled for the Attila Jzsef Library from the special exhibitions arranged there may well have genuine significance in art history. His photo reports about Miskolc shot from 1987 to nearly 2000 as well as those about Borsod-Abaj-Zempln County, shot on commission, are of importance in local history, just like his slide collection made for the City Library of Miskolc. As to his series in autonomous photography, several have remained largely unpublished. Among them are Cityscapes, Cemetery Landscapes, Park Landscapes, Scenes of my Childhood, Firewall Poetry for V. v. Delft, and Surface Landscapes pictures that are prints of homage to Atget and of the over-whelming attachment to the personal existence and scenery (see Collection of Photography/Fnykptr, Volume 2 , edited by Mihly Gera, Pelikn Publishers, Budapest, 1996.) An important part of Fejrs oeuvre are his Self-Portraits, which run through his entire career. Striving to create a unique vision, these selfportraits aim to grasp and depict the relationship between the internal, emotional-psychological state and the outside world, rather than recording an external condition, the passing of time. His Message Book series were taken between 20012004, almost like an inclusion. After their exhibition, Fejr, with a sudden and unexpected gesture, abandoned his work as a photographer, despite his undiminishing creative invention, as he put it. Preceding and then parallel to photography, he has also been engaged in fine arts (individual drawings and montages), and devotes himself fully to it at present.


Technikai tjkoztat
A ktetben szerepl csendlet sorozatait a sokszorost grafikhoz hasonlan, de a fotogrfiban hagyomnytalan mdon szmozta, F. A. 3/13/3, ksbb F. A. 1/1 pldnyszm jelzssel. Ezzel azt kvnta jelezni, hogy az elvileg korltlan darabszmban nagythat fotogrfival szemben az egy darab m elksztse lezrja s kielgti az invencit, s azt legfeljebb egy jabb, ms mben lehet folytatni. Ezzel ellenttesen cselekedve, krlbell 1985-ig, az akkortjt mr megindult fotogrfiai ,,prae piac (a budapesti, Vci utcai Fotmvszeti Galria) lehetsgei vonzsban 3 pldnyban tervezte kszteni akkori csendleteit, de ezt a pldnyszm tervet nem vitte vgig konzekvensen, csak a keresettebb mvek esetben. A szmozs mdja az egy pldnyban ksztett mveknl is 3/1 maradt. (kivtel a Csendletek Chardin mesternek No. X. t pldnya) 198587-tl mr csak egy pldnyban ksztette fotogrfiit. A kpszvegeknl indokolt lett volna a pldnyszm feltntetse azrt, hogy melyik kprl kszlt a knyv reprodukcija. Ugyanis a kpek sznezse nem mechanizlhat, s nem is egy idben kszltek. Feltntetsk azrt maradt el, mert nem lvn gyakorlat. Arra a krdsre, hogy mi kpeinek a megfelel mrete, azt a gyakorlatot alaktotta ki a kezdeti keresgls utn, hogy az tlagos olvassi tvolsgot nem tllp mret a megfelel, ahol vlheten a kp s a nz aurja tallkozik. Negatvjait s pozitvjait maga laborlta sajt kszts vegyszer-sszelltsaiban. Nhny ksrleti kivtellel az egykori Forte gyr baritlt matt kartonjait (BN10) s matt Dokubrom paprjait hasznlta. Kpeit FaberCastell, Carisma Color s Derwent mrkj por pigment alap sznes ceruzkkal sznezte, rgzits nlkl. Kpeit hrom helyen rtkestette: 1. A Vci utcai Fotmvszeti Galriban, Budapest. 2. A Szentendrei Kpcsarnokban. 3. A Sos Fotkereskedsben, Budapesten. 13 db munkjt a negatvokkal

Technical information
Similarly to reproductive graphics but with no traditions in photography, Fejr assigned numbers to the still life series found in this volume, marking them F.A. 3/13/3, and later F.A. 1/1. With this he wished to signal that, contrary to the theoretical possibility of enlarging photographic works in an unlimited number, the creation of a single piece of art satisfies and brings to completion the creative invention, continuable only in a new, different work. Somewhat at odds with this philosophy, attracted by the opportunities that the freshly opened photographic prae market offered, he planned to make his still lifes in 3 copies until 1985, although it was only in the case of his more sought-after works that he consistently held himself to this plan. Even with works created in a single copy, he used the same mode of numbering: 3/1. The only exception to this was the 5 copies of Still Lifes No.X , for Master Chardin). From 198587 on, he created his photographic works only in single copies. Indeed, it would have made sense to indicate the copy numbers in our captions, to show which of the pictures served as basis for reproduction in this book, considering that Fejr does not use any mechanical device in coloring his pictures and that they were not created at the same time. The reason why we omitted these numbers is simply the lack of precedence. As to the question of what would be the ideal size for his pictures, he eventually came to the conclusion and established a practice that the best size is one that does not extend the average reading distance, where the aura of the picture and the viewer can meet. He did the laboratory work for his negatives and positives with chemical combinations of his own making. With a few, experimental exceptions, he used the baritetreated flat cardboards (BN10) and flat Dobukrom papers of the one-time Forte factory. He tinted his pictures with


egytt megvsrolta az Angol Nemzeti Fotmzeum, Bradford. Ezen kvl killtsi vsrlsokrl (Mveldsgyi Minisztrium) s aukcikrl kerltek kpei gyjtemnyekbe (lsd a kln listt). Fotogrfiit az 1985 krli eladsok beszntetsvel egyben akarta tartani, azok dokumentlatlansga miatt.

powdered pigment-based color crayons, Faber-Castell, Carisma Color and Derwent makes, without fixation. He contracted with three places for the sale of his pictures: 1. The Photo Art Gallery in Vci Street, Budapest 2. the Arts Gallery of Szentendre 3. the Sos Photo Art Dealership in Budapest. 13 of his works have been purchased by the National Media Museum in Bradford, UK. Many of his pictures have found their way from exhibition fairs (arranged by the Ministry of Culture) and auctions to various collections (see the separate list). He ended the sales of his photographs around 1985, wanting to keep them together, in absence of documentation.


A cmlapon:

Ptcselekvs csendlet NO. XXVIII. 1986, 28,5 x 38,5 cm


Compensation Still Life NO. XXVIII. 1986, 28,5 x 38,5 cm

Kiadja a Folpress Kiad Felels kiad: Vrlaki Imre, a Folpress Kiad vezetje Szerkesztette: Gera Mihly Knyvtervez: Horvth Imre Fordt: Sikls Mrta Szeds, kpfeldolgozs, nyoms, ktszet: Folpress Nyomdaipari Kft. ISBN 978-963-88161-6-0 Fejr Ern. Minden jog fenntartva

Published by Folpress Kiad Publisher responsible: Imre Vrlaki, managing director of Folpress Publishing House Edited by: Mihly Gera Design: Imre Horvth English translation: Mrta Sikls Typography, image processing, binding, printed by Folpress Nyomdaipari Kft.

Ern Fejr. All rights reserved

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