JP2 Varshaphala Class1-7

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Jyotish Praveena – Semester2

Class 1

Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar

ICAS Bengaluru, Chapter IV
Points for Discussion Today

o Introduction
o Overview of the Course
o Jyotish Praveena Paper IV (50 Marks)
o Part1 – Varshaphala/Tajika
o Part2 - Muhurta

o Suggested Resources

Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 2

Varshaphala/ Tajika : Overview of the Course

o Topic1 : Introduction
• Introduction to Tajika Shastra, Annual Chart
• Relationship between Annual Chart and Birth Chart
• Special Features of the Tajika Shastra
o Topic2 : Annual Chart
• Concept of Annual Chart
• Casting of Annual Chart
o Topic3 : Muntha
• Definition & Calculation of the Muntha, Results of Muntha/Muntha Lord in Different
o Topic4 : Dasha System
• Vimshottari Mudda Dasha
• Yogini Mudda Dasha
• Patyayini Dasha

Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 3

Varshaphala/ Tajika : Overview of the Course contd…

o Topic5 : Planetary Strengths

• Harsha Bala, Panchavargeeya Bala, Dwadashavargeeya Bala
• Use of Bala in Dasha Interpretation
o Topic6 : Lord of the Year (Varshesha)
• Panchadhikari, Tri-Rashi pati
• Determination & Interpretation of the Year Lord
• Results of various planets becoming the Year Lord
o Topic7 : Sixteen Tajika Yogas
• Lagnesha & Karyesha, Deeptamsa, Planetary Aspects as per Tajika
• Tajika Yogas
o Topic8 : Sahams
• Meaning & Significance
• Important Sahams and their Calcuations
• Timing of the Event using Saham

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Varshaphala/ Tajika : Overview of the Course contd…

o Topic9 : Tri-Pataki Chakra

• Meaning, Significance
• Method of Construction & Interpretation
o Topic10 : Annual Chart Analysis

Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 5

Suggested Resources

o Books
o Classics
• Tajika Neelkanthi
• Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra
• Jataka Chandrika
o Recommended Books
• Varshaphala or Hindu Progressed Horoscope – Dr. BV Raman
• Laws of Nature – Dr. M. Anjaneyulu [ Pg.291 – 332]
o Reference Books
• Tajikashastra – RK Vishwakarma & K Rangachari
• Textbook of Varshaphala – Dr. KS Charak
• Predicting Marriage Timing through Annual Horoscopy – Dr. M Anjaneyulu

Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 6

Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 15
Jyotish Praveena – Semester2

Class 2

Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar

ICAS Bengaluru, Chapter IV
Points for Discussion Today

o Topic1 : Introduction
• Introduction to Tajika Shastra, Annual Chart
• Relationship between Annual Chart and Birth Chart
• Special Features of the Tajika Shastra
• Different Names of the Annual Chart

Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 2

Introduction to Tajika Shastra
• There are 3 major systems of Astrology as applied to individual charts
• Parashari System
• Jaimini System
• Tajika System (Varshaphala or the Annual Horoscope)
• Introduction of Tajika Shastra
• Tajiki is a language of present Tajakistan and Uzbekistan, comes under Indo-Greek-Iranian
language family.
• ‘Taj’ means ‘crown’ and ‘Tajak’ means ‘horse’ - Tajik revolves around its nature in giving quick
solutions to the problems faced by the native in a year.
• Indian mercantile trade/invasions with Arabs, Armenians and Persians, that knowledge of Tājika
astrology came ‘back’ to India. It is likely that System originated in India, transmitted during
cultural and intellectual exchange to Greeks.
• 1544AD – Indian scholar Neelkantha son of Shrimad Anant Daivagna translated this system to
Sanskrit in his text “Tajika Neelkanthi’.
• Later Commentaries by his son Govinda – ‘Rasala’ and ‘Peeyush Dhara’
• Romaka Siddhanta - literally "The Doctrine of the Romans", is one of the five siddhantas (doctrine or tradition)
mentioned in Varahamihira's Panchasiddhantika which is an Indian astronomical treatise.
"Brahma gaditam bhanor bhanuna yavanaya yat Yavanena cha yat proktam Tajikam tat prakasitam”
(The knowledge of Taiik astrology was given by Brahma to Sun. The Sun gave to Yavanas, who explained it to the people of
Tajikistan and is called Tajika astrology).
Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 3
Introduction to Tajika Shastra

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Introduction to Annual Chart/Varshaphala
• Introduction to Annual Chart/Varshaphala
• Solar Based : The position of the Sun is the pivot.
• The Solar year for a native begins every time when the Sun returns to the same longitude as it
was at the time of the native’s birth.
• The chart between two solar returns is called as Varsha Kundali.
• The entry time of solar return is called as Varsha Pravesha i.e. Entry of the Year.
• A Varsha Kundali is a chart constructed at the time of Varshapravesha and is meant to be
constructed for every solar year and examined in detail astrologically to derive the benefit.
• The Varshaphala is thus capable of providing a magnified view of one particular year of a native ‘s
life and hence is one of the scores of techniques that is employed in timing an event.
• Difference between Vedic System and Tajika System
• Resembles the Parashara system in numerous ways viz, houses, planets, divisional charts and
• Concept of Progressed Horoscope
• Importance given to Sun in Tajika, while it is Moon in Vedic System
• Strength of Planets is judged through Panchavargeeya bala in Tajika while it is Shadbala in Vedic
• Aspects of Planets
• Concepts like Sahams & Tripataki Chakra
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Introduction to Annual Chart/Varshaphala

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Relationship between Annual Chart & Birth Chart
• The Annual chart is a transit chart arrived at based on the Sun’s longitude in the birth chart.
• The longitude of the Sun at the birth of the native forms the basis of the annual chart.
• The Sun retains same Rashi position in the Annual chart and in the Annual Divisional charts, as it
does at the time of birth.
• The Annual chart is subservient to Birth chart meaning what is not promised in the Birth
chart cannot come to pass even if indicated in the Annual chart.
• Being a transit chart, the Annual Chart does not apply independent of the birth chart.
• Importance of Birth Lagna:
• The disposition of the Birth Ascendant in the Annual Chart is significant and influences
the events occurring during the year.
• The Lord of the Lagna of the Birth Chart is also important as it is one of the five office
bearers in the annual chart which qualifies the position for the post of the Varshesha or
Year Lord.
• Muntha (Progressive Birth Ascendant) is important link between Annual Chart and Birth

Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 7

Relationship between Annual Chart & Birth Chart
• Muntha
• The Muntha is located in the birth lagna at the time of birth.
• It progresses by one sign during one solar year.
• Thus, the birth ascendant is in progression.
• Important events happening during the year can be explained based on Muntha
position and the year lord.
The Tripataki Chart
• Tripataki chart consists of placement of planets in relation to varsha lagna after working
out their progression in relation to their position at birth.
Dasha System – Based on Moon’s Nakshatra at the time of birth.

Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 8

Special Features of Tajika System
• Specified duration – An Annual Chart applies to a specified period of ONE Year only.
• A transit chart - The Annual Chart is basically a transit chart depicting transit of various planets at the
exact movement of solar return.
• Aspects
• Friendly
• Very Friendly : Between planets located in 5/9 from each other.
• Semi Friendly : Between planets located in 3/11 from each other.
• Inimical
• Open Inmical : Between planets located in 1/7 from each other.
• Secret Inmical : Between planets located in 4/10 from each other.
• Neutral
• Between planets located in 2/12 or 6/8 from each other.
• Gender of the Planets
• Male – Sun, Mars & Jupiter
• Female – Moon, Mercury, Venus & Saturn
• There are no neutral planets in Tajika

Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 9

Special Features of Tajika System
• Lord of the Year (Varshesha)
• One of the seven planets (excluding Rahu & Ketu) holds rulership over the entire year.
• The events of the year are significantly influenced by the strength and disposition of the year lord
• The Sixteen Yogas
• A yoga in astrology is a specific disposition of one or more planets in the horoscope and produces
specific results.
• Understanding of these yogas in the Tajika system is the key to successful predictions based on
annual chart.
• Sahams
• These are the sensitive points of annual horoscope which shed light on one particular aspect of
life during the year in question. For eg: Punya Saham, Vivaha Saham, etc…
• The Muntha
• Another sensitive and generally auspicious point in the annual chart is the Muntha, for which a
separate procedure is involved in locating the Muntha.
• Tripataki map
• 12 rashis are labelled on 12 points of Tri Pataki chart and all the planets marked on these rasi
after working out their progression since birth.
• The benefic and malefic influences on the Moon is assessed.
Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 10
Special Features of Tajika System
• Strength or Bala of Planets
• Panchavargeeya Bala (Five sources of energy)
• Dwadasavargeeya Bala (Twelve sources of energy)

Different Names of the Annual Chart

• Varsha Kundali
• Varshaphala
• Progressed Chart for the Year
• Solar Return (Varsha Pravesha)
• Annual Horoscope
• Transit Chart (To Some Extent)

Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 11

Position of Planetary
Jup Aspects
Planets Aspects
Very Friendly 5,9

Mar Rah
Semi-Friendly 3,11
Inmical 1,7

Secretly Inmical 4,10

Sun Ven
Mon 2,12
Mer Lag Neutral

Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 12

Why Annual Horoscopy ?
• Gives quick solutions to almost all-important questions that a modern society demands in
the professional, personal and social life.
• One can see with clarity how a particular year will be for the native and plan the activities
along those lines - postpone few or get deeply involved in some.
• An accurately cast annual chart gives a clear direction, clarity of vision and shifting priorities
year after year. This should closely be interpreted along with the birth chart.
• The Tajika is thus complementary, supplementary, and confirmatory in nature.

• What is the importance of Annual Horoscopy ? Explain its relationship with the Birth Chart
• What are the differences between Rasi Chart and Annual Chart ?
• Discuss the special features of the Tajika System
• Write short notes on aspects of Tajika System. Discuss how it differs from Parashara’s

Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 13

Next Class
• Topic 2 : Annual Chart
• Solar Cycle/ Solar Return, Varsha Pravesha (Day or Night Time), Concept of Completed
Years, Dhruvanka
• Casting of Annual Chart

Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 14

Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 7
Jyotish Praveena – Semester2

Class 3

Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar

ICAS Bengaluru, Chapter IV
Points for Discussion Today

Previous Class
• Topic1 : Introduction
• Introduction to Tajika Shastra, Annual Chart
• Relationship between Annual Chart and Birth Chart
• Special Features of the Tajika Shastra
• Different Names of the Annual Chart

Today’s Class
• Topic 2 : Annual Chart
• Solar Cycle/ Solar Return, Varsha Pravesha (Day or Night Time), Concept of Completed
Years, Dhruvanka
• Casting of Annual Chart

Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 2

Concept of Annual Chart
• Sun takes 365 days, 6 hours, 9 minutes and 12 seconds (9.72 seconds in few books)
comeback to the same longitude.
• Date of Birth/Solar Return of Day + 365d 6h 9m 12s = Next Solar Return Date
Date of Birth/Solar Return of Day + 52 weeks + 1d 6h 9m 12s = Next Solar Return Date

• Dhruvanka (Numerical Constant)

• Ignoring completed weeks, the remainder is 1d 6h 9m 12s –
This is called Dhruvanka (Numerical Constant)
• Adding Dhruvanka for any number of completed years to the
weekday and time of birth would give us the weekday and
the time of Varshapravesha for the year to commence.
• Requirements for preparing Annual Chart
• Date of Birth, Time of Birth and Place of Birth
• Construction of Birth Chart along with its Dashas and
• Determination of Varshapravesha
• Construction of Chart for the Varshapravesha obtained

*Source : Laws of Nature – Dr. M. Anjaneyulu

Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 3
Casting of Annual Chart
• Steps to Cast Annual Chart
1) Note the Weekday of the birth of the native along with his date, time and place of birth.
2) Decide on the particular calendar year for which the annual chart is to be prepared.
3) For the calendar year in question, find the native's completed years of life by subtracting the year of birth
from the current year.
• Eg : If the annual chart for 2024 is to be prepared for a native born in 2000,by deducting 2000 from
2024, we get 24 years of completed years of life and annual chart for 25th to be prepared.
4) Find out the Dhruvanka for the number of completed years (refer Table)
5) Add to the weekday and the time of birth, the Dhruvanka for the completed years. The total will give the
weekday and the time of Varshapravesh.
6) Prepare a chart for the above time, which will give you Varsha chart for the particular calendar year.
• Lagna of Varsha Pravesha
• [Completed Year of Age x 3]/30 = Bhagphala or Quotient
• [(Completed Year of Age x 3) + Quotient]/12 = Remainder
• The Remainder will indicate Varsha Lagna (Annual Chart Ascendant) for that Year as reckoned from Birth Ascendant.

Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 4

Casting of Annual Chart – Illustration1
• Steps to Cast Annual Chart
1) Weekday of the birth of the native – Saturday
Birth Details : 01st Jan, 2000 - Bangalore
2) Year for which the Annual Chart is to be prepared – 2024-25
3) Completed Years = 2024-2000 = 24 completed years
4) Dhruvanka for the completed years
4d 03h 03m 12s (Dhruvanka for 20 Years)
+5d 00h 36m 36s (Dhruvanka for 4 Years)
9d 03h 39m 48s
-7d (Deduct 7d when Sum >7)
2d 03h 39m 48s
5) Add to the weekday and the time of birth, the Dhruvanka for
the completed years. The total will give the weekday and the time
of Varshapravesh.
Saturday 05h 00m 00s
2d 03h 39m 48s
Monday 08h 39m 48s
Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar ---------------------------------------- 5
Casting of Annual Chart – Illustration1 contd…
• Steps to Cast Annual Chart
6) Closest Monday to the Birth Date is 01Jan2024 and the time of
Varshapravesha is at 08:39:48
7) Prepare a chart for the above time, which will give you Varsha chart for
the particular calendar year.

Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 6

Casting of Annual Chart – Illustration2 (Assignment)

Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 7

Casting of Annual Chart – Illustration2
• Steps to Cast Annual Chart
1) Weekday of the birth of the native – Monday
Birth Details : 15th Aug, 1977 - Bangalore
2) Year for which the Annual Chart is to be prepared – 2024-25
3) Completed Years = 2024-1977 = 47 completed years
4) Dhruvanka for the completed years
01d 06h 06m 30s (Dhruvanka for 40 Years)
+01d 19h 04m 06s (Dhruvanka for 7 Years)
03d 01h 10m 36s
5) Add to the weekday and the time of birth, the Dhruvanka for
the completed years. The total will give the weekday and the time
of Varshapravesh.
Monday 00h 00m 00s
03d 01h 10m 36s
Thursday 01h 10m 36s

Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 8

Casting of Annual Chart – Illustration2
• Steps to Cast Annual Chart
6) Closest Thursday to the Birth Date is 15Aug2024 and the time of
Varshapravesha is at 01:10:36
7) Prepare a chart for the above time, which will give you Varsha chart for
the particular calendar year.

Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 9

• Prepare an Annual Chart for 2007-08 for a native born on 11th Oct, 1942 (Sunday) at
16:04:00 hours in Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh (Longitude 81E51’00’’; Latitude 25N27’00’’)
• Draw the Annual Solar Return Chart for predicting events from September 2008 onwards
for a native born on 01st September, 1975, Monday at 01:30hrs. Birth Place –
Shahjahanpur, UP (27.53N, 79.55E)

Next Class
o Topic3 : Muntha
• Definition & Calculation of the Muntha, Results of Muntha/Muntha Lord in Different

Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 10

Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 11
Jyotish Praveena – Semester2

Class 4

Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar

ICAS Bengaluru, Chapter IV
Points for Discussion Today

Previous Class

oTopic2 : Annual Chart

• Concept of Annual Chart
• Casting of Annual Chart

Today’s Class

oTopic3 : Muntha
• Definition & Calculation of the Muntha
• Results of Muntha/Muntha Lord in Different Houses

Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 2

Definition of Muntha
• Muntha (Progressed Ascendant)
• The Muntha is an important mathematical point in the Annual chart connected to the Birth chart.
• It is located in the Lagna (Ascendant) at the time of birth.
• 1 Year Muntha Progression - 1 Rashi (30º) in direct motion.
• 1 Month (30º/12) = 2.5º = 2º 30’
• 1 Day (2º 30’/30)=150’/30=5 minutes
• Muntha is located In the annual chart where its rashi falls.
• Because of its progression one sign each year the Muntha is termed as progressed ascendant.
• The Lord of the Muntha - One of the 5 office bearers in the annual chart.

Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 3

Calculation of Muntha
• Steps in Calculation of Muntha for the Annual Horoscope
1. Note the Number of Sign where the Lagna falls in the Birth Chart. ( No. of Sign – Aries – 1,
Taurus -2, ……………., Pisces - 12 ) Say if the Lagna in the Birth Chart is in Gemini, the number of
the sign is 3.
2. Add to it the number of completed years elapsed between the birth and the current year for
which the Muntha is to be calculated.
3. Divide the total by 12 (total numbers of signs). The remainder so obtained would be the sign in
which the Muntha is located in the annual chart, reckoned from Aries (Mesha).
4. If the remainder is zero, it should be treated as 12th sign or Pisces.

• Illustration
Find out Muntha and its lord for horoscope having Leo as ascendant for the completed 25 years.
• Number of Sign where Lagna (Ascendant) falls in the Birth Chart = 5 ( Leo )
• Number of years completed = 25
• Total = 30/12 = 2 remainder 6
• 6th from Mesha is Virgo. Muntha Sign = Virgo. Muntha Lord = Mercury.

Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 4

Effect of Muntha in Different Houses
• Muntha Placement
• Extreme Benefic – 9, 10, 11 Houses

• Benefic - 1,2,3 and 5 Houses

• Malefic – 6, 8, 12 Houses
• Extreme Malefic in 4th and 7th houses

• Muntha in Different Houses

• 1st House - Success through lot of efforts, dominance over opponents, dignity, favours from the government,
good health and acquisition of wealth and status.
• 2nd House - New ventures, financial gains, respect from one’s associates, favours from the opposite sex and
governmental favours.
• 3rd House - Courageous, general comforts, favours from siblings, acquisition of name and fame, success in
• 4th House - Physical ailment, mental anguish, fear from foes, loss of wealth, disgrace, displeasure of the ruler.
• 5th House - Inclination towards good and pious deeds, birth of a child or happiness through offspring, physical
pleasure and comforts.
Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 5
Effect of Muntha in Different Houses
• Muntha in Different Houses
• 6th House - Fear from foes, thieves and rulers, proneness to illness, failure in undertakings, loss of wealth,
perverted thinking, increase in the number of enemies.
• 7th House - Physical ailment,perverted thinking, loss of wealth, disappointment arising from the spouse,
business partners and the enemies. Inclination towards bad deeds, disappointments
• 8th House - the Muntha here produces extremely bad results like illness, loss of wealth, quarrels, loss of
physical strength and stamina, dominance by enemies, displeasure of the ruler, losses In litigation, distance
travel, change in the place of residence.
• 9th House - fulfilment of desires, inclination towards pious deeds, religious ceremony at home, favours from
the rulers, happiness from the spouse, increase in status and fortune.
• 10th House - Rise in status, promotion in job, increase in income and wealth, favour from the ruler,
accomplishment of good deeds, gain in honour and dignity.
• 11th House - Gains from all sides, happiness from children, favours from superiors and rulers, gain in physical
and mental health, fulfilment of desires.
• 12th House - Loss of wealth, excessive expenditure, obstacles to profession, displacement and transfers,
physical ailment, mental anguish, enemity with friends and failure in undertakings

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Results of Planetary Influences on Muntha
Planetary Influences
• Sun - When Muntha is occupied or aspected by Sun, it provides favour from the government, promotions in a
government job, gains from father, friendship with the elite. However, if Sun is placed in the 6th,8th or 12th
house, then adverse results related to the same will be got.
• Moon - If Moon is strong then good health, physical and mental happiness, enhancement of honour and fame,
comforts. If moon is weak and afflicted, then adverse results will be got in the same areas.

• Mars - Ailments related to Mars, accidents, operations, quarrels, loss of money and excessive expenditure will
be produced. If Mars is strong and is under benefic influence, then there will be courage, enthusiasm, victory
over opponents.
• Mercury - Auspicious events like marriage, success in media or communication related jobs, education, progress
in business, friendship with women and sudden unexpected gains. If Mercury is afflicted , then there can be
obstructions in these areas.
• Jupiter - Birth of a child or gain of happiness, education, finding a guru, gain of money, fortune, name, fame,
government favour. Generally auspicious results will be got.
• Venus - Blessings of goddess Lakshmi, acquisition of articles of luxury and enjoyment, purchase of vehicles,
wedding, happiness from women and other happy events. Afflicted Venus could lead the person towards vices,
dishonour and downfall.

Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 7

Results of Planetary Influences on Muntha
Planetary Influences
• Saturn - Saturn placed in Muntha, produces physical and mental misery, excessive expenditure, losses, lack of
success in all ventures.
• Rahu/Ketu - Also have an adverse effect on Muntha like Saturn.

Dwi-Janam Lagna
• When the birth Lagna recurs as the ascendant in the annual chart, it is referred to as Dwi-Janma Lagna.
• Such a year is generally adverse and leads to illness, disappointment, reversals, loss of name, fame, etc...

Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 8

Results of Muntha Lord (Munthesh) in different houses
1. The lord of the sign in which the Muntha is located is called the Muntha Lord.
2. In the annual chart the Muntha lord yields favourable or adverse results as per its location, strength and
influences of other planets.
• If the Muntha lord also is the Lagna lord of birth/annual chart and is placed in a Kendra/ Trikone, it becomes very
powerful and during its dasha gives best possible results as per its significations and lordship.
• If the Muntha lord occupies a sign, held by him in the birth chart and is not afflicted, it is capable of giving excellent
results in the beginning and at the end of the year
• If the Muntha lord occupies 4th,6th, 8th or 12th house from lagna or is combust or is afflicted by malefics, the native
suffers from serious illness or loss of wealth or excess of expenditure.
• If the Muntha lord is conjunct 8th lord or has inimical aspect to it, the results would be evil. Condition of the Muntha
lord would indicate the nature of illness.
• If the conunction is in 6th, 8th or Lagna with afflicted 8th lord, and the native is undergoing Maraka Dasha in the birth
chart, even death may occur or he may suffer a very critical period in his life during the year.

3. The results of the Muntha lord accruing from its location in different houses would be as under
• Lagna - If the Muntha lord is strong in Panchvargiya Bala and aspecting the Muntha, it would ensure good health,
fulfilment of desires, increase in wealth, increased status and general comforts.
• 2nd House – Financial Gains, comfort of home and family, respect from dear & near ones, gain in status and fulfilment of
• 3rd House – Comforts or help from younger siblings, increase in valour, success in ventures through own efforts.

Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 9

Results of Muntha Lord (Munthesh) in different houses
3. The results of the Muntha lord accruing from its location in different houses would be as under
• 4th House – Loss of Health, Wealth, domestic peace & comforts at home, anxiety, disgrace, and displeasure of superiors.
• 5th House – Happiness from spouse & children, birth of a child, success over opponents, gain of status and fulfilment of
• 6th House – Fear from opponents, excessive expenditure, loss from theft or litigation, association with wicked persons,
and ill-health.
• 7th House – Ill-Health to native and spouse, quarrel with family members and business partner, losses in travel, but
gives a marriage also if well placed.
• 8th House – Chronic & Serious illness, displeasure of superiors, obstacles and disappointments in profession, loss of
wealth & mental peace, humiliation, disgrace and adverse results throughout the year.
• 9th House – Gain of health, wealth and good luck, inflow of money, noble & pious deeds, fruitful long journeys &
piligrimage and gain in knowledge and status.
• 10th House – Gain of name, fame & wealth, elevated status, recognition and favours from rulers, success over
opponents, and fulfilment of desires.

• 11th House – All types of material gains, cooperation & help from important people, elder siblings, & friends, general
comforts and fulfilment of desires.

• 12th House – Loss of health, wealth & life, disappointments, depression and humiliation, excessive & aimless travel,
unhappiness from children and loss of status.

Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 10

Annual Chart of Ms Indira Gandhi for the Year
20Nov1965 at 06:31:41AM

• Muntha is in Lagna – Winning over opponents
• Muntha Influences
- Associated with Sun (10L) and Mercury (11L)
- Aspected by Exalted Jupiter (2L & 5L)
• Muntha Lord in 2H – Gain in status and fulfilment of
• Other Yogas
Native became the PM of India in Jan1966.
Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 11
• Write a short note on the following
• Muntha
• Importance of Muntha
• Results of Muntha placed in 6, 9, 11 houses

• What is Muntha ? What are the results of Muntha and Muntha Lord in different houses ?
• Study the Annual Chart given below given for 49th year of the native who was born on 04th August
1961 and Birth Lagna is Libra. Calculate Muntha and give results of Muntha in different houses.
Asc : Gemini 1:11, Sun – Cancer 18:59, Moon – Taurus 16:54, Mars – Virgo 09:57, Mercury
– Leo 16:16, Jupiter (R) – Pisces 09:06, Venus – Virgo 04:17, Saturn – Virgo 07:17, Rahu –
Sagittarius 17:35

Next Class
o Topic4 : Dasha System
• Vimshottari Mudda Dasha
• Yogini Mudda Dasha
• Patyayini Dasha

Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 12

Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 13
Jyotish Praveena – Semester2

Class 5

Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar

ICAS Bengaluru, Chapter IV
Points for Discussion Today

Previous Class

oTopic3 : Muntha
• Definition & Calculation of the Muntha
• Results of Muntha/Muntha Lord in Different Houses
• Influences of Planets on Muntha

Today’s Class

oTopic4 : Dasha System

Vimshottari Mudda Dasha
Yogini Dasha
Patyayini Dasha

Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 2

Dasha Systems in Varshaphal
Dasha Systems
• Dasha systems in Tajika are called as Mudda Dashas (Mudda means One Year).

• The Dasha systems for Annual Chart are to find accurate timing of events.

• There are mainly three kinds of Mudda Dashas in Tajik.

• Vimshottari Mudda Dasha System – Nakshatra Based Dasha System
• Yogini Dasha – Nakshatra Based Dasha System
• Patyayini Dasha - This system depends upon the degree of the longitude of a planet.

• Vimshottari Dasha and Yogini Dasha Systems are same as Vimshottari and Yogini Dasha system in Natal
Horoscope per Parasara System, but operation of period is reduced to 1 year.

• Vimshottari Mudda Dasha System is more popular amongst Tajika Dasha systems.

Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 3

Mudda Dasha System
Mudda Dasha

• Applies to Vimshottari Dasha and Yogini Dasha System

• 360 days are allotted among nine planets.

• The order of Dashas in Vimshottari Dasha System and the Mudda Vimshottari Dasha System is the

• 9 planets are allotted certain number of days.

• To find the number of days allotted to each planet :

- Multiply the number of years allotted under Vimshottari Dasha System by 3.

- A month consists of 30 days and the Savan year has 360 days. 120 years = 360 days, therefore one year =
360/120 = 3 days (Dhruvanka)
- The figure we get is the number of days allotted to that particular planet.
Sun – 06 x 3 = 18 Days Mercury – 17 x 3 = 51 Days
Moon – 10 x 3 = 30 Days Ketu – 07 x 3 = 21 Days
Rahu – 18 x 3 = 54 Days Venus – 20 x 3 = 60 Days
Jupiter – 16 x 3 = 48 Days Mars – 07 x 3 = 21 Days
Saturn – 19 x 3 = 57 Days Total = 360 days
Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 4
Vimshottari Mudda Dasha System
# Name of Nakshatra
Formula for finding the Starting of Dasha 1 Aśvini (अि#वनी)
2 Bharaṇī (भरणी)
• [( C + N ) - 2]/9 where C – Completed years 3 Kṛttikā (कृ-.का)
N – Number of Janma Nakshatra 4 Rohiṇī (रो1हणी)
5 Mṛgaśīrṣā (मग ृ शीषा7)
at birth. 6 Ārdrā (आ9ा7)
• Remainder gives us the Starting Dasha as per the below Table 7 Punarvasu (पन ु व7स)ु
8 Puṣya (प=ु य)
1 – Sun 6 - Saturn 9 Āśleṣā (आ#लेषा)
10 Maghā (मघा)
2 – Moon 7 - Mercury 11 Pūrva or Pūrva Phālgunī (पव ू 7 फाEगुनी)
3 – Mars 8 - Ketu 12 Uttara or Uttara Phālgunī (उ.र फाEगुनी)
13 Hasta (हGत)
4 - Rahu 9/0 - Venus 14 Chitrā (IचKा)
5 – Jupiter 15 Svāti (GवाLत)
16 Vishākhā (-वशाखा)
17 Anurādhā (अनरु ाधा)
18 Jyeṣṭhā (Oये=ठा)
Illustration 19 Mūla (मल ू )
Find the Starting Dasha of a native whose Birth Star is Purva 20 Pūrva Aṣāḍhā (पव ू ा7षाढ़ा)
21 Uttara Aṣāḍhā (उ.राषाढ़ा)
Phalguni (4s 17°8’) and has completed 40 years 22 Śrāvaṇa (Rवण)
• C = 40 years N = 11 ( for Purva Phalguni ) 23 Śrāviṣṭhā (R-व=ठा) or Dhaniṣṭhā (धLन=ठा)
24 Śatabhiṣā (शतSभषा)
[( 40 + 11 ) -2]/9 = [51-2] /9 = 49/9 = 5 and remainder 4.
25 Pūrva Bhādrapadā (पव ू भ
7 ा9पदा)
• Remainder 4 - Rahu is the Starting Dasha 26 Uttara Bhādrapadā (उ.रभा9पदा)
27 Revati (रे वती)
Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 5
Vimshottari Mudda Dasha System
Calculation of Starting Dasha Balance
• Find the Starting Dasha at the Start of the Year for which Annual Chart
is casted.
• The opening Dasha will run its complete allotted duration and then the
subsequent Dashas follow as per the sequence.
• Note the exact longitude of the Moon at the time of birth.
• Determine the Nakshatra at the time of Birth
• Note down the extent in that Nakshatra traversed by the Moon and
find out the extent yet to be traversed by the Moon.
• The extent yet to be traversed by the Moon will give the balance of
Dasha at the time of Varsha Pravesha.
• Longitude of the Moon in Birth Chart = 4s 17°8’
• Nakshatra at time of Birth = Purva Phalguni
• Purva Phalguni Spreads from 4s 13°20’ to 4s 26°40’
Moon Traversed = 17°8’- 13°20’ = 3°48’
Moon yet to be traversed = 13°20’-3°48’ = 9°32’
• Balance of Rahu Dasha = 54 Days * 9°32’/13°20’
= 54 * 572/800 = 38.61 days ≅ 39 Days
Remaining 15 Days are considered at the end after Mars Dasha
Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 6
Vimshottari Mudda Dasha System
Dasha Duration Ends On
Month Days Day Month Year
Rahu 1 8.61 29 9 1984
Jupiter 1 18 17 11 1984
Saturn 1 27 14 1 1985
Mercury 1 21 5 3 1985
Ketu 0 21 26 3 1985
Venus 2 0 26 5 1985
Sun 0 18 14 6 1985
Moon 1 0 14 7 1985
Mars 0 21 5 8 1985
Rahu 0 15.39 20 8 1985

Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 7

Yogini Dasha System
Formula for finding the Starting of Dasha # Name of Nakshatra
• [( C + N ) + 3]/8 where C – Completed years 1 Aśvini (अि#वनी)
2 Bharaṇī (भरणी)
N – Number of Janma Nakshatra 3 Kṛttikā (कृ-.का)
at birth. 4 Rohiṇī (रो1हणी)
5 Mṛgaśīrṣā (मग ृ शीषा7)
• Remainder gives us the Starting Dasha as per the below Table
6 Ārdrā (आ9ा7
Remainder Yogini Dasha Lord Duration (In Days) 7 Punarvasu (पन ु व7स)ु
1 Mangala Moon 10 8 Puṣya (प=ु य)
9 Āśleṣā (आ#लेषा)
2 Pingala Sun 20
10 Maghā (मघा)
3 Dhanya Jupiter 30 11 Pūrva or Pūrva Phālgunī (पव ू 7 फाEगुनी)
4 Bhramari Mars 40 12 Uttara or Uttara Phālgunī (उ.र फाEगुनी)
5 Bhadrika Mercury 50 13 Hasta (हGत)
14 Chitrā (IचKा)
6 Ulka Saturn 60
15 Svāti (GवाLत)
7 Siddha Venus 70 16 Vishākhā (-वशाखा)
8 Sankata Rahu/Ketu 80 17 Anurādhā (अनरु ाधा)
18 Jyeṣṭhā (Oये=ठा)
• Alternating Yogini Dashas belong to benefics and malefics, hence the Dasha periods 19 Mūla (मल ू )
are alternatingly good or bad. 20 Pūrva Aṣāḍhā (पव ू ा7षाढ़ा)
Illustration 21 Uttara Aṣāḍhā (उ.राषाढ़ा)
Find the Starting Dasha of a native whose Birth Star is Purva Phalguni (4s 17°8’) and has 22 Śrāvaṇa (Rवण)
completed 40 years 23 Śrāviṣṭhā (R-व=ठा) or Dhaniṣṭhā (धLन=ठा)
24 Śatabhiṣā (शतSभषा)
• C = 40 years N = 11 ( for Purva Phalguni )
25 Pūrva Bhādrapadā (पव ू भ
7 ा9पदा)
[( 40 + 11 ) + 3]/8 = 54/8 = 6 and remainder 6. 26 Uttara Bhādrapadā (उ.रभा9पदा)
• Remainder 6 - Ulka is the Starting Dasha 27 Revati (रे वती)
Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 8
Yogini Dasha System
Calculation of Starting Dasha Balance
• Find the Starting Dasha at the Start of the Year for which Annual Chart
is casted.
• The opening Dasha will run its complete allotted duration and then the
subsequent Dashas follow as per the sequence.
• Note the exact longitude of the Moon at the time of birth.
• Determine the Nakshatra at the time of Birth
• Note down the extent in that Nakshatra traversed by the Moon and
find out the extent yet to be traversed by the Moon.
• The extent yet to be traversed by the Moon will give the balance of
Dasha at the time of Varsha Pravesha.
• Longitude of the Moon in Birth Chart = 4s 17°8’
• Nakshatra at time of Birth = Purva Phalguni
• Purva Phalguni Spreads from 4s 13°20’ to 4s 26°40’
Moon Traversed = 17°8’- 13°20’ = 3°48’
Moon yet to be traversed = 13°20’-3°48’ = 9°32’
• Balance of Ulka Dasha = 60 Days * 9°32’/13°20’
= 60 * 572/800 = 42.9 days ≅ 43 Days
Remaining 17 Days are considered at the end after Bhadrika Dasha
Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 9
Yogini Dasha System
Yogini Duration Ends On
Dasha Month Days Day Month Year
Ulka 1 12.9 3 10 1984
Siddha 2 10 13 12 1984
Sankata 2 20 3 3 1985
Mangala 0 10 13 3 1985
Pingala 0 20 3 4 1985
Dhanya 1 0 3 5 1985
Bhramari 1 10 13 6 1985
Bhadrika 1 20 3 8 1985
Ulka 0 17.1 20 8 1985

The Sub-Periods in each Dasha can be worked out


Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 10

Patyayini Dasha System
Patyayini Dasha
• Belongs to traditional category in Tajik.
• It depends on the degree of longitude of a planet after deleting the completed rashis or sign.
• The lagna along with seven planets from Sun to Saturn are considered. Their respective degrees without the rashis are
termed as ‘ KRISHAMSHA’.

Calculation of Krishamsha & Patyamsha

• The remaining degrees of the 7 planets (excluding Rahu & Ketu) and the Lagna are noted in ascending order, ignoring the
• Next Patyamshas are worked out.
• The Dasha Lord with the minimum Krishamsha has the same value for Patyamsha
• Patyamsha of the Planet = Krishamsha of the Planet – Krishamsha of the preceding planet.
• Total of all Patyamshas = Highest Krishamsha
• Highest Value of Krishamsha is equivalent to 360/365 days
• Patyamsha of each planet is worked out proportionally
Dasha Duration of the Planet = 365 Days x Patyamsha of the Planet / Highest Krishamsha Value

Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 11

Patyayini Dasha System
Ilustration Calculations
• Dasha Duration of the Planet = 365 Days x
Planet Degrees Patyamsha of the Planet / Highest Krishamsha
Rah Lagna 9°26’ Value
Sun 3°50’
• Dasha Duration of Sun = 365 * 3°50’/21°45’
Moon 9°40’ = 365 * 230’/1305’
Mars 7°42’ = 64.33 Days
Annual Chart
Sun Mercury (R) 18°20’
Mer (R) • Sub-Periods of Planets = Dasha Duration of MD *
Jupiter (R) 9°38’
Ven Dasha Duration of AD / 365
Venus 21°45’
Asc Saturn 17°13’
Jup (R) Mar Sat

Planets in Upto
Krishamshas Patyamshas Duration (Days)
Ascending Order Day Month Year
Sun 3°50’ 3°50’ 64.33 23 10 1984
Mars 7°42’ 3°52’ 64.89 27 12 1984
Lagna 9°26’ 1°44’ 29.09 25 1 1985
Jupiter (R) 9°38’ 0°12’ 3.36 28 1 1985
Moon 9°40’ 0°2’ 0.56 29 1 1985
Saturn 17°13’ 7°33’ 126.70 5 6 1985
Mercury (R) 18°20’ 1°7’ 18.74 23 6 1985
Venus 21°45’ 3°25’ 57.34 20 8 1985
Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 12
Interpretation of Dasha Results
Factors in Mind
- Study and Analyse Planetary Configuration in Birth Chart and Annual Chart
- Study Position and influence of Dasha Lord and AD Lord in Birth Chart and Annual Chart
- Disposition of Dasha Lord w.r.t
- Strength as per Panchavargiya Bala
- Very Strong : 15 and above
- Strong : 10-15
- Medium : 5-10
- Weak : 5 and below
- Sign & House where it is posited
- Association & Aspect on it
- Depending upon the strength of various Dasha lords , the different Dashas produce good or bad results:


1. Strong : Good health, monetary gains, respect from near and dear ones.
2. Medium strength : foreign travel ( displacement ) , loss of fame, undesirable expenditure.
3. Weak : Bad health, loss of money, even death.

Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 13

Interpretation of Dashas

1. Very strong: Vehicles, high status, authority.

2. Strong: All the above to a slightly lesser extent; generally favourable.
3. Medium strength: struggles, opposition at the place of work, biliary ailments.
4. Weak: fear from the ones in authority and from enemies, loss of wealth, ill health, loss of discrimination.

1. Very strong: increased wealth, association with women, acquisition of precious stones.
2. Strong: Generally good results pertaining to the above indications.
3. Medium Strength: loss of wealth, opposition from near and dear ones. Phlegmatic ailments.
4. Weak: defamation, loss of wealth and virtue, chest diseases.

1. Very strong: position of authority ( in army/police ) , victory in war, fulfilment of desires.
2. Strong: wealth, status, favours from the ruler.
3. Medium strength: fear from enemies, inflammatory diseases, biliary ailments.
4. Weak: quarrels, strife at home and at the place of work, fear from foes,
blood disorders, fever.

Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 14

Interpretation of Dashas
1. Very Strong: Gain of knowledge and learning, attainment of status, increase of fame, appointment as an
ambassador or a minister.
2. Strong: Gain of wealth through friends, guru or writings, comforts from the near and dear ones.
3. Medium Strength: Loss of fame, ill temper, injury from fall, fear of ill health.
4. Weak: distorted reasoning, loss of wealth, fear of imprisonment, foreign travel.

1. Very Strong: Favours from the ruler, guru, friends and elders, attainment of fame, wealth and virtue, child
2. Strong: Virtuous deeds, favours from the superiors, increased enthusiasm, success in undertakings.
3. Medium strength: illness, poverty, ear ailment, loss of wealth and virtue.
4. Weak: varied troubles and ailments, domestic strife, loss of wealth.
1. Very Strong: Gain of wealth, comforts, vehicles, wife, good health, general contentment.
2. Strong: Gains from business, good food and drinks, good clothes, favours from friends and women.
3. Medium strength: altered thinking, loss of wealth, ill health, opposition from the fair sex.
4. Weak: opposition from the near and dear ones, ill health to wife, distorted reasoning, foreign travel.

Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 15

Interpretation of Dashas
1. Very Strong: New house, new clothes, acquisitionof new land, increased wealth from association with the
2. Strong: association with older women, acquisition of cattle and vehicles.
3. Medium Strength: Fear from foes and thieves, penury, ill health.
4. Weak: Varied calamities and disappointments, domestic strife, death.

Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 16

• Draw Annual Chart for the native with below Birth Details for 67th Year
• DoB : 11th October, 1942
• PoB : Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh
• ToB : 16:04:00 Hrs

Calculate Mudda Dasha. Give General Tendencies of Maha Dasha Lords

• Write Short Notes on
• Mudda Dasha
• Patyayini Dasha

Next Class
o Topic5 : Planetary Strengths
• Harsha Bala, Panchavargeeya Bala, Dwadashavargeeya Bala
• Use of Bala in Dasha Interpretation

Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 17

Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 18
Jyotish Praveena – Semester2

Class 6

Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar

ICAS Bengaluru, Chapter IV
Points for Discussion Today
Previous Class

oTopic4 : Dasha System

• Vimshottari Mudda Dasha
• Yogini Dasha
• Patyayini Dasha
• Interpretation of Dashas

Today’s Class

oTopic5 : Planetary Strengths

• Harsha Bala
• Panchavargeeya Bala
• Dwadashavargeeya Bala
• Use of Bala in Dasha Interpretation

Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 2

Planetary Strengths
• Planetary Strength:
• The strength of a planet is extremely important whether it is Parashari, Jaimini or Tajik systems.
• Planets give good or bad results based on their strength or weakness of annual chart.
• There are 3 types of strengths are determined based on planetary strength.
• Harsha Bala - Simple and Easy to Calculate
• Panchavargeeya Bala (5-Fold Strength) – Most Used
• Dwadashavargeeya Bala (12-Fold Strength) - Complex
• Harsha Bala:
• Harsha means Happiness, Planets are comfortable or happy in certain situations which provide strength or
• The planets strength is measured in ‘Biswa’ and it is out of 20 Biswas.
• To determine this strength, 4 factors are considered.
• Sthana Bala : Positions of the planet in a specific house.
• Uchha Swakshetra Bala : Placement in its exaltation sign or in its own house.
• Stree-Purusha Bala : Placement in a house belonging to its own sex.
• Diva-Ratri Bala : Strength depending on Varsha-Pravesha being during the day-time or night-time.

Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 3

Planetary Strength – Harsha Bala
• Sthana Bala (5 Biswas) • Stri Purusha Bala (5 Biswas)
• Give 5 points to the Planet, if • Planets classification based on Gender
Planet House • Male Planets – Sun, Mars, Jupiter
• Female Planets – Moon, Mercury, Venus,
Sun 9th House Saturn
Moon 3rd House • Houses classification based on Gender
• Male Houses – 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9
Mars 6th House
• Female Houses – 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12
Mercury 1st House
• Give 5 points to the Planet, if placed in
Jupiter 11th House the house of opposite gender.
Venus 5th House

Saturn 12th House

• Uccha Swakshetra Bala (5 Biswas) • Diva – Ratri Bala (5 Biswas)

• Give 5 points to the planet, if it is placed • Male planets become strong if the Varsha
Pravesh is during day.
• In its Own Rashi
• Female planets become strong if the Varsha
• In its Exaltation Rashi
Pravesh is during night.

Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 4

Planetary Strength – Harsha Bala
Interpreting the Harsha Bala

• A planet can have a maximum of twenty units of Harsha Bala

• Based on Harsha Bala acquired by a planet
• Nirbala (No Strength) – 0
• Alpabali (Weak) - < 5
• Madhya Bali (Medium strength) 5-10
• Poorna Bali (Fully Strong) - 15
• Extraordinary Strong – 20 (Varshapravesha at night with an exalted Moon in the third house)

Annual Chart of 18-06-2000 02:45PM

Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn

Sthana Bala 5 5

Swakshetra Bala 5

Stri Purusha 5 5 5 5

Diva Ratri 5 5 5

Total Biswas 10 10 5 10 5 5 5

Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar

Planetary Strength – Panchavargiya Bala
• Panchavargeeya Bala
• Five sources of Division of Strength
• Important as Selection of Varsha Lord (Varshesha)
depends on this
• Most widely used as a metric for strength
• Measured in units of Vishwa Bala (VB) = Bala Units/4
• Mutual Relationship of the Planets

Planet Friends Enemies Equals

Sun Jupiter, Saturn Moon, Mars,
Mercury, Venus
Moon Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn
Mercury, Venus
Mars Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Saturn
Mercury, Venus
Mercury Jupiter, Saturn Sun, Moon,
Mars, Venus
Jupiter Sun, Mercury, Moon, Mars
Venus, Saturn
Venus Jupiter, Saturn Sun, Moon,
Mars, Mercury
Saturn Sun, Mercury, Moon, Mars
Jupiter, Venus

Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 6

Panchavargiya Bala – Determining Factors
Panchavargeeya Bala Exaltation Debilitation
• Griha Bala or Kshetra Bala : Strength of the Planet based on Planet
Point Point
its location – Own/ Friend/ Neutral/ Enemy Houses Planet posited in è Own Friend Neutral Enemy
Sun Aries 10° Libra 10°
Griha Bala 30 22.5 15 7.5
• Uccha Bala Moon Taurus 3° Scorpio 3°
Hudda Bala 15 11.25 7.5 3.75
Mars Capricorn 28° Cancer 28°
• Based on how close the planet is located from its Drekkana Bala 10 7.5 5 2.5
point of exaltation Mercury Virgo 15° Pisces 15°
Navamsha Bala 5 3.75 2.5 1.25
Jupiter Cancer 5° Capricorn 5°
• Deep Exaltation = 20 Units; Deep Debilitation = 0
Units Venus Pisces 27° Virgo 27°
Saturn Libra 20° Aries 20°
• 180° = 20 Units

• Hudda Bala
• Special feature of Tajika System
• Each Sign of 30° is divided into 5 parts and specified
degrees are allotted to 5 planets - Mars to Saturn,
barring Sun, Moon
• Strength derived based on the planet’s relationship
with the hudda lord where it is posited – Own/
Friend/ Neutral/ Enemy houses.

• Drekkana Bala
• Special feature of Tajka System, different from
Parashari System
• Lord of 1st Drekkana in Aries is Mars and from here
the successive 1st drekkanas of all the signs are
allotted to planets in the order of Mars, Mercury,
Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Sun, Moon repeating into 2nd
drekkana and subsequently to 3rd drekkana.

• Navamsha Bala : Based on the placement of the planet in

Navamsha Chart
Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 7
Panchavargiya Bala – Illustration
Griha Bala
Planet Degrees in Annual Chart – D1 Planet House
Relation Griha Bala
Sun Leo 3°50’
Sun Sun Own 30
Moon Taurus 9° 40’
Moon Venus Enemy 7.5
Mars Scorpio 7°42’
Mars Mars Own 30
Mercury (R) Leo 18°42’
Mercury Sun Enemy 7.5
Jupiter (R) Sagittarius 9°38’
Jupiter Jupiter Own 30
Venus Leo 21° 45’
Venus Sun Enemy 7.5
Saturn Libra 17°13’
Annual Chart – D1 Saturn Venus Friend 22.5
Rahu Taurus 8°55’
Ketu Scorpio 8°55’ Hudda Bala
Planet Hudda
Relation Griha Bala
Panchavargeeya Bala Lord
Planet posited in è Own Friend Neutral Enemy Sun Jupiter Friend 11.25
Griha Bala 30 22.5 15 7.5 Moon Mercury Enemy 3.75
Hudda Bala 15 11.25 7.5 3.75
Mars Venus Enemy 3.75
Drekkana Bala 10 7.5 5 2.5
Mercury Mercury Own 15
Navamsha Bala 5 3.75 2.5 1.25
Jupiter Jupiter Own 15
Venus Mercury Enemy 3.75
Saturn Jupiter Friend 11.25

Annual Chart – D9

Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 8

Panchavargiya Bala – Illustration contd…
Degrees in Annual Drekkana Bala
Planet Planet
Chart – D1 Drekkana Drekkana Lord Relation DrekkanaBala
Sun Leo 3°50’ Sun Leo-1 Saturn Friend 7.5
Moon Taurus 9° 40’ Moon Taurus-1 Mercury Enemy 2.5

Mars Scorpio 7°42’ Mars Scorpio-1 Mars Own 10

Mercury (R) Leo 18°42’ Mercury Leo-2 Jupiter Friend 7.5

Jupiter (R) Sagittarius 9°38’ Jupiter Sagittarius-2 Mercury Friend 7.5

Venus Leo 21° 45’ Venus Leo-3 Mars Enemy 2.5

Saturn Libra 17°13’ Saturn Libra-2 Saturn Own 10

Annual Chart – D1
Rahu Taurus 8°55’
Ketu Scorpio 8°55’ Navamsa Bala
Planet Navamsa
Relation Griha Bala
Panchavargeeya Bala Lord
Planet posited in è Own Friend Neutral Enemy Sun Venus Enemy 1.25
Griha Bala 30 22.5 15 7.5 Moon Jupiter Neutral 2.5
Hudda Bala 15 11.25 7.5 3.75
Mars Mercury Enemy 1.25
Drekkana Bala 10 7.5 5 2.5
Mercury Mercury Own 5
Navamsha Bala 5 3.75 2.5 1.25
Jupiter Mercury Friend 3.75
Venus Venus Own 5
Saturn Jupiter Friend 3.75

Annual Chart – D9

Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 9

Panchavargiya Bala – Illustration contd…
Degrees in Annual Exaltation Debilitation
Planet Planet
Chart – D1 Point Point

Sun Leo 3°50’ Sun Aries 10° Libra 10°

Moon Taurus 9° 40’
Moon Taurus 3° Scorpio 3°
Mars Scorpio 7°42’
Mars Capricorn 28° Cancer 28°
Mercury (R) Leo 18°42’
Jupiter (R) Sagittarius 9°38’ Mercury Virgo 15° Pisces 15°

Venus Leo 21° 45’ Jupiter Cancer 5° Capricorn 5°

Saturn Libra 17°13’
Annual Chart – D1 Venus Pisces 27° Virgo 27°
Rahu Taurus 8°55’
Ketu Scorpio 8°55’ Saturn Libra 20° Aries 20°

Uccha Bala
Formula to determine planet away from Formula to calculate Bala
Planet exaltation/debilitation point
Divide the Offset Longitude in Uccha Bala
(Longitude of Planet- Debilitation Point)
If >6 signs, remove the total from 12s degrees by 9
4s 3°50’-6s 10°=9s 23°50’
Sun 66°10’/9=7.35 7.35
12s-9s 23°50’=2s 6°10’=66°10’
1s 9°40’ - 7s 3° = 6s 6°40’
Moon 173°20’/9=19.25 19.25
12s-6s 6°40’=5s 23°20’=173°20’
Mars 11.06
Annual Chart – D9
Mercury 17.03
Jupiter 2.82
Venus 3.92
Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar Saturn 19.68 10
Panchavargiya Bala – Illustration contd…
Panchavargeeya Bala
Planet Total
Griha Bala Uccha Bala Hudda Bala Drekkana Bala Navamsa Bala
(VishwaBala = Bala/4)
B = 57.35
Sun 30 7.35 11.25 7.5 1.25
VB = 14.34
B = 35.5
Moon 7.5 19.25 3.75 2.5 2.5
VB = 8.88
B = 56.06
Mars 30 11.06 3.75 10 1.25
VB = 14.02
B = 52.03
Mercury 7.5 17.03 15 7.5 5
VB = 13
B = 59.07
Jupiter 30 2.82 15 7.5 3.75
VB = 14.77
B = 22.67
Venus 7.5 3.92 3.75 2.5 5
VB = 5.67
B = 67.18
Saturn 22.5 19.68 11.25 10 3.75
VB = 16.8

Interpreting the Panchavargiya Bala

• A planet can have a maximum of 20 VBs of Panchavargeeya Bala
• Based on Panchavargiya Bala acquired by a planet
• Nirbala (No Strength) – 0 VBs
• Alpabali (Weak) - < 5 VBs
• Madhya Bali (Medium strength) 5-10 VBs
• Poorna Bali (Fully Strong) – 15 VBs
• Parakrami (Extraordinary Strong) – 20 VBs

Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 11

Dwadashavargiya Bala
• Dwadashavargiya Bala
• Twelve sources of Division of Strength
• Location of Planet in 12 Different divisional charts
• Rashi Chart (D1)
• Hora Chart (D2)
• Drekkana Chart (D3)
• Chaturthamsa Chart (D4)
• Panchamamsa Chart (D5)
• Shashtamsha Chart (D6)
• Saptamsha Chart (D7)
• Ashtamamsha Chart (D8)
• Navamsha Chart (D9)
• Dashamsha Chart (D10)
• Ekadashamsha Chart (D11)
• Dwadashamsha Chart (D12)
• Planet posited in Divisional Chart
• Own/Exalted/Friend’s House – Strong and gives Benefic Results
• Neutral House – Average strength and gives Ordinary Results
• Debilitated/Enemy’s House – Weak and gives Malefic results

Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 12

Dwadashavargiya Bala

Divisional Chart Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn

D1 B B B M B M B
D2 B B M M B M N
D3 B B B B B M B
D4 B M N B B B N
D5 B M M B B M B
D6 B M B M B M N
D7 B N M B B B B
D8 B N N M B B B
D9 M N M B B B B
D10 M M M B B B B
D11 B M B B N M M
D12 M M N M B M M
B:9 B:3 B:4 B:7 B:11 B:5 B:7
Total M:3 M:6 M:5 M:5 M:0 M:7 M:2
N:0 N:3 N:3 N:0 N:1 N:0 N:3

Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 13

Interpretation of Dashas based on Bala
Depending upon the strength of various dasha lords according to their Panchavargiya Bala, the different dashas produce good or
bad results.

A very general indication is being given here of the nature of results in different dashas, which must be interpreted along with
other important factors in the annual chart as also the promise in the birth chart.

1. Strong: Good health, monetary gains, respect from near and dear ones.
2. Medium strength: Foreign travel (displacement), loss of fame, un-desirable expenditure.
3. Weak: Bad health, loss of money, even death.
Note: The strength of the lagna depends upon the strength of its lord as well as the association of the lagna with its lord and with
natural benefics.

The Sun
1. Very strong: Vehicles, high status, authority.
2. Strong: All the above to a slightly lesser extent, generally favourable.
3. Medium strength: Struggles, opposition at the place of work, biliary ailments.
4. Weak: Fear from the ones in authority and from enemies, loss of wealth, ill heath, loss of discrimination.
Note: The Sun in the houses 3, 6, 10 and 11 produces favourable results even when it is weak.

The Moon
1. Very strong : Increased wealth, association with women, acquisition of precious stones.
2. Strong: Generally good results pertaining to the above indications.
3. Medium strength: Loss of wealth, opposition from near and dear ones, phlegmatic ailments.
4. Weak: Defamation, loss of wealth and virtue, chest diseases.

Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 14

Interpretation of Dashas based on Bala contd…

1. Very strong: Position of authoriry (in Army/Police), victory in war, fulfilment of desires.
2. Strong : Wealth, status, favours from the ruler.
3. Medium strength: Fear from enemies, inflammatory diseases, biliary ailments.
4. Weak: Quarrels, strife at home and at the place of work, fear from foes, blood disorders, fever.
Note: Favourable results accrue when Mars is in houses 3, 6 and 11.

1. Very strong: Gain of knowledge and learning, attainment of status, increase of fame, and appointment as an ambassador or a
2. Strong : Gain of wealth through friends, guru or writings, comforts from the near and dear ones.
3. Medium Strength : Loss of fame, ill temper, injury from fall, fear of ill health.
4. Weak: Distorted reasoning, loss of wealth, fear of imprisonment, foreign travel.

1. Very strong: Favors from the ruler, guru, friends and elders, attainment of fame, wealth and virtue, childbirth.
2. Strong: Virtuous deeds, favors from the superiors, increased enthusiasm, success in undertakings.
3. Medium Strength : Illness, poverty, ear ailment, loss of wealth and virtue.
4. Weak: Varied troubles and ailments, domestic strife, loss of wealth.

1. Very strong : Gain of wealth, comforts, vehicles, and wife, good health, general contentment.
2. Strong : Gains from business, good food and drinks, good clothes, favors from friends and women.
3. Medium Strength : Altered thinking, loss of wealth, ill health, opposition from the fair sex.
4. Weak: Opposition from the near and dear ones, ill health to wife, distorted reasoning, foreign travel.

Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 15

Interpretation of Dashas based on Bala contd…

1. Very strong: New house, new clothes, acquisition of new land, increased wealth from association with the ruler.
2. Strong: Association with older women, acquisition of cattle and vehicles.
3. Medium Strength: Fear from foes and thieves, penury, ill health.
4. Weak : Varied calamities and disappointments, domestic strife, death.
Note : Saturn, like the Sun and Mars, its particularly favorable when located in houses 3, 6 and 11.

Note : There is no such calculation for Rahu or Ketu though their dashas are considered. It is likely that Satum's strength is
representative of Rahu's, and Mars strength of Ketu's. This requires elaborate testing before practical application.

Next Class
o Topic6 : Lord of the Year (Varshesha)
• Panchadhikari, Tri-Rashi pati
• Determination & Interpretation of the Year Lord
• Results of various planets becoming the Year Lord

Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 16

Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 17
Jyotish Praveena – Semester2

Class 7

Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar

ICAS Bengaluru, Chapter IV
Points for Discussion Today
Previous Class

oTopic5 : Planetary Strengths

• Harsha Bala
• Panchavargeeya Bala
• Dwadashavargeeya Bala
• Use of Bala in Dasha Interpretation

Today’s Class

oTopic6 : Lord of the Year (Varshesha)

• Panchadhikari, Tri-Rashi pati
• Determination & Interpretation of the Year Lord
• Results of various planets becoming the Year Lord

Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 2

Panchadhikaris & Tri-Rashi Pati
Year Lord
• It is called as Varshesha/Varsheswara
• It significantly influences the events that take place during the year.

• A strong year lord ensures positive results – success, prosperity and good health throughout the year.
• The year Lord is selected out of five planets which hold special significance during the year.
Panchadhikaris (The 5 Office-bearers)
• In Annual Chart, there are 5 Office-bearers which hold a special significance.
1. Muntha pati or Lord of Muntha
2. Lord of the ascendant in the birth chart.
3. Lord of the ascendant in the annual chart.
4. Tri-Rashipati
5. Dina Ratripathi

The Tri-Rashi Pati

• The Lord of the ‘tri rashi’ varies from sign to sign and also
as the varshapravesha occurs during daytime or during

Dina Ratripati
• This is the Lord of the Sun Sign in case of Varsha Pravesha
occurring during daytime (Dinapati) and Lord of Moon Sign in
case of Varsha Pravesha occuring during nighttime (Ratripati).

Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 3

Determination of Year Lord
Qualifications for Varsha Lord
1. Strongest of the Office-Bearers – Based on Panchavargiya Chart
2. Should aspect the Varsha Lagna – No distinction between friendly or inimical aspect.

Method of Selection of Year Lord

1. If the strongest of the office bearers does not aspect the Varsha Lagna, choose the one that is next lower in strength that
aspects lagna. Aspecting lagna is an essential requirement of the Year Lord. (Except under special circumstances).
2. When more than one office-bearer aspects lagna, the strongest one has to be taken.
3. If both are equal in strength, then select the one which has greater number of portfolios.
4. Muntha Lord becomes Year Lord,
• If no office-bearer aspects the lagna
• If the strength of the office bearers is less than 5 VBs in Panchavargiya Chart.
• If the five office bearers are equal in strength and aspect lagna with equal number of portfolios.

Moon as the Year Lord

1. The Moon is considered to be mild in nature so in general Moon is not considered as varshesha, unless extra-ordinarily strong.
2. Though Moon may be strong and aspect lagna you may not consider it as year lord, and instead select the next strongest
planet which aspects lagna.
3. Special Circumstances
• Moon may be considered as year lord when
- Cancer rising with Moon in it and
- Moon happens to be strongest out of five office bearers and
- Varshapravesha occurred at night and
- Finally, Moon also being Tri rashipati.
Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 4
Interpretation of the Year Lord Illustration
1. Placement of year lord in 6,8,12 houses reduces its
beneficence. In other houses it is good.
2. Combustion/retrogression reduces its power.
3. A year lord in full strength gives auspicious results.
4. The Year Lord in the Annual Chart has been ascribed
the same importance as the Lagna Lord.
Birth Chart – D1 Annual Chart – D1

Office-Bearer Planet Panchavargiya

Muntha Lord Jupiter 14.77 VBs
Ascendant Lord Sun 14.34 VBs
at Birth Chart
Ascendant Lord Mars 14.02 VBs
in Annual Chart
Tri-Rashi Pati Mars 14.02 VBs

Dina Ratri Pati Sun 14.34 VBs

Sun is the Varsha Lord

Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 5
Results of Various Planets becoming Year Lord
No. Planet Strength (As measured through Panchavargiya Bala)
Full Medium Weak
Journeys to distant places without gains,
Promotion in profession, good health ,wealth, Quarrels with good men and relatives,
1 Sun residence in foreign countries,fear from
fame, gain of children physical suffering, loss of reputation
political leaders, unfortunate.
Honours, family increases, mental peace, Terrible suffering, mental worry,
Gain of new lands and their losses, mixture
2 Moon accession to new lands and wealth, agricultural displacement, chaos in all domestic
of good and evil results
prospects. affairs.
Strife with kith and kin through Loss of wealth, many troubles, residence
Success in every attempt, increase of cousins and
3 Kuja misunderstandings, displeasure of superiors, in foreign places, fear from fevers and
pride, leadership, bloody diseases fires, robbers and enemies, disgrace
Gain of wealth by cunning and diplomacy, trade,
acquisition of technical knowledge, recognition Failure, loss of trade, bankruptcy, insults,
4 Budha Suffering and ultimate success
of literary merit, honours, fame, success in religiously inclined.
discussion, cultivation of friendship
Fame, obtains confidence, reputation, source of
wealth, generous instincts and deeds, birth of a Change of residence, scientific studies and Disappointments, loss of relations, loss of
child, good agricultural returns, visiting of holy mixed results reputation and rejected friends.
5 Guru shrines and men respect
Unhappy, mental anxiety, ridiculed by
Conjugal happiness, domestic harmony, healthy,
6 Sukra Small income, difficulties, misunderstandings others, venereal complaints, committing
victorious, increase of sexual pleasures.
sinful deeds, fear from low class women
Fresh lands, decent bungalows, new
acquaintances among vicious people, money Family starving, disgrace, incarceration,
7 Sani A miserable life
through illegal means, craving help from others, poverty, diseases and sorrows.
accidents, windy diseases

Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 6

Next Class
o Topic7 : Sixteen Tajika Yogas
• Lagnesha & Karyesha, Deeptamsa, Planetary Aspects as per Tajika
• Tajika Yogas

Copyright @ Vemu Venkata Pavan Kumar 7

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