All Chapters Summary

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Nelson Mandela

The people of South Africa sang two National Anthems as a symbol of that day.
Mandela recalled that the reason for this movement was that Black-skinned people
were exploited by the White people. He said that this type of suppression of
people of South Africa is the origin of many stars. People must learn to hate first,
because if they hate then they can be taught to love, as love comes from the
opposite circumstances. He also says that a brave man is not that who does not
feel afraid but who conquers it.

In life, a man has two major obligations. First towards his family, to his parents, to
his wife and to his children and second on the other hand obligation towards his
country, people and the community. Everyone fulfils his duty as per his
inclination and interest. But it was very tough to fulfil in a country like South
Africa. When Mandela became an adult then he understood that his freedom was
only an illusion. In fact, he was the slave of exploitation. He also understood that
not only he was a slave but his other family members were also.

According to him, Freedom is also mandatory for them who were suppressing
others in the past. They also have the right to have it because snatcher of other’s
freedom is a prisoner of the same. Thus, the oppressor is as much a prisoner as the
oppressed. The oppressor too is not free.

The brave man is not the one who does not feel afraid, but he is the
one who conquers that fear. Mandela said that every man has his
duties towards his country and community too.
Here we are explaining A triumph of Surgery Summary. Mr. Pumphrey was a rich
and emotional lady who has a cut dog Tricky. She loved him so much that she
always overfed him. Therefore, Tricki had put on a lot of weight and hence
became lethargic. When Doctor Herriot saw the fat, he was shocked. Then he
made a plan and told Mrs. Pumphrey that Tricki must undergo for treatment of the
ailment in the hospital.

There the greedy dog had to compete with other dogs to get food, otherwise, he
had to remain hungry. Soon he lost a lot of his body weight, therefore he became
quite active. When Tricki was at home he was having a luxurious life. But when
he came to the doctor he became all right due to the natural lifestyle. When Mrs.
Pumphrey saw her active dog she thanked the doctor a lot and she felt that it was a
triumph of surgery.

James Alfred Wight is popular as James Herriot, and He was a British veterinary
surgeon and writer too. He has written this story A triumph of Surgery. The story
starts when Mrs Pumphrey, a rich lady takes her dog Tricky for a walk outside. A
nearby veterinary doctor saw the dog and is in a shock as the dog looks like a
bloated sausage having leg at each end. Then He advised her to stop giving him
diet. But Mrs Pumphrey is not able to refuse the dog. Soon Tricky fell sick and the
doctor was called.

The narrator, Mr. Herriot somehow takes Tricki to his hospital for treatment, even
knowing the fact that Mrs. Pumphrey will never leave the dog. He took the dog
along and puts a bed for him in his surgery. For two days dog did not move much
and also did not eat anything. On the third day he wanted to go outside and there
he started playing with the bigger dogs. He also licked the bowls of other dogs to
eat the remaining food.His condition started improving rapidly. Also, he started
fighting for his meals with other dogs. After hearing this news Mrs. Pumphrey
started sending eggs to the hospital as she thought that Tricki needed energy foods
after recovery. But Mr. Herriot and his partners started eating those eggs as
morning breakfast.

Also, for improving Trick’s blood, Mrs. Pumphrey started sending wine in bottles.
But again, Mr. Herriot consumed those. Not only this, when she started sending
brandy in bottles they consumed that also. After few days Doctor took a wise
decision and called up Mrs. Pumphrey as she was much worried, for taking Tricki
back home. Tricki was very happy to see his mistress and jumped into the car.
Then Mrs. Pumphrey said that she won’t be able to ever thank him for all this
wonder. And she said that his surgery had been successful as Tricki was now

qThis article is about The Thief’s Story Summary from Class 10 English. Ruskin
Bond’s ‘The Thief’s Story’ is completely more than a thief’s story. The story
focuses on basic human values and relationships. It is easier for a thief to burgle a
greedy man. It is difficult even for a thief to burgle a careless and honest person.
A young boy becomes friends with Anil. Anil trusts him totally and employs him.
Does the boy deceive his trust? The story is about a fifteen-years-old thief. He
used to change his name every month to stay ahead of the police and old
employers. This time he called himself Hari Singh. The other person Anil in the
story is a 25-year-old writer. The thief one day meets Anil and asks that if he can
work for him. The story discloses how the thief deceives Anil by committing theft
but withdraws later

Anil was 25 years old writer. He was living his life very carelessly. He was
struggling to write for earning the money to run his life. One day Anil was
watching the wrestling match. He mates Hari. Hari used his old formula to flatter
the person. Anil impressed and promised him that he would teach him how to
write, add numbers and how to cook tasty food. Now both were living together

One day Hari saw that Anil had brought a bundle of notes. He saw him keep them
under the mattress. As Hari saw the bundle of notes, so his evil spirit aroused in
his mind. He decided to rob Anil that night. After taking dinner Anil slept calmly.
Hari crept to the bed and slipped his hand under the mattress. He got the notes and
ran away from there. He left for the railway station to board a train to Lucknow.
But, he missed it. He wandered through the bazaars. It was raining and Hari Singh
was completely wet.

There was a conflict in his mind. He did not want to betray the faith of Anil.
Moreover, Anil was teaching him how to write and add numbers that could
transform his life. So he left the railway station. He came to the field and sat on
the bench. Just then heavy rain was going on. A chill wind was blowing. He felt
guiltier as he had cheated an innocent person. His shirt and pyjamas wedged to his
body because it was wet due to the rain.
Hari Singh had a change of heart. He decided to return to Anil and keep the
money under the pillow. He reached the room and placed the money back. The
next morning, he woke up a bit late and Anil had already made his tea. Anil
offered Hari Singh Rs. 50 saying he had earned it. He told him he would now be
paid regularly. Hari kept the note in his hand. He realized that the note was still
wet from the rain last night. Hari got to know that Anil had come to know about
his misdeed but there was no sadness, anger or guilt in his mind.

This article is about the Fire and Ice summary. Its poet is Robert Frost. He
presents two opposite views about the end of humanity and the world. He
discusses these two possibilities which will be the reason for the end of the world.
One such possibility is the world ending in flames of fire. It is so, because when
he ponders over the burning flames of desires of people. These will definitely hurl
the world into another nuclear war, and hence it will burn up the entire world in
flames. The second possibility for the end of the world is due to the ice.

The poet has a strong feeling that people have so much hatred in their hearts
against each other that it will be sufficient to freeze the entire planet towards
death. So, the fire due to evil desires and ice of wicked hatred are the two opposite
opinions enough to destroy the world.

The poet is very much sure of the destruction of humanity on someday. He is

talking about the two different beliefs regarding the end of this world. These are
on the basis of the sayings of the people. The poet says that he is in favour of
those people who say this world will end in fire. This is because he has seen the
effect and result of uncontrolled and unending desires over the life of human
beings. He finds that human evil desires are similar to the fire in its nature. So this
fire may become a big reason to destroy humankind and this world too.

On the other hand, the second belief in this regard says that ice is also sufficient
for destroying this world. Here the poet compares the nature of ice with hatred
feelings of humans with the other humans. As ice can make the body numb with
its prolonged contact, similarly hatred can also give the numbness to our mind and
thoughts. And hence it can make us insensitive and cruel. Such cruelty towards
humanity will be more responsible for the destruction of the world compared to
the desire.

The speaker brings us all into the middle of the argument between two different
categories of the people. One who thinks that the world will come to a fiery end
and other people who think the world will freeze resulting to the end. Poet is
possibly talking about the literal end of the world. But he is also talking about the
power that human beings have to destroy each other.

The poet experiences the romantic desire that he has taught the passion for
emotions like love and lust. These will probably have the power to turn the earth
into a big fireball. But he has also experienced the other extreme side. This is
about colder emotions like hate which have great destructive power. It is a
common fact that love gets all the publicity, whereas hate is the silent killer. It
may not have the same effect as the fireball ending, but it will do the trick.

This article focuses on the short poem, Dust of snow summary by

Robert Frost. It illustrates the extraordinary curative power of nature
and trivial things in life. Nature cures everything whether it is awful
mood or illness. The author is experiencing one such bad day when a
crow’s movement near hemlock dusted snow upon him. The snow
instantly makes him happier. His day gets tons better. The supremacy
of nature made him realise his problems are petty. The fact that
hemlock is poisonously combined with crow being the indicator of
doom and fear is utilized in the poem because the carrier of happiness
within the lifetime of the narrator is ironical. The poet tries to
spotlight that sometimes creatures link with negative aspects of life
often bring change and happiness. Being outdoors in nature, with all
its unpredictability can benefit anyone, anywhere at any time.

It is winter season and the poet is in a bad mood sitting quietly under
the hemlock tree covered all over the snow. On spur of moment, a
crow sitting on the branch of the tree shakes the tree, and the snow
from tree falls on the poet. The snow is cold and velvety to touch
which changes the poet’s mood from bitter to elate. This fills him
with a refreshing feeling. This moment was very compelling and
saves his day from disappointment. The black crow usually
symbolizes bad omen and emblem of death and fear. Since the crow
is not related to goodwill, it is ironic that during this poem he did an
honest deed by shaking off the snow.

Robert Frost did not prefer to use any other trees like oak, maple or
pine. He chose the hemlock which is typically related to poison and
toxicity. Similarly, he uses dust which is useless to anybody and
nobody wants to be liking dust. But the poet uses it as an impulse that
brings positive thoughts in mind. Anyway, the alluring snow that
adorns the poisonous hemlock tree’s branches is shaken off by a
scary crow. We have toxic hemlock covered in pure, white snow, and
a person who is depressed, getting to kill himself and walking under
the tree. The black crow throws the snow on the poet. The feels of
pure cold snow alter his mind about sacrificing his life. On the
contrary, he decides to forget the regrets of his life and sorrow to
follow the path of healing of the inner soul.

This poem conveys the message that nothing in life is small. Even
trivial things can bring positive changes in our life. In addition to this,
it also shows that if we take things positively in life, situations do
change for better. Even the small help or good gestures we do for
others make large differences. Just believe those random acts of
kindness we do and the way they brighten a person’s day, and
sometimes change their future. Noticing and appreciating all the tiny
things in life will make our life happier.

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