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MattSlaton's Homebrew Solo Oracle System V3 (W.I.P.

Yes/No Questions

1-3 No

4-6 Yes

VERY LIKLEY: Roll 3d6, Take the highest result

LIKELY: Roll 2d6, Take the highest result
50/50: Roll 1d6, take the rolled result
UNLIKLEY: Roll 2d6, Take the lowest result
VERY UNLIKLEY: Roll 3d6, Take the lowest result

Random Events
If the Oracle Roll results in Doubles, A Random Event Occurs.

Roll 2d6, the Result is the number of Turns (multiple character) or Actions (single character) you have till the event Resolves.

Event Focus
Next, it is up to you to determine the Event is.

Below is Few of Tables that can help to inform the Events Focus.
Though, you are not require to use these specify. If you have Other resources with table that suit the situation or flavor of your game better, then you are
encouraged to use it.

1d6 Focus

1 PC

3 Plot

4 Trap

5 Hazard

6 Monster

The D66 Oracle Tables

Roll on each of the Tables below, then Interpret the Meaning of the Oracle Roll within the context of the scene.


2d6 – Action 1 2 3 4 5 6

1 Fight Inquire Take Bestow Agree Assist

2 Oppose Waste Break Expose Oppress Control

3 Communicate Release Heal Imprison Ambush Transform

4 Increase Befriend Stop Travel Refuse Change

5 Decrease Dominate Struggle Disrupt Deceive Guide
6 Abandon Separate Inform Create Trust Abuse


2d6 - Subject 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Failure Rumor Magic Environment Peace Plans

2 Travel Wounds Danger Enemies Love Business

3 Suffering Military Weapons Evil Tension Competition

4 Death Victory Animal Good Friendship Illness

5 Fears Dispute Weather Opposition Pleasure Food

6 Ambush Riches Elements War Possessions Success

Notes on Solo Play
Intuition Before Interpretation
When playing a TTRPG Solo, Rolls can sometimes make the scene messy.
I find that when your is telling you the way something is, it is sometimes best to run with it instead of rolling for it.

One reason for approaching the game this way, it so avoid what i refer to as "Impassable situations." This is Simply a Situation that halts the Progress of the
Game or Story.

Dealing With Impassable Situations

When you get trapped within an Impassable Situation, there are a couple ways we can deal with these situations to get the story moving forward again.

The Dues Ex Machina

With this Method, you roll another random event with the intent of Interpreting it as a way move out of the situation.

The Rewind
With this method you take your Character back to before the roll and simply Intuit what happen or roll a Different Event.

Player Facing Combat

players roll for their characters' attacks as usual, but instead of rolling for opponents, players make defense rolls when targeted by attacks.

The defense roll's bonus is the character's AC minus 10

The roll's DC equals the attacker's attack bonus plus 10.

Success on the defense roll means the attack is dodged or absorbed by armor;
failure means the attack hits.

Advantage on the attack roll grants disadvantage on the defense roll, and vice versa.
Rolling a 1 on the defense roll results in a critical hit for the attacker, with expanded critical ranges based on the attacker's normal crit range.

Difficulty Classes
I have found a much simpler approach to Handling DC for Non-Combat actions, is to use a set room DC.

To do this Roll 1d6 plus 10, that is the Rooms Target DC. so, for any Non-Combat Actions that your Character(s) make, you roll VS. this DC.

This removes the need for Deciding yourself how Easy or Hard something is to do, thus Freeing up a portion of your Mental Bandwidth for other things.

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