منهجيات الرايتين

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‫◄الترجمة ديال جميع المنهجيات لي كاينين هنا غا‬ REPORT)‫(تقرير‬

(said ouvara)◄ ‫تلقاهم في انستغرام‬ On Date-‫ التاريخ‬There was Event-‫ الحدث‬It was about Topic- )‫(ايجابيات و سلبيات‬
‫ الموضوع‬It was organized by Organizers-‫ المنضمين‬In Place-‫المكان‬ ‫ماتنساش العنوان‬

FILM REVIEW)‫(فلم‬ The participants included Participants-‫ المشاركين‬They were Nowadays, views are very different about ‫ الموضوع‬of
course, there are obvious reasons for all attitudes
The best film i have ever watched titled ‫عنوان الفلم‬. The almost about Number-‫ العدد‬person. The discussed some main
concerning this issue.
director named ‫إسم المخرج‬. It was broadcasted in ‫السنة‬. The film Ideas-‫ األفكار‬like ‫ مثال‬and ‫ مثال‬The activities involved ‫ االنشطة‬1, 2 ,
On the one hand, some people think that ‫ الموضوع‬Is very
was in ‫اللغة‬. It was movie ‫ نوعية الفلم‬and it lasted for two hours 3, etc .At the end of the event, they delivered awards and
advantageous because ‫ النقطة االيجابية االولى‬Moreover ‫النقطة االيجابية‬
and a half. The movie took place in ‫المكان‬. The main characters prizes. In short, the event was very fruitful and interesting ‫ الثانية‬on the other hand, others are against the idea for the
involved ‫األبطال‬. The story was about ‫ مقتطف من القصة‬In short, I despite some disagreeing points. following reasons. First of all, ‫ النقطة السلبية االولى‬Second, ‫النقطة‬
‫السلبية الثانية‬
enjoyed a lot this movie because it was full of moral lessons ARTICLE/SHORT ARTICLE:
as well as i have picked up a lot of useful English CAUSES & CONSEQUENCES & SOLUTIONS In short despite some drawbacks of ‫الموضوع‬, it can be

expressions. I advise everyone to watch it.

)‫ حلول‬- ‫ نتائج‬- ‫(اسباب‬ very necessary under certain circumstances.

BOOK REVIEW)‫(كتاب‬ ___ ‫ القضية أو المشكلة‬has been very widespread in many

Dear friend,
‫إيمايل شخصي‬
The best book i have ever read titled ‫عنوان الكتاب‬. The societies. It is due to various reasons and it usually brings
I'm really glad to email you again. I would like
author named ‫إسم الكاتب‬. It was launched in ‫السنة‬. The book was about a lot of bad side effects.
to tell you about ‫اخبرك عن‬/ give you some ‫اقدم لك‬
in ‫اللغة‬. it contains 250 pages. The book took place in ‫المكان‬. Concerning the reasons, I can start with ‫االول‬
‫السبب‬.Second, ‫السبب الثاني‬. As a result, this issue brings about
‫بعض‬/ describe some ‫اصف لك بعض‬..........................................
The main characters involved ‫األبطال‬. The story was about ........................................................................................................................
many serious consequences. Initially ‫ النتيجة األولى‬Moreover,
‫ مقتطف من القصة‬.In short, I like a lot this book because it was full ........................................................................................................................
‫النتيجة الثانية‬. As far as I am concerned, to limit this problem, ‫الحل‬. ........................................................................................................................
of moral lessons as well as i have picked up a lot of useful ........................................................................................................................
In short, we all should join efforts to avoid more
English expressions. I advise everyone to read it. ........................................................................................................................
negative effects of ‫المشكل‬.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.
My regards,

car. Second, the weather in the morning got windy and rainy
FORMAL EMAIL TO THE LOCAL AUTHORITIES / CITY COUNCIL APPLICATION EMAIL (‫)إيمايل من أجل طلب اتمام الدراسة‬ even if it was summer that made my day started difficultly.
‫إيمايل الى جهة رسمية‬ DATE …………….
Third, my car broke down so i had to look for a mechanic in
Date……………….. Dear Sir/Madam,
___I am emailing you for the grant of joining ‫ اسم الجامعة‬I have the area which was really exhausting. Finally, i had spent
Dear Sir / Madam,
known about it throughout your official website. difficult moments before i booked in a hotel just for two days
___It is really interested to email you. I would like ___I am ‫ اسم مستعار‬I am Moroccan. I am 18 years old and i live because i lost desire to stay there.
to talk about ‫اتحدث عن‬/ mention some ‫اذكر بعض‬ in ‫ المدينة‬By the end of this school year, i will get my
........................................................................................................................ Baccalaureate degree in the branch of science . I speak
fluently three languages French, English and Spanish in FUNNY STORY)‫(قصة مضحكة‬
addition to Arabic and Tamazight. I have recently learned
........................................................................................................................ ‫ الدورة االستدراكية الشعب العلمية‬2023 ‫مثال من االمتحان الوطني‬
most necessary computer skills.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon. ___Honestly, i have a great willingness to join ‫اسم الجامعة‬ One day, we were doing silent work and my history
My sincerely, because it is well known for its competence, legibility and teacher said that we could listen to music but if it was too
APPLICATION EMAIL (‫)إيمايل من أجل طلب عمل‬ good disciplinary. Most importantly, it is my dream since I
loud he would “break our headphones.” so I’m doing my
DATE ……………. was a child. So I will be very glad if I am accepted.
Dear Sir/Madam, I am looking forward to hearing from you. work quietly with my music on low, and this annoying kid
___I am emailing you to apply for the post of ‫ العمل نوع‬I have My sincerely, sitting next to me had his music really loud. I could hear it
known about it throughout your official website. over my music but ignored it. My teacher thought it was me.
___I am‫ اسم مستعار‬I am Moroccan. I am 18 years old and i live
So he comes up to me and took my headphones. He
in ‫ المدينة‬By the end of this school year, i will get my
Baccalaureate degree in the branch of science. I speak BAD STORY)‫(تجربة سيئة‬ suddenly realized it was the guy next to me and he was
fluently three languages French, English and Spanish in ‫ الدورة االستدراكية الشعب العلمية‬2020 ‫مثال من االمتحان الوطني‬ completely embarrassed. He came in the next day with a new
addition to Arabic and Tamazight. I have recently learned The worse experience i have ever had in my life is when pair and an apology note taped to them. He couldn’t look me
some of necessary computer skills.
i was on holiday in Agadir. It was really a terrible experience in the eye for the rest of the year.
___Honestly, I am really interested in getting this post ‫نوع‬
‫العمل‬because it fits my personality and skills so i can do my for the following reasons. First, when i arrived for the first
best and be very active in the work team. time, i could not find a hotel reservation. All hotels were
___I am looking forward to hearing from you. occupied. I felt very frustrated; i had to spend the night in my
My sincerely,

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