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Carbon Action Manager

Engage Suppliers
and Decarbonize at Scale

EcoVadis 2024 V1.0

The Challenge of Scope 3 Decarbonization
In the face of the climate crisis, companies worldwide are setting ambitious carbon reduction
targets. Yet, a major roadblock remains: the lack of primary data for a reliable baseline.
Shockingly, just 14% have reached their targets due to incomprehensive measurement, driven
by limited engagement and low carbon maturity among partners. With pressure mounting
from investors, customers, and regulations, decarbonization is a pressing priority. It’s time for
collaborative action among value chain partners to make real strides toward meeting those

The Solution
The Carbon Action Manager is a supplier engagement solution for GHG management. With
CAM, you can quickly understand your suppliers’ carbon emissions risk and performance,
and engage with them at scale based on their maturity level. You get access to tools to build
their capability and maturity, and drive tangible improvements to meet your climate action

Key Features

Carbon Heatmap Carbon Scorecard

Prioritize high-risk suppliers for Understand your suppliers’ carbon
engagement with a quick and easy management maturity based on a
carbon hotspot mapping tool. 5-point scale rating, and orient your
engagement based on their specific
improvement areas.

Performance Metrics Carbon Dashboard

Get an in-depth view of your Build targeted improvement
suppliers’ GHG performance and programs with a holistic view of your
year-on-year metrics to help track network’s GHG performance.
toward your targets.

Equip your employees and suppliers to decarbonize by building their knowledge
base on GHG management.

Prioritize Build Get primary Accelerate

engagement based capability with data you can reductions with
on supplier risk proven tools trust actionable
How it Works
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ve Performance
Build & Scal Business

Requesting Decarbonization Rated

Companies Companies

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GHG Metrics

& PCF Data Improvement

Exchange Plan

M Calculator
r &R

Identify & Prioritize Risk Assess Practices

To launch a decarbonization program across Once buyers determine suppliers to engage,
complex supply chains, buyers prioritize their they invite them to undergo a Carbon Rating
efforts using the Carbon Heatmap to map with resulting scorecards that provide an
hotspots across their supply base, and get understanding of their suppliers’ carbon
supplier risk profiles that guide their management practices and specific
engagement strategy. strengths and improvements.

Build Capability & Improve Monitor & Report

Performance Buyers can request quantitative GHG
Equipped with insights, buyers collaborate metrics at the corporate and product levels
with targeted suppliers and request actions to track against their targets. Suppliers get
on improvement areas with the Corrective access to a Carbon Calculator to calculate
Action Plan, help suppliers identify next steps, and share their Scope 1 & 2 emissions.
and ensure they are on track. Additionally, both
can take e-learning courses to build capability
on decarbonization topics.

Build & Scale Program

Through the Carbon Dashboard, buyers can view core industry and activity-specific metrics
to compare performance and refine their approach. It helps buyers set credible science-
based targets, accurately track progress, and streamline reporting to enhance their Scope 3
Supply Chain disclosure requirements and meet their program needs.
A Journey of Improvement
Most suppliers are still in the early stages of their decarbonization journey. These companies need
an effective system in place to measure, manage, and report on emissions before they can reduce
them, but many lack the resources or capability to get started. CAM addresses these critical
gaps by helping buyers meet suppliers wherever they are, and help them embark on a journey
of improvement to accelerate decarbonization progress for both buyers and suppliers.

Insufficient Beginner Intermediate Advanced Leader

Year Three Highlights

67,000+ 26,000+ 33% 51

Carbon Scorecards Companies reported Improved in Industries covered
GHG metrics performance upon

Carbon Action Manager earns a Top Product of the Year Award

from Environment + Energy Leader in 2023

EcoVadis is a partner to leading companies around the world

Customer Quote

The CAM Provides us with an understanding of the carbon

performance of our portfolio, which is helping us to engage
with our companies on decarbonization initiatives.
Phill Davis
Director of ESG

Visit for more information

Copyright © 2022 EcoVadis SAS (Paris, France) All Rights reserved

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