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Kriya Yoga

Mastering Kriya Yoga: A Detailed Actionable Guidebook

1. Introduction to Kriya Yoga

Origin from Mahavatar Babaji
Goal is to accelerate spiritual evolution through ancient Yoga techniques
Needs initiation from a realized Guru before independent practice
Commit sincerely for it to bloom into full potential
2. Preparing for Your Practice
Set aside 1-2 hours ideally before dawn, when mind is calm
Find a clean, well-ventilated, quiet room
Spread yoga mat, have pillow/blanket, towel, water etc
Take bath/shower to feel refreshed; wear loose comfortable clothing
Set intention to be fully present, surrendered
3. Perfecting Your Pose
Sit cross-legged with spine straight:
Ideal is Padmasana (Lotus Pose - place feet above opposite thigh)
Doable alternative is Sukhasana (Easy Pose - one shin crossed over)
Hands rest gently on knees in Chin or Jnana mudra
Head aligned with spine, face/gaze relaxed
Feel anchored yet at ease like a steady mountain
4. Pratyahara: Sense Withdrawal
With eyes closed, bring awareness inwards
Systematically relax each body part from toe to head
Feel the breath naturally slowing and deepening
Witness thoughts but withoutAttachment
Innerize attention fully in subtle energies
5. Dharana: Focused Attention
Use Hong-Sau technique - silently chant “Hong” while inhaling, “Sau” while
Follow breath becoming longer and subtler
Concentrate gently at third eye region
Witness inner lights, currents or visions without clinging
6. Kriya Pranayama: Breath Control
Curl tongue backwards to touch soft palate
Inhale slowly, visualizing energy rising along spine from base to crown
Exhale slowly, seeing energy descending from crown to base in front
Practice 20 cycles, focusing on circular movement
7. Dhyana: Meditation
Still mind further, erasing subject-object perception
Gaze meditatively at void or golden oval light within
Allow cosmic energy to permeate being, merging into Divine Self
8. Daily Spiritual Practice
Upon waking, empty bladder, brush wash, light drink
Practice Kriya Yoga for 1-2 hours
Eat simple nourishing breakfast
Integrate spiritual awareness through day
Before bed, self-assess, express gratitude
9. Overcoming Obstacles
Setbacks: Rededicate efforts, persist gently
Energy highs: Stay grounded in practice
Mental blocks: Offer it up to Divine Grace
10. Realization and Liberation
Witness the illusion of ego/separation dissolve
Experience timeless presence within and without
Abide as Divine Essence, in eternal unity

Conclusion: With authentic training and daily practice, Kriya Yoga provides the masterkey to
systematically unlock the highest spiritual potential that lies dormant in every being – to root
out all suffering and return to the freedom of our Divine Nature.

Personal Guide

Here is a guide for the diet and lifestyle to follow while practicing Kriya Yoga:

Chapter 1: Diet and Lifestyle for Kriya Yoga Sadhana

Diet Guidelines:

Have simple, nutritious and balanced Sattvic diet in moderate quantities

Prefer vegetarian foods - milk, ghee, fruits, vegetables, beans, grains, nuts
Avoid or reduce spicy, oily and heavy foods that are difficult to digest
Avoid eggs, fish, meat during any intense period of spiritual practices
Fasting occasionally is beneficial but follow wisdom. Don't overdo.

Lifestyle Guidelines:

Maintain a serene environment around your living space and at work

Practice right thought, speech and action, avoiding harmful tendencies
Cultivate loving-kindness and compassion towards all beings
Maintain sexual moderation according to your family situation
Do moderate but regular physical activity/yoga to move prana in body
Spend time daily in nature - mountains, forests, rivers, ocean
Reduce time on news, social media, excessive entertainment, non-essential shopping
Limit alcohol consumption greatly. Tobacco and recreational drugs are strictly prohibited.
Consider occasional solo trips for self-reflection and spiritual rejuvenation

General Guidelines:
The goal is to structure life consciously so higher vibrational living supports spiritual growth.
Withdraw from activities pulling down consciousness. Be harmless. Focus prana and
consciousness inwards through Kriya Yoga to perceive and unite with Divine Self.

Kriya practice must be supplemented by spiritual awareness in daily life to blossom. Obtain
right guidance from an able Guru. However, use your own conscience and wisdom to
carefully determine what nourishes versus diminishes your spiritual vitality. Through regular
Kriya Yoga sadhana, love for God deepens to reveal Eternal Truth.

Here is a detailed guide book for practicing Kriya Yoga, with step-by-step instructions,
visualizations, chakra focuses, breath techniques and a sample schedule:

A Guidebook to Kriya Yoga

Kriya Yoga is an ancient meditation technique revived by Mahavatar Babaji. It aims to help
practitioners attain higher states of consciousness and self-realization. This guidebook
provides a structured approach to learn and practice Kriya Yoga through techniques of
pratyahara (sense withdrawal), dharana (concentration), dhyana (meditation), and samadhi
(union with the Divine).

Chapter 1: Preparation

Set aside 1-2 hours daily for practice, ideally early mornings.
Find a clean, quiet place where you can practice undisturbed.
Have your yoga mat, pillow/ blanket ready. Be mentally prepared.
Bathe/wash hands/face before practice to refresh yourself.
Wear loose, comfortable clothing.

Chapter 2: Posture

Sit comfortably on mat in lotus pose (advanced) or easy pose with legs crossed.
Keep spine erect with neck and head straight. Shoulders relaxed.
Hands rest gently on knees in chin or jnana mudra, palms up.
Visualize being grounded like a mountain - steady, balanced, firm.

Chapter 3: Relaxation
Systematically relax each body part starting from feet upwards.
Visualize waves of relaxation flowing through the body.
Breathe slow and steady. Exhale out any tension.
Scan and release any leftover tension pockets consciously.

Chapter 4: Concentration

With eyes closed, withdraw senses and focus inwards.

Observe the natural breath without altering it initially.
Gradually make inhalations and exhalations long, smooth and quiet.
Visualize the mind becoming calm and still like a serene lake.

Chapter 5: Kriya Pranayama

Curl tongue backwards to touch soft palate. Close lips lightly.

Inhale slowly through nose, feeling cool energy enter tailbone and fill spine/chakras
Mentally chant “Om”, visualizing energy rise through spine to crown chakra.
Exhale slowly through nose, feeling warm energy descend through front body from
crown to base.
Repeat the spinal breathing cycle 10-20 times.
Focus: Flow of energy in sushumna nadi cleansing chakras.

Chapter 6: Interiorization

Sit very still, witnessing inner sensations. Hands on knees.

Use Hong-Sau technique - mentally chant “Hong” on inhale and “Sau” on exhale.
Observe the centralized flow of energy through spines aperture.
If thoughts arise, witness and return to technique.

Chapter 7: Meditation

Concentrate gently at third eye chakra without straining.

Witness play of thoughts like clouds passing by. Do not attach.
When mind sufficiently stilled, visualize a golden, oval rising sun with sacred Om/Aum
Offer yourself fully to Divine light. Dissolve separate identity. Merge into Cosmic

Chapter 8: Realization

Sit in silence, letting Divine energy flow freely without obstruction.

Feel pervaded with light, wisdom, peace, joy, strength and purity.
Know your true nature as boundless soul beyond mind and body limitation.
Chapter 9: Completion

Soften focus; continue sitting for a few minutes feeling Divine presence within. Express
gratitude mentally.
Rub palms together to generate heat. Gently massage joints and extremities.
Stretch body slowly before gradually returning outer attention.

Daily Schedule:

6-8 am: Wake up, freshen up

6:30-8:30 am: Kriya Yoga practice
8:30-9 am: Healthy breakfast
Rest of day: Apply spiritual awareness in thoughts, words and deeds.

This comprehensive guidebook covers the essence and methodical practice of Kriya Yoga
for beginners through advanced levels. Regular practice with devotion and progressive self-
discipline will lead one to higher states of spiritual awakening.

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