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“The Resurrection”
The night has come where people gathered in town. A town of the living they say
but no nor little knowledge on the dead I say. As the moon emerges, the anticipation
increases. Looking at the view in front of my abode, I already anticipated it. People visit
the deceased and pray for its soul to be at peace. From afar, I foresee the image of
seeing red as I ate my bread. I can clearly see the place--the place for the dead. The
graveyard full of white marble gravestones elevated from the manicured grass was
eerie but I could care less. A night of saints had passed, a night of souls at last! My
body reacts as the anticipation inside attack.
Fully prepared in this chilly night, I started to walk through the graveyard with all
my might while humming the name of my lovely wife: Chandra. "Chandra, o Chandra!
The moon that shines brightly in my eyes. The moon will witness our reconvene before
this night ends. Chandra, o Chandra! ". Walking, humming, and anticipating a new life to
bring the heart of one’s beloved alive. Rows of gravestones all rising in silence to the
left and right, in front and behind. Each stone has a visitor; some mourns and grief yet
others prevail and talk merrily through the night. As I walk in the hallway of the dead, I
bumped into someone so little that I must bow my head. I look at the little thing but to
my dismay, her face was covered with mist that surrounds the surface of death in place.
The little girl grabs the hem of my clothes and I let her follow wherever I go. She got lost
I think, not minding this stranger to be her company on this chilly night. I walk and walk
lively as I glance at the girl almighty.
I didn’t let this night passed without bringing the girl in the antiquated house. As
we got near to my humble place, I can now see the little girl’s face. Her scent gives
exhilaration in my body which anticipates me greatly. I twist the knob and open the door
for the little girl to come inside with no hesitation. I sniff and sniff, a young soul it is. I
offered her a hand and let her get inside while holding my hand. Staring at her figure, a
great day indeed. I look around in the place I considered my home and caught the girl
looking at the picture on the wall. “A wonderful painting! Who is she?” she uttered. The
young girl roams around and I let her be. I am ecstatic in this scene, a young girl
indeed. “Is this your wife?” she asked again. “Aye, her name is Chandra. A lovely
woman, isn’t she?” I said and grin. The young girl only smiled as he looked at the
painting behind. A young soul I see.
I offered her a chair to sit and the girl gladly accepted it. She narrates how he got
lost in the huge cemetery. Since it was all soul’s day, a lot of people visited here today.
Looking outside, there’s a huge crowd I see. Some people are having fun; eating and
talking. While others are praying with sorrowful eyes. She was glad that there’s a place
she can stay for a while. However, I am gladder to offer her my place for a night. She's
young with fresh blood, how delightful could it be? a magnificent grace indeed! The girl
stands up and looks around. I guess he was mesmerized by the antiques in the house.
She looks at the antiques with amazement in her eyes.
This place was built many years ago but still lovely just like before. I’ve been
living here my whole life waiting for that very special day in my life. My prayers must
have been answered. My happiness is getting near. All thanks to Anastasius. The
mighty Anastasius! I scream in mind looking at the ceiling above. Preoccupied with my
thoughts, I forgot the young girl’s presence. I hurriedly look for her thinking that she was
gone but to my surprise, she didn’t even take a step outside! He was glancing at the
staircase in front with curiosity in his eyes. It was a forbidden place that no one can
enter whenever they please. I walked fast towards the girl with anger and annoyance. I
grab her hand as I stopped him from taking a step forward. She was shocked by my
presence but I pulled her out of there. "What place is that for?", she asked curiously. I
only look at her intensely and look away. "Nothing", I said firmly. She wondered her
eyes at the place and suddenly ask where my wife is. "She'll be home soon.... very
soon", I replied while plastering a small smile. She nods but I know, she finds me
indifferent and odd. I walk into the kitchen sink and made an odorless and colorless
drink. I gave it to her; she was hesitant but she drinks it still. Minutes later she passed
out. What a scene, a poor young soul you've been!
Her body is lifeless. I carry her and bring her upstairs. The room of my loving
mistress that remain dead will be alive again. I entered the sacred room, there are two
beds in that room. I lay the young girl in the empty bed and walk towards the second
bed where my wife's body was situated. I caress her face and hold her hand dearly. I
closed my eyes and kissed my beautiful wife's forehead. "I miss you dearly. We will be
together again, you don't have to worry", I whispered while breathing heavily. This is the
day I am looking forward to it. The day where my beloved Chandra and I will be reunited
again. I stand up and look at the unconscious young girl beside. I hold her hand and slit
her wrist. Blood is dripping in the bed. I sniff the scent of her blood and taste it, "a young
virgin indeed!" - I say.
I get the bowl on the table beside and put the dripping blood in the bowl. I wasn't
contented with the blood hence I took again my knife and stabbed mercilessly the young
girl's heart. Once! Twice! Thrice! I lost my count as I stabbed her heart. Afterward, I
exhaustedly go to the shelve at the corner of the spacious room to find the book.
"There you are!", I exclaimed. "librum de resurrectione", I read as I touch the book with
adoration. I walk and stop at the mirror besides; I am fully covered with blood. Looking
at the mirror, I smiled and felt sublime. It's been months since the last time I offered a
young soul to Anastasius. This will be the last soul I'll take to complete the ritual. I
looked at the rotten body of my wife and I smiled. "We will reunite my love, at last!".
Despite your decaying and smelly body, you're still beautiful as ever, my lady! I grab the
bowl of blood and rubbed it against my beloved's body. And the last drip of the young
soul's blood, I poured it inside her mouth. I held the book tightly and uttered, "O! the
devil Anastasius! Hear my prayers, the resurrector of the dead! I offered you the last
virgin soul. Hear my plea O Anastasius! The seven souls I offered may touch your
darkest heart and let the dead be alive in my side. Let the dead soul comes back to life!"
Thunder and lightning strike the room as I chant those words. The room that filled
with cross began to move upside down. Anastasius heard my plea now. The body of my
wife floats in the air as the place tremble. I continued to chant again. "O! the devil
Anastasius! Hear my prayers, the resurrector of the dead! I offered you the last virgin
soul. Hear my plea O Anastasius! The seven souls I offered may touch your darkest
heart and let the dead be alive in my side. Let the dead soul comes back to life!". The
time I end the ritual, my wife's body fell on the bed. I quickly run towards her. I gazed at
her, her beauty return! I held her face and cried. "It's been seven years, Chandra". Her
beauty shines as bright as the moon and more splendor than the stars. I put my ears
near her heart and I heard again the beating sound of her heart. I happily sob as I look
at her peacefully sleeping. Then, I turn my gaze at the clock, it was already 12 midnight.
The day of souls had passed and my Chandra comes back to life at last!

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