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Quiz Two

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1. Protecting the Business' Logo

An entrepreneur should protect the business logo by registering it as a trademark with a

relevant government organization, such as the USPTO. This is because it is easier for the other

party to develop a similar-looking logo that may defraud the customers or undermine the brand.

Efforts should be made to protect the logo since it symbolizes the business and is essential in

developing brand familiarity and reliability (Mandala, 2019). When a logo is trademarked, it

provides the entrepreneur legal protection to use the logo with the products or services

mentioned in the registration. This protects the brand from infringements and improves the

business's position in the market.

2. Importance of a Skills Assessment Exercise

A skills assessment exercise is important for the following reasons: The process will

assist the entrepreneur in focusing on the aspect that requires his/her attention or looking for a

partner with the required skills. This process can reveal some areas where there may be some

deficiency in some knowledge or experience that may be detrimental to the business (Cooney,

2019). For those with constrained capital, these gaps can be hard to fill, although there are some

ways that entrepreneurs can adopt them. Thus, looking for people to cooperate with or turning to

other organizations with the needed skills might benefit both parties. Volunteer or intern help can

complement current methods to save money without spending too much.

3. Social Media Marketing for Entrepreneurs

Social media marketing allows entrepreneurs to make their products and services known

to the public at a low cost (Amick, 2020). For instance, a bakery can share the latest baked foods

on Instagram or post pictures of new products, thus commenting on them and using hashtags to

get more clients. A picture can be very persuasive, and this platform will enable the bakery to

advertise its products through images. Facebook ads can also target specific customers based on

their geographical area, interests, and behaviors, thus making it easier to attract customers with

the potential to purchase the products or patronize the service.



Amick, B. (2020). Boosting your business through social media | Bake Magazine.


Cooney, T. (2019). Entrepreneurship Skills for Growth-Orientated Businesses.

Mandala, M. W. (2019, October 23). What Entrepreneurs Can Do to Protect Their Business?

Dallas Innovates.


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