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Sure! Here's a sample math exam designed for first-year university math majors.

This exam covers

various topics typically included in the first year of a math major program, such as calculus, linear
algebra, and basic proof techniques.


**First Year University Math Exam**

**Time: 3 Hours**


- Answer all questions.

- Show all workings for full credit.

- Use a separate answer booklet for each section.


### Section A: Calculus

**Question 1:** (10 marks)

Evaluate the following limit:

\[ \lim_{x \to 0} \frac{\sin(5x)}{x} \]

**Question 2:** (15 marks)

Find the derivative of the function:

\[ f(x) = x^2 e^{3x} \]

**Question 3:** (20 marks)

Evaluate the integral:

\[ \int_0^1 (4x^3 - 2x^2 + x - 1) \, dx \]

**Question 4:** (25 marks)

Solve the differential equation:

\[ \frac{dy}{dx} = y \cos(x) \]


### Section B: Linear Algebra

**Question 5:** (10 marks)

Let \( A = \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 2 \\ 3 & 4 \end{pmatrix} \). Compute the determinant of \( A \).

**Question 6:** (15 marks)

Find the eigenvalues of the matrix:

\[ B = \begin{pmatrix} 2 & 1 \\ 1 & 2 \end{pmatrix} \]

**Question 7:** (20 marks)

Solve the system of linear equations using Gaussian elimination:

\[ \begin{cases}

x + y + z = 6 \\

2x - y + 3z = 14 \\

3x + 4y - 2z = 2

\end{cases} \]

**Question 8:** (25 marks)

Determine whether the set of vectors \(\{ (1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6), (7, 8, 9) \}\) is linearly independent.

### Section C: Proof Techniques

**Question 9:** (10 marks)

Prove by induction that for all \( n \in \mathbb{N} \):

\[ 1 + 2 + 3 + \cdots + n = \frac{n(n+1)}{2} \]

**Question 10:** (15 marks)

Prove that if \( n \) is an integer and \( n^2 \) is even, then \( n \) is even.

**Question 11:** (20 marks)

Show that the set of all rational numbers is countable.

**Question 12:** (25 marks)

Prove or disprove: For all real numbers \( x \) and \( y \), if \( x^2 + y^2 = 0 \), then \( x = 0 \) and \( y =
0 \).


**End of Exam**


### Solutions

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