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Câu 1

The Prime Minister's position is in direct contrast to that of the

monarch. The PM has great power. The PM is the head of the winning
party, meaning the person who has the support of the majority of MPs
in the House of Commons. The PM, traditionally seen as 'first among
equals,' has significant power over ministers for reasons. First, the PM
controls the monarch's powers of patronage and appointment. The
Queen appoints people to government jobs on the prime minister’s
advice. The frequent 'cabinet reshuffles' demonstrate the PM's
authority to adjust members. Second, the PM's public image is
powerful since the media's tendency to personalize politics enhances
the PM's influence over other ministers. Third, Cabinet committees
report directly to the PM. Due to the time limit, the PM selects which
issues the cabinet will discuss, and can decide on matters without
cabinet discussion. The convention of collective responsibility ensures
that the rest of the government must support the Prime Minister's

Câu 2

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