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Basic Process Calculations and Simulations in Drying

Chapter · January 2007

DOI: 10.1201/9781420017618.ch3

78 36,841

2 authors:

Z. Pakowski A. S. Mujumdar
Lodz University of Technology McGill University


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Basic Process Calculations
3 and Simulations in Drying
Zdzisław Pakowski and Arun S. Mujumdar


3.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 54

3.2 Objectives ................................................................................................................................................. 54
3.3 Basic Classes of Models and Generic Dryer Types.................................................................................. 54
3.4 General Rules for a Dryer Model Formulation....................................................................................... 55
3.4.1 Mass and Energy Balances ........................................................................................................... 56 Mass Balances ................................................................................................................ 56 Energy balances.............................................................................................................. 56
3.4.2 Constitutive Equations ................................................................................................................. 57 Characteristic Drying Curve........................................................................................... 58 Kinetic Equation (e.g., Thin-Layer Equations) .............................................................. 58
3.4.3 Auxiliary Relationships ................................................................................................................ 59 Humid Gas Properties and Psychrometric Calculations ................................................ 59 Relations between Absolute Humidity, Relative Humidity,
Temperature, and Enthalpy of Humid Gas ................................................................... 60 Calculations Involving Dew-Point Temperature, Adiabatic-Saturation
Temperature, and Wet-Bulb Temperature ..................................................................... 60 Construction of Psychrometric Charts ........................................................................... 61 Wet Solid Properties....................................................................................................... 61
3.4.4 Property Databases....................................................................................................................... 62
3.5 General Remarks on Solving Models ...................................................................................................... 62
3.6 Basic Models of Dryers in Steady State................................................................................................... 62
3.6.1 Input–Output Models ................................................................................................................... 62
3.6.2 Distributed Parameter Models ..................................................................................................... 63 Cocurrent Flow .............................................................................................................. 63 Countercurrent Flow...................................................................................................... 64 Cross-Flow ..................................................................................................................... 65
3.7 Distributed Parameter Models for the Solid............................................................................................ 68
3.7.1 One-Dimensional Models ............................................................................................................. 68 Nonshrinking Solids ....................................................................................................... 68 Shrinking Solids ............................................................................................................. 69
3.7.2 Two- and Three-Dimensional Models .......................................................................................... 70
3.7.3 Simultaneous Solving DPM of Solids and Gas Phase.................................................................. 71
3.8 Models for Batch Dryers ......................................................................................................................... 71
3.8.1 Batch-Drying Oven....................................................................................................................... 71
3.8.2 Batch Fluid Bed Drying ............................................................................................................... 73
3.8.3 Deep Bed Drying .......................................................................................................................... 74
3.9 Models for Semicontinuous Dryers ......................................................................................................... 74
3.10 Shortcut Methods for Dryer Calculation............................................................................................... 76
3.10.1 Drying Rate from Predicted Kinetics ......................................................................................... 76 Free Moisture ............................................................................................................... 76 Bound Moisture............................................................................................................ 76

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

3.10.2Drying Rate from Experimental Kinetics ................................................................................... 76 Batch Drying ................................................................................................................ 77 Continuous Drying ....................................................................................................... 77
3.11 Software Tools for Dryer Calculations .................................................................................................. 77
3.12 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................. 78
Nomenclature ................................................................................................................................................... 78
References ........................................................................................................................................................ 79

3.1 INTRODUCTION lated in terms of economic, quality, or other

factors, and restrictions may be imposed on
Since the publication of the first and second editions of ranges of parameters allowed.
this handbook, we have been witnessing a revolution in . Process control—for a given dryer and a speci-
methods of engineering calculations. Computer tools fied vector of input and control parameters the
have become easily available and have replaced the old output parameters at a given instance are
graphical methods. An entirely new discipline of com- sought. This is a special case when not only the
puter-aided process design (CAPD) has emerged. accuracy of the obtained results but the required
Today even simple problems are solved using dedi- computation time is equally important. Al-
cated computer software. The same is not necessarily though drying is not always a rapid process, in
true for drying calculations; dedicated software for this general for real-time control, calculations need
process is still scarce. However, general computing to provide an answer almost instantly. This usu-
tools including Excel, Mathcad, MATLAB, and ally requires a dedicated set of computational
Mathematica are easily available in any engineering tools like neural network models.
company. Bearing this in mind, we have decided to
present here a more computer-oriented calculation In all of the above methods we need a model of the
methodology and simulation methods than to rely on process as the core of our computational problem. A
old graphical and shortcut methods. This does not model is a set of equations connecting all process
mean that the computer will relieve one from thinking. parameters and a set of constraints in the form of
In this respect, the old simple methods and rules of inequalities describing adequately the behavior of the
thumb are still valid and provide a simple common- system. When all process parameters are determined
sense tool for verifying computer-generated results. with a probability equal to 1 we have a deterministic
model, otherwise the model is a stochastic one.
In the following sections we show how to construct
a suitable model of the process and how to solve it for a
Before going into details of process calculations we given case. We will show only deterministic models of
need to determine when such calculations are neces- convective drying. Models beyond this range are im-
sary in industrial practice. The following typical cases portant but relatively less frequent in practice.
can be distinguished: In our analysis we will consider each phase as a
continuum unless stated otherwise. In fact, elaborate
. Design—(a) selection of a suitable dryer type models exist describing aerodynamics of flow of gas and
and size for a given product to optimize the granular solid mixture where phases are considered
capital and operating costs within the range of noncontinuous (e.g., bubbling bed model of fluid bed,
limits imposed—this case is often termed pro- two-phase model for pneumatic conveying, etc.).
cess synthesis in CAPD; (b) specification of all
process parameters and dimensioning of a
selected dryer type so the set of design param- 3.3 BASIC CLASSES OF MODELS
eters or assumptions is fulfilled—this is the com- AND GENERIC DRYER TYPES
mon design problem.
. Simulation—for a given dryer, calculation of Two classes of processes are encountered in practice:
dryer performance including all inputs and out- steady state and unsteady state (batch). The differ-
puts, internal distributions, and their time de- ence can easily be seen in the form of general balance
pendence. equation of a given entity for a specific volume of
. Optimization—in design and simulation an op- space (e.g., the dryer or a single phase contained in it):
timum for the specified set of parameters is
sought. The objective function can be formu- Inputs  outputs ¼ accumulation (3:1)

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

For instance, for mass flow of moisture in a solid becomes a partial differential equation (PDE). This
phase being dried (in kg/s) this equation reads: has a far-reaching influence on methods of solving the
model. A corresponding equation will have to be
dX written for yet another phase (gaseous), and the equa-
WS X1  WS X2  wD A ¼ mS (3:2)
dt tions will be coupled by the drying rate expression.
Before starting with constructing and solving a
In steady-state processes, as in all continuously oper- specific dryer model it is recommended to classify
ated dryers, the accumulation term vanishes and the the methods, so typical cases can easily be identified.
balance equation assumes the form of an algebraic We will classify typical cases when a solid is contacted
equation. When the process is of batch type or when a with a heat carrier. Three factors will be considered:
continuous process is being started up or shut down,
the accumulation term is nonzero and the balance 1. Operation type—we will consider either batch
equation becomes an ordinary differential equation or continuous process with respect to given
(ODE) with respect to time. phase.
In writing Equation 3.1, we have assumed that 2. Flow geometry type—we will consider only
only the input and output parameters count. Indeed, parallel flow, cocurrent, countercurrent, and
when the volume under consideration is perfectly cross-flow cases.
mixed, all phases inside this volume will have the 3. Flow type—we will consider two limiting cases,
same property as that at the output. This is the prin- either plug flow or perfectly mixed flow.
ciple of a lumped parameter model (LPM).
If a property varies continuously along the flow These three assumptions for two phases present result
direction (in one dimension for simplicity), the bal- in 16 generic cases as shown in Figure 3.1. Before
ance equation can only be written for a differential constructing a model it is desirable to identify the
space element. Here Equation 3.2 will now read class to which it belongs so that writing appropriate
  model equations is facilitated.
@X @X Dryers of type 1 do not exist in industry; there-
WS X  W S X þ dl  wD dA ¼ dmS (3:3)
@l @t fore, dryers of type 2 are usually called batch dryers as
is done in this text. An additional term—semicontin-
or, after substituting dA ¼ aVSdl and dmS ¼ (1  «) uous—will be used for dryers described in Section 3.9.
rSS dl, we obtain Their principle of operation is different from any of
the types shown in Figure 3.1.
@X @X
 WS  wD aV S ¼ (1  «)rS S (3:4)
@l @t
As we can see for this case, which we call a distributed FORMULATION
parameter model (DPM), in steady state (in the one-
dimensional case) the model becomes an ODE with When trying to derive a model of a dryer we first have to
respect to space coordinate, and in unsteady state it identify a volume of space that will represent a dryer.

Batch Semibatch Continuous Continuous Continuous

cocurrent countercurrent cross-flow
No mixing

a a a a a

1 2 3 4 5
b c b c b c b c
With ideal mixing of
one or two phases

b c

FIGURE 3.1 Generic types of dryers.

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

If a dryer or a whole system is composed of many such Energy balances
volumes, a separate submodel will have to be built for
each volume and the models connected together by Solid phase:
streams exchanged between them. Each stream enter-
ing the volume must be identified with parameters. dim
WS im1  WS im2 þ (Sqm  wDm hA )A ¼ mS (3:7)
Basically for systems under constant pressure it is dt
enough to describe each stream by the name of the
component (humid gas, wet solid, condensate, etc.), Gas phase:
its flowrate, moisture content, and temperature. All
heat and other energy fluxes must also be identified. dig
WB ig1  WB ig2  (Sqm  wDm hA )A ¼ mB (3:8)
The following five parts of a deterministic model dt
can usually be distinguished:
In the above equations Sqm and wDm are a sum of mean
interfacial heat fluxes and a drying rate, respectively.
1. Balance equations—they represent Nature’s
Accumulation in the gas phase can almost always be
laws of conservation and can be written in
neglected even in a batch process as small compared to
the form of Equation 3.1 (e.g., for mass and
accumulation in the solid phase. In a continuous pro-
cess the accumulation in solid phase will also be
2. Constitutive equations (also called kinetic
equations)—they connect fluxes in the system
In the case of DPMs for a given phase the balance
to respective driving forces.
equation for property G reads:
3. Equilibrium relationships—necessary if a phase
boundary exists somewhere in the system.
4. Property equations—some properties can be div [G  u]  div[D  grad G]  baV DG  G
considered constant but, for example, saturated @G
water vapor pressure is strongly dependent on  ¼0 (3:9)
temperature even in a narrow temperature
range. where the LHS terms are, respectively (from the left):
5. Geometric relationships—they are usually ne- convective term, diffusion (or axial dispersion) term,
cessary to convert flowrates present in balance interfacial term, source or sink (production or de-
equations to fluxes present in constitutive equa- struction) term, and accumulation term.
tions. Basically they include flow cross-section, This equation can now be written for a single phase
specific area of phase contact, etc. for the case of mass and energy transfer in the following
Typical formulation of basic model equations will be
summarized later. @rX
div[rX  u]  div[D  grad(rX ) ]  kX aV DX  ¼0
Input–output balance equations for a typical case of l
div[rcm T  u]  div  grad(rcm T)
convective drying and LPM assume the following r cm
form: @rcm T
 aaV DT þ qex  ¼0 (3:11)
@t Mass Balances
Note that density here is related to the whole volume
Solid phase: of the phase: e.g., for solid phase composed of granu-
lar material it will be equal to rm(1 «). Moreover,
WS X1  WS X2  wDm A ¼ mS (3:5) the interfacial term is expressed here as kXaVDX for
dt consistency, although it is expressed as kYaVDY else-
where (see Equation 3.27).
Gas phase:
Now, consider a one-dimensional parallel flow of
dY two phases either in co- or countercurrent flow, ex-
WB Y1  WB Y2 þ wDm A ¼ mB (3:6) changing mass and heat with each other. Neglecting
diffusional (or dispersion) terms, in steady state the
balance equations become

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

dX these equations is abundant, and for diffusion a clas-
WS ¼ wD aV S (3:12)
dl sic work is that of Crank (1975). It is worth mention-
dY ing that, in view of irreversible thermodynamics, mass
 WB ¼ w D aV S (3:13) flux is also due to thermodiffusion and barodiffusion.
Formulation of Equation 3.22 and Equation 3.23
dim containing terms of thermodiffusion was favored by
WS ¼ (q  wD hAv )aV S (3:14)
dl Luikov (1966).
W B ¼ (q  wD hAv )aV S (3:15) 3.4.2 CONSTITUTIVE EQUATIONS

where the LHSs of Equation 3.13 and Equation 3.15 They are necessary to estimate either the local non-
carry the positive sign for cocurrent and the negative convective fluxes caused by conduction of heat or
sign for countercurrent operation. Both heat and diffusion of moisture or the interfacial fluxes ex-
mass fluxes, q and wD, are calculated from the consti- changed either between two phases or through system
tutive equations as explained in the following section. boundaries (e.g., heat losses through a wall). The first
Having in mind that are usually expressed as

dig dtg dY dt
¼ ( cB þ c A Y ) þ (cA tg þ Dhv0 ) (3:16) q ¼ l (3:24)
dl dl dl dl
and that enthalpy of steam emanating from the solid j ¼ rDeff (3:25)
and they are already incorporated in the balance
hAv ¼ cA tm þ Dhv0 (3:17) equations (3.22 and 3.23). The interfacial flux equa-
tions assume the following form:
we can now rewrite (Equation 3.12 through Equation
3.15) in a more convenient working version q ¼ a(tg  tm ) (3:26)

dX S wD ¼ kY f(Y *  Y ) (3:27)
¼ wD aV (3:18)
dl WS
where f is
dtm S aV
¼ [q þ wD ( (cAl  cA )tm  Dhv0 )]  
dl WS cS þ cAl X MA =MB Y*  Y
f¼ ln 1 þ (3:28)
(3:19) Y*  Y MA =MB þ Y
dY 1 S
¼ wD aV (3:20) While the convective heat flux expression is straight-
dl x WB
forward, the expression for drying rate needs explan-
dtg 1 S aV ation. The drying rate can be calculated from this
¼ [q þ wD cA (tg  tm )] (3:21) formula, when drying is controlled by gas-side resist-
dl x WB cB þ cA Y
ance. The driving force is then the difference between
where x is 1 for cocurrent and 1 for countercurrent absolute humidity at equilibrium with solid surface
operation. and that of bulk gas. When solid surface is saturated
For a monolithic solid phase convective and inter- with moisture, the expression for Y* is identical to
facial terms disappear and in unsteady state, for the Equation 3.48; when solid surface contains bound
one-dimensional case, the equations become moisture, Y* will result from Equation 3.46 and a
sorption isotherm. This is in essence the so-called
@2X @X equilibrium method of drying rate calculation.
Deff ¼ (3:22) When the drying rate is controlled by diffusion in
@ x2 @t
the solid phase (i.e., in the falling drying rate period),
@ 2 tm @t the conditions at solid surface are difficult to find,
l ¼ cp r m (3:23)
@ x2 @t unless we are solving the DPM (Fick’s law or equiva-
lent) for the solid itself. Therefore, if the solid itself
These equations are named Fick’s law and Fourier’s has lumped parameters, its drying rate must be repre-
law, respectively, and can be solved with suitable sented by an empirical expression. Two forms are
boundary and initial conditions. Literature on solving commonly used.

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. Characteristic Drying Curve A similar equation can be obtained by solving Fick’s
equation in spherical geometry:
In this approach the measured drying rate is repre-
sented as a function of the actual moisture content  
6 X 1
1 2 2 Deff
(normalized) and the drying rate in the constant dry- F¼ exp n p t (3:34)
ing rate period: p2 n¼1 n2 R2

wD ¼ wDI f (F) (3:29) By truncating the RHS side one obtains

The f function can be represented in various forms to fit  

6 2 Deff
the behavior of typical solids. The form proposed by F ¼ 2 exp p t ¼ a exp (kt) (3:35)
p R2
Langrish et al. (1991) is particularly useful. They split
the falling rate periods into two segments (as it often
occurs in practice) separated by FB. The equations are: This equation was empirically modified by Page
(1949), and is now known as the Page equation:
f ¼ Fac
B for F # FB
a (3:30) F ¼ exp (kt n ) (3:36)
f ¼ F for F > FB

Figure 3.2 shows the form of a possible drying rate A collection of such equations for popular agricul-
curve using Equation 3.30. tural products is contained in Jayas et al. (1991).
Other such equations also exist in the literature Other process parameters such as air velocity, tem-
(e.g., Halström and Wimmerstedt, 1983; Nijdam and perature, and humidity are often incorporated into
Keey, 2000). these equations.
The volumetric drying rate, which is necessary in Kinetic Equation (e.g., Thin-Layer balance equations, can be derived from the TLE in
the following way:
In agricultural sciences it is common to present drying mS dF
wD a V ¼  aV (Xc  X *)
kinetics in the form of the following equation: A dt
mS dF
¼ (Xc  X *) (3:37)
F ¼ f (t, process parameters) (3:31) V dt

The function f is often established theoretically, for while

example, when using the drying model formulated by
Lewis (1921) mS ¼ V (1  «)rS (3:38)

dX and
¼ k(X  X *) (3:32)
After integration one obtains wD aV ¼ (1  «)rS (Xc  X *) (3:39)

F ¼ exp (kt) (3:33) The drying rate ratio of CDC is then calculated as

1 1
a< 1
f f f a<
c =0








0 ΦB 1 ΦB ΦB

FIGURE 3.2 The influence of parameters a and c of Equation 3.30 on CDC shape.

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

(1  «)rS (Xc  X *) dF . Liquid phase is incompressible
f ¼ (3:40)
kY f(Y *  Y )aV dt . Components of both phases do not chemically
react with themselves
To be able to calculate the volumetric drying rate
from TLE, one needs to know the voidage « and Before writing the psychrometric relationships we
specific contact area aV in the dryer. will first present the necessary approximating equa-
When dried solids are monolithic or grain size is tions to describe physical properties of system com-
overly large, the above lumped parameter approxima- ponents.
tions of drying rate would be unacceptable, in which Dependence of saturated vapor pressure on tem-
case a DPM represents the entire solid phase. Such perature (e.g., Antoine equation):
models are shown in Section 3.7.
ln ps ¼ A  (3:41)
3.4.3 AUXILIARY RELATIONSHIPS Cþt Humid Gas Properties and Psychrometric Dependence of latent heat of vaporization on tem-
Calculations perature (e.g., Watson equation):

The ability to perform psychrometric calculations Dhv ¼ H (t  tref )n (3:42)

forms a basis on which all drying models are
built. One principal problem is how to determine the Dependence of specific heat on temperature for vapor
solid temperature in the constant drying rate condi- phase—polynomial form:
In psychrometric calculations we consider thermo- cA ¼ cA0 þ cA1 t þ cA2 t2 þ cA3 t3 (3:43)
dynamics of three phases: inert gas phase, moisture
vapor phase, and moisture liquid phase. Two gaseous Dependence of specific heat on temperature for liquid
phases form a solution (mixture) called humid gas. To phase—polynomial form:
determine the degree of complexity of our approach we
will make the following assumptions: cAl ¼ cAl0 þ cAl1 t þ cAl2 t2 þ cAl3 t3 (3:44)

. Inert gas component is insoluble in the liquid Table 3.1 contains coefficients of the above listed
phase property equations for selected liquids and Table 3.2
. Gaseous phase behavior is close to ideal gas; for gases. These data can be found in specialized
this limits our total pressure range to less than books (e.g., Reid et al., 1987; Yaws, 1999) and com-
2 bar puterized data banks for other liquids and gases.

Coefficients of Approximating Equations for Properties of Selected Liquids

Property Water Ethanol Isopropanol Toluene

Molar mass, kg/kmol MA 18.01 46.069 60.096 92.141

Saturated vapor pressure, kPa A 16.376953 16.664044 18.428032 13.998714
B 3878.8223 3667.7049 4628.9558 3096.52
C 229.861 226.1864 252.636 219.48
Heat of vaporization, kJ/kg H 352.58 110.17 104.358 47.409
tref 374.14 243.1 235.14 318.8
n 0.33052 0.4 0.371331 0.38
Specific heat of vapor, kJ/(kg K) cA0 1.883 0.02174 0.04636 0.4244
cA1  103 0.16737 5.662 5.95837 6.2933
cA2  106 0.84386 3.4616 3.54923 3.9623
cA3  109 0.26966 0.8613 16.3354 0.93604
Specific heat of liquid, kJ/(kg K) cAl0 2.822232 1.4661 5.58272 0.61169
cAl1  102 1.182771 4.0052 4.6261 1.9192
cAl2  104 0.350477 1.5863 1.701 0.56354
cAl3  108 3.60107 22.873 16.3354 5.9661

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

Coefficients of Approximating Equations for Properties of Selected Gases

Property Air Nitrogen CO2

Molar mass, kg/kmol MB 28.9645 28.013 44.010

Specific heat of gas, kJ/(kg K) cB0 1.02287 1.0566764 0.48898
cB1  103 0.5512 0.197286 1.46505
cB2  106 0.181871 0.49471 0.94562
cB3  109 0.05122 0.18832 0.23022 Relations between Absolute Humidity, becomes saturated (i.e., w ¼ 1). From Equation
Relative Humidity, Temperature, 3.46 we obtain
and Enthalpy of Humid Gas
MA ps (t)
Ys ¼ (3:48)
With the above assumptions and property equations MB P0  ps (t)
we can use Equation 3.45 through Equation 3.47 for
calculating these basic relationships (note that mois- To find DPT when Y is known this equation must be
ture is described as component A and inert gas as solved numerically. On the other hand, the inverse
component B). problem is trivial and requires substituting DPT into
Definition of relative humidity w (we will use here Equation 3.48.
w defined as decimal fraction instead of RH given in Adiabatic-saturation temperature (AST) is the
percentage points): temperature reached when adiabatically contacting
limited amounts of gas and liquid until equilibrium.
w(t) ¼ p=ps (t) (3:45) The suitable equation is

Relation between absolute and relative humidities: ig  igs,AST

¼ cAl tAS (3:49)
MA wps (t)
Y¼ (3:46)
MB P0  wps (t) Wet-bulb temperature (WBT) is the one reached by a
small amount of liquid exposed to an infinite amount
Definition of enthalpy of humid gas (per unit mass of of humid gas in steady state. The following are the
dry gas): governing equations.

ig ¼ (cA Y þ cB )t þ Dhv0 Y (3:47) . For water–air system, approximately

Equation 3.46 and Equation 3.47 are sufficient to t  tWB Dhv,WBT

¼ (3:50)
find any two missing humid gas parameters from Y, Y  Ys,WBT cH
w, t, ig, if the other two are given. These calculations
were traditionally done graphically using a psychro- where
metric chart, but they are easy to perform numerically.
When solving these equations one must remember that cH (t) ¼ cA (t)Y þ cB (t) (3:51)
resulting Y for a given t must be lower than that at
saturation, otherwise the point will represent a fog Incidentally, this equation is equivalent to Equa-
(supersaturated condition), not humid gas. tion 3.49 (see Treybal, 1980) for air and water
vapor system. Calculations Involving Dew-Point . For other systems with higher Lewis numbers
Temperature, Adiabatic-Saturation the deviation of WBT from AST is noticeable
Temperature, and Wet-Bulb Temperature and can reach several degrees Celsius, thus caus-
ing serious errors in drying rate estimation. For
Dew-point temperature (DPT) is the temperature such systems the following equation is recom-
reached by humid gas when it is cooled until it mended (Keey, 1978):

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

t  tWB Dhv,WBT 2=3 Since the Grosvenor chart is plotted in undistorted
¼ Le f (3:52)
Y  Ys,WBT cH Cartesian coordinates, plotting procedures are simple.
Plotting methods are presented and charts of high ac-
Typically in the wet-bulb calculations the fol- curacy produced as explained in Shallcross (1994). Pro-
lowing two situations are common: cedures for the Mollier chart plotting are explained in
. One searches for humidity of gas of which both Pakowski (1986) and Pakowski and Mujumdar (1987),
dry- and wet-bulb temperatures are known: it is and those for the Salin chart in Soininen (1986).
enough to substitute relationships for Ys, Dhv, It is worth stressing that computer-generated psy-
and cH into Equation 3.52 and solve it for Y. chrometric charts are used mainly as illustration ma-
. One searches for WBT once dry-bulb tempera- terial for presenting computed results or experimental
ture and humidity are known: the same substi- data. They are now seldom used for graphical calcu-
tutions are necessary but now one solves the lation of dryers.
resulting equation for WBT. Wet Solid Properties
The Lewis number
Humid gas properties have been described together
lg with humid gas psychrometry. The pertinent data for
Le ¼ (3:53) wet solid are presented below.
cp rg DAB
Sorption isotherms of the wet solid are, from the
is defined usually for conditions midway of the con- point of view of model structure, equilibrium rela-
vective boundary layer. Recent investigations (Berg tionships, and are a property of the solid–liquid–
et al., 2002) indicate that Equation 3.52 needs correc- gas system. For the most common air–water system,
tions to become applicable to systems of high WBT sorption isotherms are, however, traditionally consid-
approaching boiling point of liquid. However, for ered as a solid property. Two forms of sorption iso-
common engineering applications it is usually suffi- therm equations exist—explicit and implicit:
ciently accurate.
Over a narrow temperature range, e.g., for water– w* ¼ f (t,X ) (3:54)
air system between 0 and 1008C, to simplify calcula- X * ¼ f (t,aw ) (3:55)
tions one can take constant specific heats equal to
cA ¼ 1.91 and cB ¼ 1.02 kJ/(kg K). In all calculations where aw is the water activity and is practically
involving enthalpy balances specific heats are averaged equivalent to w. The implicit equation, favored by
between the reference and actual temperature. food and agricultural sciences, is of little use in
dryer calculations unless it can be converted to the Construction of Psychrometric Charts explicit form. In numerous cases it can be done ana-
lytically. For example, the GAB equation
Construction of psychrometric charts by computer
methods is common. Three types of charts are most aw
X* ¼ (3:56)
popular: Grosvenor chart, Grosvenor (1907) (or the (1  bw)(1 þ cw)
psychrometric chart), Mollier chart, Mollier (1923)
(or enthalpy-humidity chart), and Salin chart (or can be solved analytically for w, and when the wrong
deformed enthalpy-humidity chart); these are shown root is rejected, the only solution is
schematically in Figure 3.3.

Grosvenor Mollier Salin

Y i i t=
i= co
ns t = cons ns




t Y st Y

FIGURE 3.3 Schematics of the Grosvenor, Mollier, and Salin charts.

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

a  qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
a 2 ffi
prediction methods exist (Reid et al., 1987). However,
 X þ b  c þ X þ b  c þ 4bc
w* ¼ (3:57) when it comes to solids, we are almost always con-
2bc fronted with a problem of availability of property
Numerous sorption isotherm equations (of approxi- data. Only a few source books exist with data for
mately 80 available) cannot be analytically converted various products (Nikitina, 1968; Ginzburg and
to the explicit form. In this case they have to be solved Savina, 1982; Iglesias and Chirife, 1984). Some data
numerically for w* each time Y* is computed, i.e., at are available in this handbook also. However, numer-
every drying rate calculation. This slows down com- ous data are spread over technical literature and re-
putations considerably. quire a thorough search. Finally, since solids are not
Sorptional capacity varies with temperature, and identical even if they represent the same product, it is
the thermal effect associated with this phenomenon is always recommended to measure all the required prop-
isosteric heat of sorption, which can be numerically erties and fit them with necessary empirical equations.
calculated using the Clausius–Clapeyron equation The following solid property data are necessary
for an advanced dryer design:
R d ln w
Dhs ¼  (3:58) . Specific heat of bone-dry solid
MA d(1=T) X ¼ const . Sorption isotherm
. Diffusivity of water in solid phase
If the sorption isotherm is temperature-independent . Shrinkage data
the heat of sorption is zero; therefore a number of . Particle size distribution for granular solids
sorption isotherm equations used in agricultural sci-
ences are useless from the point of view of dryer
calculations unless drying is isothermal. It is note- 3.5 GENERAL REMARKS ON SOLVING
worthy that in the model equations derived in this MODELS
section the heat of sorption is neglected, but it can
easily be added by introducing Equation 3.59 for the Whenever an attempt to solve a model is made, it is
solid enthalpy in energy balances of the solid phase. necessary to calculate the degrees of freedom of the
Wet solid enthalpy (per unit mass of dry solid) can model. It is defined as
now be defined as
ND ¼ NV  NE (3:61)
im ¼ (cS þ cAl X )tm  Dhs X (3:59)
where NV is the number of variables and NE the num-
The specific heat of dry solid cS is usually presented as ber of independent equations. It applies also to models
a polynomial dependence of temperature. that consist of algebraic, differential, integral, or other
Diffusivity of moisture in the solid phase due to forms of equations. Typically the number of variables
various governing mechanisms will be here termed as far exceeds the number of available equations. In this
an effective diffusivity. It is often presented in the case several selected variables must be made constants;
Arrhenius form of dependence on temperature these selected variables are then called process vari-
  ables. The model can be solved only when its degrees
Ea of freedom are zero. It must be borne in mind that not
Deff ¼ D0 exp  (3:60)
RT all vectors of process variables are valid or allow for a
successful solution of the model.
However, it also depends on moisture content. Vari- To solve models one needs appropriate tools.
ous forms of dependence of Deff on t and X are They are either specialized for the specific dryer de-
available (e.g., Marinos-Kouris and Maroulis, 1995). sign or may have a form of universal mathematical
tools. In the second case, certain experience in hand-
ling these tools is necessary.
As in all process calculations, reliable property data 3.6 BASIC MODELS OF DRYERS
are essential (but not a guarantee) for obtaining sound
results. For drying, three separate databases are neces-
sary: for liquids (moisture), for gases, and for solids. 3.6.1 INPUT–OUTPUT MODELS
Data for gases and liquids are widespread and are
easily available in printed form (e.g., Yaws, 1999) Input–output models are suitable for the case when
or in electronic version. Relatively good property both phases are perfectly mixed (cases 3c, 4c, and 5c

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

in Figure 3.1), which almost never happens. On the Provided that we know all kinetic data, aV, kY, and a,
other hand, this model is very often used to represent these two equations carry only one new variable V
a case of unmixed flows when there is lack of a DPM. since temperatures can be derived from suitable
Input–output modeling consists basically of balan- enthalpies. Provided that we know how to calculate
cing all inputs and outputs of a dryer and is often the averaged driving forces, the model now can be
performed to identify, for example, heat losses to the solved and exit stream parameters and volume of the
surroundings, calculate performance, and for dryer dryer calculated. The success, however, depends on
audits in general. how well we can estimate the averaged driving forces.
For a steady-state dryer balancing can be made
for the whole dryer only, so the system of Equation
3.5 through Equation 3.8 now consists of only two 3.6.2 DISTRIBUTED PARAMETER MODELS
equations Cocurrent Flow
WS (X1  X2 ) ¼ WB (Y2  Y1 ) (3:62)
For cocurrent operation (case 3a in Figure 3.1) both
WS (im2  im1 ) ¼ WB (ig1  ig2 ) þ qc  ql þ Dqt þ qm the case design and simulation are simple. The four
(3:63) balance equations (3.18 through 3.21) supplemented
by a suitable drying rate and heat flux equations
where subscripts on heat fluxes indicate: c, indirect are solved starting at inlet end of the dryer, where
heat input; l, heat losses; t, net heat carried in by all boundary conditions (i.e., all parameters of incom-
transport devices; and m, mechanical energy input. ing streams) are defined. This situation is shown in
Let us assume that all q, WS, WB, X1, im1, Y1, ig1 are Figure 3.4.
known as in a typical design case. The remaining In the case of design the calculations are termin-
variables are X2, Y2, im2, and ig2. Since we have two ated when the design parameter, usually final mois-
equations, the system has two degrees of freedom and ture content, is reached. Distance at this point is the
cannot be solved unless two other variables are set as required dryer length. In the case simulation the cal-
process parameters. In design we can assume X2 since culations are terminated once the dryer length is
it is a design specification, but then one extra param- reached.
eter must be assumed. This of course cannot be done Parameters of both gas and solid phase (repre-
rationally, unless we are sure that the process runs in sented by gas in equilibrium with the solid surface)
constant drying rate period—then im2 can be calcu- can be plotted in a psychrometric chart as process
lated from WBT. Otherwise, we must look for other paths. These phase diagrams (no timescale is available
equations, which could be the following: there) show schematically how the process goes on.
To illustrate the case the model composed of
WS (X1  X2 ) ¼ VaV kY DYm (3:64) Equation 3.18 through Equation 3.21, Equation
3.26, and Equation 3.27 is solved for a set of
WS (im2  im1 ) ¼ VaV (aDtm þ Sq typical conditions and the results are shown in
 kY DYm hA ) (3:65) Figure 3.5.

(a) (b)

Direction of integration Direction of integration

X1 X1



Y1 Y1

Ldes L L L

FIGURE 3.4 Schematic of design and simulation in cocurrent case: (a) design; (b) simulation. Xdes is the design value of final
moisture content.

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

250.0 300.0 350.0 400.0 450.0
@101.325 kPa Calculated profile graph
Continuous cocurrent contact of sand and water in air for cocurrent contact of sand
Y, g/kg X, g/kg
200.0 220.0
containing water with air
80.0 100.0 t ⬚C

200.0 90.0
70.0 225.0
80.0 200.0
160.0 60.0
70.0 175.0
140.0 50.0 tg
60.0 150.0
120.0 10
40.0 50.0 125.0
100.0 20

x y
30 100.0
80.0 40 30.0
50.0 50
70 30.0 75.0
60.0 80

dryPAK v.3.6

dryPAK v.3.6
40.0 20.0 50.0

0.0 20.0 10.0

10.0 25.0

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 0 20 40 60 80 100
% of dryer length

FIGURE 3.5 Process paths and longitudinal distribution of parameters for cocurrent drying of sand in air. Countercurrent Flow problem exists and must be solved by a suitable nu-
merical method, e.g., the shooting method. Basically
The situation in countercurrent case (case 4a in Fig- the method consists of assuming certain parameters
ure 3.1) design and simulation is shown in Figure 3.6. for the exiting gas stream and performing integration
In both cases we see that boundary conditions are starting at the solid inlet end. If the gas parameters at
defined at opposite ends of the integration domain. the other end converges to the known inlet gas
It leads to the split boundary value problem. parameters, the assumption is satisfactory; otherwise,
In design this problem can be avoided by using the a new assumption is made. The process is repeated
design parameters for the solid specified at the exit under control of a suitable convergence control
end. Then, by writing input–output balances over the method, e.g., Wegstein. Figure 3.7 contains a sample
whole dryer, inlet parameters of gas can easily be countercurrent case calculation for the same material
found (unless local heat losses or other distributed as that used in Figure 3.5.
parameter phenomena need also be considered).
However, in simulation the split boundary value

(a) (b)
Direction of integration Direction of integration
X1 X1

Xdes Y2
Y1 X2


Y1 Y1

Ldes L L L

FIGURE 3.6 Schematic of design and simulation in cocurrent case: (a) design—split boundary value problem is avoided by
calculating Y1 from the overall mass balance; (b) simulation—split boundary value problem cannot be avoided, broken line
shows an unsuccessful iteration, solid line shows a successful iteration—with Y2 assumed the Y profile converged to Y1.

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

225.0 250.0 275.0 300.0 325.0 350.0 375.0 400.0 425.0 450.0
@101.325 kPa
Calculated profile graph
Continuous countercurrent contact of sand and water in air
200.0 220.0⬚C for countercurrent contact of sand t, ⬚C
Y, g/kg x, g/kg containing water with air
90.0 110.0 220.0
175.0 200.0
100.0 200.0
150.0 180.0
160.0 70.0
80.0 tg 160.0
140.0 60.0
70.0 x 140.0
120.0 10 50.0 60.0 120.0
75.0 100.0 20
40.0 50.0 100.0

50.0 80.0
50 40.0 80.0
30.0 y
60.0 90
25.0 100 30.0 tm


dryPAK v.3.6
40.0 20.0 40.0
20.0 10.0 10.0 20.0

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
g/kg % of dryer length

FIGURE 3.7 Process paths and longitudinal distribution of parameters for countercurrent drying of sand in air. Cross-Flow WS dX
¼ wD aV (3:66)
S dl Solid Phase is One-Dimensional WS dim
This is a simple case corresponding to case 5b of ¼ (q  wD hAv )aV (3:67)
S dl
Figure 3.1. By assuming that the solid phase is per-
fectly mixed in the direction of gas flow, the solid The analogous equations for the gas phase are:
phase becomes one-dimensional. This situation oc- mass balance
curs with a continuous plug-flow fluid bed dryer.
Schematic of an element of the dryer length with finite 1 dWB (Y2  Y1 )
¼ wD aV (3:68)
thickness Dl is shown in Figure 3.8. S dl
The balance equations for the solid phase can be
derived from Equation 3.12 and Equation 3.14 of the energy balance
parallel flow:
1 dWB (ig2  ig1 )
¼ (q  wD hAv )aV (3:69)
S dl
Y2 In the case of an equilibrium method of calculation of
ig2 the drying rate the kinetic equations are:

dX wD ¼ kY DYm (3:70)
WS X+ __ dl
WS X dl
q ¼ aDtm (3:71)
im+ __mdl
dl In other models (CDC and TLE) the drying rate will
be modified as shown in Section 3.4.2.
Since the heat and mass coefficients can be defined
Y1 on the basis of either the inlet driving force or the
ig mean logarithmic driving force, DYm and Dtm are
calculated respectively as

FIGURE 3.8 Element of a cross-flow dryer. DYm ¼ (Y *  Y1 ) (3:72)

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

or this case. First, the governing balance equations for
the solid phase will have the following form derived
Y2  Y1 from Equation 3.10 and Equation 3.11
DYm ¼ (3:73)
Y *Y1
ln Y *Y2
dX d2 X aV wD
um ¼ Em 2  (3:79)
Dtm ¼ (tm  tg1 ) (3:74) dl dl rS (1  «)

or dim d2 im aV (q  wD hAv )
um ¼ Eh 2 þ (3:80)
dl dl rS (1  «)
tg2  tg1
Dtm ¼ (3:75)
tm tg2 or
ln tm tg1

dtm d2 im aV 1
To solve Equation 3.68 and Equation 3.69 one needs um ¼ Eh 2 þ
to assume a uniform distribution of gas over the dl dl rS (1  «) cS þ cAl X
whole length of the dryer, and therefore  [q þ ((cAl  cA )tm  Dhv0 )wD ] (3:81)

dWB WB where
¼ (3:76)
dl L
um ¼ (3:82)
When the algebraic Equation 3.68 and Equation 3.69 rS (1  «)
are solved to obtain the exiting gas parameters Y2 and
ig2, one can plug the LHS of these equations into These equations are supplemented by equations for
Equation 3.66 and Equation 3.67 to obtain wD and q according to Equation 3.70 and Equation
3.71. It is a common assumption that Em ¼ Eh,
dX 1 WB because in fluid beds they result from longitudinal
¼ (Y2  Y1 ) (3:77)
dl WS L mixing by rising bubbles. Boundary conditions
(BCs) assume the following form:
dim 1 WB
¼ (ig2  ig1 ) (3:78) At l ¼ 0
dl WS L

The following equations can easily be integrated X ¼ X0 and im ¼ im0 (3:83)

starting at the solids inlet. In Figure 3.9 sample pro-
cess parameter profiles along the dryer are shown. At l ¼ L
Cross-flow drying in a plug-flow, continuous fluid
bed is a case when axial dispersion of flow is often dX dim
¼0 and ¼0 (3:84)
considered. Let us briefly present a method of solving dl dl

(a) (b)
0.6 150
X, kg/kg Y*10, kg/kg

Temperature, ⬚C

0.4 100

0.2 50 tWB

00 5 10 00 5 10
Dryer length, m Dryer length, m
FIGURE 3.9 Longitudinal parameter distribution for a cross-flow dryer with one-dimensional solid flow. Drying of a
moderately hygroscopic solid: (a) material moisture content (solid line) and local exit air humidity (broken line): (b) material
temperature (solid line) and local exit air temperature (broken line). tWB is wetbulb temperature of the incoming air.

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

Φ tm/tWB




Pe = ∞ > Pe3 > Pe2 > Pe1


0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 I/L
FIGURE 3.10 Sample profiles of material moisture content and temperature for various Pe numbers.

The second BC is due to Danckwerts and has been used d WS W S

sH ¼ ¼ (3:89)
for chemical reactor models. This leads, of course, to a dh H
split boundary value problem, which needs to be
solved by an appropriate numerical technique. The dWB WB
sL ¼ ¼ (3:90)
resulting longitudinal profiles of solid moisture con- dl L
tent and temperature in a dryer for various Peclet
The third term in these formulations applies when
numbers (Pe ¼ umL/E) are presented in Figure 3.10.
distribution of flow is uniform, otherwise an adequate
As one can see, only at low Pe numbers, profiles
distribution function must be used. An exemplary
differ significantly. When Pe > 0.5, the flow may be
model solution is shown in Figure 3.12. The solution
considered a plug-flow.
only presents the heat transfer case (cooling of granu- Solid Phase is Two-Dimensional lar solid with air), so mass transfer equations are
This case happens when solid phase is not mixed neglected.
but moves as a block. This situation happens in
certain dryers for wet grains. The model must
be derived for differential bed element as shown in
Figure 3.11.
The model equations are now:
h WB
dX wD aV
¼ (3:85) (tg+ dtg dh)
dl sH dWB
dY wD aV (Y+ dh)
¼ (3:86)
dh sL dtm
dWS dWS(tm+
dWS dl dl) dh
dtm aV 1 tm X dX
¼ [q  ((cA  cAl )tm þ Dhv0 )wD ] (X + dl dl)
dl sH cS þ cAl X
(3:87) WS
dWB tgY
dtg aV 1
¼ [q þ cA (tg  tm )wD ] (3:88)
dh s L cB þ cA Y dl
The symbols sH and sL are flow densities per 1 m for FIGURE 3.11 Schematic of a two-dimensional cross-flow
solid and gas mass flowrates, respectively, and are dryer.
defined as follows:

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

Initially we assume that moisture content is uni-
formly distributed and the initial solid moisture con-
100 tent is X0. To solve Equation 3.91 one requires a set of
BCs. For high Bi numbers (Bi > 100) BC is called BC
of the first kind and assumes the following form at the
80 solid surface:
At r ¼ R

60 X ¼ X *(t,Y ) (3:92)

For moderate Bi numbers (1 < Bi < 100) it is known as

20 40 BC of the third kind and assumes the following form:
15 At r ¼ R
15 20  
20 10 @X
t g , tm 0 0 5 Deff rm ¼ kY [Y *(X ,t)i  Y ] (3:93)
@r i
FIGURE 3.12 Solution of a two-dimensional cross-flow
dryer model for cooling of granular solid with hot air. where subscript i denotes the solid–gas interface. BC
Solid flow enters through the front face of the cube, gas of the second kind as known from calculus (constant
flows from left to right. Upper surface, solid temperature;
flux at the surface)
lower surface, gas temperature.
At r ¼ R

wDi ¼ const (3:94)

3.7 DISTRIBUTED PARAMETER MODELS has little practical interest and can be incorporated in
FOR THE SOLID BC of the third kind. Quite often (here as well),
therefore, BC of the third kind is named BC of the
This case occurs when dried solids are monolithic or second kind. Additionally, at the symmetry plane we
have large grain size so that LPM for the drying rate have
would be an unacceptable approximation. To answer At r ¼ 0
the question as to whether this case applies one has to
calculate the Biot number for mass transfer. It is @X
recommended to calculate it from Equation 3.100 ¼0 (3:95)
since various definitions are found in the literature.
When Bi < 1, the case is externally controlled and no When solving the Fick’s equation with constant dif-
DPM for the solid is required. fusivity it is recommended to convert it to a dimen-
sionless form. The following dimensionless variables
are introduced for this purpose:
F¼ , Fo ¼ , z¼ (3:96)
Xc  X * R2 R
Assuming that moisture diffusion takes place in one
direction only, i.e., in the direction normal to surface In the nondimensional form Fick’s equation becomes
for plate and in radial direction for cylinder and  
sphere, and that no other way of moisture transport @X 1 @ n Deff @F
¼ n z (3:97)
exists but diffusion, the following second Fick’s law @Fo z @z Deff 0 @z
may be derived
  and the BCs assume the following form:
@X 1 @ n @X BC I BC II
¼ n r Deff (tm ,X ) (3:91)
@t r @r @r  
@F *
at z ¼ 1, F ¼ 0 þBiD F¼0 (3:98)
where n ¼ 0 for plate, 1 for cylinder, 2 for sphere, and @z i
r is current distance (radius) measured from the solid
center. This parameter reaches a maximum value of @F @F
at z ¼ 0, ¼0 ¼0 (3:99)
R, i.e., plate is 2R thick if dried at both sides. @z @r

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

where and internal profiles of temperature are almost flat.
This allows one to use LPM for the energy balance.
* kY fR Therefore, to monitor the solid temperature it is
BiD ¼ mXY (3:100)
Deff rm enough to supplement Equation 3.22 with the follow-
ing energy balance equation:
is the modified Biot number in which mXY is a local
slope of equilibrium curve given by the following dtm A 1
¼ [q þ ( (cA  cAl )tm þ Dhv0 )wD ]
expression: dt mS cS þ cAl X
Y *(X ,tm )i  Y
mXY ¼ (3:101)
X  X* If Equation 3.22 and Equation 3.23 must be solved
simultaneously, the problem becomes stiff and re-
The diffusional Biot number modified by the mXY quires specialized solvers.
factor should be used for classification of the cases
instead of BiD ¼ kYR/(Deffrm) encountered in several Shrinking Solids
texts. Note that due to dependence of Deff on X Biot
number can vary during the course of drying, thus Unrestrained Shrinkage
changing classification of the problem.
When solids shrink volumetrically (majority of food
Since drying usually proceeds with varying external products does), their volume is usually related to
conditions and variable diffusivity, analytical solu- moisture content by the following empirical law:
tions will be of little interest. Instead we suggest using
a general-purpose tool for solving parabolic (Equation V ¼ Vs (1 þ sX ) (3:103)
3.97) and elliptic PDE in one-dimensional geometry
like the pdepe solver of MATLAB. The result for BiD If one assumes that, for instance, a plate shrinks only
¼ 5 obtained with this tool is shown in Figure 3.13. in the direction of its thickness, the following rela-
The results were obtained for isothermal conditions. tionship may be deduced from the above equation:
When conditions are nonisothermal, a question arises
as to whether it is necessary to simultaneously solve R ¼ Rs (1 þ sX ) (3:104)
Equation 3.22 and Equation 3.23. Since Biot numbers
for mass transfer far exceed those for heat transfer, where R is the actual plate thickness and Rs is the
usually the problem of heat transfer is purely external, thickness of absolutely dry plate.
In Eulerian coordinates, shrinking causes an ad-
vective mass flux, which is difficult to handle. By
changing the coordinate system to Lagrangian, i.e.,
the one connected with dry mass basis, it is possible
1 to eliminate this flux. This is the principle of a
method proposed by Kechaou and Roques (1990).
0.8 In Lagrangian coordinates Equation 3.91 for one-
dimensional shrinkage of an infinite plate becomes:
Φ @X @ Deff @X
¼ (3:105)
0.4 @t @z (1 þ sX )2 @z

0.2 All boundary and initial conditions remain but the

BC of Equation 3.94 now becomes

0.2 0 @X (1 þ sX )2
0.4 ¼ kY (Y *  Y ) (3:106)
0.6 0.5 @z z¼RS rS Deff
Fo 0.8
1 x/L
FIGURE 3.13 Solution of the DPM isothermal drying In Equation 3.105 and Equation 3.106, z is the
model of one-dimensional plate by pdepe solver of Lagrangian space coordinate, and it changes from 0
MATLAB. Finite difference discretization by uniform to Rs. For the above case of one-dimensional shrink-
mesh both for space and time, BiD*
¼ 5. Fo is dimensionless age the relationship between r and z is identical to
time, x/L is dimensionless distance. that in Equation 3.104:

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

r ¼ z(1 þ sX ) (3:107) solved together with Equation 3.10 and Equation
3.11 provided that a suitable rheological model
The model was proved to work well for solids with of the solid is known. The solution is almost
s > 1 (gelatin, polyacrylamide gel). An exemplary always obtained by the finite element method due to
solution of this model for a shrinking gelatin film is inevitable deformation of geometry. Solution of
shown in Figure 3.14. such problems is complex and requires much more
computational power than any other problem in this Restrained Shrinkage
For many materials shrinkage accompanying the
drying process may be opposed by the rigidity of
the solid skeleton or by viscous forces in liquid 3.7.2 TWO- AND THREE-DIMENSIONAL MODELS
phase as it is compressed by shrinking external
In fact some supposedly three-dimensional cases can
layers. This results in development of stress within
be converted to one-dimensional by transformation
the solid. The development of stress is interesting
of the coordinate system. This allows one to use a
from the point of view of possible damage of dried
finite difference method, which is easy to program.
product by deformation or cracking. In order to ac-
Lima et al. (2001) show how ovoid solids (e.g., cereal
count for this, new equations have to be added to
grains, silkworm cocoons) can be modeled by a one-
Equation 3.10 and Equation 3.11. These are the bal-
dimensional model. This even allows for uniform
ance of force equation and liquid moisture flow equa-
shrinkage to be considered in the model. However,
tion written as
in the case of two- and three-dimensional models
when shrinkage is not negligible, the finite difference
G r2 U þ re  arp ¼ 0 (3:108) method can no longer be used. This is due to unavoid-
1  2n able deformation of corner elements, as shown in
k 2 1 @p @e Figure 3.15.
r p¼ þa (3:109)
mAl Q @t @t The finite element methods have been used instead
for two- and three-dimensional shrinking solids (see
where U is the deformation matrix, e is strain tensor Perre and Turner, 1999, 2000). So far no commercial
element, and p is internal pressure (Q and a are software was proven to be able to handle drying
constants). The equations were developed by Biot problems in this case and all reported simulations
and are explained in detail by Hasatani and Itaya were performed by programs individually written for
(1996). Equation 3.108 and Equation 3.109 can be the purpose.

Drying curve by Fickian diffusion: plate, BC II

with shrinkage for gelatine at 26.0 ⬚C r/R,−
tm,− d,− Φ,−
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
45 1.0 1.0 1.0
0.9 0.8
0.8 0.8 0.6
35 d 0.4
0.6 0.6
30 0.5
0.4 0.4
dryAK v.3.6P

0.2 0.2
0.1 tm
15 0.0 0.0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200
Time, min
FIGURE 3.14 Solution of a model of drying for a shrinking solid. Gelatin plate 3-mm thick, initial moisture content
6.55 kg/kg. Shrinkage coefficient s ¼ 1.36. Main plot shows dimensionless moisture content F, dimensionless thickness
d ¼ R/R0, solid temperature tm. Insert shows evolution of the internal profiles of F.

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

(a) (b)
FIGURE 3.15 Finite difference mesh in the case two-dimensional drying with shrinkage: (a) before deformation; (b) after
deformation. Broken line—for unrestrained shrinkage, solid line—for restrained shrinkage.

3.7.3 SIMULTANEOUS SOLVING DPM OF SOLIDS shown for cocurrent flash drying of spherical particles
in Figure 3.16.

Usually in texts the DPM for solids (e.g., Fick’s law)

is solved for constant external conditions of gas. This 3.8 MODELS FOR BATCH DRYERS
is especially the case when analytical solutions are
used. As the drying progresses, the external condi- We will not discuss here cases pertinent to startup or
tions change. At present with powerful ODE integra- shutdown of typically continuous dryers but concen-
tors there is essentially only computer power limit for trate on three common cases of batch dryers. In batch
simultaneously solving PDEs for the solid and ODEs drying the definition of drying rate, i.e.,
for the gas phase. Let us discuss the case when spher-
ical solid particles flow in parallel to gas stream ex- mS dX
changing mass and heat. wD ¼  (3:112)
A dt
The internal mass transfer in the solid phase de-
scribed by Equation 3.91 will be discretized by a finite provides a basis for drying time computation.
difference method into the following set of equations
¼ f (Xi1 , Xi , Xiþ1 , v) The simplest batch dryer is a tray dryer shown in
Figure 3.17. Here wet solid is placed in thin layers
for i ¼ 1, . . . , number of nodes (3:110)
on trays and on a truck, which is then loaded into the
where Xi is the moisture content at a given node and v The fan is started and a heater power turned on.
is the vector of process parameters. We will add A certain air ventilation rate is also determined. Let
Equation 3.19 through Equation 3.21 to this set. In us assume that the solid layer can be described by
the last three equations the space increment dl can be an LPM. The same applies to the air inside the dryer;-
converted to time increment by because of internal fan, the air is well mixed and the
case corresponds to case 2d in Figure 3.1. Here, the
S (1  «)rm air humidity and temperature inside the dryer will
dl ¼ dt (3:111)
WS change in time as well as solid moisture content and
temperature. The resulting model equations are there-
The resulting set of ODEs can be solved by any ODE fore
solver. The drying rate can be calculated between time
steps (Equation 3.112) from temporal change of dX
space-averaged moisture content. As a result one ob- mS ¼ wD A (3:113)
tains simultaneously spatial profiles of moisture con-
tent in the solid as well as longitudinal distribution of dX dY
WB Y0  WB Y ¼ ms þ mB (3:114)
parameters in the gas phase. Exemplary results are dt dt

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

350.0 400.0 450.0 500.0 550.0 kJ/kg

300.0 Continuous cocurrent contact of clay and Time step between lines [s] = 69.93
water in air. Kinetics by Fickian diffusion.
@101.325 kPa
300.0 Φ, −

250.0 1.0




100.0 30
40 0.3
50.0 50

dryPAK v.3.6

dryPAK v.3.6
0.0 0.1

0.0 0.0
0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 100.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

(a) g/kg (b) r/R,−

FIGURE 3.16 Cocurrent drying of clay spheres d ¼ 10 mm in air at tg ¼ 2508C. Solid throughput 0.1 kg/s, air throughput
0.06 kg/s. Simultaneous solution for gas phase and solid phase: (a) process trajectories—solid is represented by air in
equilibrium with surface; (b) internal moisture distribution profiles.

dim the same parameters as the air inside—this is a result

mS ¼ (q  wD hAv )A (3:115)
dt of assuming perfect mixing of the air.
dim dig This system of equations is mathematically stiff be-
WB ig0  WB ig þ Sq ¼ mS þ mB (3:116) cause changes of gas parameters are much faster than
dt dt
changes in solid due to the small mass of gas in the dryer.
Note that Equation 3.113 is in fact the drying rate It is advisable to neglect accumulation in the gas phase
definition (Equation 112). In writing these equations and assume that gas phase instantly follows changes of
we assume that the stream of air exiting the dryer has other parameters. Equation 3.114 and Equation 3.116
will now have an asymptotic form of algebraic equa-
tions. Equation 3.113 through Equation 3.116 can now
be converted to the following working form:

WB Ytg WB Yo tgC dX A
¼ wD (3:117)
dt mS
WB (Y0  Y ) þ wD A ¼ 0 (3:118)
Y tg dtm 1 A
¼ [q þ wD ( (cAl  cA )tm  Dhv0 ) ]
dt cS þ cAl X mS
X tm
WB [(cB þ cA Y0 )tg0  (cB þ cA Y )tg0 þ (Y  Y0 )cA tg ]
 A[q þ wD cA (tg  tm )] þ Sq ¼ 0 (3:120)

The system of equations (Equation 3.117 and Equa-

ql tion 3.119) is then solved by an ODE solver for a
given set of data and initial conditions. For each
FIGURE 3.17 Schematic of a batchdrying oven. time step air parameters Y and tg are found by solving

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

0.3 200

X, Y, kg/kg 0.2

tm, tg, ⬚C


0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
(a) Time, h (b) Time, h

FIGURE 3.18 Solution of a batch oven dryer model—solid dry mass is 90 kg, internal heater power is 20 kW and air
ventilation rate is 0.1 kg/s (dry basis); external air humidity is 2 g/kg and temperature 208C: (a) moisture content X (solid line)
and air humidity Y (broken line); (b) material temperature tm (solid line) and air temperature tg (broken line).

Equation 3.118 and Equation 3.120. Sample simula- dtg S 1

¼ aV [q þ cA (tg  tm )wD ] (3:124)
tion results for this case are plotted in Figure 3.18. dh W B cB þ cA Y
Note that at the end of drying, the temperature in the
dryer increases excessively due to constant power Equation 3.122 and Equation 3.124 for the gas phase
being supplied to the internal heater. The model serve only to compute distributions of Y and tg along
may serve as a tool to control the process, e.g., in- bed height, which is necessary to calculate q and wD.
crease the ventilation rate WB when drying becomes They can easily be integrated numerically, e.g., by the
too slow or reduce the heater power when tempera- Euler method, at each time step. The integrals in
ture becomes too high as in this case. Equation 3.121 and Equation 3.123 can be numeric-
ally calculated, e.g., by the trapezoidal rule. This
allows Equation 3.121 and Equation 3.123 to be
3.8.2 BATCH FLUID BED DRYING solved by any ODE solver. The model has been
solved for a sample case and the results are shown
In this case the solid phase may be considered as
in Figure 3.20.
perfectly mixed, so it will be described by an input–
output model with accumulation term. On the other
hand, the gas phase changes its parameters progres-
sively as it travels through the bed. This situation is
shown in Figure 3.19. dY
Y+ dh
Therefore, gas phase will be described by a DPM dh
with no accumulation and the solid phase will be
described by an LPM with an accumulation term. WB tg + dh
The resulting equations are:

dX aV 1 dt
¼ wD dh (3:121)
dt (1  «)rS H mS dh
dY S dt
¼ w D aV (3:122)
dh WB

dtm aV 1 1
¼ WB Y
dt (1  «)rS cS þ cAl X H
ZH (3:123)
 [q  ((cA  cAl )tm þ Dhv0 )wD ]dh FIGURE 3.19 Schematic of a batch fluid bed dryer.

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

1.5 150

Y2*10, kg/kg
1 100

t m, t g ⬚C
X, kg/kg
0.5 50 t WB

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Drying time, h Drying time, h
FIGURE 3.20 Temporal changes of solid moisture content and temperature and exit air humidity and temperature in a
sample batch fluid bed dryer. Bed diameter 0.6 m, bed height 1.2 m, particle diameter 3 mm, particle density 1200 kg/m3, air
temperature 1508C, and humidity 1 g/kg.

3.8.3 DEEP BED DRYING dtg S 1

¼ aV [q þ cA (tg  tm )wD ] (3:128)
dh W B cB þ cA Y
In deep bed drying solid phase is stationary and re-
mains in the dryer for a certain time while gas phase The equations can be solved by finite difference dis-
flows through it continuously (case 2a of Figure 3.1). cretization and a suitable numerical technique. Fig-
Drying begins at the inlet end of gas and progresses ure 3.22 presents the results of a simulation of drying
through the entire bed. A typical desorption wave cereal grains in a thick bed using Mathcad. Note
travels through the bed. The situation is shown sche- how a desorption wave is formed, and also that the
matically in Figure 3.21. solid in deeper regions of the bed initially takes up
The above situation is described by the following moisture from the air humidified during its passage
set of equations: through the entry region.
Given a model together with its method of solu-
dX wD aV tion it is relatively easy to vary BCs, e.g., change air
¼ (3:125)
dt (1  «)rS temperature in time or switch the gas flow from top to
bottom intermittently, and observe the behavior of
dY S the system.
¼ w D aV (3:126)
dh WB
dt (1  «)rS cS þ cAl X DRYERS
¼ [q  ((cA  cAl )tm þ Dhv0 )wD ] (3:127)
In some cases the dryers are operated in such a way that
a batch of solids is loaded into the dryer and it progres-
sively moves through the dryer. New batches are
loaded at specified time intervals and at the same mo-
dtg ment dry batches are removed at the other end. There-
tg+ __ dh
dh fore, the material is not moving continuously but by
step increments. This is a typical situation in a tun-
WB Y+ __ dh nel dryer where trucks are loaded at one end of a tunnel
and unloaded at the other, as shown in Figure 3.23.
X wD To simplify the case one can take an LPM for
dh each truck and a DPM for circulating air. As before,
we will neglect accumulation in the gas phase but of
course consider it in the solid phase. The resulting set
of equations is
WB Y tg

dX i wDi Ai
¼ (3:129)
FIGURE 3.21 Schematic of batch drying in a deep layer. dt mSi

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.



0.3 60

X, kg/kg Y *10, kg/kg


tm, tg, ⬚C


0.1 30



0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
(a) Bed height, m (b) Bed height, m
FIGURE 3.22 Simulation of deep bed drying of cereal grains: (a) moisture content profiles (solid lines) and gas humidity
profiles (broken lines); (b) material temperature (solid lines) and air temperature (broken lines). Initial solid temperature
208C and gas inlet temperature 708C. Profiles are calculated at 0.33, 1.67, 3.33, 6.67, and 11.67 min of elapsed time. Xe is
equilibrium moisture content and tWB is wet-bulb temperature.

dY S where i is the number of a current truck. Additionally,

¼ w D aV (3:130)
dl WB a balance equation for mixing of airstreams at fresh
air entry point is required. The semi-steady-state
dtim Ai 1 solution is when a new cycle of temporal change of
¼ Xi and tmi will be identical to the old cycle. In order to
dt mSi cS þ cAl X i
 [qi  ((cA  cAl )tim þ Dhv0 )wDi ] (3:131) converge to a semi–steady state the initial profiles of
Xi and tmi must be assumed. Usually a linear distribu-
tion between the initial and the final values is enough.
The profiles are adjusted with each iteration until a
dtg S 1
¼ aV [q þ cA (tg  tm )wD ] (3:132) cyclic solution is found.
dl W B cB þ cA Y


WB i

FIGURE 3.23 Schematic of a semicontinuous tunnel dryer.

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

Truck 1
3 1 4
X 4 2 Y
Truck 2 1
4 3 1
Truck 3 4 2
Truck 4 3

0 L 0 L
(a) (b)
FIGURE 3.24 Schematic of the model solution for semicontinuous tunnel dryer for cocurrent flow of air vs. truck
direction—mass transfer only: (a) moisture content in trucks at specified equal time intervals; (b) humidity profiles at
specified time intervals. 1, 2, 3, 4—elapsed times.

The solution of this system of equations is sche- these, the averaged solid and gas temperatures and
matically shown in Figure 3.24 for semi-steady-state moisture contents in the dryer can be calculated. Fi-
operation and four trucks in the dryer. In each truck nally the drying rate can be calculated from Equation
moisture content drops in time until the load–unload 3.27, which in turn allows one to calculate solid area in
time interval. Then the truck is moved one position the dryer. Various aspect ratios of the dryer chamber
forward so the last moisture content for this truck at can be designed; one should use judgment to calculate
former position becomes its initial moisture content dryer cross-section in such a way that air velocity will
at the new position. A practical application of this not cause solid entrainment, etc.
model for drying of grapes is presented by Caceres-
Huambo and Menegalli (2002). Bound Moisture

In this case we can predict drying rate by assuming

3.10 SHORTCUT METHODS FOR DRYER that it is linear, and at X ¼ X* drying rate is zero,
CALCULATION whereas at X ¼ Xcr drying rate is wDI. The equation
of drying rate then becomes
When no data on sorptional properties, water diffu-
sivity, shrinkage, etc., are available, dryer design can X  X*
only be approximate, nevertheless useful, as a first wD ¼ wDI ¼ wDI F (3:133)
Xc  X *
approach. We will identify here two such situations.
This equation can be used for calculation of drying
3.10.1 DRYING RATE FROM PREDICTED KINETICS time in batch drying. Substituting this equation into
Equation 3.112 and integration from the initial X0 to Free Moisture final moisture content Xf, the drying time is obtained
This case exists when drying of the product entirely
takes place in the constant drying rate period. It is mS X0  X *
t¼ (Xc  X *) ln (3:134)
almost always possible when the solid contains un- AwDI Xf  X *
bound moisture. Textiles, minerals, and inorganic
chemicals are examples of such solids. Similarly, Equation 3.133 can be used in a model of a
Let us investigate a continuous dryer calculation. continuous dryer.
In this case solid temperature will reach, depending on
a number of transfer units in the dryer, a value between 3.10.2 DRYING RATE FROM EXPERIMENTAL KINETICS
AST and WBT, which can easily be calculated from
Equation 3.49 and Equation 3.50. Now mass and en- Another simple case is when the drying curve has
ergy balances can be closed over the whole dryer and been obtained experimentally. We will discuss both
exit parameters of air and material obtained. Having batch and continuous drying.

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

External RTD Function for Selected Models of Flow

Model of Flow E Function

Plug flow E(t) ¼ d(t  tr ) (3.138)

Perfectly mixed flow E(t) ¼ et=tr (3.139)
tr !
1 (t  tr )2
Plug flow with axial dispersion E(t) ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffi exp (3.140)
s 2p 2s2

s2 2
where for Pe $ 10, ¼
t2r Pe
n (n(t=tr ) )n1 t
n-Perfectly mixed uniform beds E(t) ¼ exp n (3.141)
t r (n  1)! tr Batch Drying Formulas for E function are presented in Table 3.3
for the most common flow models.
We may assume that if the solid size and drying Figure 3.25 is an exemplary comparison of a batch
conditions in the industrial dryer are the same, the and real drying curves. As can be seen, drying time in
drying time will also be the same as obtained experi- real flow conditions is approximately 50% longer
mentally. Other simple scaling rules apply, e.g., if a here.
batch fluid bed thickness is double of the experimen-
tal one, the drying time will also double.

Here the experimental drying kinetics can only be Menshutina and Kudra (2001) present 17 commercial
used if material flow in the dryer is of plug type. In and semicommercial programs for drying calculations
other words, it is as if the dryer served as a trans- that they were able to identify on the market. Only a
porter of a batch container where drying is identical few of them perform process calculations of dryers
to that in the experiment. However, when a certain including dryer dimensioning, usually for fluid bed
degree of mixing of the solid phase occurs, particles of dryers. Typically a program for dryer calculations
the solid phase exiting the dryer will have various performs balancing of heat and mass and, if dimen-
residence times and will therefore differ in moisture sioning is possible, the program requires empirical
content. In this case we can only talk of average final coefficients, which the user has to supply. Similarly,
moisture content. To calculate this value we will use the drying process is designed in commercial process
methods of residence time distribution (RTD) analy- simulators used in chemical and process engineering.
sis. If the empirical drying kinetics curve can be repre- A program that does all calculations presented in this
sented by the following relationship: chapter does not exist. However, with present-day
computer technology, construction of such software
X ¼ f (X0 , t ) (3:135) is possible; dryPAK (Silva and Correa, 1998;
Pakowski, 1999) is a program that evolves in this
and mean residence time by direction. The main concept in dryPAK is that all
models share the same database of humid gas, moist
mS material properties, methods for calculation of drying
tr ¼ (3:136)
WS rate, etc. The results are also visualized in the same
way. Figure 3.5, Figure 3.7, Figure 3.14, and Figure
the average exit solid moisture content can be calcu- 3.16 were in fact produced with dryPAK.
lated using the external RTD function E as General-purpose mathematical software can greatly
simplify solving new models of not-too-complex
Z1 structure. Calculations shown in Figure 3.9, Figure
X ¼ E (t )X (X0 ,t ) dt (3:137) 3.12, Figure 3.18, Figure 3.20, and Figure 3.22 were
0 produced with Mathcad. Mathcad or MATLAB can

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

Drying curve influenced by RTD
calculated by CDC for sand Drying time ca. 8.48 min
Φ, −







dryPAK v.3.6
Φ final

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
q, −

FIGURE 3.25 Experimental (solid line) and actual (broken line) drying kinetic curves for three tanks in series model of flow.
u is the ratio of the actual to mean residence times, F is dimensionless moisture content.

significantly reduce the effort involved with numerical NOMENCLATURE

solutions of equation systems as they contain a multi-
tude of solvers for both algebraic and differential equa- A interfacial area of phase contact, m2
tions. Problems that would require several days of a,b,c constants of GAB equation
work can now be solved within hours. To let the reader aV characteristic interfacial area per unit volume
get acquainted with this tool several Mathcad files of dryer, 1/m
containing selected solutions of problems presented c specific heat, kJ/(kg K)
in this section will be made available at http://chemeng. D diffusivity, m2/s Both MATLAB and Mathcad E axial dispersion coefficient, m2/s
offer associated tools for visual modeling of dynamic E external RTD function
systems (Simulink and VisiSim, respectively) that f ratio of drying rates in CDC equation
make simulation of batch system even easier. G shear modulus, Pa
h specific enthalpy per unit mass of species,
Dhs latent heat of sorption, kJ/kg
In this chapter we have illustrated how dryer calcula- Dhv latent heat of vaporization, kJ/kg
tions can be made by constructing a model of a dryer i specific enthalpy per dry basis, kJ/kg
and solving it using appropriate numerical methods. k permeability, m2
Using general-purpose mathematical software solving kY mass transfer coefficient, kg/(m2 s)
models is a task that can be handled by any engineer. L total length, m
The results can be obtained in a short time and pro- l running length, m
vide a sound basis for more detailed dryer calcula- M molar mass, kg/kmol
tions. For more advanced and specialized dryer m mass holdup, kg
design dedicated software should be sought. How- p vapor pressure, Pa
ever, the question of how to obtain the necessary P0 total pressure, Pa
property data of dried materials remains. This ques- q heat flux, kW/m2
tion is as important now as it was before since very R maximum radius, m
little has been done in the area of materials databases. R universal gas constant, kJ/(kmol K)
The data are spread over the literature and, in the r actual radius, m
case of unsuccessful search, an experimental deter- S cross-sectional area normal to flow direction,
mination of the missing data is necessary. m2

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